Why are you proud of yourself today?



  • salsera_barbie
    salsera_barbie Posts: 270 Member
    Proud that I woke up at 2am, did 1-1/2hour workout at the gym, and still went for a 2-mile walk at lunch with a co-worker.
  • Cuz I look totally hot in this purple dress I'm wearing. LOL
  • jonnyb62
    jonnyb62 Posts: 426
    Several things - signed up for MFP - today!

    Have lost 27 pounds as of this a.m. - 20 to go!

    At work we have a coffee club - everyone contributes. Today one of the members brought in homemade cinnamon rolls and cheesecake (yum!) - I got my two cups of coffee and had none on the sweets.
  • I'm proud of myself for starting my weight loss journey last Tuesday 2/21/12 and I already lost my first 2.5 lbs. Whoo hoo I'm so excited about losing these unwanted pounds. I'm looking forward to getting back in a size 9 there is still hope for me after all!!!!!
  • keithdpeters
    keithdpeters Posts: 4 Member
    I am getting compliments for my loss so far, I found two race/walks I wanted to be part of once registration starts (even perhaps got a few potential people to participate with me), and I'm pretty close to deciding my reward when I hit my goal.
  • I'm proud of myself for getting into my swimsuit and down to the health club for aqua aerobics! The first exercise for too many years :-c I may ache tomorrow but it will be a good ache!

    Really great to see how many people are proud of themselves. Such a positive topic :-))
  • BonMetz
    BonMetz Posts: 102
    WTG! Great attitude. 56 pounds is amazing.
  • BonMetz
    BonMetz Posts: 102
    I'm proud that even though the journey is tough - I have not given up. I've lost 56lbs and have about another 40, and today I ACTUALLY BELIEVE it will happen. Before I just thought it and hoped - but today I know it will :)) smiles all around!

    Amazing job.
  • lifechange12
    lifechange12 Posts: 91 Member
    I am proud that today at lunch we went to Subway and they are giving free cookies - I took
    it (can't turn down a free item :smile: ) but then I gave it away! Did not eat it, I just said NO!
  • eunger1
    eunger1 Posts: 12 Member
    I am proud of myself today because I worked out as I usually do and then felt like I still had tons of energy so I decided to work out some more! Also because I had never worked out more than 2-3 maybe 4 days a week ever in my life until about a month ago I have been working out at least 5 days a week and I have not and will not give up!
  • pammbroo
    pammbroo Posts: 550 Member
    I proud of myself because eventhough I see very little progress on the scale, I keep going...every day. And though I can't see alot of changes in myself physically, others are starting to notice. I'm most proud of the fact that after 10+ years, I am no longer prediabetic.

    I'm getting healthy from the inside out! :happy:
  • SteveHunt113
    SteveHunt113 Posts: 648 Member
    I am proud of myself today because I worked out as I usually do and then felt like I still had tons of energy so I decided to work out some more! Also because I had never worked out more than 2-3 maybe 4 days a week ever in my life until about a month ago I have been working out at least 5 days a week and I have not and will not give up!

    I'm proud of myself today because of the results I received from my blood work. My triglycerides are finally at acceptable levels, and my HDL cholesterol (the good kind) is finally up where it should be. This has been a 6 year battle, discovered when I was denied Life Insurance, that only diet and exercise has cured.
  • What a great thread! Good job guys....

    I am proud that I finally rode with the St. Pete Bicycle club last Saturday (first group ride ever on my new raod bike). I am proud that I left the 16-18mph group, caught up to the 20+ mph group, achieved and held onto 3rd place in line and in one stretch kept up on a 29MPH pace....what a thrill! Never imagined I could have done that!
  • MsMarlaMae
    MsMarlaMae Posts: 144 Member
    I wanted to cheat today at lunch, was feeling sad and lonely missing my partner. Instead I went home and had something health(ier). McDonalds doesn't make you feel any better, 62 lbs down and I still have to remind myself of that some days.

    Today I listened!
  • alanmat
    alanmat Posts: 31 Member
    I'm proud because I have dropped my BMI almost three points in 6 weeks. Still Severely Obese but in about 15 pounds I'll be kicking that title to the F*&^%$G curb for a new one.
  • I'm proud to have got out this morning walked a good mile or more. Then got in the pool for an hour of stretch and walk exercise. So I did something for me on this journey.
  • hopefloatsup
    hopefloatsup Posts: 207 Member
    I'm proud of myself because I went to the gym today! It's the first time I've been brave enough to do it. Hubby's been going, but I haven't yet. I didn't do much, but I walked a mile on the treadmill. Put my speed up higher than I thought I would plus did some incline too. It's the little things....but they still count right? :-)
  • My endurance is improving. I ran like crazy today and I wasn't out of breath!
  • I am proud of myself because I finished Insanity Max Plyo ( with rests, eerrk) but then did 30 mins of TurboFire!!
  • I've been doing squats every day, but TODAY, I tried squatting a bit lower -- like all the way down! It worked me hard, and I was sweating and out of breath at the end, but I did it!!
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