Not what you thought it was............



  • Evelyn_Gorfram
    Evelyn_Gorfram Posts: 706 Member
    MY cousin's wife (who is American) says, WALLAH. What she actual meant was Voilà!!! Apprently lots of Amercian english only people do this. LOL
    I'm an American, and continental sophistication was pretty thin on the ground in our neck of the woods. I'd never heard anyone say "Voilà," but I'd read it here and there.

    I'm not particularly dyslexic, but I spent half my childhood wondering why on earth anybody would announce or present something by saying: "Viola!"

    (Plus, how come they'd never say: "Cello!"?)
  • ejcverkerk
    ejcverkerk Posts: 7 Member
    Holy crap! I never knew that, lol. I've always thought it was "intensive purposes" too.
  • Tea Bagging....
    When I was a pre-teen, tea-bagging was a caffeine rush derived by sucking on tea-bags, and then jumping around with a slight high. Fast forward 30 years.

    I saw some tea-bags dumped in the trash, and my son, aged 15, had a sleep-over with several of his friends. My wife had dumped those tea-bags, but I didn't know that. I jokingly said "I see you guys were tea-bagging - eh?"

    They all looked at me wide-eyed, embarrassed. I continued...
    "Oh come on! I used to do that with my friends years ago" - and so the conversation went.
    I left it at a that, and it was not until later that night at a party that somebody advised me of my mistake.


    Sorry but this just made my day.. way to funny.. I cried laughing..
  • LadyBuell
    LadyBuell Posts: 164
    Rick James: Super Freak

    Until a couple of months ago I thought he was saying "she had instant twenty candles". Then all of the sudden I heard the song and realized it was "incense, wine and candles".
  • AtticusFinch
    AtticusFinch Posts: 1,262 Member
    Tea Bagging....
    When I was a pre-teen, tea-bagging was a caffeine rush derived by sucking on tea-bags, and then jumping around with a slight high. Fast forward 30 years.

    I saw some tea-bags dumped in the trash, and my son, aged 15, had a sleep-over with several of his friends. My wife had dumped those tea-bags, but I didn't know that. I jokingly said "I see you guys were tea-bagging - eh?"

    They all looked at me wide-eyed, embarrassed. I continued...
    "Oh come on! I used to do that with my friends years ago" - and so the conversation went.
    I left it at a that, and it was not until later that night at a party that somebody advised me of my mistake.


    That is an ace anecdote !!
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    I once overheard my roommate (on her cell phone) tell someone that they'd better watch out, or they would "reap the percussions" (aka. repercussions) of their actions. I stopped her, asking "Do you realize you just told someone they would harvest drum sets?"

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I can't stop laughing... :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • sandrinamsilva
    sandrinamsilva Posts: 651 Member
    Tea Bagging....
    When I was a pre-teen, tea-bagging was a caffeine rush derived by sucking on tea-bags, and then jumping around with a slight high. Fast forward 30 years.

    I saw some tea-bags dumped in the trash, and my son, aged 15, had a sleep-over with several of his friends. My wife had dumped those tea-bags, but I didn't know that. I jokingly said "I see you guys were tea-bagging - eh?"

    They all looked at me wide-eyed, embarrassed. I continued...
    "Oh come on! I used to do that with my friends years ago" - and so the conversation went.
    I left it at a that, and it was not until later that night at a party that somebody advised me of my mistake.


    I just busted up laughing at work....
  • Bikini_Bound150
    Bikini_Bound150 Posts: 461 Member
    I'm sure I have some, but it's not as bad as my friend saying "I minus well...". I was like WTF? "MIGHT AS WELL!" LOL
  • sjackson1717
    sjackson1717 Posts: 94 Member
    Tea Bagging....
    When I was a pre-teen, tea-bagging was a caffeine rush derived by sucking on tea-bags, and then jumping around with a slight high. Fast forward 30 years.

    I saw some tea-bags dumped in the trash, and my son, aged 15, had a sleep-over with several of his friends. My wife had dumped those tea-bags, but I didn't know that. I jokingly said "I see you guys were tea-bagging - eh?"

    They all looked at me wide-eyed, embarrassed. I continued...
    "Oh come on! I used to do that with my friends years ago" - and so the conversation went.
    I left it at a that, and it was not until later that night at a party that somebody advised me of my mistake.


  • SwannySez
    SwannySez Posts: 5,860 Member
    my husband thought this:

    "Blinded by the light/ revved up like a DOUCHE.... I had to explain to him what a Douse was. :) He still sings it this way for a laugh.

    Yeah, I thought for years it was "wrapped up like a douche" since y'know, a well-wrapped douche is EVERY woman's ideal gift, right?
  • GreyhoundGuru
    GreyhoundGuru Posts: 91 Member
    A friend of mine from my college days told me that when she was a little kid, she thought the lyrics to Blowing in the Wind were:

    "The Ants are my friends, they're blowing in the wind, the ants are blowing in the wind"

    Absolutely cracked me up.

    For other funny lyric mixups, check out:

    From what I understand, the creator of the site always thought the Jimmy Hendrix song lyric was:

    "Excuse me while I kiss this guy" instead of "excuse me while I kiss the sky".
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    I always have to fight the urge to correct someone when I hear them say, "I could care less." If you COULD care less, that means that you still care to come degree. What you mean is that you COULDN'T possibly care any less than you care right now. Therefore, you should say, "I COULDN'T care less."
  • SarahSwimmer
    SarahSwimmer Posts: 125 Member
    I had no idea why the people who held up a giant "D" and a picket fence always stood next to each other at football games. Now I do.
  • hollyberry2012
    hollyberry2012 Posts: 239 Member
    A B C D E F G....H I J K L M CAN OF PEAS....Q R S ...T U V...DOUBLE U...X Y Z

  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    Tea Bagging....
    When I was a pre-teen, tea-bagging was a caffeine rush derived by sucking on tea-bags, and then jumping around with a slight high. Fast forward 30 years.

    I saw some tea-bags dumped in the trash, and my son, aged 15, had a sleep-over with several of his friends. My wife had dumped those tea-bags, but I didn't know that. I jokingly said "I see you guys were tea-bagging - eh?"

    They all looked at me wide-eyed, embarrassed. I continued...
    "Oh come on! I used to do that with my friends years ago" - and so the conversation went.
    I left it at a that, and it was not until later that night at a party that somebody advised me of my mistake.


    :laugh: :laugh: My stomach muscles cannot thank you enough for this:laugh: :laugh:
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Tea Bagging....
    When I was a pre-teen, tea-bagging was a caffeine rush derived by sucking on tea-bags, and then jumping around with a slight high. Fast forward 30 years.

    I saw some tea-bags dumped in the trash, and my son, aged 15, had a sleep-over with several of his friends. My wife had dumped those tea-bags, but I didn't know that. I jokingly said "I see you guys were tea-bagging - eh?"

    They all looked at me wide-eyed, embarrassed. I continued...
    "Oh come on! I used to do that with my friends years ago" - and so the conversation went.
    I left it at a that, and it was not until later that night at a party that somebody advised me of my mistake.


    I can not stop laughing!!! *LOL*
  • Sarahmeridith
    Sarahmeridith Posts: 298 Member
    When WiFi first started getting popular my husband saw a sign at panara that said Free Wifi and he went in thinking it was a fancy type of bread lol
  • CandeesLand
    CandeesLand Posts: 200
    I thought the expression was "for all intensive purposes" instead of "for all intents and purposes" until just a few years ago! And then I just about DIED of laughter when, on 30 Rock a couple weeks ago, there was a line of "idiots" picketing outside and Denise Richards was standing in it and she said "for all intensive purposes!" with a proud jut of her chin!

    Yup, I thought that for quite a while!
  • AtticusFinch
    AtticusFinch Posts: 1,262 Member
    My darling daughter, when she was 3 was helping me make nachos. She asked if we could make 'f***kin moldy' to dip them in. She's 7 now and we still don't call it guacamole. We call it 'bleepin moldy' now, it still gets laughs.

    LOL :laugh: :laugh:

    I can't offer funnier than that I'm afraid:

    Until about 1985, my Mother (a grown woman), believed that the Cretans were an ancient race of stupid Greek people
  • KateCon912
    KateCon912 Posts: 200 Member
    I thought Mick Jagger was McJagger.... like just his last name. I asked my parents when I was like 19 what his first name was. They said "...Mick..." and started cracking up. I said "I thought it was like Ronald McJagger or something!"

    That's still a running joke in my family. And I still refer to Mick Jagger as Ronald McJagger. :)