Things I've learned since starting MFP...add yours!



  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    I learned how to eat in moderation...self control
    I learned how awesome it is to get your frustrations out at the gym
    I learned how bad some of that food is going into your body
    I learned how full fat is better than non-fat and lowfat..because of the chemicals it takes to make stuff lower in fat
    I learned that there will be times where I will struggle to eat my calorie goal
    I learned that it is possible to look hot after 40...that looking good isnt reserved for the 20 and 30 year olds...
    I learned that as my self esteem has has my daughters...
  • jbakerak
    jbakerak Posts: 73 Member
    I learned I ate more than enough calories on an average day for a full grown man trying to bulk up! Food food food......making better choices now and learning how to make them taste just as good!
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    1. Canned, prepackaged food of nearly any type is packed with sodium!
    2. Measuring cups are meant to measure food. Not just food going into recipes!
    3. Support from others(especially when your own family, friends dont) can make the difference between success and failing. Support your friends daily if you can!
    4. I am worth this journey.
    5. I am on this site way too much! LOL
    6. Exercise doesn't have to be a HUGE effort. You can lose weight just by walking and enjoy it! Just start out slow if necessary to avoid burn out!
    7. With the tools on here I can enter the entire contents of my recipes and know exactly how many calories are in one serving! Awesomeness!
    8. I can't even say how much I've learned on forums from people like YOU who asked questions and have shared their experiences. Thank you one and all! Keep on posting!
  • whtlatina1214
    whtlatina1214 Posts: 765 Member
    ive learned that your body is more important than anything
    that there are more people like me
    that weight loss isnt something you can get from pills and smoothies,,,

    and doing it the right way does have good results
  • BriskaPacojame
    BriskaPacojame Posts: 195 Member
    1. All women hate some guy named TOM!!!
    2. It is illegal to lose weight by having gastric bypass surgery.


    I've learned I can eat real food and still lose weight... thank you MFP from the bottom of my satisfied belly :)
  • Bean615
    Bean615 Posts: 132 Member
    i learned...
    -portion sizes, i used to eat at least 2-3 portions of everything
    -this is not a diet it is a lifestyle
    -every calorie counts!
  • Jamiewoodle
    Jamiewoodle Posts: 100 Member
    That it's better/healthier to lose weight eating at or above your BMR as opposed to the 1200 cal I was eating in the begining! If you're feeling fatigued and moody you need to up your cal. If the scale is stuck, up your cal. As you lose weight your body is consistantly needing more and more fuel :) GO ON....EAT!!!
  • I've learned

    1. What skinny fat means, and that I've been that most of my life. I knew it but didn't have the term for it.

    2. Jillian Michaels is the devil.

    3. Water is magic.

    4. I can live without Coke...I mean Coca-Cola.

    5. I can cook an egg in the microwave.

    6. Everybody, no matter their size or effort, deserves applause for doing something positive for their bodies through nutrition or exercise.

    I would have to agree 100%. I have also learned not to be so hard on myself. Food is meant to be enjoyed, and everything in moderation is not a crime. I have also learned that I am stronger than I thought, both physically and mentally. Mind over matter! Also, there are tons of people out there struggling with the same issues I am having and it's comforting to know that I am not alone!
  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    Ugh. I learned how much I was REALLY eating at night and was shocked by the 'snack' calories. Good lesson to learn early... and now I'm at my goal weight. So be real with your tracking!
  • quietHiker
    quietHiker Posts: 1,442 Member

    2) How satisfying it is to have a pre-weigh-in dump.

    OMG, loved this one!

    I've learned:
    1. I'm a sugar-holic
    2. I'm allowed to eat back my calories that I exercise so long as I maintain my calorie goal :)
    3. People on here are so supportive and amazing :)
  • Mom2M_and_O
    Mom2M_and_O Posts: 214 Member
    I have learned that I can let a basket full of Godiva goodies sit on my kitchen counter for weeks while I grab peanut butter on toast and a banana as an evening snack.

    I've learned that just knowng the Godiva goodies are there helps more than actully eating them.
  • jlvo
    jlvo Posts: 2
    i've learned that water is key. i've also learned that it doesn't seem to matter how much sugar i eat (within reason, obviously), but SODIUM is the culprit of a bad weigh-in more than anything else for me. i've also learned how hard it is to eat 1600 calories (i'm currently breastfeeding my 6 month old), but that when I do, I actually lose more weight. I hadn't lost any baby weight since the initial 30 lbs right after delivery and eating enough has been KEY!
  • DeeJayTJ
    DeeJayTJ Posts: 355 Member
    i learned that if i dont log my calories, i am way under...
  • I am also new... Welcome and I wish you the best of luck to your goal!
  • 1) I have learned that I was lying to myself. Journaling helped me see my lie. I was eating way to much.

    2) I have learned to be HONEST with myself...... Yes that "cookie" will hurt my weighloss goal and I can choose something satifying and not deter my goal.

    3) Trying new recipes is expensive but worth it.
  • ladyluly
    ladyluly Posts: 7
    I've learned that it really isn't THAT hard to not eat crap. I am so much more aware of what I put into my body now. I honestly don't even crave a regular soda anymore and I don't think twice before ordering an unsweetened tea at a restaurant. I choose where we go out to eat based on if they offer healthy alternatives.

    I've also learned that MFP is WAY more addicting that Facebook has ever been for me. I rarely check FB anymore, but you bet your butt I'm checking in with my friends on here daily.

    It really is more addictive than FB!
    Also, I've learned that "yummy" food is really not that serious, what I mean is that the satisfaction you get from finally looking good in your clothes is sooooooo much better than the 15 second satisfaction you get from a candy bar.
  • jtcc91
    jtcc91 Posts: 88 Member
    I've learned:
    that i am not on a diet
    that I can still eat/drink what I want
    that I can be completely satisfied on 1400 calories per day (who knows how many I was consuming before MFP!)
  • I have learned now that I have to log what I eat, I don't eat enough. I do eat meals but not enough, I should start incorporating more snacks(healthy) into my resgime...
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    I have learned (and seen) that when I exercise I can eat more without going over my calorie goals for weight loss.

    I have learned so much about the foods I was eating by looking at the food data base and know so much about the foods I am now eating instead.

    I have learned that the help and support of like minded people is crucial for me to enjoy what I'm doing on MFP.

    I have learned that without this site I probably would still be thinking about logging my food daily and keeping track of my exercise but possibly not doing either.

    I have learned that people have different struggles; improving their health, weight loss, weight gain, muscle gain, strengthening an injury, support, knowledge etc... and we all help each other here on MFP.
  • Laurenazz
    Laurenazz Posts: 27
    ive learned about what im putting into my body & how much it actually cost me calorie wise. it's def an awakening !