30 day shred march



  • baby_lovin_060206
    baby_lovin_060206 Posts: 31 Member
    I am starting it today!!!!
  • sthomse5
    sthomse5 Posts: 22 Member
    I wonder how many calories the 22 mins burns. Do you guys think it would be accurate to use it as aerobics?
  • mummytobeslim
    mummytobeslim Posts: 367 Member
    good luck everyone .I saw a post someone said they put circuit training so thats what I did ,not sure
  • stephl21uk
    stephl21uk Posts: 123 Member
    I just started the 30 day shred today for the first time (I've only had the DVD for 6 months!).

    Hopefully, I will be able to stay motivated and do the work out at least 4 times a week. That is my goal!

    Does anyone know (roughly) how many calories are burned with week 1? I definitely worked up a sweat and even had to stop for a minute to get water!

    I don't have a HRM and don't really plan to buy one anytime soon. What is everyone else logging this workout as?

    Also, feel free to add me! I need friends for more motivation!


    on gillians Facebook page she said around 200cals per workout, i log it as aerobics, light (around 117 cals) then im not thinking im burning more cals than i actually am )
  • Gfranklin84
    Gfranklin84 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm on the second week. Kicks your butt, but you feel amazing once you get in to it. About day three you will have noticeable energy change. It pumps you up. :) congrats and good luck!
  • mummytobeslim
    mummytobeslim Posts: 367 Member
    ill have to look at the face book page thank oyu
  • RobynC_88
    RobynC_88 Posts: 13 Member
    Just finished Day 2. I'm doing it online until I can get to the book store this weekend to buy the DVD.

    As for the calories, I log it as circuit training but use a heart rate based calorie burn calculator and for my weight, yesterday was 268 calories and today was 298.
  • SalishSea
    SalishSea Posts: 373 Member
    I just started it. I did my first day a few days ago. I was so sore after my first day I could not do it again until my sore body recovered. I am way more out of shape than I thought.

    Today will be my second day of level one. It is a hard work out- for me at least.

    I belong to a 30ds group. It doesn't seem to be very active. But then neither am I so I guess it all comes put even!

    I am COMMITTED to doing this 30ds! For real.
  • medaglia_06
    medaglia_06 Posts: 282 Member
    I'm on day 22 (day 2 of level 3). I have done it everyday with no breaks. Let me tell you... if I can do this, you can! There were days when I really wanted to hide the DVD lol.

    Sadly, I even brought it with me to a friend's house I was staying at for the weekend.

    When you really don't feel like doing it, just tell yourself it's only 20 minutes and if I skip today it will take me that much longer to finish it.

    Stick with it, you'll be glad you did!

    Good luck!
  • Aimelish70
    Aimelish70 Posts: 48 Member
    I started it last month and found that I couldn't do it everyday. I did for a week straight without stopping and found I could barely lift my arms and was sore everywhere. I needed 3 days to recover. Tried it again for a week straight and same thing. I did notice an increase in weight loss and inches, but my body seems to give out after a week and needs a break. So now I am doing it every other day and walking on the days I don't do it, apparently my body is much happier now and I am still seeing the weight loss. So if any of you find it hard to do it daily, it's still effective if you are doing it every other day.... :-)
  • Aimelish70
    Aimelish70 Posts: 48 Member
    Also, I believe it falls in the category of "circuit training" so you can use that to track your calories.
  • I also started the 30 day shred on 3/1. I am feeling it a lot in my legs today at work, but am really wanting to succeed at this point.
  • laurabell86
    laurabell86 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm on Day 6. Maybe it's wishful thinking, but I think I can already see a difference in my shoulders and hips. Feel free to friend me. I can use the support/give support back. It's tough, no doubt about it, but I feel so proud of myself every day when the DVD ends! For me the push-ups (girly ones at that!) and the side lunges are the hardest part.

    No, your totally right! I did the shred for 7 days last month and was totally noticing a difference in that short amount of time, but then I ended up falling off because I got the flu, but I started fresh again yesterday, good luck!
  • laurabell86
    laurabell86 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm restarting the 30 day shred for March, day 1 was yesterday and I'll be doing day 2 as soon as I get home from work tonight. I'm also starting the 6 week 6 pack...wish me luck! Did both yesterday and I am sore!!! Add me! Lets stay motivated!!
  • lablover07
    lablover07 Posts: 11 Member
    I am with all of you...starting tonight! I've done it in the past, but haven't gone the 30 days straight. The accountability and support will be great!
  • mummytobeslim
    mummytobeslim Posts: 367 Member
    I found today harder than yesterday as I was aching ,I find the press ups hard and hate star jumps lol but everything else was fine ,not looked at level to yet until its time to do it but is it a lot harder than one
  • mummytobeslim
    mummytobeslim Posts: 367 Member
    another thing what happens after the 30 days do you ,have a break then do it again or carry on x
  • SalishSea
    SalishSea Posts: 373 Member
    I just finished my 2nd day of 30ds. I am at level one of course! I must say it is fun and inspiring to know that people all over the country and world are at the same day and level as me. I will think about that when I am 12 mins into the DVD -I will say to myself "I am not the only one in the world today working hard to change my body for the better!"

    I did the level one/day one on Monday and could not work out again for days because I was so sore. But I know I can work up to doing this shred and not be sore just pushed.

    Also, I am really guesstimating my calorie burn. I am 5'8" and weigh 175 ( as of today!) so I figure I burn 400 calories? Yes? No?

    Also I work 12 hr night shifts in a city 2 hrs away from me. So I sleep in my car between my nightly shifts. Crazy, I know. Anyhow it means it is impossible for me to do the shred on my work days. No DVD player in my car or room for jumping jacks!!!
  • I've completed Day 1 today and I am already aching lol! My 9 year old daughter even joined in too :)
    I'm am already aching and probably wont be able to walk or move tomorrow but it's all good :) X
  • terrellc1
    terrellc1 Posts: 231 Member
    I started it on Sunday, Feb. 26. I am on day 5 today (I take Wednesdays off because it's always a LONG day at work), but I can already tell that I am getting better..and my muffin top isn't as poofy!