2012 52 5/7 Challenge



  • Today is my day off, so I'll finish the week at 5/7. The scale is finally starting to move again! In the last 4 days, my weight has dropped 3.5 lbs! Hoping this continues and I don't plateau again! This thread is a great motivator. It's so nice to find one where people participate and actually show up regularly. Thanks guys!

    Congrats on the great loss!! I love this group as well. I like the fact that we can each do our own thing. The group I was in previously wanted to tell you what you had to do for the week, & there were penalties if you didnt. I just want accountability. thanks to this group for helping with that.
  • bjlilly
    bjlilly Posts: 8
    I am Kimberleys mom she told me about this sight so I will start tomorrow. We did a 6 mile walk today, so I am on my way.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Didnt get any exercise in yesterday, long day at work, & an unplanned night out. It was fun but by the time I got home at 9:30 I couldnt even talk myself into 30 mins on the exercise bike.

    But I still got 5/7 today went for long walk. Was supposed to be 6 miles but my mom wasnt feeling well at the end, we did 5.7. took 1 hr 37 mins, comes out to right at a 17 min mile.

    I lost 2.6 lbs this week, and I just bought a new pair of levi's last night in a size 12. That is a long way from the 22 I was wearing the beginnning of 2010.
    I did the same as you yesterday! I enjoyed my prime rib dinner (gave half my food away, it was all I needed), had a few drinks and was ready to drop by 9:45. I am not much of a drinker so they made me toss and turn most of the night. I felt fine today except for being tired. Great walk for you and your mother!!! That is sooo good you two can support each other on this journey!!!
    Super on the weight loss, new clothes and AWESOME on the whole weight loss from 2010! This IS a lifestyle change huh? As for this thread, it is a thread that is in it's third year and we try to do something PHYSICAL, use to be EVERY day but this year I said after working out 736 days in a row I wanted to go at least 5 out of 7 days! We are all usually pretty good at posting our workouts and adding support. We have gotten to know each other pretty well!:wink: I wish you continued success!!!!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I am Kimberleys mom she told me about this sight so I will start tomorrow. We did a 6 mile walk today, so I am on my way.
    Welcome bjlilly (known as Kim's mom!)!!! I hope you enjoy this thread and find where we can motivate you!!!! Best wishes!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I am a 6/7 after a 4 miler with the hubby and the 3 furries! I may try to do some weights this evening!!!
  • I am 7/7. I did 2.1 on the elliptical and 6 miles on the bike. Tomorrow I want to try a few more miles on the bike I just need to remember my reading materials.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I am a 6/7 after a 4 miler with the hubby and the 3 furries! I may try to do some weights this evening!!!
    Never lifted weights but got on the bike for 5 miles instead!
  • Starting the week out with 1/7. I did 2.2 miles on the treadmill and another 7 on the bike. Thought I was going to rest today lol.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Yippee!!! I am back up and running with everything...so I shouldn't be missing much any longer...haha, well I will be honest, my son's baseball season starts up in April and I will have a super busy srping/summer schedule... but with the new laptop.. I am considering internet on the go...so any time I have a little down time I can catch up!

    Busymom... Whoo Hoo for weight loss!!!
    Kim(sorry I forgot the rest of your name) BUT .... size 12 pants...awesome!!!

    I had an off day on Friday, which was a good thing as I was installing computer programs most of the day on the new toy, but got busy Saturday with the treadmill and Burn Circuit 2. I could really feel it in my back later that night! I finished the week 5/7 :bigsmile:

    Got a good jump to the week with 1/7 Chalenex Burn circuit and ab burner.. both my husband and son were sitting at the dining room table while I was working in the living room...:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: their loss for not joining in :wink: I am having some tea now and then heading up to my sewing room!
    Welcome Billy (aka kimberleys mom) :happy: , good luck with your goals!
    Have a wonderful day everyone.
    Heather are you back home yet??? Hope your feeling better. I finally am...no more nagging coughing!
    Ivy, there was some kickoxing in my workout today...for some reason it made me think of you ... hope you're well!
    Verda.. I had a magarita Friday night:noway:, husband came home and asked me to our fav mexican place...couldn't pass that up.. but did a run on the treadmll saturday to make up for it! :drinker:
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    whoops... should of been welcome bjilly.... I was going from memory...and obviously, it wasn't so good! haha welcome and good luck!!
  • busym0m
    busym0m Posts: 96 Member
    1/7 with level 1 of Ripped.
  • Thanks to all. I t looks like everyone finished up strong last week.

    And we're off to a good start this week. I want 6/7. But for today I am

    1/7 did a 4.41 mile walk with mom, took about 72 mins.

    Now it's time for dinner.
  • bjlilly
    bjlilly Posts: 8
    1/7 4 mile walk brisk pace
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    1/7 Kickbox 2 segments

    Debra I am well... just lazy. But I'm up an at em again!

    Hope everyone had a great weekend.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Good job fit friends! Let's KICK this week!!!!
    My 1/7 was a 3 mile speed walk (had to walk FAST it was soooo dang cold) and I started a new weight lifting program called THE NEW RULES OF LIFTING for WOMEN. I have not been lifting on a regular basis since probably June of this past year and I feel it. I can cardio, cardio, and cardio some more but it does nothing to my body unless lifting is involved. Sooooo dang mad at myself for wasting these past months!!!!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    That's right Monday... Take that! A morning workout to start my day!!!!!
    ChaleneX Burn Circuit 3 and 35 mins on treadmill!!
    2/7 doing good this week!
    Verda... don't be mad... :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    just glad.. you made a plan and changing it up to suit you... we all do that... over and over again!

    Ivy :bigsmile: :bigsmile: ... never lazy! Love that you did kickboxing.... maybe I was peeking in your window... just joking, my that sounded creepy!

    Great walk to the family group here!!!! I love that you are workingout together... that would make it more accountable... if one doesn't want to... the other could push... great job!!

    Busy Mom.... love the sound of your workout... Ripped.... that's my plan by summer... I want shoulders!

    Gotta get to my outdoor chores.. talk with you later!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Heather ...here is my buzz :bigsmile: , I posted about 5 pics on my profile... of his room and I had made a quilt... I had frgotten all about that... and he was 4... not 5, 10 big years ago!!!! Hope you like them... yes, 108 pieces to that costume and his momma loved him so much...she made it for him twice that year!! My special boy/young man now!!
  • busym0m
    busym0m Posts: 96 Member
    2/7 today. I moved up to level 2 of Ripped in 30 today and I actually felt nauseous when I was done. Haven't felt that way in a long time. Not sure if I ate too much before exercising or what. I thought that 2 hours after eating would be fine though. I am not looking forward to seeing what level 4 will be like and not sure that I'll be able to move up a level again next week like Jillian recommends. Just gotta wait and see I guess. Glad it's over for today and that it's straight up cardio for me tomorrow! :)
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,516 Member
    Heather ...here is my buzz :bigsmile: , I posted about 5 pics on my profile... of his room and I had made a quilt... I had frgotten all about that... and he was 4... not 5, 10 big years ago!!!! Hope you like them... yes, 108 pieces to that costume and his momma loved him so much...she made it for him twice that year!! My special boy/young man now!!

    Debra--I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Buzz costume--absolutely amazing!!!! I can't imagine all the time that you must have put into making that!!!

    I flew back from Vegas last night and had to do laundry, etc and be back to work bright and early at 7am today so I am TIRED!! I ended up getting 3/7 last week with a a couple mile slow walk on Saturday, but I am going home to crash tonight! My upper respiratory infection is almost cleared, so I'll be able to make it to my Zumba class tomorrow--YAY!!!

    I'm so happy to see so much action on this thread. You ladies are doing awesome--keep it up!! I will definitely need the inspiration to get back to 5/7 once this baby comes. I can't believe my due date is just around the corner!

    Hope you guys are having a great Monday!!
  • Happy Magnificent Monday,
    I am 2/7 today. I walked 4.1 miles and lower body work.