Lighten the **** up!



  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Totally disagree with you but that is ok. let us do it our way and you do it yours.

    When you feel guilty don't take it out on those of us that are trying to take control over our bodies.

    I'm pretty sure the OP's point was that there is no reason to feel guilty, and that the idea we should feel guilty for enjoying a treat (whatever that may be) is detrimental to the overall goal of living a fit life. Your post implies that the person who "binges" isn't trying to take control over his or her body. I save a few calories during the week so I can have a treat on the weekend. Does that mean I'm not trying to take control over my body? I see that as finding a way to work with my body to stay happy and fit at the same time. I stay within my weekly calorie goal, I lose weight, and I get to enjoy certain foods that I love. Will this work for everyone? Of course not. But it works for me, and for others in a similar situation they should not feel guilty or as if they have lost control. I took that as the point of the original post, and I wholeheartedly agree.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    "Obsessed is just a word the lazy use to describe dedicated."
    ~ Unknown Author
  • emuhawk
    emuhawk Posts: 62 Member
    Totally disagree with you but that is ok. let us do it our way and you do it yours.

    When you feel guilty don't take it out on those of us that are trying to take control over our bodies.

    I'm pretty sure the OP's point was that there is no reason to feel guilty, and that the idea we should feel guilty for enjoying a treat (whatever that may be) is detrimental to the overall goal of living a fit life. Your post implies that the person who "binges" isn't trying to take control over his or her body. I save a few calories during the week so I can have a treat on the weekend. Does that mean I'm not trying to take control over my body? I see that as finding a way to work with my body to stay happy and fit at the same time. I stay within my weekly calorie goal, I lose weight, and I get to enjoy certain foods that I love. Will this work for everyone? Of course not. But it works for me, and for others in a similar situation they should not feel guilty or as if they have lost control. I took that as the point of the original post, and I wholeheartedly agree.

    The OP did say. - some of you eat fruit and veg and protein all the time - what the ...
    this is implying something wrong with you if you don't enjoy a treat.
    I agree with his main point of have a treat and don't feel guilty as you shouldn't. If treats part of your diet and you are losing that's great. Everyone has to do what works. I have some treats as it keeps me sane.

    Oh, absolutely - I agree - I don't think anyone should be criticizing others for not doing it a certain way. It was just the judgment in the responses that I was reacting to. I can see how some people might have taken offense, but I saw several instances where those folks then turned around and did the same thing they were accusing the OP of doing.

    I don't post a lot, but I spend a lot of time reading these forums, and I see so much hostility between people who take different approaches to the same goal, as if we were all in a competition to locate the "right" way to become a healthy person. I appreciate reading about how others have achieved success because it gives me ideas to try for myself, but ultimately I'll do what works for me. I expect others to do the same. I personally appreciated this because it was a good reminder for someone like me who in the past has had a tendency to think that if I eat a snickers bar, it's all over and I might as well give up on ever eating healthy ever again.
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Totally disagree with you but that is ok. let us do it our way and you do it yours.

    When you feel guilty don't take it out on those of us that are trying to take control over our bodies.

    I'm pretty sure the OP's point was that there is no reason to feel guilty, and that the idea we should feel guilty for enjoying a treat (whatever that may be) is detrimental to the overall goal of living a fit life. Your post implies that the person who "binges" isn't trying to take control over his or her body. I save a few calories during the week so I can have a treat on the weekend. Does that mean I'm not trying to take control over my body? I see that as finding a way to work with my body to stay happy and fit at the same time. I stay within my weekly calorie goal, I lose weight, and I get to enjoy certain foods that I love. Will this work for everyone? Of course not. But it works for me, and for others in a similar situation they should not feel guilty or as if they have lost control. I took that as the point of the original post, and I wholeheartedly agree.
    The OP did say. - some of you eat fruit and veg and protein all the time - what the ...
    this is implying something wrong with you if you don't enjoy a treat.
    I agree with his main point of have a treat and don't feel guilty as you shouldn't. If treats part of your diet and you are losing that's great. Everyone has to do what works. I have some treats as it keeps me sane.

    Oh, absolutely - I agree - I don't think anyone should be criticizing others for not doing it a certain way. It was just the judgment in the responses that I was reacting to. I can see how some people might have taken offense, but I saw several instances where those folks then turned around and did the same thing they were accusing the OP of doing.

    I don't post a lot, but I spend a lot of time reading these forums, and I see so much hostility between people who take different approaches to the same goal, as if we were all in a competition to locate the "right" way to become a healthy person. I appreciate reading about how others have achieved success because it gives me ideas to try for myself, but ultimately I'll do what works for me. I expect others to do the same. I personally appreciated this because it was a good reminder for someone like me who in the past has had a tendency to think that if I eat a snickers bar, it's all over and I might as well give up on ever eating healthy ever again.

    I agree with you. I have a tendency to eat something and think its the end of the world. So trying to change that ans stop yo-yo dieting.
  • JDRGirl
    JDRGirl Posts: 21 Member
    I was laying in bed feeling so guilty about the 3 mini (mini!) chocolate bars I had..then read this and felt better, so thanks :-)
  • LiviLou2011
    LiviLou2011 Posts: 437 Member
    gonna go eat some chicken crackers now cause i want to!!
    yes you are right, im never not going to eat things that i enjoy!!
  • Zsangel
    Zsangel Posts: 202
    What's a Kit Kat Chunky? I've had green tea Kit Kat, but never heard of a chunky version...

    Although it's probably because, when I get to the candy aisle, I head straight for the coconut Twix and/or Butterfinger :bigsmile:

  • VeganPanda
    VeganPanda Posts: 582 Member
  • Icedancer94
    Icedancer94 Posts: 108
    I had a Guylian chocolate yesterday (YUM)... ALMOST no regret... :P
  • I had a jamocha shake at arbys (hubby went there for dinner.. Didnt like what i cooked) was the baby shake.. So yum
  • logicandlove
    logicandlove Posts: 191 Member
    This is honestly my take on it. Someone commented on my diary the other day saying I was eating too many carbs, even though I always stay well under what mfp suggests, and under my calorie limit. You know what? No. I'd rather have that sliver of cake and lose the weight a little more slowly while enjoying my life, thanks.
  • jamiem1102
    jamiem1102 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Right? Everything in moderation. There was this INSANE butterfingers cake recipe thread that was RI-DIC-U-LOUS. People were being so mean about her posting it.


    *shakin' my head*
  • Oh. I can't reply to all of you.

    Thank you to the supporters. YOU understand what I meant. I love you guys x

    To the haters.
    This post wasn't directed at you if:
    - You are sticking to a regimented diet because you have to
    - You are training for some major sporting event.
    - You can't have even a little of your chosen treat becasue you'll binge

    BUT this post WAS directed at those:
    - who are making a lifestyle change they are not going to be able to sustain because they will not allow themselves ANY treats whatsoever..
    - who are being unnecessarily harsh on themselves.
    - who needed to hear this.

    If you don't like it then it probably doesn't apply to you. I'm not telling you to overeat or stuff your face with that chosen treat (and some of you are being so pedantic that I mentioned chocolate - it was an example!). I'm telling you that >>> you don't have to <<< beat yourself up over a little treat. You can if you like. Really. I don't care. But some people are doing so unnecessarily and I think they needed to hear this.
    I was only trying to help. Not create a storm.

    Rabbit x
  • Aureilie
    Aureilie Posts: 213 Member
    Bravo! Thanks for this post.
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Don't call those that disagree with you haters. it's just silly.
  • I completely agree :D

    I went out for a curry on friday night with my boyfriend and i started feeking guilty about it, but I told myself that we hardly ever go out and just enjoyed myself, and it was one of the best currys I have ever eaten :D
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Don't call those that disagree with you haters. it's just silly.

    I agree, This post was pretty petty and immature. SMH....

    Just because a person is dedicated to making my health the best it can be and that does not make me or anyone else a hater.

    Does the OP even know what being a "hater" is??? Someone that is jealous or envious, which if we are not eating crappy sugar filled candy bars and stuff it is because WE DON'T WANT TO and that does not make any of us jealous or envious.

    In fact, I am repulsed by just the smell of junk food. The sickening sweet smell is enough to make me vomit. You can have it, I don't want it.

    Fruit is natures candy and that is what I prefer.

    I stand by the quote I posted earlier.

    Obessed is what the LAZY use to describe the dedicated.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Fruit is natures candy and that is what I prefer.

    I'll agree with you there. But I've also seen a number of posts from people who felt GUILT over eating fruit because it's high in sugar or calories. Those people might need to read this post. Might need to see posts from people who are achieving or have achieved their goals without depriving themselves. Might need to realize that their calorie goal should leave them with enough wiggle room to include some fun food every now and then, whether that fun food is a Kit Kat or a bowl of strawberries, and if they don't have room, they should probably revisit their goals. Or, as the OP put it... Might need to lighten the **** up.
  • mbkrol
    mbkrol Posts: 21
    :happy: Amen to that!!!
  • tootsiewootsie
    tootsiewootsie Posts: 12 Member
    I TOTALLY agree, BUT for me it can serve as a trigger for wanting more, More, MORE!!! And that is where the self-control has to step up. Ice cream is a huge trigger for me. I love it and don't want to stop with 1 bowl.
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