I wish my gym had a ban on ___________



  • the folks that set the speed and incline on the treadmill so fast and high that they have to hang on to the front of the machine. It irks the living **** out of me if you feel the need to hang on for dear life you're goin to fast or cant do the incline. STOP THAT MADNESS please
  • azwildcatfan94
    azwildcatfan94 Posts: 314 Member
    Fill in the blank!

    (For me it's dudes who slam the weights down in the weight room)

    oh ya! I find that so rude.

    I have had them put a ban on eating food at the gym. Im allergic to bananas and I kept seeing the same guy walking on the treadmill eating a banana! WTH? I now have to worry about what this guy touched so I don't touch it? Im not deathly allergic, but I sure don't like looking like I was beat by a cheese grater.

    I once saw someone eating on a treadmill and it made me laugh out loud - what was his point?? Seriously, the only time you have to grab a meal is DURING your workout? I mean, when training for a marathon I have sucked an energy gel on long runs but when I hop to the gym for an hour on the tread I don't bring a pot roast!

    As a diabetic, I actually had to stop my workout to eat (once) because my blood sugar was dropping. But, I did go outside because I thought the sound of me crunching an apple would annoy folks.

    Well now I feel like a jerk...sorry!...a medical reason never occurred to me. Hope I didn't offend you I was trying to be funny but it seems I might have been insensitive.

    Totally NOT offended. I did want to point out that there *could be* a valid reason for it. But, that it didn't excuse doing it on the machine!!!
  • NancyNiles
    NancyNiles Posts: 145 Member
    Free pizza night every first Monday of the month. It's so hard to resist.

    Yes!! I HATE that they only ever order pizza. Why? What is the purpose? If you want to show your customers you appreciate them, then give out t-shirts or water bottles. Anyone can use those things. Planet Fitness does this. The staff doesn't even like doing it, but the company makes them do it.
  • I wish my gym had a ban on................... women dousing themselves in body spray, hair spray, scented lotion, perfume, etc. Totally choked out last night getting back to my locker, walking through a veritable cloud of perfumigation.

    Lol! Not me, you'll see me w/little to no makeup and smelling like I worked out. :happy:
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    the groups of 21 year olds that use the express circuit machines as their after school hang out. Not working out, just laying on the machines posing.

  • I definitely don't like the creepers at the gym that stare at me (and it's pretty darn obvious). It was the reason I was hesitant to start a weight lifting program, because the weights side of my gym is almost always exclusively male except for girls with their personal trainers. I'm on week 2 of the New Rules of Lifting. Yes, I can deadlift 60 lbs already, yes I'm wearing a tank top, and no, that doesn't invite you to stare at my boobs the entire time I'm working out. I belong in the weight's section too...

    I do workout with my makeup on though, I go to the gym straight from work and I don't ever both to wipe it off. It's usually a mess by time I'm done anyway, so it doesn't really matter to me. I've never put makeup on prior to going to the gym if it's the first thing I'm doing in the day or something.

    ^^ This! I too was hesitant to go to the weights area because its usually all guys and I felt dumb because I'm new at lifting. I can deadlift about 95 lbs right now and that's at 4x8. I still feel like they look at me like I don't belong there. And I too wear makeup M-F if I go because I was at work.
  • mama2shi
    mama2shi Posts: 300 Member
    I wish my gym had a ban on: people on the machine next to you looking at your progress and what you're doing. ARGGHHHH!! It's my machine and my workout!! :D

    I usually put a towel on the display or keep a magazine open. I don't like even seeing my own progress constantly; if I'm watching the timer or the calorie count, it seems to take twice as long, lol.

    But yes, that's annoying.

    Me too...if it is not covered, my eyeballs have a mind of their own and constantly check out the time, which of course is usually only 45 seconds further than the last time I looked lol.

    You can make it 45 seconds? I sure can't! Haha.

    It takes a lot of self control to get to that 45 second mark lol - and yet I would SWEAR it had been at least 5 minutes, maybe more!!
  • People who see a row of Arc trainers open yet; unilaterally makes the decision to use the one right beside me... GRRRRRRR
  • BoxingChick
    BoxingChick Posts: 124 Member
    ban girls that put no effort into their workouts but still look better than me!!!....rrrrrr
  • Yeah I was wondering about that myself... I guess it is a part of the judgement free zone.
  • ryckrock
    ryckrock Posts: 5 Member
    I wish these threads didn't always turn into a free-for-all body-hating, workout-judging spree. That old guy who you don't want to see naked? Yeah, he prob doesn't want to see you naked, either. The girl wearing makeup at the gym? I sincerely doubt you're getting less of a workout just because she's in the room. Who cares.
    Yeah, but nude guy go in front of your own locker and not hog 4 spaces in front of mine... And now your judging peoples comments..Haha. Relax, workout, and have fun.. Good luck with your goals!
  • EbbySoo
    EbbySoo Posts: 267 Member
    I drop my weights when I deadlift. It's a waste of strength to set them down nicely.

    I wish mine banned....


    Haha - this!

    And I also hate the grunting/moaning that sounds like you're getting pleasured. You know who you are... and everyone else knows what I mean.

    Sorry about that, it hurts so good. ;)
  • ban girls that put no effort into their workouts but still look better than me!!!....rrrrrr

    ^^ This! Lol!

    I can't stand the girls that walk around in their cute little outfits that walk for 30 min and then go eat burger king and don't gain a pound. I hate genetics!
  • ryckrock
    ryckrock Posts: 5 Member
    Yeah, but nude guy go in front of your own locker and not hog 4 spaces in front of mine... And now your judging peoples comments..Haha. Relax, workout, and have fun.. Good luck with your goals!
  • tabrom
    tabrom Posts: 8 Member
    Women walking around in the buff...especially in the sauna! HOW RUDE!
  • worej
    worej Posts: 108
    I wish these threads didn't always turn into a free-for-all body-hating, workout-judging spree. That old guy who you don't want to see naked? Yeah, he prob doesn't want to see you naked, either. The girl wearing makeup at the gym? I sincerely doubt you're getting less of a workout just because she's in the room. Who cares.
    Yeah, but nude guy go in front of your own locker and not hog 4 spaces in front of mine... And now your judging peoples comments..Haha. Relax, workout, and have fun.. Good luck with your goals!

    I'd rather judge someone's comment than their body... but either way, it totally doesn't affect my workout at all if someone near me has a bad attitude, doesn't like my workout routine, or wishes I'd dressed differently. :)
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    ban girls that put no effort into their workouts but still look better than me!!!....rrrrrr

    ^^ This! Lol!

    I can't stand the girls that walk around in their cute little outfits that walk for 30 min and then go eat burger king and don't gain a pound. I hate genetics!

    genetics has very little to do with weight and weight loss and gain. It mostly comes down to lifestyle (how active you are and how much you eat) this is of course if you don't have any hormonal issues such as hypothyroidism among others.

    In general weight comes down to 80% diet, 10% activity, 10% genetics
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    Screaming during any of the workout classes. Hell, screaming in general.
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    I agree with kids not being in the gym part, but sometimes you have to drag your son into the women's locker room if the family one is full! Especially if he has to pee. I am not sending him in the men's locker room by himself!

    Then you wouldn't mind if i walked in front of/ stood in front of your son buck *kitten* naked in the change room?:laugh:

    LOL My Hero!
  • misschoy
    misschoy Posts: 125 Member
    Wow, some of you should listen to yourselves talk. Take a step back and look at it. This has turned into some snarky mean thread. If some of you really feel this way then I suggest you never leave your house again.