StrongLifts 5x5



  • missdelarocha
    missdelarocha Posts: 32 Member
    Hey, I've really enjoyed reading through this thread and the previous, I've just started Stronglifts this week and wanted to get some advice.

    I have only lifted free weights occasionally and used the machines a few times.

    When I went to the gym on Wednesday to begin I received so many negative looks and stares in the free weights section! There were only men in there and I felt incredibly uncomfortable and the gym worker there was less than willing to help me, I don't think he believed I should be there, he was very tense and warily looking at me, he told me barbell rows were ADVANCED and almost didn't let me do them, I did them and he said I did fine.

    I'm not sure if they have an Olympic bar but I was kinda bummed I got the stubby barbell with affixed weights on the end... I don't know what this type of weight is called but I had to throw it on to my thighs after finishing each bench press set.

    He also said I shouldn't bench press to below my breasts, to the middle, this is not what the Stronglifts program advises...
    He thought I hadn't been written a program because of what I was proposing to do, my program was all cardio, machines and crunches!!

    I'm fairly sure there was a power rack next to me with a proper barbell (and weights left on it, psh), I was wondering why I wasn't given the proper equipment as he knew about the Stronglifts program.

  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Hey, I've really enjoyed reading through this thread and the previous, I've just started Stronglifts this week and wanted to get some advice.

    I have only lifted free weights occasionally and used the machines a few times.

    When I went to the gym on Wednesday to begin I received so many negative looks and stares in the free weights section! There were only men in there and I felt incredibly uncomfortable and the gym worker there was less than willing to help me, I don't think he believed I should be there, he was very tense and warily looking at me, he told me barbell rows were ADVANCED and almost didn't let me do them, I did them and he said I did fine.

    I'm not sure if they have an Olympic bar but I was kinda bummed I got the stubby barbell with affixed weights on the end... I don't know what this type of weight is called but I had to throw it on to my thighs after finishing each bench press set.

    He also said I shouldn't bench press to below my breasts, to the middle, this is not what the Stronglifts program advises...
    He thought I hadn't been written a program because of what I was proposing to do, my program was all cardio, machines and crunches!!

    I'm fairly sure there was a power rack next to me with a proper barbell (and weights left on it, psh), I was wondering why I wasn't given the proper equipment as he knew about the Stronglifts program.


    I've belonged to a few gyms and from experience I can say that most trainers are crap, only a handful of good ones. This one is obviously not a good one. Barbell Rows are an advanced movement??? Serial?? Put some headphones in and ignore him. Anytime I see a "trainer" teaching somebody to bench with their arms all flared out or some Bosu Ball + Arm Curl + Lung bull**** I want to puke. As for the guys, they're probably just thinking how hot it is to see a woman lifting, ignore them too or have fun and flirt with them. LOL! If you want to do Stronglifts then do it and forget about everybody else, especially the trainer.
  • mulsas
    mulsas Posts: 26 Member
    First off, do not let anyone else there intimidate you when it comes to using free weights. My wife was a bit when she started going, now its no big deal to her. As you keep going, you will gain alot of confidence. When I see the occasional women lifting hard now, I want to say "way to go!" If the guys as your place don't like it or feel threatened, screw them.

    I know the intermediate sized weights you are talking about, not sure what they are called. I use those occasionally for the standing press when it is crowded and I don't want to be swinging the full bar around. Ours are only in 10 lb increments, so I only use them some of the time. Surely they have to have olympic bars there too.

    On StrongLifts they mention Rippetoe as a reference. On youtube there are lot of videos of him coaching form on different lifts. Those are a good refence for form, but also so you can see the equipment, how it is being used, etc. If you aren't going to get any legit help, that just means you will have to figure out a little more on your own.

    Good luck, and keep at it!
  • molsenrice
    molsenrice Posts: 78 Member
    Hey, I've really enjoyed reading through this thread and the previous, I've just started Stronglifts this week and wanted to get some advice.

    I have only lifted free weights occasionally and used the machines a few times.

    When I went to the gym on Wednesday to begin I received so many negative looks and stares in the free weights section! There were only men in there and I felt incredibly uncomfortable and the gym worker there was less than willing to help me, I don't think he believed I should be there, he was very tense and warily looking at me, he told me barbell rows were ADVANCED and almost didn't let me do them, I did them and he said I did fine.

    I'm not sure if they have an Olympic bar but I was kinda bummed I got the stubby barbell with affixed weights on the end... I don't know what this type of weight is called but I had to throw it on to my thighs after finishing each bench press set.

    He also said I shouldn't bench press to below my breasts, to the middle, this is not what the Stronglifts program advises...
    He thought I hadn't been written a program because of what I was proposing to do, my program was all cardio, machines and crunches!!

    I'm fairly sure there was a power rack next to me with a proper barbell (and weights left on it, psh), I was wondering why I wasn't given the proper equipment as he knew about the Stronglifts program.


    I follow the Stronglifts 5x5 program, and I love it. Very simple, and it has a set direction for deloads and lowing sets when you can't reach what is expected. If you are honest with yourself about keeping good form, then you will progress accordingly. You can't rush this program or you'll be sorry. :) Also, I'm in my forties and don't recover as fast anymore, so for me I've discovered 'less is more'. Therefore, I only do SL workouts A & B each each week. If you find your back or knees start bugging you too much after 3 workout sessions per week, consider backing off to 2x a week. Also, I do about two 30 min cardio sessions on my non-lift days, and that schedule seems to work good for me. Because I used to be a PT and I have an old shoulder injury, I don't chest press below my breasts. I keep my shoulder/elbow/forearm pretty close to a 90 degree angle at the bottom of the movement. It just works better for my shoulder health. If you keep your shoulder blades squeezed, as recommended in Stronglifts, even this version of the bench press can work your pecs, anterior delts, and triceps just fine. As for the barbell back rows, if you don't start with two 45 plates off the floor, you may need stack plates under the weights (as recommended in SL) so the barbell 'bar' is even with your mid-shin. Any lower and there's a good chance you'll start rolling your low back. Even if the PT you talked to regarded this move as 'advanced', if you keep good form and start with a low weight (on stacked plates) and build up, I think it can work wonders for your back strength. :)

    I have a squat rack, bench and olympic set at home, so I don't have to deal with the distractions you describe. My distractions consist of keep my young kids out of the room, so they don't get hurt. :) But, I say keep doing what feels right (and safe), and find female in the weight room area to train with...or at least a male who seems respectful in your strength endeavors. People love to teach what they know, so approach someone who looks friendly and in shape. Strike up a conversation and maybe you can start going to the gym at the same time they go, so you can be around a supportive influence.

    Good luck and keep lifting! :)
  • ruststar
    ruststar Posts: 489 Member
    I just started this program and I love it! I've done the new rules of lifting for women and enjoyed that, too, but I was really wanting to do squats and deadlifts, and they weren't featured in every stage of the program. I like the simplicity of Stronglifts, and I love being able to finnish my workout in 30 minutes. I've been able to run after strength training - short 12-18 minute runs - and the knee trouble I was having for the last several months seems to be disappearing.

    My goal is to get to 200 pound squats and deadlifts. I was at 145 DL with the NROLFW, but the squats only got to 95 pounds and I think my grip was wrong. Starting over at a lower weight and working my way back up is forcing me to focus on form. Tonight I'm doing 85 pounds so by next week I'll be back where I was and ready to start increasing.The overhead presses are hard for me and it's really showing how little strength I gained from the other program. I can't wait to be able to bench press my own body weight!
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    My goal is to get to 200 pound squats and deadlifts. I was at 145 DL with the NROLFW, but the squats only got to 95 pounds and I think my grip was wrong. Starting over at a lower weight and working my way back up is forcing me to focus on form. Tonight I'm doing 85 pounds so by next week I'll be back where I was and ready to start increasing.The overhead presses are hard for me and it's really showing how little strength I gained from the other program. I can't wait to be able to bench press my own body weight!

    I've always had knee pain and getting into Powerlifting has actually helped a lot. I'm assuming my muscles just got stronger and better support to my knee. Good for you in setting some realistic goals for yourself. Deadlift and Squat are fairly technical and you're right about learning good form. Checkout "So You Think You Can Squat" on YouTube, great instructional video. Also, learn to do Good Mornings which is a good exercise for helping to bring up your Squat and Deadlift.
  • ruststar
    ruststar Posts: 489 Member
    Question on squats - I started at 65 lbs and yesterday was able to do 85 lbs. I don't really feel it in my legs yet but my upper back really hurts. It's not sharp pain, so I'm not worried that I'm injuring myself, but I am concerned that I'm still doing something wrong with my form. I've watched a number of videos (so you think you can squat, and many others) and I'm pretty sure I have my legs in the right place, I'm going deep enough, and m back is arched enough. The bar placement is always a struggle and I'm trying to find the best, natural placement. Women have been carrying heavy things on their shoulders for centuries, you'd think there's be some evolutionary muscle memory for this! Perhaps the soreness is coming from the OHP instead, but it seems to be radiating out from the pressure point of the bar on my neck. Any advice on how to find the right spot?
  • nutandbutter
    Question on squats - I started at 65 lbs and yesterday was able to do 85 lbs. I don't really feel it in my legs yet but my upper back really hurts. It's not sharp pain, so I'm not worried that I'm injuring myself, but I am concerned that I'm still doing something wrong with my form. I've watched a number of videos (so you think you can squat, and many others) and I'm pretty sure I have my legs in the right place, I'm going deep enough, and m back is arched enough. The bar placement is always a struggle and I'm trying to find the best, natural placement. Women have been carrying heavy things on their shoulders for centuries, you'd think there's be some evolutionary muscle memory for this! Perhaps the soreness is coming from the OHP instead, but it seems to be radiating out from the pressure point of the bar on my neck. Any advice on how to find the right spot?

    ^ Probably the best video on squat technique out there. Has completely transformed my squat. Much more natural now.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Question on squats - I started at 65 lbs and yesterday was able to do 85 lbs. I don't really feel it in my legs yet but my upper back really hurts. It's not sharp pain, so I'm not worried that I'm injuring myself, but I am concerned that I'm still doing something wrong with my form. I've watched a number of videos (so you think you can squat, and many others) and I'm pretty sure I have my legs in the right place, I'm going deep enough, and m back is arched enough. The bar placement is always a struggle and I'm trying to find the best, natural placement. Women have been carrying heavy things on their shoulders for centuries, you'd think there's be some evolutionary muscle memory for this! Perhaps the soreness is coming from the OHP instead, but it seems to be radiating out from the pressure point of the bar on my neck. Any advice on how to find the right spot?

    ^ Probably the best video on squat technique out there. Has completely transformed my squat. Much more natural now.

    Definitely check your form and just keep practicing. The back squat is a somewhat technical lift, just got keep doing it. One day everything will just feel right. :) How is your back arching? Not forward arching right?

    If you're not already, do a couple light warm-up sets with the bar and weight below your training weight. If you start at 65, then warm-up with bodyweight squats > 45lbs (bar) > 55lbs > worksets.

    Also, you may need to do some accessory work to help strengthen your back to help with your squat. My suggestions:

    1. Good Mornings: 4 to 5 sets of 8 - 10 reps
    2. Dumbell Rows: 4 to 5 sets of 8-10 reps
    3. Shrugs (DB's or BB) - Sounds like your traps might also benefit from some help. 3 to 4 sets of 10 - 12 reps *hold for 2 to 3 seconds at the top*

    Edit: Giving your question more thought... Also just practice the setup and unracking it. Basically, setup to the bar, unrack it, and then re-rack it until you find a comfortable position for it. Although this will never really feel great as after all you do have a thick steel bar lying across your back. LOL! ;)
  • ruststar
    ruststar Posts: 489 Member
    Definitely check your form and just keep practicing. The back squat is a somewhat technical lift, just got keep doing it. One day everything will just feel right. :) How is your back arching? Not forward arching right?

    If you're not already, do a couple light warm-up sets with the bar and weight below your training weight. If you start at 65, then warm-up with bodyweight squats > 45lbs (bar) > 55lbs > worksets.

    Also, you may need to do some accessory work to help strengthen your back to help with your squat. My suggestions:

    1. Good Mornings: 4 to 5 sets of 8 - 10 reps
    2. Dumbell Rows: 4 to 5 sets of 8-10 reps
    3. Shrugs (DB's or BB) - Sounds like your traps might also benefit from some help. 3 to 4 sets of 10 - 12 reps *hold for 2 to 3 seconds at the top*

    Edit: Giving your question more thought... Also just practice the setup and unracking it. Basically, setup to the bar, unrack it, and then re-rack it until you find a comfortable position for it. Although this will never really feel great as after all you do have a thick steel bar lying across your back. LOL! ;)

    I always start with warm up sets and after watching all the videos I can I've come to the conclusion, as you mentioned, that it hurts because there's a heavy freaking bar on my shoulders! I do think I could use some additional work on my traps because the only place I'm really feeling this program, so far, is my chest and upper back, the areas where I'm weaker. I'm looking forward to feeling the squat in my legs finally! Next session I'll be at 95 pounds for the squats and then I should start feeling a challenge. It's been a good exercise to start lower and work back up because I know my form is stronger, I'm gripping the bar tighter and closer with my elbows back, and my squats are deeper than they've ever been.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Definitely check your form and just keep practicing. The back squat is a somewhat technical lift, just got keep doing it. One day everything will just feel right. :) How is your back arching? Not forward arching right?

    If you're not already, do a couple light warm-up sets with the bar and weight below your training weight. If you start at 65, then warm-up with bodyweight squats > 45lbs (bar) > 55lbs > worksets.

    Also, you may need to do some accessory work to help strengthen your back to help with your squat. My suggestions:

    1. Good Mornings: 4 to 5 sets of 8 - 10 reps
    2. Dumbell Rows: 4 to 5 sets of 8-10 reps
    3. Shrugs (DB's or BB) - Sounds like your traps might also benefit from some help. 3 to 4 sets of 10 - 12 reps *hold for 2 to 3 seconds at the top*

    Edit: Giving your question more thought... Also just practice the setup and unracking it. Basically, setup to the bar, unrack it, and then re-rack it until you find a comfortable position for it. Although this will never really feel great as after all you do have a thick steel bar lying across your back. LOL! ;)

    I always start with warm up sets and after watching all the videos I can I've come to the conclusion, as you mentioned, that it hurts because there's a heavy freaking bar on my shoulders! I do think I could use some additional work on my traps because the only place I'm really feeling this program, so far, is my chest and upper back, the areas where I'm weaker. I'm looking forward to feeling the squat in my legs finally! Next session I'll be at 95 pounds for the squats and then I should start feeling a challenge. It's been a good exercise to start lower and work back up because I know my form is stronger, I'm gripping the bar tighter and closer with my elbows back, and my squats are deeper than they've ever been.

    Yeah, I just came to the conclusion, for myself, a while ago that squatting isn't suppose to feel good. LOL! Although to be honest, I don't have any discomfort anymore. I do a lot of upper back work and make sure I get some trap work in too so that could just be it. I strongly recommend doing the Good Mornings too. After just two weeks I saw improvement in my squatting and they also help the deadlift.
  • missdelarocha
    missdelarocha Posts: 32 Member
    I've belonged to a few gyms and from experience I can say that most trainers are crap, only a handful of good ones. This one is obviously not a good one. Barbell Rows are an advanced movement??? Serial?? Put some headphones in and ignore him. Anytime I see a "trainer" teaching somebody to bench with their arms all flared out or some Bosu Ball + Arm Curl + Lung bull**** I want to puke. As for the guys, they're probably just thinking how hot it is to see a woman lifting, ignore them too or have fun and flirt with them. LOL! If you want to do Stronglifts then do it and forget about everybody else, especially the trainer.

    Lol!! Thank you, I had a good laugh then. You would think Barbell Rows were of normal difficulty, oh well.
    First off, do not let anyone else there intimidate you when it comes to using free weights. My wife was a bit when she started going, now its no big deal to her. As you keep going, you will gain alot of confidence. When I see the occasional women lifting hard now, I want to say "way to go!" If the guys as your place don't like it or feel threatened, screw them.

    I know the intermediate sized weights you are talking about, not sure what they are called. I use those occasionally for the standing press when it is crowded and I don't want to be swinging the full bar around. Ours are only in 10 lb increments, so I only use them some of the time. Surely they have to have olympic bars there too.

    On StrongLifts they mention Rippetoe as a reference. On youtube there are lot of videos of him coaching form on different lifts. Those are a good refence for form, but also so you can see the equipment, how it is being used, etc. If you aren't going to get any legit help, that just means you will have to figure out a little more on your own.

    Good luck, and keep at it!

    Yes exactly, the medium sized weights only go up in 5kg (about as much as 10lbs) so I really don't want to be using them.
    I asked him a couple of times about the olympic bar and he was just staring at me glazed over and not answering, perhaps that was just pushing it too far for him? Lol.
    Thanks so much for the support, that's an excellent idea, I will look up some videos now and have a good hard look at the form and equipment!
  • missdelarocha
    missdelarocha Posts: 32 Member

    I follow the Stronglifts 5x5 program, and I love it. Very simple, and it has a set direction for deloads and lowing sets when you can't reach what is expected. If you are honest with yourself about keeping good form, then you will progress accordingly. You can't rush this program or you'll be sorry. :) Also, I'm in my forties and don't recover as fast anymore, so for me I've discovered 'less is more'. Therefore, I only do SL workouts A & B each each week. If you find your back or knees start bugging you too much after 3 workout sessions per week, consider backing off to 2x a week. Also, I do about two 30 min cardio sessions on my non-lift days, and that schedule seems to work good for me. Because I used to be a PT and I have an old shoulder injury, I don't chest press below my breasts. I keep my shoulder/elbow/forearm pretty close to a 90 degree angle at the bottom of the movement. It just works better for my shoulder health. If you keep your shoulder blades squeezed, as recommended in Stronglifts, even this version of the bench press can work your pecs, anterior delts, and triceps just fine. As for the barbell back rows, if you don't start with two 45 plates off the floor, you may need stack plates under the weights (as recommended in SL) so the barbell 'bar' is even with your mid-shin. Any lower and there's a good chance you'll start rolling your low back. Even if the PT you talked to regarded this move as 'advanced', if you keep good form and start with a low weight (on stacked plates) and build up, I think it can work wonders for your back strength. :)

    I have a squat rack, bench and olympic set at home, so I don't have to deal with the distractions you describe. My distractions consist of keep my young kids out of the room, so they don't get hurt. :) But, I say keep doing what feels right (and safe), and find female in the weight room area to train with...or at least a male who seems respectful in your strength endeavors. People love to teach what they know, so approach someone who looks friendly and in shape. Strike up a conversation and maybe you can start going to the gym at the same time they go, so you can be around a supportive influence.

    Good luck and keep lifting! :)

    Thank you, you're very knowledgeable and inspirational!
    I'll remember to stack the plates up next time, I definitely need some more back strength!
    It sounds so good to have a set up at home but hopefully by going to a gym I'll find a partner to train along with.

    I'm actually moving at the moment and haven't gone back to that gym since that experience, except to cancel, when I'm checking out gyms in the new area I'll have to make sure to have a good look at the weights section with a checklist or something and tell them what I plan to do so I can get organised.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member

    I follow the Stronglifts 5x5 program, and I love it. Very simple, and it has a set direction for deloads and lowing sets when you can't reach what is expected. If you are honest with yourself about keeping good form, then you will progress accordingly. You can't rush this program or you'll be sorry. :) Also, I'm in my forties and don't recover as fast anymore, so for me I've discovered 'less is more'. Therefore, I only do SL workouts A & B each each week. If you find your back or knees start bugging you too much after 3 workout sessions per week, consider backing off to 2x a week. Also, I do about two 30 min cardio sessions on my non-lift days, and that schedule seems to work good for me. Because I used to be a PT and I have an old shoulder injury, I don't chest press below my breasts. I keep my shoulder/elbow/forearm pretty close to a 90 degree angle at the bottom of the movement. It just works better for my shoulder health. If you keep your shoulder blades squeezed, as recommended in Stronglifts, even this version of the bench press can work your pecs, anterior delts, and triceps just fine. As for the barbell back rows, if you don't start with two 45 plates off the floor, you may need stack plates under the weights (as recommended in SL) so the barbell 'bar' is even with your mid-shin. Any lower and there's a good chance you'll start rolling your low back. Even if the PT you talked to regarded this move as 'advanced', if you keep good form and start with a low weight (on stacked plates) and build up, I think it can work wonders for your back strength. :)

    I have a squat rack, bench and olympic set at home, so I don't have to deal with the distractions you describe. My distractions consist of keep my young kids out of the room, so they don't get hurt. :) But, I say keep doing what feels right (and safe), and find female in the weight room area to train with...or at least a male who seems respectful in your strength endeavors. People love to teach what they know, so approach someone who looks friendly and in shape. Strike up a conversation and maybe you can start going to the gym at the same time they go, so you can be around a supportive influence.

    Good luck and keep lifting! :)

    Thank you, you're very knowledgeable and inspirational!
    I'll remember to stack the plates up next time, I definitely need some more back strength!
    It sounds so good to have a set up at home but hopefully by going to a gym I'll find a partner to train along with.

    I'm actually moving at the moment and haven't gone back to that gym since that experience, except to cancel, when I'm checking out gyms in the new area I'll have to make sure to have a good look at the weights section with a checklist or something and tell them what I plan to do so I can get organised.

    One thing that I've found tremendously helpful for Squats and DL's is to do Good Mornings and Romanian Deadlifts. The Good Mornings I perform in the same stance that I would perform my Squats and the RDL's with my legs closer together to really hit the hamstrings hard.

    Good luck with your move. :)