What's the one thing you refuse to give up?



  • Catjag
    Catjag Posts: 107
    Coke Zero. I love it, it gives me pleasure and I won't give it up. Could be worse!
  • ShellyShuey
    ShellyShuey Posts: 162
    I do one cheat day a week -- not overboard, I mean one cookie or one bowl of cereal etc. And I exercise the next day!
  • wmagnant
    wmagnant Posts: 2 Member
    I don't give up anything especially ice cream I just eat smaller portions like I have the tiny DQ blizzard instead of the16 oz one
  • tkb3abby
    tkb3abby Posts: 14 Member
  • Natley
    Natley Posts: 58 Member
    I refuse to give anything up. My family and boyfriend have made comments about me cutting out pasta and cupcakes (I bake A LOT) but I haven't cut them out, just cut down. I eat everything in moderation and make better choices these days, but I haven't cut anything out.
  • mem1086
    mem1086 Posts: 136 Member
    Giving up is for quitters! I'm not giving up anything, so I don't quit!

    Like it's been said before, MODERATION!!!
  • Julzanne72
    Julzanne72 Posts: 467 Member
    I have learned that I don't HAVE TO give up anything. That in moderation, I can have the things I love, just not every single day...so on Sundays if I choose to have something I love, ie: Reese's Peanut Butter Egg, then I do, guilt free becasue it is not going to sabotage all of my hard work.
  • blv0267
    blv0267 Posts: 150 Member
    I refuse to give anything up. My family and boyfriend have made comments about me cutting out pasta and cupcakes (I bake A LOT) but I haven't cut them out, just cut down. I eat everything in moderation and make better choices these days, but I haven't cut anything out.

  • carrieo888
    carrieo888 Posts: 233 Member
    Like a lot of you, I refuse to give anything up. Moderation and portion control are key. I also "spend" my calories only on delicious things: I'd rather have a sliver of homemade chocolate torte, than waste calories on a Twinkie.
  • emrys1976
    emrys1976 Posts: 213 Member
    i refuse to give up anything.
  • arl29
    arl29 Posts: 55 Member
    Diet Pop! I know it has 0 calories but I drink a lot of it, every day. I tried to give it up for a few days and I was an evil person. I seriously wanted to run people over with my cart at the grocery store. :ohwell:
  • clean115
    clean115 Posts: 59
    I don't exclude any one item. I will never denounce bacon. I eat it like every day.
  • MzzAisha
    MzzAisha Posts: 39 Member
    I refuse to give anything up. My family and boyfriend have made comments about me cutting out pasta and cupcakes (I bake A LOT) but I haven't cut them out, just cut down. I eat everything in moderation and make better choices these days, but I haven't cut anything out.

    What she said.
  • Michele7091
    Michele7091 Posts: 256 Member
    I won't give anything up that I love. I'm a firm believer in "everything in moderation"...besides my friends and family wouldn't want me to...I'd be such a raging b*tch that they'd probably want to stab me in the throat and watch me slowly bleed to death. Yeah I'm that bad.
  • Yellerie
    Yellerie Posts: 221 Member
    I don't give anything up. I just use moderation and portion control. If I can fit it in, and need a scoop of ice cream, I have it. It's a lifestyle change for me, not a deprivation thing. If I like it, I will have it!

  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    For me, it's Half and Half in my coffee.

    How funny... A few months ago I would have said French Vanilla Creamer in my coffee. But, after noticing the effect of the artificial sugar on the rest of my nutritional day (basically it was setting me up to crave sweets all day long) - I decided to let it go. I switched to half and half which has no sugar and about half as many calories.

    For me using half and half has been a very positive change and wasn't hard to get used to. It is a lot easier for me to walk past the candy bowls in the office all day when I'm not starting my day with sugar!
  • criscricket
    1/2 and 1/2 in my coffee, I do not count it.

    Every once in awhile after a great work out I get an everything bagel with lox cream cheese (YUM) I count the calories.

    And an occasional glass of wine, which I count

    and popcorn at the movies, which I also count.
  • hollyberry2012
    When I ate fast food and fat food...I didn't eat it because it tasted good. Frankly, I ate it so fast, I didn't notice the taste. I hardly chewed and really had no need for teeth I swallowed so big and fast. I never savored anything at all. I ate to fill the void in my heart, not the one in my mouth where the taste buds are.

    In high anxiety times, I ate food to keep my throat from closing up...feeling like I was being strangled, the food pushed open my throat and gave me a sense of relief.

    It's so weird to contemplate giving up anything that I used to eat because what I used to eat was never in a catagory of like or dislike, love or hate...It was easy, fast, cheap, abundant, thoughtless, a means to an end.

    The more I ate, the safer I felt. The more weight I gained, the more my food fell out of love with me, not the other way around...my food was killing me with a vengence - that's HATE. It hated me. My body hated IT...I was just along for the ride.

    Now, everything I eat is healthy and I'm really TASTING food for the first time, savoring its texture, temperature, taste.

    The only food I'm not giving up....is food for thought. I want to remember my relationship with food and its relationship with me.
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    Alcohol. I found this whipped cream flavored vodka for $8 at the liquor store a few weeks ago, and it tastes awesome with grapefruit juice. Other things I may skip, like creamer in my coffee or dessert, but if I have a stressful day, and just want my drink at the end, I have it, and I enjoy every single empty, useless calorie of it.
  • Pfauxmeh
    Pfauxmeh Posts: 259
    I gave up soda, but I REFUSE to give up chocolate.