What's the one thing you refuse to give up?



  • butrflychasr
    nothing...portion control- portion control -portion control...btw girlscout cookies are EVIL...i swear that all the boxes i had to buy because i have 2 gscouts are calling my name at all hours of the day :-)
  • Cordy1228
    Cordy1228 Posts: 245 Member
    I'm not willing to compromise on beer, wine, or having my coffee the way I like it.
  • MysteriousWays
    MysteriousWays Posts: 40 Member
    Light cream in my coffee. I've tried half and half, the FF substitutes, milk.....nope. I have one cup a day. It's my first beverage of the day and I do not want to compromise.
  • Trutra
    Trutra Posts: 131 Member
    Two things - firstly sugar in my coffee/tea. I have cut right down from 4 spoons to 1, but cannot give it up totally, and I hate the taste of sweeteners.
    The second one is not so much what I refuse to give up, but I refuse to eat, lol. I cannot stand the taste of tuna canned in brine. I much prefer it in the vegetable oil and refuse to change. I do drain it right out in a colander, but find it so much nicer than the brine.

    I do understand too, what everyone is saying about not giving up anything because this is a lifestyle not a diet. However, since I was just addicted to so many things that were just awful for me, I decided to go very strict until Easter and then will start allowing myself the odd treat. I have in the past allowed myself treats initially but tend to not know when to stop. So, right now I am trying to break the cycle, and go cold turkey. I also have KFC, a pizza shop, a fish and chips shop, a burger shop, a chinese shop and a little deli all within about 500m from my office, and know that if I let myself start having them it is too easy and I will be straight back where I started!
    Anyway, 4 weeks tomorrow since I had a coke which is HUGE for me!
  • IRun4Me_12
    IRun4Me_12 Posts: 240 Member
    I don't give anything up. I just use moderation and portion control. If I can fit it in, and need a scoop of ice cream, I have it. It's a lifestyle change for me, not a deprivation thing. If I like it, I will have it!

    ^^^ THIS!!! 100% If I deprive myself, I am setting myself up for failure!
  • 30tips
    30tips Posts: 132
    And I don´t really eliminate too much from my diet, except sodas and chips (they go too quickly, don´t have any nutrients, chips have silica/sand in them ugh, that´s the reason why)
  • asunnysnowman
    asunnysnowman Posts: 56 Member
    I eat about 3 a day.

    When I run out I likely won't buy more though.
  • Lorleee
    Lorleee Posts: 369 Member
    Nothing. I go the moderation route but have really altered my portion sizes, especially for treats. For example, I have every intention of enjoying the occasional DQ blizzard this spring/summer, but I'll be choosing the mini size from now on!:wink:
  • reztib
    reztib Posts: 151 Member
    When it comes to food there is not a lot of stuff I don't like. Well, in American cuisine. I just love food. My probably is eating too much of it, not setting any boundaries on amounts and really eating a lot of the bad stuff. But here are a few that might make the list.

    1.) Top the Tater - a chip dip that is revered int he mid-west. Suffered with portion control on this one. I don't have it often (once a month maybe) but when I do I would go hog wild (no pun intended). Haven't had since late January.
    2.) Burger King and McDonalds burgers and fries. I used to love to gorge on this stuff. Eating it several times a week. Stopped at McDonalds on Monday had fries but ordered a McGrilled with no mayo and a minute maid lemonade light. Better than what I typically ordered. But man I would have loved a burger.
    3.) Cheese. I was raised a cheese head and pretty much like all forms of it.
    4.) Wine and beer. I like the former more than the later. I probably average one beverage every two week and I usually try to have them at night as it slows down you metabolism for the day.
    5.) Steak. Again, something I enjoy a handfull of times a year but a well-cooked steak is a beautiful thing.
  • lupizzle00
    lupizzle00 Posts: 26 Member
    Let me start off by saying this: I have a 6 & 4yr old. I drop them off at 6:30am every morning, come to work at 7am, pick up the 4yr old during my lunch, drive him to my mom's (babysitter), pick up lunch, eat at the office, work till 4pm, pick up the 4yr old, get home, wash dishes, do a quick clean up of the house, leave to pick up my 6yr old from an afterschool program at 5:30, get dinner, get home, change, go to the gym, home, shower, bed. By that time its about 9:30-10pm and I have to be up at 5am. So after all that, please understand me why I REFUSE to give up my energy drinks! LOL

    I am tired just reading that...

    Hahahaha.. A mommy has to do what a mommy has to do :) Cheers! *sips Red Bull*
  • wvval
    wvval Posts: 92 Member
    I don't give up anything:)