Publicly humiliating someone is mental.



  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Aw that's just awful. A tramp asked me for money once, when I said I didn't have any, he said 'don't want money of a transvestite anyway'. Really effected me and I was convinced I looked like a transvestite. Still runs through my head now. Please don't let this effect you like this. They are just mean spiteful idiots. Like so many people have said hell probably always be a as*hole. Please try to ignore him, although I really know its easier said than done x
  • Once, when I was teaching, I got heckled. I had the students removed from the class. It has never happened again. Too bad you couldn't have had this bully removed.
  • This is absolutely ridiculous!!! Gave me chills and tears to my eyes. People should really reevaluate their lives if they think it's necessary to say such cruel crap!!!!
    Walking by on the way to the bar a guy yelled "That's why fat girls should never come out."
    I felt so disgusted I no longer wanted the drink and went home.
  • jesska812
    jesska812 Posts: 102 Member
    That is so awful that you had to go through that. From your profile picture you look like an amazingly beautiful girl who I'm sure looked stunning when you went out. That thing obviously has his own issues and to make himself feel better he decided to pick on someone else - that instantly shows he has the mentality of a child! And just saying the earlier comments regarding his manhood are most probably right.....

    Please please don't let his cruel stupid thoughtless words affect you - keep dressing up, I say go for even higher heels next time ;) and make sure you achieve your goals!! You can do it!! And if you ever see him again make sure you buy that drink and proceed to throw it in his face.
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    When I was young I was that a@#hole!

    Then I got older and loaded on the weight and got a taste of the other side of the equation!

    There is no excuse for my behavior in my youth but today I am working on being a better person.

    I am truly heartbroken that you have suffered at the whim of the ignorant.

    That you have taken charge of your life and are working hard to be healthy is inspirational. Although it is cold comfort, the advice I have given my children as they have dealt with similar people: Ignore the opinions of the people whom you do not know or respect. It is the opinion of the people who know and care about you that is important.

    All the best on your journey!
  • mmarlow61
    mmarlow61 Posts: 112 Member
    Sadly there are people who are so miserable with their own lives that they HAVE to try to make others miserable to make themselves feel good. (I work with one.) I have found that NOT letting them get to you (and yes, it IS hard) is the key. Next time, just say "Bless his lil ole pea picking heart" then go on about your business and do NOT let it stop you! You have come a LONG way and made AWESOME progress. Don't let a dimwit knock you down.
  • Buddhasmiracle
    Buddhasmiracle Posts: 925 Member
    you didn´t deserved to be treated that way. It tell more about the kind of men he is and has nothing to do about your self worth. Hug

    what comes out of some peoples' mouths says everything about them and nothing about you. It's just awful to have your feelings hurt that way. Remember it's his problem, and his problem does not diminish who you are.
  • Sorry that happen to you just smile you know he is just a *kitten* x
  • Oh wow, that must have been hard. I can totally understand where you are coming from. When I was younger I was made fun of a lot because of my weight. Many mean things were said to me. As I have gotten older and had many more life experiences, this is what I have come to know about people like that. People that say things like that in reality really don't like themselves. It makes them feel better to make other people feel how they feel about themselves. Sick, I know.. He actually has some real self esteem issues and in the end, he looks like the jerk because of what he decided to blurt out in room of people. He is a miserable son of you know what, and pay no more attention to that. I know it hurts, but you are doing great! The wonderful thing about the world is that we come in all shapes and sizes! If we were all exactly a like the world would be VERY BORING! So continue to love yourself and keep up the hard work you are accomplishing! You are motivating me because you have lost 25 lbs.!! Do you know how hard that is? I have been struggling with losing that same amount for a long time, You already did it!! Have a great day and I want to add you as a friend :wink:
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    It has nothing to do with you. It's all about that a**hole.
    People who have misery lives, would feel better about their sorry lives if they can make other people suffer.

    NOBODY can hurt you WITHOUT your permission - Gandhi.


    Unless this guy has proven his opinion to be worth listening to or considering then...don't.

    Nothing to do with you, everything to do with him. Don't assume the weight of other people's problems as your own.

    It's of no importance.
  • TeutonicKnight
    TeutonicKnight Posts: 367 Member
    If I would have been there and heard that, even if I did not know you, I would have decked the guy.

    My sister, who is obese, lost almost 100lbs as she wanted to look good for her high school reunion. She went from 360 to 260, and while still overweight, she looked much better. She felt better, she had more confidence than ever before. Well, she went to her high school reunion and someone called her fat and she felt so bad she gained 50lbs of it back within 2 months, had a downward spiral. She was crushed.

    I found out who it was and let's just say it was not pretty.

    She is back to losing weight again, but it is a daily struggle. Some people have no soul. Congrats on losing 25lbs, keep up the great work.
  • sauza
    sauza Posts: 159 Member
    absolutely have experienced that, only two times in life, right after having my son and, unfortunately, now. Bottom line for me is the heckling stops when there is nothing to heckle. I go home, cry, and thank the hecklers for their encouragement. I am desperate not to be such a target, so after getting my feelings hurt, I work out twice as hard. What else, right? Good luck, and remember when you are a hottie - hotties don't date hecklers. LOL
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    I think there are a lot of ignorant and rude people out there...especially young people in groups of their friends.

    When I was younger I remember lots of people - especially guys - who would say mean or cruel things to girls. They think they are being cool in front of their friends. I remember a friend of mine who used to moo at girls that were overweight...even at girls who weren't just to make himself feel superior I guess...

    I think all of us have experienced what you are feeling at one time or another. I remember walking home one day and these young guys were driving by and they said 'cow' fiance says they were actually saying 'wow'...but I personally believe he was being nice and trying to make me feel better about

    I think too when we are feeling bad about ourselves we take everything to heart. We believe everything people say is about us, or being aimed at us...but really they were just a bunch of guys in a bar being stupid. Probably drunk too...and who knows who or what they were really talking about.

    Be confident! Continue working hard! Believe in yourself and others will believe in you too! :) You can do it girl...don't let those jerks bring you down!
  • kimsciolino
    kimsciolino Posts: 240 Member
    Sorry you had to have an Idiot ruin your night out. First of all DO NOT LISTEN to someone like that, they more than likely have so many insecurities that the only way they feel good about their selves is to make other people feel like crap. Do not let him discourage you, one of my favorite quotes are this;
    when someone tells you that you cannot or will not achieve your goals, just turn around, look them in the face and say WATCH ME!!! You are beautiful and you WILL reach your goals. Stay positive and think positive...
    SSTEACY Posts: 1
    You are right, he's mental, needs a good slap. You are doing great keep up the good work! I have had a similar experience, waiting in a long holiday line up to cross the boarder into Canada. The guys were all int he vehicle ahead of us and we'd been in line for 45 mins already. I changed lanes to stay in the same line-up as they were, some guy tried to butt in between us, but the Transport behind me was leaving room for him and waving him in.... he yelled at me "B$tch, why don't you go eat more donuts!!"
    What is wrong with their heads, they have no idea what goes through people's minds when something like that happens.
    The only advice I can give you is keep on doing what you are doing, stand tall, be proud of who you are, and let Karma take care of the jerks!
  • jwobbly57
    jwobbly57 Posts: 16
    When I get comments like that - do you know what I say?

    "At least I'm doing something about it but once you're ugly you are always ugly" Makes them think and I normally get an apology.

    Chin up honey don't let a *kitten* put you off.

    Henni xxx
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    I am so sorry that happened to you....To answer your question ONLY A&*holes who are insecure with themselves do that.
  • butterflyliz32
    butterflyliz32 Posts: 124 Member
    I'm so sorry this happened to you.

    I remember a guy in high school following me down the stairs once muttering, "big & fat" under his breath the whole way. It totally crushed me! I wasn't even that big (maybe 165 - which I would kill to be at now!). It really did a number on my head, though.

    All I can say is that guys like that don't even deserve a second chance. They are small-minded and pathetic. They may look like they are having fun now, but as they get older, they will never be able to have a decent relationship with another human being because they are too immature to realize that just because something pops into your tiny brain doesn't mean it needs to fly out of your giant piehole.

    **hugs** Keep up the good work and ROCK those heels, sister!
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    When I was young I was that a@#hole!

    Then I got older and loaded on the weight and got a taste of the other side of the equation!

    There is no excuse for my behavior in my youth but today I am working on being a better person.

    I am truly heartbroken that you have suffered at the whim of the ignorant.

    That you have taken charge of your life and are working hard to be healthy is inspirational. Although it is cold comfort, the advice I have given my children as they have dealt with similar people: Ignore the opinions of the people whom you do not know or respect. It is the opinion of the people who know and care about you that is important.

    All the best on your journey!

    Since you've repented and paid your debt to society, I guess we'll let you live, and keep your tongue! :laugh:
  • People are ****tards. This is the main reason I don't go to the beach/boardwalk around here lest it be a *family* type beach (yup, I live near THAT Jersey shore and yes, some parts ARE like that).

    Wish I wish there. In my 20's I'd prolly go home and cry about it. Now, in my 30's, depending on the night, I'd turn around and tell him to "go **kitten** himself because that's obviously the only person f**ing him tonight". (Or, something about "There is nothing in this bar than your head.") Kinda sad really, the only reason I know all of these one liners is because of the constant ribbing I got about being fat.