Amazing things people say when you're losing weight



  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    Interesting thread. I agree that some of the "amazing" things people have had said to them are truly insulting. There is no disputing that, and some of them would make me want to punch someone in the mouth, and I'm not a violent person.

    Some of the other comments that people have complained about being rude or backhanded . . . I supposed it is subject to interpretation based on your relationship with the person who is saying it, and the tone and manner in which it is said. They "sound" nice written out over the internet, but maybe you had to be there.

    Still others, I am floored that people are insulted by. I wonder what things are colouring this experience for them. Is it the people who have gone from grossly obese that are feeling the most hurt? Is it years of looks and rude comments about their weight that make them suspicious or insulted by even a sincere compliment? Is it insecurity with their new weight? I am interested in hearing what you think makes you feel this way.

    I have not had a lot of people comment on my weight loss. I expected more. I'm sort of disappointed sometimes when someone doesn't comment. But I understand that commenting on people's weight or looks is sort of socially inappropriate, and hearing how people hear are interpreting them, I can kind of understand that. But I have sincerely accepted compliments such as:

    - you and [hubby] are really looking good and getting fit
    - you're looking great! Do you feel great?
    - have you noticed how much weight she's losing? she's really lost a lot of weight!
    - I can see it around your face/neck especially
    - are you planning on losing more?
    - you're getting too skinny (before I was down to "normal" BMI)
    - have you lost weight? what are you doing?
    - are you feeling okay? were you trying to?
    - mom, your pants are getting really baggy! You need new clothes!
    - you're too hard, I want my comfy mommy back
    - I weigh more than she does now, but she's so ripped she can still beat me (yes, lots of comments by my son!)
  • downsizinghoss
    downsizinghoss Posts: 1,035 Member
    I have my favorite comeback to one of those:

    One friend gave me the "Live a little" comment.

    I told him that I don't do that any more. "Now I live big." :)
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    - you're too hard, I want my comfy mommy back

    would break my heart and I dont even know any children :(
  • 2012asv
    2012asv Posts: 702 Member
    You look so good....NOW! (Geee, thanks!)

    Are you losing weight because of Jennifer Hudson? (Ranted about this yesterday, she is not the Black woman weight loss goddess)

    You had surgery right? (Contrary to popular belief, people can lose large amounts of weight sans bariatric surgery!)

    WHAT THE HELL!? Ughh! How did you contain yourself!? Complete idiots. Yeah we ALL STRIVE to be like Jen. Hudson, she is a GOD.... how lame.
  • shammxo
    shammxo Posts: 1,432 Member
    I had a guy tell me I was "too skinny" and didn't have anything to look at. Nice.
    My mother is constantly telling me to gain some weight. It's really frustrating! I'm HEALTHY, not SKINNY.
  • pinkhu13
    pinkhu13 Posts: 133
    My family has me scared (not literally) to lose anymore weight because they think I look good now but I still have more I'd like to lose and I want to tone up. I was never obese or super big (although I have been overweight or on the high end of healthy weight mostly) but I think they're just not used to me being smaller. But I like when people comment on my weight loss. Makes me feel accomplished.
  • shammxo
    shammxo Posts: 1,432 Member
    When I was previously at my goal weight I was told I had had the body of a 12 year old boy... And that I was cuter when I had a butt.
    ^ my mom always makes comments about my boobs using the 12 year old boy comparison.
  • Setof2Keys
    Setof2Keys Posts: 681 Member
    I lost 40lbs a couple of years ago and am now trying to maintain. There are some absolutely astounding things that people (usually skinny people!) have said to me while I was losing weight.

    "Wow, if you lose any more weight you'll be a model"

    "You've lost a ton of weight" (Me: "uh, I think 'ton' may be the wrong word..") "Yes you have! You've lost a TON!"

    "So how much weight did you lose exactly?" (Me: "That's kinda personal") "So like more than 30 pounds?"

    Anyone else want to share their own version of "Idiots Say The Darndest Things"? :)

    I thought those were all pretty nice things for people to say, yet you call them idiots? Harsh.

    You realize that a ton is two thousand pounds right?

    You realize that ppl say ton as in "a bunch" right?
  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    You look so good....NOW! (Geee, thanks!)

    Are you losing weight because of Jennifer Hudson? (Ranted about this yesterday, she is not the Black woman weight loss goddess)

    You had surgery right? (Contrary to popular belief, people can lose large amounts of weight sans bariatric surgery!)

    LOL, that's just like people who want to know if I know the Vietnamese family who lived down the road from them (who lived across the country) because I'm Asian (Umm I'm Japanese). Or if I'm an engineer (I'm an accountant).
  • kbc525
    kbc525 Posts: 149
    Remember, people, we are our own worst enemies and critics. Years ago when I was set in my lifestyle change and 125 pounds (and was strength training 3x a week) I never thought I was skinny enough. I would get compliments all the time, and I always said "no way, have you seen this that hangs on my belly? or my italian grandma arms?" (i'm italian so, I can say that :wink: ) EVEN WHEN I LOOKED AT PICTURES OF MYSELF during that time I was like "oh no!!! how gross" - well I saw a picture of myself the other day from that time frame when everyone told me how great my figure was, and guess what I had seen in that bikini pic... abs. A real 6 pack... muscle... and I thought I was fat and I was turned off by compliments...

    the other day i heard "oh my god, your legs are sticks".. i just shrugged and said "thanks, just healthier now"
    they're not sticks... they're just so much more toned ...

    we really just can't accept the compliments -but yes, some people don't know the right things to say either...

    KEEP YOUR HEAD UP AND appreciate someone is noticing all your hardwork!:drinker: cheers!
  • cyclingben
    cyclingben Posts: 346 Member
    I was telling a coworker about my bike ride in may that i am training for. Shes asked "so how often do you exersize, have you lost any weight?" Really captain obvious

    I guess the 95 lbs was just water weight.(heres your sign)
  • TheYankeeBelle
    I have recently lost a little over 20lbs but I am down a total of 45lbs since the beginning of 2011. People at work didn't really say anything to me and friends only said encoraging things like "I am so proud of you for accomplishing your goal!" But my family is the worst about these kind of comments. Like my mom said to me a few months ago, "Wow, you almost look as good as you did in high school." and then the other day she said "You're really started to get some muscle definition, aren't afraid of getting bulky and ruining all your hard work?" and I said, "What? How does becoming ever more fit ruin my hard work?" Her response, "Well you'll look big in clothes again."

    Sorry but your Mom is a total b*tch.
  • janakatharina
    janakatharina Posts: 5 Member
    Right now, I'd be thrilled if ANYONE said something as simple as "something is different about you". But so far no one has said one word. That's kind of depressing to me. But then I try to remind myself that I'm doing this for me, my children and my husband, so that I can be healthy and feel strong enough to function every day. Oh well...

    I'm the same, no one's said anything to me either, so I don't know if they're just trying to be polite or just really haven't noticed. I ran into a few friends recently who I haven't seen in about 2 months, you'd think they'd notice. But, nope. sigh...
  • sammi402
    sammi402 Posts: 232 Member
    Or The naughtiest for the most insulting

    Yes I lost alot of weight so my penis would look bigger. That usually shuts them right up!

    ^^ Freakin awesome!!! LMAO:laugh:
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    He's almost 14, so he'll get over.
    - you're too hard, I want my comfy mommy back

    would break my heart and I dont even know any children :(
  • DoubleE615312
    DoubleE615312 Posts: 173 Member
    "What are you taking?"
  • pinkhu13
    pinkhu13 Posts: 133
    Oh and I've also had my mom call me skinny mini several times. I love that :)
  • amicklin
    amicklin Posts: 452
    My 5'5'' 95 lbs Mother-in-Law telling me that I am "getting too thin" (when I was 5'6'' and 132lbs.. pre pregnancy). Hmm, okay. Well I was not trying to lose anymore weight at that point just working on muscle gains/ definition. People seem to take me attentiveness to food/ working out as 'trying to lose weight'. This was after I had lost 25ish lbs (by the way).
  • sammi402
    sammi402 Posts: 232 Member
    I have this issue at work. There are quite a few of us trying to lose weight and we are all very supportive and encouraging towards eachother. Then there are the happy fat people:
    Them: OMG!! You HAVE lost weight, you look so good!
    Me: thank you :)
    Them: How much have you lost
    Me: 25lbs
    Them: so you're done now right?
    Me: Nope, bout 30 more to go
    Them: Oh no. You should just stop now! Losing more would be awful!!

    At that point I have to smile and walk away because I figure it's rude (ruder?) to say to a co-worker "You may be happy busting out of those pants, but I'd prefer to be a lot farther from 200lbs before I stop. K?"
  • Novikay
    Novikay Posts: 62
    Someone I went to high school with said to me, "Oh, you're not fat and ugly anymore." Exact words....well, no I'm not, but I see you are still the same *kitten* lol.