Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30



  • qtpie99
    qtpie99 Posts: 35 Member
    I'm also doing this. I'm on Day 3 Week 2. I started this before and never finished so I'm hoping to finish this time around. :laugh:
  • determined1221
    determined1221 Posts: 139 Member
    There's a group of us starting Ripped tomorrow. Feel free to join us :) We all just finished the 30 DS on Wednesday

  • bojomonkey
    bojomonkey Posts: 1 Member
    What do you clock your calories and excercise at when doing this workout? I just started and have been filing under circuit training.
  • Wow I just started week 3 last night too.... she kicked my butt! I wish I saw this earlier when I started I would've joined the discussion earlier. For a while there I needed some motivation
  • JodaNord
    JodaNord Posts: 496 Member
    I just bought "Ripped" yesterday and did it for the first time last night...great workout!! I can feel it a little this morning, but it's that "you had a good workout" feeling, not painful. I am going to do it every other day, mixing it in with my running training. Is anyone also doing the 30 Day meal plan combined with the DVD? I looked at it online, but need to print it out today. I have been plateaued for about 6 months, so hoping that this will jump start me again...also getting company and a little vacation the end of April and I want to look good!! Let me know how it is going for everyone. I am very interested in results and also who is doing the meal plan. I need to take measurements today, so that I can track inches results.

    I am doing in conjunction with Half Marathon training, and so only doing this 3 times a week, and not doing meal plan. But i started week 2 this week, and jsut for the heck of it measured from the start, and don't think i see much difference yet, but maybe by the end i will...
    So i took pictures and compared them and i have more definition in my abs and arms, and shoulders! so even tho my measurements are not too different and my weight is static, seeing definition and having my sister tell me she has never seen me so buff is proof this DVD works! Gonna start week 4 Tuesday...
  • so i bought this dvd too and im wondering how i should log the workouts as in calories and which week and what workout does what a calorie counter would be great at this point lol jillian kicks *kitten*
  • I started the ripped in 30 i thought i was in shape but i guess not hahaha level 1 day 1 just gotta stay positive woot woot lol
  • You ladies can also add me if y'alls like so we can motivate each other =]
  • lbiro21
    lbiro21 Posts: 2
    I just bought Ripped in 30 and 6 Week 6 Pack today. I'm excited to start after reading all of the successful stories!
  • lbiro21
    lbiro21 Posts: 2
    I just finished Day 1 Week 1. I've started 2-3 miles a day and I've been doing 45 minutes of tae bo for the past month 2-3 times a week. I thought people who said this kicked their butt were just out of shape. But this kicked. my. butt. I don't think I have sweated this much....ever. Dreading but excited for tomorrow! Still trying to fight the feeling to throw up.
  • xosharonxo
    xosharonxo Posts: 10 Member
    I started the ripped in 30 i thought i was in shape but i guess not hahaha level 1 day 1 just gotta stay positive woot woot lol

    lol, I thought week one was hard and then I got to week 2 and week 3 -- whew! I think I'm going to have to go longer than a week on Week 3 as it is very challenging and I find it hard to catch my breath after some exercises. I like being able to do at least 95% of each week before moving on to the next week. I started week 3 last Thursday and I think I'll start Week 4 next Sunday. It usually takes me at least 4 days to be able to remember the moves and I still find myself staring in disbelief at some of her moves,lol.
  • I reached day 5 and took about a week off, I regret it, but what's done is done! I'm starting Level one day six today! I'm aiming for 5x/week and I might add in some of the weight training P90X vids too! That's the only thing I like about P90X the cardio is way too long and hard on the body, imo. Anyway, I LOVE ripped in 30 it's a great workout! I love the fact that it's only 20 minutes and has a lot of strength training! I want to add muscle I have about 10-15 pounds to lose.
  • MoominFit
    MoominFit Posts: 10
    Just started this today. Wow -- I was definitely going slower on that football running. I need to lose about 25 lbs & hoping this will help. Does anyone else have crepitus in their knees? (sounds like rice krispies when you bend them) Mine have no pain, but the *sound* drives me insane. Anyway, I'm going to do my best to stick with this. After 3 kids, I don't like how my body has ballooned around the lower stomach, hips, & thighs. I have thin bone structure (but carrying too much weight on it) & am almost 5'9", so people think I'm slimmer than I am, but not if they saw me naked -- ha! Glad this post was started so I could read about everyone else who made it to the higher levels. Gives me hope!
  • Hello!!!
    Well I started doing ripped in 30 ,I was doing great on my second week then I started having problems at home,but now I can NOT give up so I started again today and I feel great. If any of you would like to add me , you are more welcome =] We can do it together
  • honeybearhoneybear
    honeybearhoneybear Posts: 12 Member
    I am on day six of 30 day shred. The first few days I realized just how out of shape I was but it is getting a bit easier and I have moved up to level 2 now. Once I finish 30 days I am moving on to Ripped in 30.
  • Kcharavda09
    Kcharavda09 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey guys!

    I just started doing Ripped in 30 - I am still on week one my 4th day:) I feel the results already! After the 30days, are you going to try another video or repeat?
    I had a question though, how do you enter into yoru daily exercises? I think I am entering incorrectly! Help!

  • mamakayy
    mamakayy Posts: 36
    I just started this as well tomorrow will be my third workout of week one.

    I use a HRM for logging and I burn about 400 calories.

    Without a HRM, I think MFP has circuit training in the cardio section, that is probably what id use.
  • babyblues31
    babyblues31 Posts: 72 Member
    I am on Week 4 and will continue doing this 3x weekly along with my running. I think Week 4 is easier than Week 3 personally. Jillian rocks!
  • sjdoman
    sjdoman Posts: 81 Member
    I am on week 3 now. Did anyone notice that on week 3 the first circuit that the third strength exercise (rowis) is only done once, she repeats the first two exercises a second time but then moves on to cardio.
    I also noticed on week 1 the second time they do the running man seemed like it was going on forever. so the next day I watched the clock and it was more like 50 seconds instead of 30 seconds. it makes me wonder what other "flaws" are in her videos.
  • _SpeshK_
    _SpeshK_ Posts: 496 Member
    Today finished my Week 1, Day 3. I'm excited as I feel myself getting more endurance already.
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