may as well just sit on my bum



  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    you do what ever you want dear. And after a few months, if you lose weight but feel fatter and softer then ever, just dig this tread. Goodluck
  • think a lot of you are missing my point I do not and never have sat on my bum, I linedance twice a week , have 6 kids, 8 grandkids so always doing something, I DONT WANT TIO BE SITTING ON MY BUM BUTTOCKS OR WHATEVER, last year I was a size 10 about 9 stone, thanks to meds I GAINED WEIGHT but have lost 9lb in 2 weeks just saying that whats the point of anyone exercising if just gonna eat those cals, its a personal choice and for that reason I get fed up with peeps harping on about eat more cals all the time infact it actually makes me feel like giving up, I would never keep on at those eating their cals and more infact it would be very unkind to do so, for those who are genuine in their replies whether I agrree or not I thank you for those who make sarky comments or add stupid images well I thank you too for showing me whether fat thin or whatever im a neicer person.

    FROM now on my diary goes into hiding and I wont bother posting anything as feel some just use these topics to just have a go at others
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    Ed, you are such an inspiration to all of us! You are awesome.

    I'm not sure what the point the OP was trying to make. That one flew right over my head. BTW, I have NEVER had a problem eating all my calories in a day. Not one single time...
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    because as you lose weight, you're cal deficit needs to be smaller. If you don't eat you're exercise cals, then you aren't doing this the way MFP is setup. (cal deficit is in you're goal)

    Then you lose weight with a fair proportion being LBM & you lower you're BMR & TDEE and then when you go back to eating at you're old "normal" amount you put on weight.

    This is not just theory, that's what happened to me :)
  • EuroReady
    EuroReady Posts: 199 Member
    I am sorry, but in all honesty, what was your point in posting this? I love to rant, so I could see if that was your purpose, go ahead and say so. Ranting keeps sanity and I can totally respect it. But why bring up a topic if you don't want any comments on it? I am NOT trying to be sarcastic. I am seriously wondering what you are trying to accomplish my stating all this. I doubt anyone who responded to this would have said anything about eating your calories back if you hadn't mentioned it first by creating a topic about it.
  • vsmurrow
    vsmurrow Posts: 145

    My sentiments exactly...
  • Bikini_Bound150
    Bikini_Bound150 Posts: 461 Member
    MFP already gives you a deficit so you get to eat back all or some of your workout calories to keep yourself strong enough to keep working out! DUH!
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    You're right. Everybody else is wrong.

    Tae bo anyone?
  • clem7444
    clem7444 Posts: 64 Member
    Or take 3 seconds to "search" previous posts to see if someone has already asked your question and already taken the beating for asking it, again. Then, read that thread and ignore that information.
  • jagpie42
    jagpie42 Posts: 43 Member
    Well said everyone. But, one friend wrote this recently: I lose weight in the kitchen and inches in the gym. A healthy attitude about food is that it is a necessity for your body. Stop thinking of it as a reward, but as fuel.
  • zoedallas
    zoedallas Posts: 116 Member
    Just a suggestion, no offense meant. Perhaps if you used punctuation you could better express yourself. I have a hard time reading your posts and perhaps that's why I can't understand your point.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member

    1) You get more calories to play with...yay food!!

    2) You can help to maintain your lean mass (muscle) if you do strength training, meaning a less flabby look and more toned look once you get to your goal.

    3) You improve your general fitness levels, and for me, I brought my blood pressure to a healthy level. Yes, I was 17, a "healthy" weight (around 135lbs at 5'8) and had borderline hypertension. This only changed once I started exercising regularly.
  • without having pics think im banging my head, cant see my point so basically not gonna bother posting anything again as can do without the ridicule some are giving , although many have made valid points without having to be so sarky
  • Feathil
    Feathil Posts: 162 Member
    The calories from exercise are basically there to feed your new muscles. The BMR calories are just to keep your vital organs pumping (simplifying). So exercise calories are there to create the muscles that make you look nicely shaped.
  • babyblooeyes
    babyblooeyes Posts: 67 Member
    I have been following this program to a T and will say this. I have lost 40 lbs in just barely over 40 days so if I can do it so can you. It takes a little adjusting to jump start that metabolism but you can do it.

  • rmsturdy
    rmsturdy Posts: 73
    I exercise so I can eat more! More tasty yum yums for me!!
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    Just a suggestion, no offense meant. Perhaps if you used punctuation you could better express yourself. I have a hard time reading your posts and perhaps that's why I can't understand your point.

  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    *Grabs a 100 calorie bag of popcorn! This could get interesting!
  • sprinkies
    sprinkies Posts: 309 Member
    then stop exercising if you're going to complain about it.

    do what you want.
  • DJParrish01
    DJParrish01 Posts: 38 Member
    Who said you have to eat those calories? I eat until I'm full, and then if I exercise, I just leave it alone. Drink some water!
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