may as well just sit on my bum



  • rockinsue285
    my problem is that If I type a capital I tend to forget to take cap locks off and im a one finger typer that takes a long time.
    I realise what it may seem to some but the first few replies and animated drawings were not very nice, you seem a really nice person and I thank you for your post
  • missbaker89
    missbaker89 Posts: 245
    rockinsue285 was asking a simple need for all the lectures and sarcastic comments!!!!
  • DeniseChilver
    DeniseChilver Posts: 185 Member
    The point is to replenish your body after a workout with protein and good clean food. Your body is in super burn mode AFTER you workout also and your muscles need the fuel to repair themselves, along with the good complex carbs to sustain your energy. If you eat less, your body is gonna start thinking it's starving and start storing fat for energy. What's the point in that? It's the reason were all here: give fat the one way ticket divorce package. Don't get discouraged, it's all worth it even if somedays you don't think so :)

    This is one of the best explanations I've found...thanks. It makes total sense now!!!!

    I found this explanation brilliant as well Thanks :flowerforyou:
  • Sul3i
    Sul3i Posts: 553 Member
    I cant eat anymore, I eat what I enjoty, when im hungry at a party I will cake IF i want it if I DONT WANT IT THEN i wont, I linedance twice a week and have done for 8 years and is part of my life, not to burn cals but cos I enjoy, even did it when I was a size 10

    Then WTH is the point of you posting then???

    This ^
  • missbaker89
    missbaker89 Posts: 245
    I cant eat anymore, I eat what I enjoty, when im hungry at a party I will cake IF i want it if I DONT WANT IT THEN i wont, I linedance twice a week and have done for 8 years and is part of my life, not to burn cals but cos I enjoy, even did it when I was a size 10

    Then WTH is the point of you posting then???

    hmmmm ok so the point of rockinsue285 posting this maybe is that she is content with eating the same amount of calories weather she has been exercising or not.......and the reason for this post is that when people view her diary comments come back that she needs to eat the calories she has burnt.....maybe she is wanting to know why that is the answering your question that was the point of this post!!!!!

    This ^
  • rockinsue285
    I cant eat anymore, I eat what I enjoty, when im hungry at a party I will cake IF i want it if I DONT WANT IT THEN i wont, I linedance twice a week and have done for 8 years and is part of my life, not to burn cals but cos I enjoy, even did it when I was a size 10

    Then WTH is the point of you posting then???

    hmmmm ok so the point of rockinsue285 posting this maybe is that she is content with eating the same amount of calories weather she has been exercising or not.......and the reason for this post is that when people view her diary comments come back that she needs to eat the calories she has burnt.....maybe she is wanting to know why that is the answering your question that was the point of this post!!!!!

    This ^
  • rockinsue285
    exactly thats it in a nutshell, really didnt think I would have posted if I thought all this would come about
  • thelowcarbrecipes
    thelowcarbrecipes Posts: 89 Member
    I am losing weight just fine with out exercise, no lack of muscle mass due to being in ketosis too.

    Find what works best for you and stick with it
  • donna_glasgow
    donna_glasgow Posts: 869 Member
    Last time we had a thread like this, it went on for 20 pages of people ranting about the pros and cons of eating your calories back.

    Bottom line: Do what works best for you. If you dont want to eat back the cals, dont!

    yup personal choice .... i dont eat them back as i only eat when hungry .... i wont force feed myself ....
  • donna_glasgow
    donna_glasgow Posts: 869 Member
    Well they say a picture is worth a 1000 words.....

    With alittle hard work and exercise, you can go from this....


    To this......


    and this.....


    but if you would prefer to sit around and do nothing that is certainly your choice but I will continue to hit the gym
    cause I like the way I feel and look....... Good Luck to you...................

    WOW !!!!!!!!!! that is all :)
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    I guess to sum it up -

    The basics are you should eat a target number of calories. If you exercise, you should really eat those back too.

    So, if you don't want to eat more, then you don't need to exercise.

    However, that isn't healthy, people should exercise.
    1. it is just good for you in the obvious ways.
    2. Losing weight, isn't really about the weight loss - it's about the fat loss. And even more than that it's about changing the composition of your body.

    All the hot girls on tv and in magazines aren't like that just because they don't eat too much, they also exercise. A lot.

    So if you just want to change the number on the scale - then just eat your daily numbers and all will be well.

    If you want to look better, do some heavy weights and eat back your exercise calories.
  • shacai
    shacai Posts: 1
    how petty, if people have nothing nice to say then why bother comenting!! what ever happend to your own opinion? i agree with this, just puzzled as to why u burn calories to put them back on. its an opinion, a question that some1 does not understand. so why all the *****iness...... how childish.
  • HelloDan
    HelloDan Posts: 712 Member
    I guess to sum it up -

    The basics are you should eat a target number of calories. If you exercise, you should really eat those back too.

    So, if you don't want to eat more, then you don't need to exercise.

    However, that isn't healthy, people should exercise.
    1. it is just good for you in the obvious ways.
    2. Losing weight, isn't really about the weight loss - it's about the fat loss. And even more than that it's about changing the composition of your body.

    All the hot girls on tv and in magazines aren't like that just because they don't eat too much, they also exercise. A lot.

    So if you just want to change the number on the scale - then just eat your daily numbers and all will be well.

    If you want to look better, do some heavy weights and eat back your exercise calories.


    Changing the scale may make you look smaller, but it still not stop you from getting out of breath when climbing the stairs, enable you to carry the heavy bags of groceries from the car or stop you from having a heart attack.

    So as well as body composition, it also comes down to whether you want to just lose weight, or be fit, strong and healthy.
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    TROLLLLLLLLLLLL in the dungeon!
  • missbabygirlx
    Wow i cant believe how harsh people are being on here?!?!

    Personally sue I agree why do exercise loose a few cals then add them back on by eating them again?! surely that's not going to help you loose any weight that would keep you at the same weight you started at? CONFUSED.COM

    And for all you people being rude... she's not saying she IS going to sit on her bum all the time because there is no point burning of cals then eating them again

    she is saying what is the POINT in burning off cals then eating them up again??..

    NOT what is the point in exercise like some of you keep going on like she's said she's not doing any exercise she would rather eat her cals do excercise and leave it at that not then think oo ive burned off cals lets go eat them again..?
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    Wow i cant believe how harsh people are being on here?!?!

    Personally sue I agree why do exercise loose a few cals then add them back on by eating them again?! surely that's not going to help you loose any weight that would keep you at the same weight you started at? CONFUSED.COM

    And for all you people being rude... she's not saying she IS going to sit on her bum all the time because there is no point burning of cals then eating them again

    she is saying what is the POINT in burning off cals then eating them up again??..

    NOT what is the point in exercise like some of you keep going on like she's said she's not doing any exercise she would rather eat her cals do excercise and leave it at that not then think oo ive burned off cals lets go eat them again..?

    If you read the rest of the thread you'll see many explanations why MFP is built to eat back exercise calories. Your calorie goal before exercise is NOT maintenance level. I linked to the MFP FAQ a few pages back, please take a look and you won't be "CONFUSED.COM" anymore.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    It's great when you don't understand the basis behind the diet program you're following.
  • missbaker89
    missbaker89 Posts: 245
    Wow i cant believe how harsh people are being on here?!?!

    Personally sue I agree why do exercise loose a few cals then add them back on by eating them again?! surely that's not going to help you loose any weight that would keep you at the same weight you started at? CONFUSED.COM

    And for all you people being rude... she's not saying she IS going to sit on her bum all the time because there is no point burning of cals then eating them again

    she is saying what is the POINT in burning off cals then eating them up again??..

    NOT what is the point in exercise like some of you keep going on like she's said she's not doing any exercise she would rather eat her cals do excercise and leave it at that not then think oo ive burned off cals lets go eat them again..?

    If you read the rest of the thread you'll see many explanations why MFP is built to eat back exercise calories. Your calorie goal before exercise is NOT maintenance level. I linked to the MFP FAQ a few pages back, please take a look and you won't be "CONFUSED.COM" anymore.

    Jorra with all respect....we all know your have commented enough!!!!
  • LexyDB
    LexyDB Posts: 261
    She has answered her own question, don’t eat them back.

    Reduce the calories in your diet to meet your BMR to sustain your body’s dietary needs without going into starvation or catabolism then exercise to burn off excess weight accumulated on your body to assist the pounds or kilograms reduction.

    Why would you go to great lengths to reduce or drop calories from your diet to eat them back again? Diet is the biggest hurdle in weight loss followed by exercise.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    IM NOT ARGUEING WITH EVERYONE CAN SEE VALID POINTS OBVIOUSLY WHEN IM SAYING THIS IM BEING IGNORED SO ONCE AND FOR ALL I see there are tidy peeps on here who want to help and I will take on board what the genuine peeps have to say but those who just want to ridicule me thats different, to those who are genuine I THANK YOU SINCERLEY, to those who think im argementive then they just dont know me and to those who want to just attack peeps with their pathetic pics etc why do you bother , youre clearly just going round topics to insult and undermine peeps and that purely is just not right. To those who clearly have only read part of the posts and therefore dont get my point well IM SORRY YOUVE GOT THE WRONG IDEA OF THE SORT OF PERSON i AM

    If you didn't want responses as to why 'sitting on your bum' might not be the best course of action, why did you make this post? I get that you do exercise regardless and are expressing frustration at the concept of eating back exercise calories, but seriously why post if you don't want the explanation for why that theory works? If you don't want to do it...then don't. No one here can stop you. I firmly believe you'll have tremendous problems down the road if you do this to any extreme. I happen to think most people underestimate caloric intake and overestimate caloric burn, so in fact 'not eating back exercise calories' for them is actually just about in line with eating them back but being more accurate. If you fall into that group than you'll likely be fine, but if you're actually eating 1200 calories and burning 1000 every day (I just made up numbers), bad things will happen. At the end of the day though, it's your life and your body, do what you want.

    Do a forum search on eating back exercise calories, there's TONS of posts every day about it, it's only reasonable to except people to start to become snide after responding to the same thing for the thousandth time.
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