Dangers of Vegetarian & Vegan Diets Long-Term



  • jaymek92
    jaymek92 Posts: 309 Member
    Come on people, we have incisors for a reason.........................duh
    i dunno, i never really used my incisors when i was eating meat. or the chik'n patty i'm eating as i type. i use my incisors to bite bananas or apples or clementines.
    we have appendixes, too, but we evolved so we don't (appear to) need them anymore.
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    My ultimate point in all this is don't make a person to be wrong if they choose to hunt/slaughter to feed themselves. In the proper situation I am sure anyone would.

    And you are absolutely welcome to that opinion, but given that people can thrive on a plant-based diet, I find it selfish and gluttonous that man would continue to kill other sentient beings for his own momentary pleasure. And that's my point.
  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 814 Member
    Anyone have any popcorn? I'm gonna need it for this thread.

    I am a meat eater, however I don't understand why you would cut and paste some random link on the internet and not have a single thing to back up your facts. I have many vegan/veg friends and they are just fine. In fact, they are healthier than me.

    xASHYxSMASHYx Posts: 175 Member
    This is a ridiculous post. Seriously, if you feel the need to stir up this kind of debate, you should have your own words and wisdom to back it up. I could pull up a study proving just about anything is bad for you these days on the internet. That doesn't make it true.
    And in fact, some people greatly benefit from vegetarian diets for specific diseases such as Arthritis where the digestion of meat actually causes inflammation and further pain in the body.
    However it doesn't really matter what anyone on here says to change your mind... narrow minds will always remain narrow, until they are forced to see otherwise from circumstances beyond their control.
  • plushkitten
    plushkitten Posts: 547 Member
    That might be true, but they're also the most successful. They can hunt virtually anything.

    But the question is, should they? Do they have a right to?

    Yes, and Yes

    Thank you for adding to this conversation. I feel enlightened.

    My ultimate point in all this is don't make a person to be wrong if they choose to hunt/slaughter to feed themselves. In the proper situation I am sure anyone would.

  • jaymek92
    jaymek92 Posts: 309 Member
    My ultimate point in all this is don't make a person to be wrong if they choose to hunt/slaughter to feed themselves. In the proper situation I am sure anyone would.
    so do you hunt/slaughter all of your own meat? if you have lobster, do you go out there and dive for it yourself? are you out there hunting the cattle on ranches for your burgers?
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    That might be true, but they're also the most successful. They can hunt virtually anything.

    But the question is, should they? Do they have a right to?

    Yes, and Yes

    Thank you for adding to this conversation. I feel enlightened.

    Not sure why you would find that enlightening, but good for you. Its a moral issue........people will never agree. I think its silly to not eat meat for moral reasons. You think its silly that i don't care about a cow or a chicken. Agree to disagree. But I will agree, that you can eat healthy no matter what you choose. But, for me personally, I like meat, I eat it, I need it for what my goals are.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I don't want to draw fire from vegans and vegetarians but I've never met a really healthy looking one! I always assumed that they just weren't balancing their meals right. But maybe it's because strictly vegetarian eating goes against that fact that we are meat-eating animals.
    If you are healthy and a vegatarian more power to you. BUT isn't it a good idea to keep an open mind particularly when it comes to your health? Also I'm not against vegetarian meals..I find them delicious and eat them a lot.

    Brendan Brazier, triathlete, vegan.

    Chad Ochocinco, NFL athlete, vegetarian.

    This tofu is delicious.

    This exactly!!! And WWE World Champion Daniel Bryan, and MMA fighter Jake Shields, who I believe has recently taken up a full vegan diet!
    Bryan Danielson (or Daniel Bryan) doesn't count. He's only vegan out of medical necessity, not out of any particular preference. Dude loves and misses bacon, and still eats it on occasion, due to not always being able to find vegan food on the road at 3AM. :laugh:
  • Machdude
    Machdude Posts: 136 Member
    and they will continue to be less "prominent" the more we eat at Mickey D's and the lot. Don't even need teeth to eat fast food
  • adriawall
    adriawall Posts: 16 Member

  • idonteatmyfriends
    I don't want to draw fire from vegans and vegetarians but I've never met a really healthy looking one! I always assumed that they just weren't balancing their meals right. But maybe it's because strictly vegetarian eating goes against that fact that we are meat-eating animals.
    If you are healthy and a vegatarian more power to you. BUT isn't it a good idea to keep an open mind particularly when it comes to your health? Also I'm not against vegetarian meals..I find them delicious and eat them a lot.

    Brendan Brazier, triathlete, vegan.

    Chad Ochocinco, NFL athlete, vegetarian.

    This tofu is delicious.

    This exactly!!! And WWE World Champion Daniel Bryan, and MMA fighter Jake Shields, who I believe has recently taken up a full vegan diet!
    Bryan Danielson (or Daniel Bryan) doesn't count. He's only vegan out of medical necessity, not out of any particular preference. Dude loves and misses bacon, and still eats it on occasion, due to not always being able to find vegan food on the road at 3AM. :laugh:

    Erm, the point that was being made here was that the person posting said they had never seen a healthy looking vegan and I was saying that he was vegan and looks healthy, if the reason he ate a vegan diet was for ethical or health reasons never came into question.
  • carajo
    carajo Posts: 532 Member
    I'm sure you KNEW you would get a ton of flack from this post....that being said...I am proud to be a hardworking cattle rancher....so go you! More people that support the beef industry is more $$$ :)
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    I'm sure you KNEW you would get a ton of flack from this post....that being said...I am proud to be a hardworking cattle rancher....so go you! More people that support the beef industry is more $$$ :)

    keep em' comin'...........this post is making me hungry !!!!
  • Machdude
    Machdude Posts: 136 Member
    So eating "dead fish" is gross, but eating "dead plants" is ok?
  • DamnImCute
    RAW vegan here. I switched my diet because i saw so many healthy looking raw vegan fruitiarians. I'm 53 and feel the best i ever have. Do i slip up, sure i do, but i stick to my diet the best I can. I'm losing weight and feeling great!

    Good for you! I hope you can maintain RAW. I too, switched my diet when I could no longer digest meats (of ANY kind!).

    First, I became vegetarian, then vegan and was RAW for nearly 4 months. Although I couldn't maintain that diet due to my own inability to prioritize properly, I have to admit... I NEVER felt better than when I went RAW!! :love:

    I resumed my vegan diet for several months afterwards and then went back to vegetarian (I kinda like eggs). I have had issues with iron deficiency BUT NOT because of my diet!! (I won't elaborate :embarassed: )

    Bottom line everyone: I didn't change my food choices for anyone but myself (although there's TONS of literature about the benefits of vegan/vegetarian diets - including environmental... hence, it's not just about animal torture). People can't judge what they don't know/understand. All this vitamin deficiency talk is a non-issue for educated vegans/vegetarians/RAW. Btw... humans (especially women - the "gatherers") originally consumed MOSTLY nuts, seeds, fruits and veggies while the men ("hunters") were away for long bouts, trying to kill animals for meat. Jus' saying...
  • Machdude
    Machdude Posts: 136 Member
    Had a really great season last year didn't he?
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    The truth of it is that it's really a choice like being a democrat or republican, apple or pc, etc. If you have a moral objection to eating meat, then don't eat it. If you don't like meat, don't eat it. If you don't have a moral objection to killing animals and enjoy eating meat, eat meat. Trying to claim that one is "better" than the other is absurd because the notion of "better" is too subjective.

    Pushy meat eaters and pushy vegetarians annoy me equally.

    Thank you!! And this is why we are friends!!
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    I pay for people to do that for me. That's what the USDA is for. ha

    Good thing we have those skilled hunters to rely on.


    Ahhh, the splendor of man.
  • angelashay42
    The inability in animals to reason is why they do not have rights. I wish vegans cared as much about human beings as they do about my food supply.

    So that means that infants and mentally challenged people have no rights?

    Logical fallacy

    Yes. Your comment that the sole reason why animals have no rights is because they are unable to reason (which is actually not true, it is free will that sets them apart) is illogical. This would imply that other beings, such as infants and the mentally handicapped should also, by default, not have rights.
    Which "rights" are we talking about anyways. Americans have very different rights than North Koreans. Are we talking about the right to life? Well, there are humans that we deem not entitled to life. That's why we have the death penalty in many states. Are these the rights that you speak of?
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    I pay for people to do that for me. That's what the USDA is for. ha

    Good thing we have those skilled hunters to rely on.


    Ahhh, the splendor of man.

    How many grams of protien is that?

    The same as in an equal amount of seitan :)