How did every 1 gain weight



  • peacemerc
    peacemerc Posts: 18
    Went from a sprint triathlon a month and being single to being a husband/ dad and an unhealthy addiction to WOW for 4 years.
  • cookieibuck
    cookieibuck Posts: 21 Member
    After my 4th child I weighed less than I did before the 1st child, however; it was Halloween, followed by Thanksgiving, followed by Christmas.... and 14 years later I am heavier than I was with any child. So I blame it on kids... holidays... and my unwillingness not to stop eating their treats. I am hoping to be down 15 pounds by summer (June) * I have 60 to lose and have lost 6 so far!!! I have done a few diets here and there, but I really like this one because if I want a candy bar, I just put it into my calorie count, and I am soooooo happy that I can still have that kind of treat. And then lots of lettuce and tomatoes and celery later (which I remembered from my childhood that celery was my favorite snack food, and pickles..) So far... Thanks myfitnesspal and my Wonderful husband who got me started on this program.
  • I've always been a little overweight. I went on a medication called Risperidone, which is a medication notorious for messing with your metabolism and causing weight gain. I soon found myself STARVING. I gained 60 pounds in the year and a half I was on it. I'm addicted to soda, and fast food was my weakness. I also have a hard time exercising because of a chronic pain condition.

    I went off of Risperidone and went on a weight-neutral drug, and in the first 3 weeks, I lost 27 pounds. The first 20 left me without me even trying. I know that's a drastic weight loss and it means I probably won't be able to keep it off, but my doctors assure me it's normal because the medication had messed with my metabolism so badly (they did bloodwork and tests before removing me from it).

    Good luck losing your weight!
  • Deciding to have another baby in my late 20's ... my baby is currenlty 18 months old and still have all the weight on.. but I have decided to go ahead and loose it .. Its time.. I was a size 4 before and want to be again so badly.. I have just been so down about it :(
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    As soon as I had my first after school job I got to eat everything that had always been forbidden or restricted. And no, I never got tired of eating it.

    So my first diet as a teen was about as healthy as you'd expect. Those over the counter diet pills and way under a thousand calories a day with ridiculous weight loss goals (lose 5 pounds every week was standard).

    Over the years, I have never stabilized. I am always either gaining weight (quickly and easily) or struggling to lose it (with a lot of effort and until lately always with the help of pills).

    I'd love to trade this body in for one that's easier to maintain and doesn't crave chocolate, but I haven't figured out where to mail in the complaint form.
  • I think for myself it may have started by NOT having sweets/fast food growing up? I mean in a way it should make a person grow into adulthood with the same behavior, but when I got away from home, I felt ALL the fast food/sweets were fair game:-) My mom's idea of a "dessert" was taking the twin debbie snacks and splitting them up to where each of us girls (3 sisters) got one....At the time we didn't know any better and that ONE debbie snack cake went far and was eaten slowly....And eating out? That happened only once a month in our house. So, I guess upon leaving I was playing catch up?
  • Eating everything in sight ..
  • damn depo shot! gained 30 pounds
  • marynmarty
    marynmarty Posts: 89 Member
    When I went to college all we ever did was go out to eat and drink (instead of freshman 15 it was more like freshman 100 lol).....Than I got married and that's all we did was go out with friends until we finally decided to have kids....Now I have 2 little ones and have decided that I needed to get all this weight that I gained in college off LOL
  • I was athletic, quite, ate ate ate ate ate ate ate, went from 165 to 265 in 8 years, I am now at 194, was at 183, calorie counting is the key for me
  • LeanerBeef
    LeanerBeef Posts: 1,432 Member
    I gained weight because I used to eat more and move less. Now I eat less and move's not rocket science ;-)
  • henney16
    henney16 Posts: 288
    A combination of things. Stopped playing sports after high school, ate like crap, worked a lot of late nights which equaled me driving through at a lot of the fast food joints. Soda - I used to drink soda like it was going out of style. Haven't had a Soda since May of 2011. It's been tough, but thats the one thing I'm trying to stay away from!
  • gaile65
    gaile65 Posts: 3 Member
    My husband and I got into a cooking contest to see who was the best cook. When we each gained a 100 lbs. we called it a tie. I kept the weight on for several years and had more health issues. I finally had enough and decided to do something about it. I joined the YMCA. Then I did the biggest loser twice at the Y. I didn't get to finish the second biggest loser because I herniated my disc while shoveling snow & had to have back surgery. I still have 30 lbs. to lose. I still love to bake & cook but I just don't eat it unless it is healthy.
  • I gained all of my weight from the Psychiatric Drugs I'm on for bipolar disorder; all 140+ pounds!
  • chelelee96
    chelelee96 Posts: 13 Member
    Same for me!! I had 4 babies and learned to cook and it just went from there...
  • chelelee96
    chelelee96 Posts: 13 Member
  • skrentz
    skrentz Posts: 55 Member
    I used to love carbs and I tend to drink a bit too much especially on weekends we have plans with friends. I am under 5 feet, so every ounce shows. I really like working out, though I wasn't working as hard as I thought I was, and ate too much to compensate.
  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 811 Member
    I ate stuff like 54 oz steaks.

  • kate_sunflower
    kate_sunflower Posts: 152 Member
    Originally was due to the freshman 15 back in college, but when I lost that very unhealthily I developed an eating disorder. It has since evolved into many different forms from restriction, binging, compensating... the whole nine yards. The weight has come on and off and on again. Goes beyond just "eating too much" if you ask me.
  • I had knee surgery, found food to be my best friend though hard times, and got lazy.