Food Diary ... less is NOT more.



  • redshoeshelley
    redshoeshelley Posts: 206 Member
    ahahahahaha I love when everyone decides to bash the OP. Makes for good entertainment at work.

    Glad I could amuse you today :wink:
    I didn't realize this was going to turn into a public lashing for voicing my opinion (as everyone else so freely does!)

    I just find it hilarious that you seem to ignore any post that argues that your point about eating more frequently is actually incorrect. And it is, by the way, you are very very wrong.

    Not once did I say that what I was doing was the right way ... never once.
    My preference.
  • jamiesadler
    jamiesadler Posts: 634 Member
    I have to agree. I look at some of my friends open diary's and the crap they eat amazes me. A chocolate cookie for lunch or candy bars. I cheat occasionally as well but never do I have oreos for lunch. I dont understand how you can expect to lose weight when all you are eating is processed unhealthy crap. Even if its only 1200 calories of crap its still crap.
  • redshoeshelley
    redshoeshelley Posts: 206 Member
    :indifferent: .......... I have read through every single one of these posts and thank GOD I finally have the SOLID answer to the perfect weight loss: Eat healthy, 24 times a day. Eat strictly junk, once a day. Exercise 3 times a day while eating a big mac, BUT only exercise ONCE a day if you're eating spinach - of course we have to recalculate everything if you opt for Salad and French fries...your body WILL burn the calories and they also will not burn the calories and it doesn't matter when or how often you eat, because it totally DOES matter how often you eat. You cannot eat UNCLEAN foods, because you CAN eat unclean foods - you will still lose weight while rapidly gaining weight.

    :noway: :laugh: ---- In other words....I am officially corn-fused, and at this point I am just here hoping to be able to look in the mirror soon...I dont give a TERD if I get there eating *kitten* or icecubes. I dont really care what anyone thinks of my diary, or my food, or my frequency of eating, exercising, and taking dumps. LOL. I could seriously give 2 F**KS about ANY opinion LOL.

    This was the best reply to this entire thread and totally made my day!
    And thank you - because we are ALL entitled to our opinion !
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    'Doesn't matter, lost weight.'

    However you wanna do it. Eat once a day, eat six times a day. Cals in vs Cals out.

    There's a lot you can get frustrated about on these boards, but if there weren't, it wouldn't be the internet, would it?

    OP - Cute puppy. :)
  • mcelledge
    mcelledge Posts: 68 Member
    i am a firm believer we need to keep our body fueled and eating small meals 5 -6 times spread out through the entire day is the best way to do that. prevents sugar spikes and over eating from "starvation" . good look
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    I happen to like bread, lol
  • angiemartin78
    angiemartin78 Posts: 475 Member
    Geez, I'm so tired of all these rants about what other people are doing and not doing. Unless you have a degree in nutrition and exercise, I'm not trying to hear what you have to say. Let people eat and exercise how they want to. How does it hurt you, if someone else isn't eating enough/working out enough IF you are? Worry about yourself and your weight loss and Lead by your ACTIONS NOT YOUR RANTS.
    Thank you!

    Very well put!
  • redshoeshelley
    redshoeshelley Posts: 206 Member
    I think the most important thing I've learned in my weight loss journey, is that I'm doing this for ME. I'm not loosing weight for anyone else. I'm not going to change my habits for anyone else. That's the only way I'm going to lose weight and keep it that way. Because the way I'm doing things is making me happy and healthier. I'm not here to hypocritically judge others (because let's face it, we are all here for the same reason) and if I can motivate or pat someone on the back when I can, then so be it. The way other people do things, if you don't think they are working, they will figure it out. That's the only way they will ever make the lifestyle change they need. People have to learn to fall down on their own... you know the saying. We ALL know that negativity will get no where or change anyone's mind. People will shut you out and won't feel the good place you are coming from if they feel at all attacked or judged.

    Has anyone ever tried to tell a morbidly obese/anorexic person that they are looking unhealthy and they go "Oh, ok. I'll get right on that. Thanks for the heads up!" No. Everyone can get on their case, beg them, plead with them but in the end, nothing changes until they want it for themselves. That's how we all got here. If people truly want the answers to their questions, they will find out on their own and stick with it because that's what THEY want.

    So if you look at a person's diary and it's not what you like to see, move on. If someone asks you how they can change, you can give your time and tell them how you would do it. If they choose not to listen, move on. Don't invest so much of yourself that you let it get to you. :-)

  • sammi402
    sammi402 Posts: 232 Member
    WOW!! I would love to be this poster with time to cook/prepare healthy food. Hell sugar, if you can find me an hour to do that, I'll certainly take it. However, with a full time job keeping me out of the house 12 hrs a day, a full course load, 2 kids, and a husband on life support, preparing healthy food isn't at the top of my list of things to do. Actually, it isn't anywhere on my list of things to do.

    We all know what you are tired of, so let's hear what everyone else is tired of. People like YOU insisting that everyone should do things just like you do. It works for you then great! You think everyone should do the things you do then by all means, please come on over and lend a hand. You don't know what other people are going through, and did it ever occur to you to talk to one of those you are going off about before you opened your mouth? Do what you like, but you may want to come down off that high horse.
  • MILFdoesabodyGd
    MILFdoesabodyGd Posts: 347 Member
    It sounds to me that what you're implying is what you do and how you do it is perfect and everyone should be like you.

    sorry, not gonna happen.
  • MILFdoesabodyGd
    MILFdoesabodyGd Posts: 347 Member
    I just found a "diet" that works for me after not being able to lose a thing and often times a skip breakfast, eat a very light lunch, and have most of my calories in snacks/dinner. I've lost 2 lbs in a week.
  • redshoeshelley
    redshoeshelley Posts: 206 Member
    It's nice that you found something that works for you, but maybe it's better to keep your focus on what's working for YOU and not what bothers you about what might or might not be working for others.

    Well said, Miss!

    Thanks ... my focus is definitely on MY well being ... ever have one of those "pet peeve" kind of days? Well, this started because of not one pet peeve but because of entire kennels of irritation stemming from a calorie / grease laden lunch and then a gripe session about "why I don't feel well" and "why can't I lose weight" ... not from one friend, but several ... mind over matter !!
  • meg7399
    meg7399 Posts: 672 Member
    WOW!! I would love to be this poster with time to cook/prepare healthy food. Hell sugar, if you can find me an hour to do that, I'll certainly take it. However, with a full time job keeping me out of the house 12 hrs a day, a full course load, 2 kids, and a husband on life support, preparing healthy food isn't at the top of my list of things to do. Actually, it isn't anywhere on my list of things to do.

    We all know what you are tired of, so let's hear what everyone else is tired of. People like YOU insisting that everyone should do things just like you do. It works for you then great! You think everyone should do the things you do then by all means, please come on over and lend a hand. You don't know what other people are going through, and did it ever occur to you to talk to one of those you are going off about before you opened your mouth? Do what you like, but you may want to come down off that high horse.
    Wow...can you really complain about a post you dislike when you are going to be this rude and pity party-esque. I am out of the house for 12+ hours, have a BF who is gone longer, a step daughter who is in school in the next state and I work out for 30 minutes every day before I make a dinner from scratch. It works...and I find the time. She was simply using the forum to post her opinion, like everyone else does. People need to chill out and relax...last I checked you did not have to follow the OPs advice at all!
  • NotParis
    NotParis Posts: 26 Member
    Really did you stop and think that some people work in a job that doesn't allow them to eat 5-6 times a day. I work in a busy family practice clinic with 3 other people, somedays I don't stop until noon, somedays 12:30. I eat 3 times a day, good healthy food and it works for me. I get 3 kids up send them to school, work all day, come home, make supper, spend 1-2 hours at the gym, tuck 3 kids into bed, and finally get to see that other adult that lives in my house (hubby), then I go to bed and start all over. So getting 3 meals in a day is pretty amazing if you ask me!!
  • lilchicksta94
    lilchicksta94 Posts: 118 Member
    I'm still shocked this thread is still going lol I might as well add my 2 cents and just say it would annoy me if people kept complaining as to why they're not losing weight but then you see they're eating **** for meals and snacks. I drink my caramel mocha iced coffee with cream EVERY morning. That is just something I will not sacrifice. I work out 5 days/wk for at least an hour and walk 40 minutes on the weekends. If I want to have my coffee or some girl scout cookies as a snack I will. I feel like if I have the calories I am going to eat whatever I want to use them. And almost every week I have a loss. If not pounds I am losing inches. My diary is kept open so people can hold me accountable. I used to eat donuts and cake and ice cream and pizza and cheeseburgers... I have come a very long way but I know for me to personally do this I have to take the "everything in moderation" route. Now if one of my friends is saying they're not losing weight but they're going over their cals every day on big macs and whoopie pies I am going to say well, maybe you need to stop that lol. To each their own. Whatever works for someone else may not work for you. But if people are annoying you to that extent then maybe you should remove them from your friends list :-P
  • Hambone23
    Hambone23 Posts: 486 Member
    Not your business. Don't like it? Defriend. Don't like it on the forums? Ignore the thread or rant on your own blog. We all know how this works. You're not the only one sick and tired of hearing people whine, including those who whine about the "whiners."
  • passifloraFoetida
    passifloraFoetida Posts: 34 Member
    I try to eat several small meals a day, but with my food allergies, and health issues it can be difficult to have a set eating schedule. A lot of the time I can't even reach the 1200 cal I'm supposed to be eating every day, and then I feel desperate, as if I need to eat something to make up for it.
  • Hambone23
    Hambone23 Posts: 486 Member
    Hmm. Wouldn't it be nice to have a Rant forum where all these threads could be posted? I declare it would. -nod-
  • hisBARBI
    hisBARBI Posts: 6
    I am amazed at the public food diaries I see. I don't understand how my MFP peeps expect to lose weight cramming all their calories in one, maybe two meals.

    I'm not so sure it really matters when you eat your calories. There are some days I eat half of mine in one meal, but hasn't hindered me in the slightest. The body doesn't care if you eat three meals, two or seven.

    Actually it does. I mean you will see your self lose weight by just counting calories and staying under a certain number, but you would be even more successful by eating more low-calorie meals in a day. The more meals you eat in a day the more "exercise" your metabolism gets. If you eat all your calories in one meal, your metabolism is "turned off" or however you want to put it...So when you start eating, it takes time for your metabolism to catch up to you, not burning off as much as you could if you spread out your calories in your day with more frequent meals. It then doesn't have a chance to completely shut down, allowing for it to be active at the beginning of your meals instead of in the middle of it.
  • redshoeshelley
    redshoeshelley Posts: 206 Member
    It sounds to me that what you're implying is what you do and how you do it is perfect and everyone should be like you.

    sorry, not gonna happen.

    This is my personal opinion only and does not imply perfection.
    I am truly amazing how people have turned this forum into my personal attack on each and every one of you.
    Not intended at all ... we are all entitled to our opinions and this was mine.
    If I only fuel my vehicle part of the day, how is that vehicle supposed to run at optimum output the entire day? Just sayin'.