Messing with complete strangers is such fun



  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    Messing with total strangers is one of life's great joys; but if you're going to do it in style.

    I think my finest 'messing with strangers' moment was copying the letterhead from my local council and then sending a letter to everyone in the street, purporting to be from the council's planning department announcing that Church Street was going to be renamed Abidemi Olanrewajuoshiekujumigbadamosiemukeku Street in recognition of the great Nigerian freedom fighter.

    That went down well....

    LOL i love it. please tell me it was in alabama :D
  • Julie2402
    Julie2402 Posts: 126
    I like going to the hospital and dressing like a doctor. I tell people "I'm sorry but your loved one has passed away" The looks on their face is priceless. When the water works start pouring I say "you're the relatives of (insert ficticious name here)" When they say no I'm like " I'm sorry I have the wrong family" Then I look around and say "Oh **** I actually have the wrong hospital. See you later folks"

    Btw ALWAYS wear a mask when trying to pull this off!
    That isn't funny, it's sick!
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    I have gotten on to a crowed elevator, let the doors shut and not turn to face the door. make people uncomfortable. Twice I looked at everyone on the elevator and said "I am sure you are wondering why I have called you all here today" .... that has never gone over as well as I would have liked.

    Now THAT is funny. Once when I was in an elevator by myself, I was laughing wildly about something or other, then the doors opened on my floor, and I got out and acted like it wasn't me.
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    I'd been working somewhere for a short time, and we were talking (co-worker and I) about some unusual names of employees who had come and gone. I have a very simple name. My co-worker remember someone whose name was Princess (yes, really).

    With a poker face, I said, "Well, I'm called [real name], but my real name IS Princess." She bought it until I told her I was making it up.
  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member
    When my step-dad was waiting at the top of the aisle for my mum to show, his best man said to him in a semi-whisper, but just loud enough for the vicar to hear "there's a crying woman outside with a baby asking for you" :laugh:

    That vicar has NO sense of humour :ohwell:

    Years ago I worked in a gift shop in Edinburgh, Scotland, selling a lot of tartan gifts and hiring out kilts etc. It was right on Princess street in the centre, and if you look out the window you can see the big castle sat on the hill. We had a few tourists ask what the building was and we had various responses, like "oh the one with the turrets? oh yeah that's the maximum security prison".

    Lost count of the number of people we managed to convince that a haggis is a real creature as well.
  • raevynn
    raevynn Posts: 666 Member
    Hmm, so due to this thread, I thought I'd unfriend someone, but they've already unfriended me.

    Guess that's a win/win situation, huh?
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    I like going to the hospital and dressing like a doctor. I tell people "I'm sorry but your loved one has passed away" The looks on their face is priceless. When the water works start pouring I say "you're the relatives of (insert ficticious name here)" When they say no I'm like " I'm sorry I have the wrong family" Then I look around and say "Oh **** I actually have the wrong hospital. See you later folks"

    Btw ALWAYS wear a mask when trying to pull this off!

    If you think that's funny you are one sick puppy.
  • One of my favorite things to do at some chinsy place like McDonalds is, when the total comes to say, $4.76... I'll give them $5.13. More often than not, it screws them up completely because they try to count the change back in their heads.
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    I like to call the hogs in random places outside of Arkansas. People always look at me weird like I'm some hick pig farmer. It's more entertaining when you get a big group of us and we scream it as loud as possible.
  • castlerobber
    castlerobber Posts: 528 Member
    Twice I looked at everyone on the elevator and said "I am sure you are wondering why I have called you all here today"

    My dad has been doing this for as long as I can remember, in elevators and waiting rooms. Usually gets a chuckle or two, or at least breaks up the boredom for a little while.
  • Isolt
    Isolt Posts: 70
    I've also got to add that, for me, this guy is the Archduke of wind-up:
  • WingMan380
    WingMan380 Posts: 2,139 Member
    I know a guy that went to the Doctor and when the nurse asked him what was wrong with him, he said, "I have aids". She freaked, he then said "Hearing aids that is".
  • Firefighter_Jay
    Firefighter_Jay Posts: 426 Member
    I know a guy that went to the Doctor and when the nurse asked him what was wrong with him, he said, "I have aids". She freaked, he then said "Hearing aids that is".

    The nurse freaked?? Because he said he had aids? I call BS
  • tripitena
    tripitena Posts: 554 Member
    Jeez! I see my husband in so many posts on this thread!

    Walking in to Walmart there are ppl selling newspapers. He takes my arm, drops his dark sunglasses on & when they ask him if he wants a paper he says indignantly " I'M blind, why would I want a newspaper? Are You crazy?"

    We are standing in line with groceries and as the person in front of us is finishing up he tells the cashier "Oh, and these groceries go on her/his bill also." Turns to the other customer and says "Thats very generous of you to buy our groceries".

    We go in to buy our NordicTrack ET, he tells the clerk "Does this come with an ashtray? "

    His crew is heading out to work and as they are about to drive out of the lot he calls them all back in the office and says "Where would you all be if I had'nt called you back here?"

    He interviews a prospective employee who is clearly not qualified. Near the end of the conversation he starts looking at an empty chair and says "Be quiet, I can handle this". Goes back to the conversation but keeps stopping and talking to the empty chair as if someone is sitting there and as if they were interrupting.

    We are in a public place and he begins acting out as though he is mentally ill. As people start looking my daughter says loudly " Grampa, if you dont stop we're not going to let you out of your cage anymore." She is such an enabler.

    There is so much more but I see several posts have already covered the amusement park that is my life.
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    There's a few postings here that I think are going way too far. Since when is downright cruelty funny?

    Also, about 40 years ago I was a grocery cashier at the first Fred Meyer store in WA state. It is unbelievable what some people will do to cashiers. One time this guy and his wife were going through my line and they purchased a 50lb bag of dog food, which was kept outside in the grocery pick-up area. Well, my checkstand somehow got skipped when the assistant manager updated the price lists for outside products. The dog food had gone down 6 cents for the 50lb bag. The guy came storming back in, crowded in next to the customer I was waiting on and proceeded to cuss me up and down, accusing me of purposely cheating him (for 6 cents?). He threatened to have me fired and to sue Fred Meyer for all they were worth. His wife was a customer who always waited to go through my line; she was mortified. I was young and was in inconsolable tears, I was so humiliated. It seems like there are people that aren't happy unless they can make someone's day miserable.
  • DAM_Fine
    DAM_Fine Posts: 1,227 Member
    Not to a random stranger, but..

    I am an executive assistant. At one point in my life I was working for a man who was an utter a**hole. He was tempermental to the point of throwing things (not at me, or I'd have walked a lot sooner), kept asking me out even though he knew I was married, coming in half drunk at times (oh - he owned the company, so no one higher to report him to).

    Well, I finally left there and found a job with a fantastic boss. He was empowering, friendly, courteous, funny - everything you could want in a boss - and over time, I took on more and more work outside the scope of normal secretarial duties. He took me out for lunch one day to celebrate a deal that had finally gone through, and who should walk up to the table but my old boss. I introduced him to the new one, and he made some smart remark about 'if you take your secretary out for lunch, they think they don't have to work for their pay." My new boss looked at him and said "Well, she's more than just my secretary, you know." While the old boss was trying to figure out how he meant it, the new one winked at me. I half rose, leaned over the table and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and said "Well, some of you deserve special services."

    The old boss looked so shocked and so devastated as he slunk away and we sat there laughing. It was a priceless revenge!
  • javajunki
    javajunki Posts: 32
    years and years ago, my Dad was in the hospital an extended time after some major surgery. Several times he would be put on a gurney and wheeled to the hall outside where his next tests were to be. After about the 3rd time he was left waiting 10-20 minutes he got bored and pulled the sheet up over his head. They didn't leave him alone (for long) after that.
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658


    Are your initials JK?
  • tripitena
    tripitena Posts: 554 Member
    years and years ago, my Dad was in the hospital an extended time after some major surgery. Several times he would be put on a gurney and wheeled to the hall outside where his next tests were to be. After about the 3rd time he was left waiting 10-20 minutes he got bored and pulled the sheet up over his head. They didn't leave him alone (for long) after that.

  • Goodness, it seems a lot of people in here have misplaced their sense of humor.

    I've worked in fast food, at a truck stop as a graveyard cashier, as a salesperson, and people messed with me regularly. There were a few creeps in the mix, but for the most part, it was nice to have someone with a sense of humor try to break up the monotony. <3 Thank you to those of you who DO have a sense of humor!