Would you date someone whose religion is different than your



  • Hoakiebs
    Hoakiebs Posts: 430 Member
    I am Catholic and my boyfriend is Atheist. I have no plans on letting him go because his belief isn't who he is or how he defines himself, and the same with me. I believe in raising children to make their own educated choices about religion rather than forcing one on them when they are too young to make a choice!

    The first guy I dated was a Catholic. He was not overly religious, but he went to church every week because if he didn't he was going to hell. It was difficult for me to date him. I knew in my heart that I shouldn't be with someone who didn't have the same beliefs that I did, but I thought I could convert him.

    I am a born-again believer, have been since I was 7 years old. It most definitely Defines me. I do NOT have a religion, I have a very deep personal relationship with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Without HIM, I am nothing. HE Defines ME.

    My husband is also a born-again believer. Christ defines him as well. We would not be married if that were not the case.

    The Bible is VERY clear on this subject. If you are in fact a Christian, you are NOT to be unequally yoked with an unbeliever.
    According to the Bible, you should "kill" non-believers, so why don't you do that?
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    Wow. I was going to say it didn't matter to me, but I guess it would.

    I'm athiest so I don't think I could date a believer. But then again, I wouldn't think a believer could date me either. If we were just different religions, I could say the potato potato thing, but i don't think someone could date me when i say there is no such thing as either. (and vice versa)

    I think that it comes down to the individual and their beliefs. more than just believing or not. More an more people have a "spiritual" acknowledgement, but dont go to "church" because of the fire and brimstone attitudes.

    Love is of the heart and soul. When you truly love someone, you love EVERYTHING that makes them who they are. Not just pieces to their puzzle. You dont have to like pieces, but you do love the person. Why allow something such as a belief be a deterrence for what could be the greatest experience in your life....sharing your journey with another in love?
  • Christina1007
    Christina1007 Posts: 179 Member
    I am Catholic and my boyfriend is Atheist. I have no plans on letting him go because his belief isn't who he is or how he defines himself, and the same with me. I believe in raising children to make their own educated choices about religion rather than forcing one on them when they are too young to make a choice!

    The first guy I dated was a Catholic. He was not overly religious, but he went to church every week because if he didn't he was going to hell. It was difficult for me to date him. I knew in my heart that I shouldn't be with someone who didn't have the same beliefs that I did, but I thought I could convert him.

    I am a born-again believer, have been since I was 7 years old. It most definitely Defines me. I do NOT have a religion, I have a very deep personal relationship with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Without HIM, I am nothing. HE Defines ME.

    My husband is also a born-again believer. Christ defines him as well. We would not be married if that were not the case.

    The Bible is VERY clear on this subject. If you are in fact a Christian, you are NOT to be unequally yoked with an unbeliever.
    According to the Bible, you should "kill" non-believers, so why don't you do that?

    ???!?!!?I thought you were an atheist, meaning you're not supposed to care about religion, how do you know these "things" said in the Bible? Which Bible!!!??!!?
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,468 Member
    I don't care about religion... like at all
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    According to the Bible, you should "kill" non-believers, so why don't you do that?
    I believe you're misreading the Ten Commandments.
  • Carrot1971
    Carrot1971 Posts: 272 Member
    I am a Catholic as is my husband. Its how we chose to worship the Lord. Its our choice. That being said, I absolutely acknowledge I am a much better Christian than I am a Catholic if that makes sense. I can tolerate religious differences to a point. My nephew was raised Catholic his entire life and converted to be an Evangelist. I'm not sure what Kool Aid he drank but he started preaching to me that I was going to hell because I am Catholic. That MY religion was WRONG and ANTI Christian. I will not get into the arguement here but suffice it to say I was offended. My oldest daughter is dating a Protestant. I have no issue with that. He is a good kid and goes to church regularly. Not that going to church matters to me, honestly. Its about your actions. He treats my daughter with RESPECT. They find common links in their religion and talk about those...not the differences. I think thats the difference. People forget we are ALL CHILDREN OF GOD! Whether you believe in God or not, we are still all HUMAN BEINGS.
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,468 Member

    ???!?!!?I thought you were an atheist, meaning you're not supposed to care about religion, how do you know these "things" said in the Bible? Which Bible!!!??!!?

    I have met more atheists that know more about the bible than christians... what a stupid statement.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    Would you two be able to compromise on someting like United Church of Christ, Society of Friends or some other non-doctrinal church?
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member

    ???!?!!?I thought you were an atheist, meaning you're not supposed to care about religion, how do you know these "things" said in the Bible? Which Bible!!!??!!?

    I have met more atheists that know more about the bible than christians... what a stupid statement.

    I don't think it's coincidence that the stupid streak runs rampant among the religious :P
  • Christina1007
    Christina1007 Posts: 179 Member

    ???!?!!?I thought you were an atheist, meaning you're not supposed to care about religion, how do you know these "things" said in the Bible? Which Bible!!!??!!?

    I have met more atheists that know more about the bible than christians... what a stupid statement.

    it's not stupid, you're an atheist, you don't read the Bible. How in the world is that person going to tell me what it says in the Bible?

    There is no need to call me or everyone here stupid.
  • liljgrafix
    liljgrafix Posts: 177
    Everyone has their own enterpratation of religion. I am a baptist and im dating a hindu. yes it is shunned by some people but i believe love should be of who the person is. not what they were raised to believe
  • WhiteCoc0
    WhiteCoc0 Posts: 192 Member
    I am Catholic and my man is Sikh. We respect each others beliefs and found a lot of them are the same. We want to raise our childern with both belief systems, Its hard in other aspects. Ie. Acceptance from others, looking down at us being together, familiy issues etc. But our love is stronger than all of that and we keep at it.
  • leogirl724
    Seeing as how the Man is supposed to be the Leader...I'd say he's not the one...
    My ex was wearing a John 3:16 shirt on our first date...*swoon

    4 years later...he refuses to go to church, read the Bible and hates it when he sees me do it....troubling to say the least.
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    ???!?!!?I thought you were an atheist, meaning you're not supposed to care about religion, how do you know these "things" said in the Bible? Which Bible!!!??!!?

    Are you SERIOUS? I'm an atheist, and of COURSE I've read the Bible--repeatedly, cover to cover, Old and New! How do you think I know not to believe it? I've also read the Quran, Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, the Book of Mormon, various Taoist books, and fair number of others. Haven't YOU? How else to know what you think is true and what you think is false?

    An atheist is someone who does not embrace a belief in a deity. That's all. It doesn't mean "not supposed to care about religion" or "doesn't get to talk about religion" or "doesn't get to educate him or herself about religion." It just means we lack belief in a deity. You'll find most atheists know a LOT about religion--that's how we know it's not our thing.
  • _snw_
    _snw_ Posts: 1,305 Member
    Wow. I was going to say it didn't matter to me, but I guess it would.

    I'm athiest so I don't think I could date a believer. But then again, I wouldn't think a believer could date me either. If we were just different religions, I could say the potato potato thing, but i don't think someone could date me when i say there is no such thing as either. (and vice versa)

    I think that it comes down to the individual and their beliefs. more than just believing or not. More an more people have a "spiritual" acknowledgement, but dont go to "church" because of the fire and brimstone attitudes.

    Love is of the heart and soul. When you truly love someone, you love EVERYTHING that makes them who they are. Not just pieces to their puzzle. You dont have to like pieces, but you do love the person. Why allow something such as a belief be a deterrence for what could be the greatest experience in your life....sharing your journey with another in love?

    its just too much of a fundamental issue with me. trying to make a point here without offending ... but it'd be a dealbreaker for me. I dont think i could get past the fact someone believes in what ~i~ think is an imaginary friend.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member

    ???!?!!?I thought you were an atheist, meaning you're not supposed to care about religion, how do you know these "things" said in the Bible? Which Bible!!!??!!?

    Atheists don't believe there are deities by definition, not that they don't care that there are deities.
    Agnostics believe that there is no way to know if there are deities and that we can't know if any religions are truthful.

    None of this means that an Atheist or and Agnostic can't read or study the Bible. I am not Muslim, yet I have read a great deal of the Koran. I am not Catholic, yet I have learned the Rosary and studied the Saints and Catholic history.
  • ajfrench
    ajfrench Posts: 323 Member
    I think it would be extremely difficult to date someone of another religion or someone who is agnostic. My daily life is affected by my Christian beliefs, so dating someone who doesn't make choices in the same manner would affect our relationship.
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    it's not stupid, you're an atheist, you don't read the Bible. How in the world is that person going to tell me what it says in the Bible?

    Don't know much about atheists, do you? You might want to educate yourself--I think you'd be pleasantly surprised, and I think the whole world would be a better place if we all learned more about each other and what we embrace and/or reject.
  • BellydanceBliss
    I would. That is me though. Before you make any decisions either way read The Power of A Praying Wife by Stormie OMartian
    My last relationship ended because he is Agnostic and I am a Christian. We finally had the "religion talk" and he said he wouldn't allow his children to go to church. That was a big deal to me, considering I grew up going to church 2x/week. I told him I couldn't raise children without bringing them to church, so we broke up.

    Now that we have been apart for several months, I have been actually excited to meet someone with the same beliefs as me, because I have never made religion a priority in my dating life before.

    Well..now my ex has changed his tune a little, and says he'd allow his children to go to church. He misses me, still loves me, etc, etc, and wants to get back together. Great! But is he going to ignore everything relating to God except the going to church part? For example, if I am having a conversation about God to my kids, is he just going to leave the room? I really don't see how I can keep God in my life AND my ex at the same time.

    How important do you think it is to date someone who has the same religious beliefs as you? I want your opinions, please!
    OLFATUG Posts: 393 Member
    An atheist is someone who does not embrace a belief in a deity. That's all. It doesn't mean "not supposed to care about religion" or "doesn't get to talk about religion" or "doesn't get to educate him or herself about religion." It just means we lack belief in a deity. You'll find most atheists know a LOT about religion--that's how we know it's not our thing.
