How Long Before Someone Noticed Your Loss??



  • Crystal0827
    Crystal0827 Posts: 244 Member
    I am in week 10 of weight loss, 28 pounds lost and about 2 weeks ago (25lbs lost) people started noticing. My husband notices in my clothes, he tells me my jeans are baggy on me. I personally noticed about 20 lbs lost in my clothes.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
  • anmei120
    anmei120 Posts: 19
    In 2006 I was at my highest weight (almost 190lbs) and it took quite a while for people to notice. When I reached 165lbs I received many compliments and it felt awesome. Later, when I was 120lbs people notices immediately when I lost weight so I guess the more you weigh the longer it takes.
  • I'm down 26 pounds since the beginning of the year. No one has noticed or said anything except my fiance who can see that my pants are baggy and knows I am fitting into clothes that I haven't worn for a while.
  • scinamon1
    scinamon1 Posts: 158 Member
    I lost 22 pounds before MFP and none of my housemates said anything, even though my clothes were literally hanging off of me. Then I went home for Christmas and my parents were shocked- only now, I've had a couple of bad months and put it 8lbs back on, and whenever I skype my parents they say i'm looking thinner! :S
  • NNAhuja
    NNAhuja Posts: 669 Member
    I've lost about 30 lbs but my roommate didn't really notice until she saw a before and after picture! Certain people comment on it but mostly the ones I see the most often, who always hear me talking about it or see me count calories and head to the gym every day. They may just be humoring me. I teach so I keep waiting for my students to notice. Although maybe they have and won't say anything, because they're French. I'm hoping all my friends and family will be wowed when I get back to the States in 2 months, but even if they're not, I know I'm kicking a and taking names

    Are you in France? If so did you notice you were eating more like a French woman, small portions of anything? There was a book I heard about that talks about how the French women eat small portions of whatever they want and walk everywhere and that's how they stay small.
  • sld_6001
    sld_6001 Posts: 27 Member
    I've lost 50 pounds in just over a year, and the first 20-25lbs nobody really noticed (just my mum, my best friend, and my boyfriend) but now at the 50 pound mark I get tons of compliments/remarks from everybody! It is a great motivator but kind of weird feeling at the same time!
    I started at 239 and am now 188 and 5'6", so still a long ways to go!
    Congrats on the 10lbs and just keep on keeping on and he will have to notice!
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    I started running without the intention of loosing weight I just startd running for stress relief, then eating better foods I cut out fast food and processed foods for the most part I still love a nice Chilli Dog or two. But anyways some one looked at me and said I looked like I was loosing weight I finially stepped on the scale and I had lost 50lbs without even really making a mental effort nor intending too. Boy did that make my wife mad.
  • Sion73
    Sion73 Posts: 34 Member
    No-one has noticed my weight loss yet unless they have been told that I'm dieting. I suppose they look closer once they know. I'm not at all discouraged though because I have taken before and during pictures and I can see the difference, but most importantly i can feel the difference.
  • rocketmouse
    rocketmouse Posts: 143 Member
    I've lost about 30 lbs but my roommate didn't really notice until she saw a before and after picture! Certain people comment on it but mostly the ones I see the most often, who always hear me talking about it or see me count calories and head to the gym every day. They may just be humoring me. I teach so I keep waiting for my students to notice. Although maybe they have and won't say anything, because they're French. I'm hoping all my friends and family will be wowed when I get back to the States in 2 months, but even if they're not, I know I'm kicking a and taking names

    Are you in France? If so did you notice you were eating more like a French woman, small portions of anything? There was a book I heard about that talks about how the French women eat small portions of whatever they want and walk everywhere and that's how they stay small.

    I'm in France, but I never set out to "eat like a French woman." Instead, since this is my first time living alone, I set out to cook most:all of my own meals and eat a nutritionally balanced diet. I do eat sort of Frenchily now- my food diary is public so you can check it out. The biggest change I made was cutting almost all alcohol out of my diet - because it's too heavy to carry home from the store, haha. Pedestrian culture! I do totally walk everywhere, but the weight didn't really start falling off until I started conscientiously counting calories in and out. I eat three balanced meals a day and usually one or two snacks. Plus, I joined a gym and go 4-5 times a week... So no, it wasn't a magic fix, being here. I do it the same as anyone else.
  • ELee0517
    ELee0517 Posts: 83 Member

    This is exactly what I was going to quote. It really helps put it perspective.
  • prism6
    prism6 Posts: 484 Member
    it took over 2 months and 25lbs before anyone commented
  • LauriesTrying2BeFit
    LauriesTrying2BeFit Posts: 414 Member
    people started to notice with me after about 20lbs off. iv now lost 50lbs and people tell me iv lots too much haha! You cant win with family!
  • dadoffo
    dadoffo Posts: 379 Member

    This is exactly what I was going to quote. It really helps put it perspective.

    Sound about right. 14 lbs lost and about 4 months after starting my journey before someone at work notices it.
  • FaithisinMe
    FaithisinMe Posts: 2 Member
    I have just began my weight loss journey and lost four pounds so far. And honestly my family and even my fiance noticed that I am a little leaner than I was.
  • stacymama5
    stacymama5 Posts: 391 Member
    This is a topic that really bothers me too!! I have lost almost 20 pounds and only my husband has said anything. In fact he asked me just this morning if anyone else has said anything and I regretfully told him no.
  • kayish
    kayish Posts: 39 Member
    I've lost 45 pounds and no one besides people who knew I was trying to lose weight have said anything. But then again I started at well over 300 pounds...So while it is discouraging I know eventually people will notice. It just might take a little longer for me.
  • thrld
    thrld Posts: 610 Member
    The last time I made a comment along the lines of 'you look nice today, have you lost weight?' it turned out they had a medical issue. It was not a happy weight loss. So now I just say 'that's a great color for you' or 'you look happy', but I never ask about physical changes. So please don't let my silence undermine your goals or lessen your accomplishments! And by the way, you ALWAYS look great.
  • cbeutler
    cbeutler Posts: 667 Member
    I'm down about 10% of my body weight and nobody has said anything. But this is good for me because in the past if someone noticed I stopped losing weight. This time I'm doing it for health, and I can sure tell. I've got diaper pants and now only have one belt that fits.

    I grabbed a shirt on St. Patrick's day only to realize I had stopped wearing it three years ago because I couldn't keep it tucked in.
  • inzkeeper
    inzkeeper Posts: 23
    I think it depends on your height how much it shows. I'm 5'2 and 25 lb was a pretty dramatic change. Most people have noticed. I look forward to Easter when people who haven't seen me since Christmas will be surprised. I keep putting on clothes, and not seeing much of a difference myself, but then if I put on an old shirt, I'm shocked how baggy it is, and remember how much I filled it.
    Looking at my 25 lb before and after pic is really motivating for me to get off the next 25!

    And yes, it seems to also be directly related to body % lost too. Someone must do a study and come up with a calculation based on ratio to height % of body weight! :D
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