"If it's less than 30 minutes, don't log it."



  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,239 Member
    For some people due to their fitness level, or lack of fitness level, 10 minutes (sometimes less) might be all they can do in one stretch. I would encourage them to log it, and to try to do several 10 minute session throughout the day trying to increase the time as the days go by. They are still burning the calories, and should log it. To say otherwise is simply being arrogant and elitist.
  • mrshoneybear1014
    mrshoneybear1014 Posts: 275 Member
    i log EVERYTHING even if its small - EVERYTHING counts!
  • thedisappearringman
    give yourself credit where you deserve it...........every little bit helps........
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    sounds silly to me! i can burn upto 10 cals per min when i do my bodyrock workouts and they are short and intesnse from 12-30mins! and im def logging that! i like my extra cals= more food!
  • HollywoodDJ
    HollywoodDJ Posts: 296
    On a side note, I do get a little annoyed by people who only log things like cleaning... daily. But I just shake my head and keep moving. To each their own.

    I once saw someone log driving once. She was going long distance and logged burning tons of calories driving. Maybe in Fred Flintstone's car, but not in mine!

    Hey now wait a minute ...I burned over 1,000 calories on Sunday cleaning my butt off! Packin my "REALLY" fat cloths and sweating more than when I walk so don't kid yourself...you burn some serious calories doing"Light housework" too!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • frugalmomsrock
    frugalmomsrock Posts: 1,123
    It's actually been shown that three sessions of 10 minutes each can be more effective than 1 straight session of 30 minutes. You continue burning after you exercise, so if you continue the burn three times a day, you get three extra burning sessions (following the three sessions of 10 minutes each) instead of just 1 (following the 30 minutes).


    sometimes people only have time for short workouts. It's better than doing nothing at all!

    And furthermore... now that I'm down closer to goal, my burns per minute are MUCH smaller than they used to average. I almost never get up to 10 calories per minute even though my hr % is between 75 and 90%!!! I'd say your friend is a know-it-all who actually knows very little. :)
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    That's absolutely crazy. I don't burn 300 calories in 30 minutes because of the size I am. The smaller you get, the less calories you burn compared to a bigger person. All exercise counts.

    Exactly. I have to work out for almost two hours, doing different things, to burn 300 calories or more because of my size and weight. I DO log every minute of my workout, and everything that I eat.

    All calories in and out count!
  • gleechick609
    I don't log anything less than 6 hours of cardio.

  • JB5349
    JB5349 Posts: 135 Member
    For me it is motivating to see a work out appear on my log everyday.... so even if I run the stairs in my house for 15 min I log it (as a work out not just climbing the stairs)

    I did not have time for a full work out the other night, knowing that I would be on the road the following day and would not get a chance to do anything at all.... I made myself run for 16 min - first time I have ever ran a mile and I ABSOLUTELY logged that because it was an accomplishment for me!

    Besides it is your journey you have to do what motivates you!
  • dreawest
    dreawest Posts: 208 Member
    At my current size 30 minutes is hard to obtain unless its just walking. By saying we can't log less than that it is saying if you can't do 30 minutes don't bother. Life is not all or nothing and any exercise that you would not have otherwise done is benifical. By starting with an obtainable goal and building on it as my capacity increases I will improve. If I didn't bother because I couldn't jog for 30 minutes then I would never improve.

    Something is always better than nothing when it comes to Exercise!
  • Leesseebee
    Leesseebee Posts: 216
    people are stupid and opinionated (unlike me, who is judgement free ;)) ignore them and log on and feel proud! every little bit totally counts!
  • vs_shine
    vs_shine Posts: 1,322 Member
    I log everything :-)
  • djlindstrom
    When I first started a couple of weeks ago, I could barely do 5 minutes at a time... so I would do what I could, and go back and do more later. The first few days I was just squeeking in 10 minutes... but gosh darn it, I logged it! Now I am doing three 10 minute sessions at a time (for the most part). It's good to track it to see my progress. :wink: It reminds me where I've come from and how far I've made it so far! Helps motivate me for more. :flowerforyou:
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    Tabata style workouts are great!

    Prime examples of some short intense workouts:

    ZWOW workouts on Youtube

    Tell that chick to try some of these workouts, and then see if she'll be singing a different song!
  • pineapple1989
    pineapple1989 Posts: 195 Member
    I log anything that I class as intentional exercise - i.e. nothing that is in my normal day to day activities. I run up and down the stairs at work during my lunch hour for around 7 minutes a day... leaves me knackered... so I guess your friend wouldnt let me count that! I say if you did it, log it! As long as you are consistent with what you are logging week on week it will all work out. If it annoys her that much then she can always delete!
  • AntShanny
    AntShanny Posts: 366 Member
    In the short time I've been using MFP I've seen a lot of self-righteous and judgemental people on here...and it drives me batty. But this is pretty ridiculous and if I was you I would delete/unfriend/say bye-bye to that person...
  • obsidianwings
    obsidianwings Posts: 1,237 Member
    Up to them what they do, but I will be logging mine since most of my exercise is under that, but I try do it several times a day, if I didn't log it it would look like I did nothing. Obviously either way the calories burned are the same, but i like to see it for motivation.
    They obviously have never done 20 minutes of HIIT anyway LOL.
  • 10acity
    10acity Posts: 798 Member
    That seems stupid, frankly.

    I log everything that's outside of my normal routine. Walking to & from the parking garage at work? No. The 20 min walk I just took to get away from my desk and out in the sunshine? Yes!
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    I don't log anything less than 6 hours of cardio.

    HAHAHA says the person with the IronMan handle. That is awesome

    What's really going to suck is when I break the 6 hour mark for a Half Ironman... then I won't be able to log them anymore, just the fulls.
  • obsidianwings
    obsidianwings Posts: 1,237 Member
    You can get a GREAT workout in less than 30 minutes. ESPECIALLY if it is interval training.

    What I DON'T understand is people logging walking and cleaning as exercise. THAT is normal daily activity.

    For me personally I don't log cleaning as thats worked into my daily activity level, but I didn't work the walking into that so as its a lot of walking (and no different to someone jogging or using treadmill for example) I log it. I don't log walking around the house or the shop or anything haha but I push hard on my walks. I would only log cleaning if it wasn't in my daily activity level. I generally walk a little less than 4 miles a day at around 3mph pushing a 2 year old in a pushchair, don't do the whole 4 miles at once though.