Who has a dog?



  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    We have an old basset and a young shih-tzu. I walk them several times a day - and all in all I probably burn a few calories doing it.


    When I walk them late in the evening I do it with a 280 calorie glass of whisky in my hand.

    Damn dogs... :laugh:
  • jeepgirl4ever
    I have a 5 month old boxer puppy named Gus. He is the best workout partner ever. He won't take no for an answer, and makes you feel guilty as **** if you don't walk. He has tons of energy, and will go as long as I want. Love him to death!
  • jbrinda1
    jbrinda1 Posts: 153 Member
    Our resident food thief

  • Oliviamarie05
    Oliviamarie05 Posts: 528 Member

    These are my dogs after a 16km bike ride. They keep me highly motivated to move, otherwise my baseboards are destroyed. :laugh:
  • EWhitaker526
    EWhitaker526 Posts: 92 Member
    We have a 100lb 10 month old Golden Retriever who has crazy energy! When my husband gets home from work he does this low growl thing until we get out the door for his walk! It's amazing how easy it is to walk those 3 miles now compared to our first walk. Love it and him!!!
  • cyclerjenn
    cyclerjenn Posts: 835 Member
    I have two furry family memebrs, australian terrier and husky. They do keep me active with the 1.5 mile walks daily and the park on the weekends. They are really good also on my off days when I don't feel liike working ou, they know that I'm depressed and will jump up on my lap and just give me lovings.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member

    That isn't so bad. It's when they're 100-plus pounds and take a running leap in your direction as you're sitting on the couch. And when you duck and cover, the owner says, "He's just a gentle giant!" LMAO

    It's the leaping "giant" part that's scary!

    Agreed. My Rottie put a huge hole in the wall because he took a running jump onto the couch, the damn thing slid about four feet and the arm of the couch went right into the plaster.
    The funny thing is, both the rotty and my other friend's pit bull have tried to jump at me. The rotty was when I was sitting on the couch and he was just so excited to see me. The pit was on a bed and I was standing a few feet away and he tried to leap into my arms. Didn't quite work out.

    Bluto "attacked" me once. But not with his mouth. My wife sat up from the couch a couple of weeks ago, and got a charlie horse, and started yelling. I got up and ran over to her to keep her from falling. Bluto beat me to her, jumped up and body checked me to keep we away from her (I assume he thought he was protecting her) we both fell on our *kitten* laughing. I'm glad he did it tho. At least I know she is safe when I'm not home.

    After that, I've been bringing random friends from work (firefighters) and some EMS friends over to meet him just in case there is ever a issue and they need to get by him.

    Good idea!

    I always tell my pit-owner friend that no matter how loving her dog is, if someone -- especially a stranger -- ever attacked her, he'd probably go for the throat. She doesn't believe me.
  • Firefighter_Jay
    Firefighter_Jay Posts: 426 Member

    Good idea!

    I always tell my pit-owner friend that no matter how loving her dog is, if someone -- especially a stranger -- ever attacked her, he'd probably go for the throat. She doesn't believe me.

    I know at least one cop that has shot a dog that has prevented emergency care for the owner. Working in the profession, I feel it's totally justifiable. It's a damn shame when it happens tho. :(
  • bigsisterdice
    My hubby and I have a 4 year old little Shih Tzu named Luna, and oh boy is she spoiled! I am also a dog walker, so I get to walk all kinds of dogs all day every day, and I LOVE it! While my friends have to wear stuffy suits and sit in cubicles, I get to wear anything I want and play with puppies all day :D I'm not sure how to add pictures, but if anyone wants to see my dog and some of the awesome dogs I work with, go to my website doggietrots.horizon-host.com :)
  • numindan
    numindan Posts: 163 Member
    I have cats. They enjoy taking naps with me. I'm on my own for exercise.
    We have cats as well as dogs. Once, a long, long time ago, I bought into the kool-aid and tried to teach my beloved Thanatos (now deceased) to walk on a leash. Needless to say, she won the first and all proceeding battles and happily went back to being a 100% indoor cat. All our cats love(d) sitting on window sills but seem to have no interest in the outside world. If you'd open the window and they could feel the breeze through the screens they'd run away!
  • peasantgirly
    peasantgirly Posts: 173 Member
    I don't have A dog. I have four. That is at least one too many. However, last night I wrestled with my two boxers for a half hour. That is a lot of fun as they don't know the rules. Nothing like two 65 - 70 lbs of pure muscle excited and trying to stomp you....... just so they can lick your face. :p

    Haha, I can see it now! I have a boxer and I never understood WHY they were called boxers until I got one. They can knock you silly with their sideways punch, LOL. Good thing you're a big guy so you can take the "stomping"! :laugh:
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I have cats. They enjoy taking naps with me. I'm on my own for exercise.
    We have cats as well as dogs. Once, a long, long time ago, I bought into the kool-aid and tried to teach my beloved Thanatos (now deceased) to walk on a leash. Needless to say, she won the first and all proceeding battles and happily went back to being a 100% indoor cat. All our cats love(d) sitting on window sills but seem to have no interest in the outside world. If you'd open the window and they could feel the breeze through the screens they'd run away!

    Mine like to go out, but I tried a harness and leash and they weren't having it.

    I let my huge black guy go out when the dog does because all Harry does is sit on the sidewalk and eat grass and then he comes in when I call him. The other one would take off and she'd come back when she felt like it. Too many cars, bigger animals and bad people in the world, so she has to stay in the house.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    I have cats. They enjoy taking naps with me. I'm on my own for exercise.
    We have cats as well as dogs. Once, a long, long time ago, I bought into the kool-aid and tried to teach my beloved Thanatos (now deceased) to walk on a leash. Needless to say, she won the first and all proceeding battles and happily went back to being a 100% indoor cat. All our cats love(d) sitting on window sills but seem to have no interest in the outside world. If you'd open the window and they could feel the breeze through the screens they'd run away!

    Very well named cat! I love it. Greek mythology is one of my favorite passions.
  • Emabo
    Emabo Posts: 125 Member
  • opalstar
    opalstar Posts: 20
    I have a rescue German Spitz called Bunny. He loves the two long walks he gets, now I am trying to up my exercise. I always try to do at least 10,000 steps a day. He does many more with all the running about he does!
  • peasantgirly
    peasantgirly Posts: 173 Member

    I think I just burned about 50 calories from laughing at that pic! :laugh:
  • cherryolac
    I have 2 great Pyrenees one I had since a puppy and the other is a foster until the rescue can find him a home(anyoneinterested??) The rescue dog keeps.me moving cleaning up his anxiety driven accidents and hunting him down in the neighborhood whenevery he can figure out how to escape (jumps the 6ft.fence opens.doors opens windows and hies through screens)!
  • peasantgirly
    peasantgirly Posts: 173 Member
    I used to have a dog, Jake... He passed away on Feb 9th. He was 13 and didn't want to go for walks much. When we did walk he made me "jog" basically because he was so excited to get to where ever we were going! He was a wonderful pit bull who loved cats, babies, and people. He tolerated other dogs, but didn't quite know how to react to them because he was used as a bait dog for fighting before we saved his life. I miss him. There will never be another Jake Boy

    What a sweet-looking pit! Thank you for saving him!! I know you miss him! *hug*
  • nikkicormier82
    nikkicormier82 Posts: 101 Member
    2 Siberian Huskies!!!! They love to run and bug us when we are on the couch:))) they sure keep me going!!! <3
  • moonsforeyes
    My tiny little dog is the most precious dog in the world and love her BUT she is allergic to grass and pollen. :( Her eyes swell up so I can't take her on walks at the parks and stuff. She also doesn't like walking. She cries until I pick her up. Princess.
