Crazy food habit you had as a kid



  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    potato chip sandwich

    balled up white bread ( just ball it up and eat it, can't do it too long or it dries out )

    I used to do that with the bread! LOL

    Oh! I just remembered another one! grilled cucumber with mustard! LOL I just did that last summer oddly enough!
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I used to eat sticks of butter. My grandmother used to sneak them to me under the table because my mom thought it was gross. :smile:
  • Lolli1986
    Lolli1986 Posts: 500 Member
    peanut butter and vegemite sandwiches. (vegemite is savory and quite salty, for americans who have never tried it). I thought peanut butter and jelly sandwiches were the WEIRDEST thing ever until I tried it in college... yum.

    My little sister had a lot of very weird eating habits. When she ate green beans from a can, she would peel the bean pods open and just eat the bean. She thought they were eggs, hahaha

    And whenever we had nachos she would have a huge pile of corn chips, huge pile of cheese, and tiny pile of mince. Mum never let me get away with eating like that, haha!

    I used to smash all my corn chips up into tiny pieces and mix the cheese, mince, tomato and corn chips in together. It was pretty weird for me because I was usually one of those kids who ate each side dish separately then ate the main - mixing foods was disgusting! still is a bit.
  • seal57
    seal57 Posts: 1,259 Member
    1.Sugar and butter sangas.....
    2.Tomato sauce sangas........
    3.I used to mix butter and sugar together and eat it......
    4.Make icing...icing sugar, milk, cocoa and sometimes coconut.....Mix it all and put it in the freezer till hard and then eat......

    1,3 and 4 was always done when I was home alone...This is the first time that I have ever told anyone.....
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    My different foods could not touch each other, and I ate all of one before I'd start another.

    I am in my thirties and still do this. My husband makes casseroles to watch me pull them apart to eat!!
  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,177 Member
    Raw hot dogs as a snack.

    Looking back now - that is just SO disgusting! Haha :)

    frozen or thawed? I loved them frozen.
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    My different foods could not touch each other, and I ate all of one before I'd start another.
    I did this too. I've gotten less picky about it, but it's still how I eat my meals more or less.
    I also:
    -Smelled everything before I ate it (alright I still do)
    -HATED onions...and still do. Nope, I never grew out of that like so many people said I would. Sadly, I also never grew out of my love for candy either.
  • lovemydrmartens
    lovemydrmartens Posts: 144 Member
    condensed milk sandwiches... I still think about them... ;)
  • kekl
    kekl Posts: 382 Member
    My parents stopped packing lunch for me when I was in the 3rd grade so for a long time I would bring a butter sandwich to school every day (what it says on the tin - bread + butter)

    I also would take cold white rice, mix it with sugar, cinnamon and milk.

    My brother and I loved to eat kraft macaroni and cheese with ketchup in it.

    I hated meat - we went to a lot of buffets when I was a kid and I would always come back with a plate of mashed potatos and mac and cheese... my dad would always yell at me to 'get some protein'.

    It is a miracle I was not overweight as a child hahaha.
  • iluvhorses1983
    iluvhorses1983 Posts: 86 Member
    I used to hide all my good food in my closet so my brother wouldn't eat it! LOL
  • tanya_613
    tanya_613 Posts: 15 Member
    Peanut butter on any and eeverything!!!! I would drink milk like it was crack! and today I still put peanut butter and syrup on pancakes, waffles and french toast
  • ForeverIrish
    ForeverIrish Posts: 227 Member
    As a kid I used to love to smear peanut butter on a Nestle Crunch bar and eat it with a couple big glasses of milk. It shouldn't surprise me that I could show home movies on my butt!

    As an adult I graduated to Lindt and Ritter Sport bars.

    I could pull this off as a kid and still be a size 6. Not so much as an adult!
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Peanut butter and Grape Jelly Spam sandwiches was my thing when I was a kid.....
  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
    I was an EXTREMELY picky eater when I was young. No veggies, nothing new. Basically I would only eat chocolate, lollies, chips, vegemite sandwiches, plain pasta, schnitzel, fries, nuggets and plain pizza. And at 14 yrs old, I went vegetarian lol. My poor mother.

    I also loooved chip sandwiches, but my mum taught me that one!

    Interestingly enough, I was extremely underweight because I barely ate, and if I didn't like the food, I just wouldn't eat.

    Nowadays I'm still an extremely picky eater. But instead of junk, I only eat healthy food, and refuse to eat junk food 90% of the time LOL
  • kayl3igh88
    kayl3igh88 Posts: 428 Member
    As a previous person said, I wouldn't eat anything if it had touched anything else. My older brother, on the other hand, used to mix EVERYTHING together until it was beige gunk. :sick:

    Yeah my bro did that too :ohwell:
  • EmilyLock
    EmilyLock Posts: 32 Member
    Scrambled egg sandwiches, made in the morning and eaten cold at lunchtime. What was I thinking???
  • bas1955
    bas1955 Posts: 29 Member
    5th grade, every day for lunch, and now can't even stomach the thought.........

    Green Mint Jelly (like what you have with lamb) & Butter on White Bread. Yukko!
  • macnotes
    macnotes Posts: 210 Member
    We could give the other one something to eat, and they could smell, feel, listen to it, but they couldn't look at it until they figured out what it was (usually meaning ate it.). We were remarkably kind to each other (fear of retaliation worked wonders).

    What would this particular type of food sound like??
  • macnotes
    macnotes Posts: 210 Member
    There seems to be a theme here:
    - High Sugar (icing sugar, ketchup, jelly)
    - High Fat (Butter, peanut butter)
    - Simple carbs (white bread, pasta)
    - Salt (pickles, straight salt)

    As kids, it's interesting that we all were pretty basic in our wants/needs. Sad that it gets all complicated now with getting unhealthy.

    Thanks for all the updates, they were hilarious....and kinda gross. I'm actually surprised no one mentioned eating playdoh. ha ha.
  • kb455
    kb455 Posts: 679 Member
    As a kid, my sisters and I would put peanut butter on a slice of Bologna and roll it up, kind of like a wrap. It really was kind of good but now just the thought of it makes me gag.