Worst Wedding Proposal EVER



  • LadyBuell
    LadyBuell Posts: 164
    I have one good, one bad and one I should never have.

    The bad one: I was 19 he was 21. We had only known each other for about 2 or 3 weeks. We had gone out to see some band at a nightclub. I ran into the son of one of my mom's ex-boyfriends. We talked a little and I was asking him about his dad. Just a couple of minutes of cordial chit-chat. He seemed a little miffed the rest of the night and when we got home we argued a little bit. He made some comment about not wanting to share me and I asked him if he was asking me to marry him. He said yeah, I guess so. We were married a couple of months later. Sadly he died before our first anniversary when I was 5 1/2 months pregnant with our now 26 yo daughter.

    The second one the proposal was at Outback and he did the whole "get down on one knee" thing. I should have known things were going to be bad when we actually had to postpone the wedding to the next day because he was in jail and they forgot to put him on the transport to the courthouse that day. :ohwell:

    This last one was nothing like I expected. We had been together for almost 6 years. We were at a pawn shop and he was looking at stereo amps and I was looking at jewelry. He came over and we picked out one we liked and he bought it. I figured he would ask me but he didn't. He just handed me the bag. When we got home he just put the box on his night table. And there it sat until it got knocked onto the floor where it continued to sit until I finally decided I was tired of seeing it on the floor and picked it up and put it in my dresser. It is now about a year later and we are going on an Alaskan Cruise with the local radio station. They have signed Rick Trevino to come along and do a couple of private shows for just the radio station listeners that are on the cruise. He bought me a real nice ammolite ring when we were in Ketchikan and I was wearing that. He made some comment about how I probably expected him to ask me. It honestly had never crossed my mind on this trip. I think I had quit anticipating it after about 6 months. Then he said something about not having a ring and I told him well he could always use the one he just bought me and we could replace it with the actual ring when we got home.
    All of the sudden he is holding his stomach and telling me he has to go back to the cabin to go to the bathroom. I tell him there is one right there behind us and he makes a comment about not wanting anyone to know he'd been in there. So he runs back to the room and when he gets back, Rick has just finished his set and hubby goes up to the keyboard player and is talking to him.
    All of the sudden the host is up there and hubby is up there and they are calling me up.
    He gets down on his knee and asks me. I cried because he had THE ring. He had had it in his pocket the whole trip until the point where he was going to pull it out and realized he had left it in his other pants when he changed so he made up the bathroom story. He said he was so nervous every time we had to go through security because he was afraid it would set off the metal detectors.
    We've been married 3 years in April.
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,590 Member
    Soon after we met MrWW said "I'd ask you to marry me if I wasn't already married". Nice. He'd been separated from his wife for years but had never got round to getting divorced.

    She died many years later so he eventually became a widower.

    We'd been together for 17 years when we booked a holiday with two couples to see a mutual who lives in Greece, but we booked 2 weeks instead of the 1 that everyone else did. We decided the only way they'd forgive us was if we got married and said it was our honeymoon. But that's a whole other story of lies, deceit, and secrecy!
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,590 Member
    Mine didn't do the knee thing either he walked me into the jewelry store and said which one would you like:wink: We've been married 13 or 15 years I never can remember and are as happy as ever. I didn't need engagement drama or wedding drama, so now I don't have marriage drama:wink:

    Oh I LOVE this!! My birthday is this weekend and I know the chances of me even getting a card are slim - so many friends say MrWW doesn't care because their husbands HAVE to get them a present, flowers, card or they'd be mad. But at Christmas he scoured the shops to find me fresh figs and got his sisteer to wrap them in a beautiful box for me on Christmas morning, I didn't have any idea. So I know he loves me, he just doesn't buy meaningless gifts :love: :love: :love:
  • Stepmom1
    Stepmom1 Posts: 155 Member
    I dated my husband the first time when I was 14 ( we are 4 years apart ) and then again when I was 16... anyways so now im 16 He worked out of town and he was in town for the weekend so I met with him at the hotel room he was staying at (Dec 23 rd) .. there was a present sitting ontop of tv so I figured it was my Christmas present. We chit chatted for a bit and he told me that he was gonna go to the bar for a bit with his friends and I was kinda bummed out because I hadn't seen him in two weeks but what ever I wasnt old enough to get in yet anyway. He eventually said well arent you gonna open your present? So i went to the T.V opened it ( He was just sitting at the table in room ) and it was a ring... I thought awww how nice. All he said to me was " So now will you marry me?" He didnt get down on one knee or anything just sat in his stupid chair .. then he left an hour later to the bar with his friends. We got married two years later when I turned 18 and have been married for 15 years, together for 17 and 2 pretty successful boys one who will be 16 soon and has been gone since last August he was accepted to a Baseball Academy 14 hours away from home and the other 13 who wants to follow in his brothers footsteps. SO for those of you who say that young couples dont last.. It CAN happen there are ALOT of bumps big ones but when its ment to be you get through them! He told me when I was 14 that he was gonna marry me one day and I guess he was right.

    P.S He sucks at weight loss support though!

    Not related to the topic, but I just had to say that I LOVE your Dachshunds!! I have a mini red doxie myself!!!
  • ScottyNoHotty
    ScottyNoHotty Posts: 1,955 Member
    :grumble: im still waiting..it"ll be 11 yrs on feb 25th

    wow...11 years? You haven't b!tched enough
    That's WAY too long to be waiting in my opinoin.

    If it works for you..why ruin a good thing??
  • marz31
    marz31 Posts: 159 Member
    instant message proposal right here. we found out we were getting laid off (within 18 months or so, not immediately) and I got a message something like "I'd rather spend money on a ring than COBRA insurance". We'd been together for 6 years, it wasn't like it was out of the blue and we'd picked out my ring 4 years before, it really just needed a reason to make it official.....I mean, we bought a house together the year before. I'm not sad I had a lousy proposal, it's actually quite fun to tell people :) but we're not romantic anyway, so a knee and a nice dinner would have felt funny.
  • htmlgirl
    htmlgirl Posts: 314 Member
    The worst proposal was when my ex-boyfriend asked me to marry him as we were laying on a fold up bed at his mom's. He had no ring or anything. I stupidly said yes, but luckily never married him. A few weeks later, we went to the jewelry store to get a ring and the only one he could afford was this ugly gold and purple ring. I hated that thing... and I'm glad I never married him, he's bad news.

    When my husband proposed, he wrote on index cards a reason why he loved me and what he hoped for the future and a clue to where the next card was, the last card led to the ring, where he got down on one knee and proposed. Then we went out to dinner. I knew eventually he would propose because we had been discussing marriage and were looking at ring ideas online to get an idea what I liked. Love the ring and love my husband. We're going on 3 years.
  • JennyZD
    JennyZD Posts: 176 Member
    oh goodness I am laughing so hard right now
  • Charger440
    Charger440 Posts: 1,474 Member
    Anyone have any stories about the worst wedding proposal??? Heres mine!!!

    Went to a local bar with my soon-to-be-fiance and two of his male friends. It was right after 9/11 and he told me that the local post office had an anthrax scare, and he wanted me to have some Levaquin (the anti-anthrax drug). He handed me a vile while his friends (who knew about it) watched. I opened it, and my diamond engagement ring was in there. He didn't even get on his friggin knee.
    He swears hes going to make it up to me.... but I doubt it.

    Granted, not the most romantic proposal I've ever heard but..... He cares enough about you to PROPOSE and your BI#$ING about it?! I hope you said no to him!
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    My parents were looking at houses (not to buy, they were apparently just out for a walk) and my dad made a comment about the kind of house he wanted to live in once they had kids. My mother said, "You haven't even asked me to marry you yet!" My dad replied in his Mississippi accent, "Well you will, wontchya?" Yup, that was the proposal.

    But if you want better dirt on my daddy: he actually wanted to date my mother's twin, not her. Her twin wasn't interested and convinced him to go out with my mom instead - and he stood her up! :laugh:

    That my brother and I exist is a miracle! :heart:
  • thedreamhazer
    thedreamhazer Posts: 1,156 Member
    This is the story of my best friend's proposal.

    She and her to-be-fiance went to a hippie music festival. The week leading up to it, the guy (we'll call him Adam) tells her over and over that he is going to propose that weekend. Byebye surprise.

    Once at the festival, he decides that he wants to do a "vision quest". My friend (let's cal her Lila) tells him that she will under no circumstances accept a proposal if he is under the influence of any drug. So he decides to forgo food, water, and sleep for the entirety of the festival to achieve his vision quest.

    While on his vision quest, he buys a couple of wire rings from a craftworker at the festival and begins running around incoherently attempting to get his buddies to put together a drum circle for his big proposal. However, all of his buddies are otherwise occupied with their own drug-induced stupors.

    Flash forward to Sunday. Adam is hallucinating from lack of food/sleep/water, screaming angry about everything, and whining about how no one will do a drum circle with him. As he complains to Lila, she explains that, since it's his proposal, he shouldn't need his friends to help him out to do it. Pissed off by this bit of logic, he takes a chunk of wood that he has been playing with and throws it at her while screaming, "Just take the ****ing ring then!"

    They are to be married in June.
  • LindaLouLu
    LindaLouLu Posts: 271 Member
    Driving home from the lake after a fishing trip my boyfriend (now husband) goes, "Hey. Let's get married this weekend."
    So we planned the wedding like it was a big BBQ/fishing/swimming trip. Told all our friends and family to "come hang out with us", then when the minister got there, we ran and threw on our wedding clothes, did the deed, then went right back to our fun activities. Was the BEST wedding EVER...even if the friends and families were mad cause we "tricked" them. LMAO!!!!!
  • dragonbait0126
    dragonbait0126 Posts: 568 Member
    I didn't know there was a WRONG way to propose? You are spending the rest of your life with someone you love. Woudn't him asking you to spend the rest of your life with him be GOOD enough???? Usually "bad" proposals turn out to be something you look back on, laugh and remember it for the rest of your life! Cut your men some slack, ladies! :wink:

    This is totally how I feel about my proposal. The proposal was just a mess but it's a great story to tell.
  • WildcatGirl81
    Walked into JC Penny and he told me to "Pick one". I scan the entirety of the store and say pick one what? (Mind you we arent even stadning at the jewelry counter) He tells me a ring...duh. I had to ask what kind of ring? He couldn't even say it. After I found one I liked he informed me it wasn't really "That kind of ring" but he would eventually get around to it. So after about 5 years of wearing it I gave it back and told him he obviously wasnt ever going to be ready and when he was he could give it to me again properly. 4 years later I still have an empty hand....Don't think I'll be waiting much longer.
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    My fiance's best friend has a wife that is seriously weird and super nosey. She overheard him talking to my fiance about his plan to propose, but she didn't know it. She pitched such a fit until he told her what he was talking about on the phone. He got so pissed he ended up throwing the ring box at her and yelled "HERE!!!! Now are you happy?" She was so upset that she made reservations for the next night at a fancy restaurant downtown and made him do it then so they had a "real story".. I couldn't believe it.

    My fiance on the otherhand, had the best proposal ever! He proposed last April at Opening Day for our baseball team. He got the Detroit Free Press photographer to be there and we ended up being in the newspaper the next day. He did it in front of all my family and friends (tailgaiting and opening day is THE biggest day of the year for us) and got down on one knee in a puddle (it was raining).. I had NOOOO clue it was going to happen. My dad had secretly got a bunch of passes to the private club inside the ball park too and we all went up there during the game and ate and drank for free. It was THE best day of my life. Hands down. Our wedding is this fall so I'm thinking that will trump it though ;)
  • Amberetta82
    Amberetta82 Posts: 153 Member
    #1. My kids' father and I were laying in bed. He looked over at me and asked me if I wanted to get married. I looked at him and said "Are you kidding?" Then he told me he wasn't kidding. I said yes. No ring. Then knocked up about 4 months later. 7yrs after that... 3 kids. We split. Never married. Dodged that one. LOL!

    #2. Was on skype with my long distance ex. He types in:
    He doesn't say it. Just types it. Of course he said its unofficial and that he wanted to ask my parents for their blessing and then get a ring. I guess it wasn't that bad but after that he ended up going all psycho. Dodged another one!!!

    So this makes me think... I might never want to get married. If I ever get proposed to again... There better be a ring and he better be down on one knee. Lol 3rd times a charm???
  • fittiephd
    fittiephd Posts: 608 Member
    I kicked my husband in the balls when he was trying to propose...:embarassed: In my defense, he came running up to me when I was swinging on a swing set and there was absolutely no way for me to stop in time. He kept asking me if I promised to be nice from him from now on... haha.

    The rest of it was pretty romantic though. Except my family got a little crazy, but that is to be expected. They tend to be crazy even when nothing exciting is happening.

    bahaahahaah this is hilarious! I'm glad it worked out for you :)
  • tiffanyvc
    tiffanyvc Posts: 99
    Hearing about "bad" proposals make me so sad because ours was so perfect! I'm still so impressed that my husband pulled it off and SOOOO happy that I married my perfect man.

    BUT, a friend of mine had a bad one. She and her pseudo-fiance been dating/living together for about 14 years now, and she's been asking to get married for a while. He bought her a diamond ring a few years ago, but said they still were NOT going to get married. So a couple years later, she came home from work and there was a giant pile of laundry on the bedroom floor, which he told her he had washed and dried, but she now needed to fold it all and put it away. She was very upset, but started to fold it. Hidden under some clothes was the ring box. He said, "So I guess we should get married, huh?" This happened about 3 years ago and they still have not gotten married.

    She's very happy with him, even though I don't like him very much and I think she could do better.
  • crimznrose
    crimznrose Posts: 282 Member
    Long story short, a guy I dated off and on my senior year got me pregnant before I left for college. After I told him the news, he left me at 3 mos pregnant for his exgirlfriend who had a kid by another guy. Fast forward to a couple years ago. His wife left him for another man and he's enlisted in the army getting ready to leave for basic. While visiting his family who are still friends of mine, he pops a spontaneous proposal in the street with some $2 ring. The proposal included something about how he screwed up before and wanted to make the right decision finally.

    Jaw dropped, I just didn't know how to form a sentence let alone a reply......since he was still married to the woman who left him. And I was married and have been married to the same man I first went on a date with the day my ex married the woman he left me for.
  • Tori_356
    Tori_356 Posts: 510 Member
    I want to print this entire thread and give it to my boyfriend - ideas of what NOT to do. We're not engaged yet but we have been together for 5 1/2 years. We are probably going to get married - just waiting for him to be ready. We don't have a lot of money and have been spending our whole time together trying to get out of debt so honestly I don't know how he'll get a ring, but i don't really care....when the time is right he will ask!