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Worst Wedding Proposal EVER



  • Sh1tsRainbows
    Sh1tsRainbows Posts: 1,227 Member
    :grumble: im still waiting..it"ll be 11 yrs on feb 25th

    wow...11 years? You haven't b!tched enough
    That's WAY too long to be waiting in my opinoin.

    If it works for you..why ruin a good thing??

    you think getting married would ruin a good thing??? i just want a proposal, a ring and a wedding..i dont expect ANYTHING else to change
  • kirbykez
    kirbykez Posts: 122
    well this is going to sound odd but its time for a guy to comment on this topic.

    I had decided to ask Andi to marry me. I went to the store and bought the ring (getting a store credit card to do it). I knew that i was only going to have a short amount of time after doing this, as we lived together and she was going to be suspicious when the bills started arriving. On the way home from the store i stopped and asked her parents, they both said it was about time (in a round about way). I even told her brother and some friends that i was going to do it but wasn't sure when.

    fast forward a few days, She had to work a double shift that day and i said you know what, tomorrow is the day. I had an idea of what i wanted to do. So i sat down and I wrote out 25 good things i liked about her. Such as Your Beautiful. and 25 special memories I have of us together. I then took an index card and wrote a memory on one side and a good thing on the other. Then it was off to the store to buy stuff for breakfast in bed the next morning and to find some boxes. I wanted little gift boxes to put the cards in. After hours of shopping i finally found what i wanted, went home and started putting all the boxes together. the last box was a card that said favorite memory #25 OUR ENGAGEMENT, the other side said WILL YOU MARRY ME? I spent all day working on these things. i finally got done with everything for the next day an hour or so before she would get home from work. i hid everything. boxes in my cars trunk, ring in my underwear drawer, other card in one of our cabinets. I had this whole plan.

    She comes home from work and is in a bad mood because none of the house work was done. dishes laundry etc. She decides shes going to clean out our closet at midnight. the same closet i hid the ring in. i helped her. The whole time trying to get her to go to bed. she finally gave up cleaning up the closet and moved to the kitchen where she was going to find the card i had stashed away. She was very upset with me that i had an entire day to clean and didn't do any of it. At this time I started to get upset because i had spent the whole day getting everything just right. I even told her in the midst of our fight, oh your so going to eat those words....

    She wasn't dropping this and going to bed so i told her i would show her what i did all day and to give me a minute. i went and got everything set up with candles and all on our dining room table and then told her, no i didn't want it this way and to just go to sleep and she would see it in the morning.

    Morning came, i slipped out of bed and made breakfast and took it to her. i said when you are ready to come out to the table and she can see what i did. she cried and cried and cried with every box she opened and said i'm sorry a million times that she was such a b*tch to me. I kept telling her to keep going. She opened the last box and saw the Our Engagement and had an odd look on her face. as she turned the card over i was down on one knee with the ring box open saying will you marry me?

    She said yes and we will be getting married may 18th 2013.

    So ladies cut your men some slack. They try hard, sometimes its just not as easy.

  • tumblr_lvcs9uLK0s1r6pt4fo1_500.jpg

    This had me laughing for like 15 minutes. I'm still giggling. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • JGT2004
    JGT2004 Posts: 231 Member
    bump to read when I need a good laugh.

    My story though... we were hanging out at his house me 18 him 24 and he just kinda tossed it out there... "I love you, you know?" then "I think I could live with you the rest of my life and be happy, will you marry me?" He couldn't keep a job and thus couldn't buy a ring so he gave me a fake gold ring that his mother gave him to use. It was 4 sizes too big so I had to use masking tape to make it fit! Needless to say I now have a 6 1/2 year old and haven't seen the loser in 7 years. Thus my mantra... live and learn!
  • ronda_gettinghealthy
    ronda_gettinghealthy Posts: 777 Member
    was helping the hubby fill out financial aid forms for grad school and he says "you know more about me than most people...we should get married." I said "yep we should" a week later I go up to his dorm room after lunch and he says " I got you a present there is a box on my desk....it was a rectangular box...I opened it and there was a ring" I said what is this for??? he said "you told me you would marry me? I said WHEN??? anyway...we have been married over 25 years....(PS i hated the ring...made him get me one I liked since I got NO proposal...)
  • agugino
    agugino Posts: 119
    I have one. A few weeks before Christmas, he is like here's your Christmas present. He hands me a box and of course I am shaking it saying it's not Christmas yet. Shaking the box, I hear it start to rattle. He goes, you're going to break it. Finally after much debate I open it to see if I broke it and it's a glass bell (which was broken by the way) and a diamond engagement ring. I take it out and am like "that's nice." He says well are you going to see if it fits. I try it on and it does. Then I take it off and put it back in the box and sit it on the dresser. He is like well are you going to wear it. I told him no because I didn't know how to respond when people asked what it was since he didn't even ask me. A great guy but He was never very good at communicating. Hopefully, his proposal to his current wife was much better. We never made it to the alter. lol
  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 847 Member
    Mine is the worst and best...

    It started w/ me thinking he was dumping me as he says "can we go up to your room and talk when we get to the house". Uh-oh (mind you this is Christmas Eve, my Dad had just died a few months back.. so I can't take a heart break).

    He starts with: Are you sure you really love me and want to be with me? I mean your family doesn't like me. Your Dad never approved of me. They think you can do better, I keep breaking up with you and breaking your heart.... it goes on and on... by 1/2 way through I knew he was proposing though (or hoped).

    I told him I loved him and knew from the day we met that we would be married.

    He got down on one knee and asked me. When we went downstairs the look on my face gave it away and the look on my mom's face was ... um, priceless?... she kisses his cheek and says "Just make sure there is another ring going on her finger".

    10 1/2 years later and we couldn't be happier, I have a beautiful 20 year old step daughter and together we have 2 amazing boys.

    Side Note: He had gone w/ me to my Church's midnight service and wanted to propose in the Sanctuary as he knew how important my Church was to me but I wouldn't stop talking with the families and kids that I taught in Bible School and finally gave up to go get the car.. hence the bedroom proposal.
  • LaylaSparkles
    LaylaSparkles Posts: 51 Member
    found out I was pregnant.....end story...lol

    Love this....lmao
    Similar story to me only I was 16 and said I dont think so...lol
  • CanuckLove
    CanuckLove Posts: 673 Member
    This was a proposal from an ex. We were out for St. Patrick's Day wanting to party it up, but because of the occasion - the bars were packed, the service sucked, we waited 45 minutes for a drink that wasn't even the right one when it got it us, so we decided, screw it - let's go home and have some drinks. I got my jacket to leave and he noticed a girl that he knew so they started talking a lot. Holy this conversation went for 20 minutes and at no point did he introduce me to her so I just stood there like an effing idiot the whole time trying to not to pay attention.

    Anyways we get home and he's fumbling around with something in his jacket pocket but trying not to show me what it was (I was kinda mad so I thought it was a phone number or something that he was trying to hide from me) So I asked him what he had.. He yelled "Nothing!!!" So I said "Whatever" and walked away, to which then he threw this thing at my head which happened to be the ring. Thanks buddy.. we're not even Irish and your proposing to me through a fight on St. Patty's day. LOL
  • BeetleChe13
    BeetleChe13 Posts: 498 Member
    My husband didn't propose. we were just hanging out one day when he looked over and told me he was about ready to buy a ring. Oh well, at least I got to pick my ring out. All he did was pay for it. :laugh:
  • erintheinspiration
    erintheinspiration Posts: 229 Member
    Um, yeah... Mine is AWFUL!! I'm pretty sure this should have been a BIG eye opener for me, but I was young and stupid! He is now my ex, but I can't hate him too much b/c I now have a beautiful daughter! :)

    We had just graduated High School. We both worked at grocery stores (different ones though). He didn't work until later that day, so on my lunch break he came and picked me up and went to the park. We were sitting there and he basically just told me he wanted to marry me and gave me the ring. Since I was working I had to go back. Later that night I went to the store where he worked, to see him. When I got there the store had Police sitting outside and I ran in to see what was going on. Lo and behold he had stolen the money and bought my ring with it!! Ha! Anyways, I had to give the ring back and the store dropped charges, blah, blah, blah... Later that summer he went with my family and I on vacation to the Beach. He proposed to me AGAIN one night, and I remember walking back the hotel room and my mom asked me "what the heck I was wearing" and pointing to the ring. There was a lot of arguing that night and tears, etc... It was very special! LOL!! So that pretty much ruined the rest of our week in Galveston!

    When I sit here and type or think about stories like this, I honestly wonder what in the hell was I thinking????? Good times! LMAO! ;)
  • My ex-husband never did propose. I finally had enough, went shopping, found the ring I wanted and brought him and said "buy this one" ...
  • StarvingKyy
    StarvingKyy Posts: 88 Member
    my boyfriend has cancer. we're only 18 and 20, but we still love eachother very much. this wasnt a true engagement but i always said if he asked me to marry him, he would have to get me a ring pop. and so one day while i stopped by at the hospital (a year ago) while he was being given chemo, he pulled out of his pocket a ring pop. he was sitting on the counter area thing where you sit for you chemo so he couldnt get down on his one knee, but he asked me very seriously if i would promise to stay with him forever and i burst out laiughing because of how corny it all sounded. i sucked happily on the ring pop while he finished his chemo. after getting chemo, we drove over to his place (he lives on a farm) and we took a walk out on the back road and he started reaching into his back pocket and began asking me if i would promise again to stay with him forever really seriously and i started laughing thinking he would pull out another ring pop but instead it was an actual ring box. it was my first real promsie ring!
    we've been together for a year now. and i still have the plastic ring part to the ring pop, ha ha. And the real promise ring of course : )
  • Candi_land
    Candi_land Posts: 1,311 Member
    it was new years eve of 2007 and my boyfriend at the time and I had been together about 3 years, we had just moved in together and I was really hoping for a proposal in the near future. We had a party for New Years all of our friends were there, suddenly he got down on one knee..my heart started to pound in excitement, the room became quiet and everyone looked on in anticipation....he grabbed my hand..looked lovingly into my eyes..and..

    Asked me to make him a sandwich. I wanted to slap him but laughed it off as though it were funny to save face. It hurt me to the core. I ended up locking myself up in the bathroom for a while to cry and compose myself.

    We're not together anymore. :wink:
  • Tebbspcad
    Tebbspcad Posts: 233
    My boyfriend was very romantic and wrote me poems in caligraphy and sent me flowers for no reason. we had talked about being soul mates etc and after about a year of being together things were getting serious & I thought he was going to propose. I got in there first & told him i was pregnant which put any plans he had on hold and some months later when out baby clothes shopping he paused outside the jewellers & said 'i suppose i should marry you now'. Not the proposal i'd been expecting but we got married when our son was 3 in Barbados & he made that the most special & romantic day ever. that was 15 years ago & we have 3 gorogeous kids now and we are happier than ever but unfortunately i don't seem to get the poems or flowers anymore :( shame
  • iHEARTcardiacnurses
    iHEARTcardiacnurses Posts: 437 Member
    Dated a guy for about a year, he drunkenly fell, got to one knee, asked me to marry him and I told him "No, I want to finish school first." Then he punched me. Needless to say, we broke up.

    Now I'm dating a fabulous guy, I've graduated, and we're moving in together :love:
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    Anyone have any stories about the worst wedding proposal??? Heres mine!!!

    Went to a local bar with my soon-to-be-fiance and two of his male friends. It was right after 9/11 and he told me that the local post office had an anthrax scare, and he wanted me to have some Levaquin (the anti-anthrax drug). He handed me a vile while his friends (who knew about it) watched. I opened it, and my diamond engagement ring was in there. He didn't even get on his friggin knee.
    He swears hes going to make it up to me.... but I doubt it.

    A vile what?
  • BlueInkDot
    BlueInkDot Posts: 702 Member
    Andy and I started dating when we were 15. We got through all the crazy bumps in the road from being separated through college. I graduated and he changed majors twice so he's still in school; I work full time. Now we live together with our cat, Suki. We've been together for 8 years now. This past July we went to the zoo - I love animals. I was having so much fun but poor Andy was exhausted because he didn't get enough sleep and he felt nauseous, so we had to leave early. I was so bummed about having to leave early, but I tried my best to be nice to him because he was feeling sick.

    Then the next day I went to church and he spent all day making home-made pad thai (my favorite). He proposed after we had eaten some - which wasn't bad for his first try. He got better at making it over time.

    We're getting married in 2 years. I bust his chops quite a bit, but in all honesty he's wonderful... I dunno he's just great. ^_^

    *insert mushy lovey-dovey stuff here* :P
  • Wonderwoman2677
    Wonderwoman2677 Posts: 428 Member
    I told my now-hubby that I wanted a real proposal way in advance. One day while shopping, we found the perfect ring and it was on sale (hey I'm a frugal gal) so we bought it and he got down on one knee in the parking lot of the store. I was disappointed, but also really moved that he just couldn't wait to ask me :heart:
    Totally worth it :happy:
  • meeulk
    meeulk Posts: 246 Member

    This had me laughing for like 15 minutes. I'm still giggling. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    me too! hilarious!