Women Ages 50+ for the month of AUGUST

Welcome to the most supportive thread on MFP.

A place where 50 + Women can share
****inspiration and perspiration**** and
****what works and what doesn't ***and
****encourage each other toward their goals.****

This thread was founded by "GRAMMYMAX" AKA Esther, but I took the liberty of starting the August thread as she has been on vacation for the last couple of weeks and, apparently didn't have a chance to do so.



  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I went out and did 7 miles today, and while I was out drank 40 oz of water and 16 oz of iced tea. Then I went to TGI Fridays and drank about 24 oz of water and ate half of a big salad.

    My water total for the day was 15 glasses. "Glug Glug":laugh: :laugh:

    I will be crossing my fingers when I get on the scale tomorrow morning.

    Happy August.:flowerforyou:

  • HeatherMMB
    Hi -Brab -wow 15 glasses!!
    I am pretty new to the group - do we set goals for August?
  • momof10
    momof10 Posts: 122 Member
    :flowerforyou: good morning everyone. and thank you barb for starting us off. i hope everyone was happy with the month of july. i am happy to say my ticker did stay to the right more than the left so thats a plus for me. will i am heading to work now i just wanted to check in and say good morning to everyone and hope everyone is ok love debbie and family
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good Morning ladies,
    Thanks Barb for new thread. Wow it is August already. Kids here start school this week so our official summer is nearly over. Hubby and I decided to come to Baton Rouge yesterday just to get away. Have amex points so hotel is free. We went to supper and then to movie. Went to Ugly Truth. Great movie. This morning we got up and walked along the river and then all around downtown. this is our state capitol so we walked to the capitol building and then explored downtown. When we got back to hotel we took stairs to 8th floor. I DID IT. Good Day so far. Will check out and go find place to eat good salad for lunch. TGI sounds good Barb. Not sure they have one here. Will check that out.
    I would like to lose about 8-10 more pounds for August. Continue my workouts and bump them up a bit. I almost always drink my water. Not a problem for me. I will begin babysitting again when school starts on Wed. so workouts will have to be worked in. I can do it though. I did before. Hope all of you have a good Sunday.
    Vicki M.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Good Sunday morning to All!!:flowerforyou:

    I just read a message that Esther (GRAMMYMAX for the newbies) sent me in response to my letting her know I had started the August thread. She has been VERY busy camping with her family, and visiting with her son and family from out of town. They went on a camping trip in the mountains during the heat wave we had in the valley, but said it was still HOT:devil: :glasses: !! She said she ended up with lots of leftover food, so maybe we will have to go"help" her eat it, right girls?? :laugh: :laugh: I am sure it is all very healthy stuff, right!!!

    This brings to mind an article I read once about Calorie Lies we tell ourselves (tongue in cheek as you will see) I just thought of the one that says.....
    ****Calories consumed while camping won't cause you to gain weight because you are outside communing with nature and all the calories just jump off and go play somewhere else. :noway: :laugh:

    One of my favorites is this one:

    ***You can reduce the number of calories in an item by at least 100, if you will only say "just" in front of the quantity. As in, "I'll 'just' have another little piece of that chocolate cake!!:laugh:

    And I will stop for now with my other favorite:

    ***Calories consumed on an airplane that is flying through time zones don't count because they stay in the prior time zone!!:laugh: If this were true, I think I will make millions by starting a "gourmet dining charter service" that flies from one US coast to the other, serving lots of goodies along the way. Anybody wanna buy a ticket???:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I am in a good mood this morning because I slept in, and just got off the scale to see another pound lost, so that makes 6 pounds gone in the month of July. I have slowed a bit due to not being able to consistently walk during the month, but Linda is doing very well now. We even went out for dinner last night. She is only using her oxygen at home if she gets a little carried away with activities and gets short of breathe, so I am not doing all her running as well as my own as I was for about 3 weeks.

    I am going to have to hurry up if I am going to be down 45 lbs by Labor Day. That is about 5 weeks from now, so may 12 is more realistic, based upon past experience. We will see.

    I have to get going or the church service will be starting without me!!

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    eliminating duplicate post
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thanks weaklink for adding the link. It made it so easy to find all of you.

    I have probably mentioned this in the past, but am going to say it again. I am only losing 1 pound a month. The log says that I should be losing 1 to 2 pounds a week. Ok, I am losing but I think it should be a little faster. If I were losing just 3 pounds a month it would be better. Does anyone have any advice?
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member

    I'm coming down slowly too. For me I think it's a combination of not really being able to stay at 1200 calories per day and not drinking enough water. I just keep telling myself that the slower it comes off the more likely it stays off.

    Hopefully, the ladies here will have some advice we can both use.

    Hang in there,

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,991 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    :bigsmile: Barb, Thanks for starting this thread. You have been such a leader all along that it is natural that you would have taken on this challenge and taken care of the new thread for the rest of us. Congratulations on losing another pound.

    :bigsmile: Becky---you look so great in your picture and your ticker says you are close to your goal so I think it's natural for weight loss to slow down as you approach your goal. The only suggestion I have is to continue to re-examine what you are eating and make sure it's all really healthy and try to add a little more exercise to your day. And never, never, never give up

    :bigsmile: Jeannie, I agree that the slower it comes off, the more likely it stays off. And the more you get comfortable with this new eating/exercising lifestyle the more likely you are to stay with it.

    :bigsmile: Vicki--I love how you find ways to exercise and eat right wherever you go. It helped me to add my goals to my signature so they would be in front of me where I could see them when I posted. If your babysitting kids are big enough maybe you could take them for a long walk.:laugh: :laugh:

    :bigsmile: Debbie--Keep up the good work and your ticker will keep moving:bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: Heather---we each set our own goals. When I started on the thread, I read what everyone else had as goals and got some ideas. Now I'm better at figuring out my own.:laugh: :laugh: Some months I have been very successful at reaching my goals :bigsmile: and other months have missed the mark completely on some of them.:sad:

    I took the dogs to the dog park pretty early this morning so Jake could bathe and groom them. He has the first dog in the tub right now. He does most of the work but I have to stay nearby in case he needs an extra set of hands.

    Today is our Isagenix "cleanse day" which means that we consume only the cleanse drink, and some special snacks and a ton of water and tea :drinker: during the day. I usually plan easy stuff for the day----laundry, easy no-brainer household tasks and TV watching and very limited exercise. Unfortunately we got an invitation from the friends we helped move on Thursday----they are having a thank you party with pizza for all the workers.:sad: :explode: so we'll go and bring our own teabags and not eat:sad: :sad:
    hugs:heart::heart: :drinker: :drinker:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Barbie, how about picking the bad stuff off of that pizza and then just eating one slice. Or look for one that has mostly veggies that you can eat.

    :flowerforyou: Thanks Jeannie, I will keep this in mind. Actually, I am planning on setting a new goal when I get the last pound off. I am not really satisfied with how I look in the picture so I am sure that I will want to lose some more.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    I finally got my two younger dogs out for a walk. We walked about 3 miles. Our old girl looked so sad waiting at the fence for us to get back.

    My August goals are:
    Loose 4 lbs
    Drink more water
    Walk my dogs early in the AM 1-2 mornings a week so my old girl can come to (even if it's just 10 minutes)
    Excercise at least 30 minutes a day 6 days a week

    Have a nice Sunday all,


    PS: Barb thanks for starting the post.
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Thanks Barbie,
    I posted my goals. I had to figure it out but got it done. Yes I do plan to take them walking. There are 2 3 yr olds and 1 2 yr old. I have a double stroller but need to figure out what to do with 3rd one. I am thinking of one of those large wagons they now have. They would love it and it would give me an extra workout each day. I have lots of dvd's also. I just dont enjoy doing that as much.
    Have a good rest of day.
    Vicki M
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    My goal for August is to lose six more pounds. I know that this will be impossible when I am only losing 1 pound a month...but I can hope.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    :bigsmile: Barb, Thanks for starting this thread. You have been such a leader all along that it is natural that you would have taken on this challenge and taken care of the new thread for the rest of us. Congratulations on losing another pound.......
    .....I took the dogs to the dog park pretty early this morning so Jake could bathe and groom them. He has the first dog in the tub right now. He does most of the work but I have to stay nearby in case he needs an extra set of hands.
    hugs:heart::heart: :drinker: :drinker:

    Hi Barbie,

    Thank you for your kind words. I hope to post another loss on Monday, but I didn't get a chance to walk today. Too busy solving other people's problems, and then had to take time to see my parents. They were beginning to think I was avoiding them, but I have just been too busy to stop over. I had dinner with them tonight, and still stayed w/in calories, despite the maple bar half that called my name after church this morning, and the toll house cookies waving at me from mom's counter tonight.:laugh:

    As for your doggie bathing, I have to laugh. In the Sunday paper was a cartoon, "For Better or Worse" written by a Canadian woman who often hits the nail on the head when it comes to family humour, and she DEFINITELY has owned dogs--big dogs that need to be bathed and brushed. Anyway, the various panels show her in the back yard, brushing her doggie, and periodically clearing the brush and the hair is floating away.

    @??!!" which we all know means "naughty words that can't be printed in a family newspaper." In the last panel, you see the next door neighbor with a totally ticked off expression:mad: , eyeballing the clothes on her line which are now covered in doggie hair, :noway: and the "Ellie" the primary female/mother character from the strip looking over her fence with a horrified expression on her face, as she takes in the scene in the neighbor's back yard!!:laugh: :laugh:

    After the day I had, believe me, I needed that laugh. It is nitey nite time for me,:yawn: early for once.


    PS As far as goals are concerned. Mine are to maintain walking program and do a minimum of 24 miles per week. I would like to be down 15 lbs. by the end of the month, but realistically, I will settle for 10, and be content if I can get rid of 8 !! It all hinges on how much time I can spend on exercise. I am not really having any trouble with the eating part of things. Today I was sure I went over my calories because I didn't walk, but I actually came in a little under,:drinker: even though I ate that maple bar.
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Things aren't moving as fast as I would like them to either. In fact, the scale has stopped moving altogether. But so long as I continue to lose even a fraction of an inch, I am going to try not to sweat it.

    My realistic goals for August are:

    :drinker: drink half my weight in ounces every day
    :angry: be vigilant for hidden sodium
    :tongue: workout at least 45 minutes every day but Sunday
    :happy: stay within my calorie limits every day
    :flowerforyou: find something to smile and/or laugh about every day.

    If I lose, I lose. My main focus this month is making good choices and feeling better, I figure weighing less will be an added bonus.
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    Hey - it's me! Remember me?!?!? :laugh: :laugh:

    I feel soooooo out of touch with all of you because I have been gone so much. No internet access in the mountains!

    Barb: Thanks again for starting the thread for August. I have no problem with others starting it if I don't. Unfortunately the leftovers are not what I would call healthy :happy: I used a lot of it for our son's "Open House" while he was here in town. Now a lot of it will go in the garbage. It has been 10 years since he has been able to go camping with us so it was a lot of fun for him and we enjoyed spending time with him and his girlfriend. They live in Chicago.

    It's time to get back to reality and get focused again.

    Hope you all have a great day.

  • healthier4me
    healthier4me Posts: 357 Member
    Good Morning everyone:flowerforyou:

    Thank you Barb for starting us off for this month:flowerforyou: It is so hard to believe that August is here already:noway: Where is the summer going????

    Welcome back Esther...we missed you:heart: Shoutouts to Anne, Elli, Zaza, Kathy and Heather (Benson) and to anyone else I have missed...we are thinking about you and wishing you well:heart:

    I had a very busy weekend and didn't get the chance to get online and catch up so I am glad to be able to now. The scale is hedging on me and I know I must continue to refocus myself to keep on track. Somehow I need to up my exercising without aggravating my knees. Life sure is full of challenges sometimes isn't it?

    When I reflect back on my July goals I can proudly report that I reached all of them and that makes me very happy. Just need to keep the momentum going:bigsmile:

    My goals for August are:

    1. To keep my appt. for my MRI and hopefully get some answers soon after that.
    2. Discover and continue to exercise in a modified version.
    3. Get back on track entering my food consumed ( I have been slacking off on that I am embarrassed to say:embarassed: )
    4. Continue to try and get that scale to move again.
    5. Remember to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water per day:drinker: :drinker:
    6. Laugh more:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Wishing everyone a wonderful day:flowerforyou:

  • HeatherMMB
    Sugar Question:
    I noticed this weekend that because I had some pie - my friend makes amazing peach pie - I had more trouble with cravings. Didn't give in which was good - but I really noticed a difference. I was not too far off my calories for the day but I ate different foods - white pasta which turns into sugar and the pie.
    Does anyone else notice more cravings after eating sugar?
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Does anyone else notice more cravings after eating sugar? H

    YES. :grumble: Eating any kind of simple carbohydrate (white flour, sugar, starchy vegetables) awakens cravings I didn't know I had. I've learned the hard way to limit my sweets to fruit.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,991 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    I gave up sugar as part of my new eating and exercising plan and have stayed away from it consistently. The result is that it is easy for me to say no to birthday cake, pie, ice cream, and all the goodies that are offered to me. I believe that eating sugar makes you want more and the longer you stay away from it the more satisfied you are by real, good, healthy, nourishing food.
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: