Obese woman wants to become world's fattest



  • Tashry
    Tashry Posts: 151 Member
    For those complaining about the lack of support from MFPers...know this. I am without a doubt most willing and ready to fully support and encourage anyone on this site regardless of their size or why they got here. I don't care if you gained 500 pounds on a buttermilk chocolate milkshake diet. The very fact that you are a member of MFP shows a willingness to change, even if the struggle may seem hard and even if you fall off the wagon.
    However, a person who knowingly endangers herself with a daily diet of more calories than I eat in 2 weeks (!!!) and thinks this is okay must understand that there will be nobody supporting that lifestyle. If I knew her you can be damn sure I'd be offering encouragement to change her ways and help her every step of the way. But to try to prove that being that morbidly obese is not unhealthy is not only dangerous for her, but for any other over weight person who is subconsiously unsure of whether or not they are ready to make a change.

    And I can pretty much promise you that if she turned up tomorrow as a new MFP member she would be surrounded by just as much support as anyone else. It is not her physical actions that bother me, it's the mentality behind it.
  • determined1221
    determined1221 Posts: 139 Member
    The thing that gets me the most is that she looks so happy. Truly happy.

    I was thinking that too, she looks so happy and her kids do not look happy at all! I feel so badly for those kids.
  • shirleycottrell
    shirleycottrell Posts: 21 Member
    Saw a dr oz show where he had eight or so such women. He offered all kinds of help and some turned it down. Some didn't like the way they were and accepted the help offered. Good luck to them.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    For those complaining about the lack of support from MFPers...know this. I am without a doubt most willing and ready to fully support and encourage anyone on this site regardless of their size or why they got here. I don't care if you gained 500 pounds on a buttermilk chocolate milkshake diet. The very fact that you are a member of MFP shows a willingness to change, even if the struggle may seem hard and even if you fall off the wagon.
    However, a person who knowingly endangers herself with a daily diet of more calories than I eat in 2 weeks (!!!) and thinks this is okay must understand that there will be nobody supporting that lifestyle. If I knew her you can be damn sure I'd be offering encouragement to change her ways and help her every step of the way. But to try to prove that being that morbidly obese is not unhealthy is not only dangerous for her, but for any other over weight person who is subconsiously unsure of whether or not they are ready to make a change.

    And I can pretty much promise you that if she turned up tomorrow as a new MFP member she would be surrounded by just as much support as anyone else. It is not her physical actions that bother me, it's the mentality behind it.

    Very well stated.

    I don't agree with a lot of the nasty and hateful comments, but I understand the sentiment behind it. No matter how we are going about losing weight, we are all here to try and better ourselves.

    Obviously this woman is not. It is saddening and I truly believe that she has some type of mental issue that is making her think that this is ok. He children are obviously taking care of themselves and her at the same time. She is robbing her kids of their childhood for her own selfishness.

    People would be more supportive if she were trying to gain control of her health and her weight and was merely being unsuccessful.
  • pixieq
    pixieq Posts: 16
    Suicide by food.

    It is sad, and I feel I should be sympathetic but I just can't. Instead I'll save my sympathy for
    those who are trying (even if they are failing) to lose weigh, exercise and be healthy.
  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    I have to say I was a little appalled at some of the post in response to this article. I can understand this on other non-weightloss related forums but here I was always under the impression that this is a place where people wouldn't pass judgement on others for there weight issues. Guess I was terribly wrong and this definitely may chance my mind about what I share here. It is so easy to pass judgment when you have never stood in her shoes.. Being 30-40 pounds over weight even 100 pounds doesn't put you in the mindset of someone her size. I have always said there isn't a whole lot of difference between 360 and 560 lbs. Denial plays a big part into this process and having walked (hell what am I saying at 560 lbs. I couldn't walk) in her shoes, I can tell you my family was the last thing I cared about. They tried for years with interventions and every time they pushed, I pushed twice as hard.. They always at the problem, Not me!!! (at least that is where I stood in my mind) When I fell in to severe depression and denial I told myself if I didn't let anyone in than no one could ever hurt me.. So I turned to food for comfort, it was the only thing in my life that never judged me, it made me feel good, and was always there. Did I feel the guilt from eating 4 big mac and 2 large fries and a large shake, hell yes but the guilt only lasted until I was hungry again then I would repeat the cycle.

    When you get on that side of the fence and know that you have 200-300-400 pounds to lose, it is easier to embrace the fact that you are destine to be morbidly obese.... It just seems impossible to lose 2 lbs. let alone 300+ lbs. Do I agree with her life choices, heck no but I understand there is more to it than just what you see in pictures and read from someone else... She will hopefully one day realize what she is doing to herself and her family but until that day comes there is no voice loud enough to get through to her because she or whoever has to want the change, it can't be forced upon you.. When I finally started to realize that maybe it was me that had the problem it was thanksgiving of 08 and I notice I was sitting in the front room in my broken down chair working on my 5th plate of food and trying to decide what desserts I was going to start in on that I realized my whole family was in the other room and I was alone, They was laughing and having a good time.. Same thing happen at xmas and by May of 09 I found myself in my chair with a loaded hand gun for 3 days trying to figure out how to kill myself and not leave a mess for that same group of family that for the better half of 10 years I had ignored including my wife and kids... But unlike some posters on here that would sooner blow her off and act like they could give a crap less about this useless so called waste of space (atleast that is the impression I got) my family didn't give up on me, they just waited patiently for me to see what I was doing to myself and the prayed for me and when I finally had the AHA moment they surrounded me with the Love and support I was going to need to put up the biggest fight of my entire life.. and 33 months removed from that day I choose life!! I am living proof EVERYONE and I mean EVERYONE is worth saving!!! No matter how far gone they may seem. So I for one am going to Pray for her and all those like her and even you all, that what ever problems you are facing in your life that you find the strength to overcome them and learn that you can't do this alone.... Ok hopping off my soap box....... Just my 2 cents...............

    May 2009


    Feb 2012


    Well said and well done!

    Congrats :flowerforyou:
  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    Sigh. Hope the fire department there has a plan to remove her from her house/apartment when she needs to go to the hospital. And I bet she'll be the first to scream about how undignified it was to be transferred to the hospital in a uhaul instead of an

    ****ing people. **** like this is how Fire/EMS get hurt. **** her.

    First off I just have to say that I am not a fan of the language use/non use but I totally agree!!!! My husband and daughter are both firefighters and she is an EMT going to school to be a paramedic. We just have to pray that these people and the people who are there to help her stay safe and healthy.

    Easy solution: Burn the house down with her in it like in the movie What's Eating Gilbert Grape.

    AFTER she's dead of course, which may come as soon as tomorrow. Don't worry about the kids, hopefully they will be taken from her long before she dies.
  • KellyKAG
    KellyKAG Posts: 418
    Anything for attention!

    I wonder if she is on disability. :grumble:
  • becca3211
    becca3211 Posts: 98 Member
    This is so sad.....I even felt awful when i was pregnant....how does this make her feel good??? :cry:
  • logicandlove
    logicandlove Posts: 191 Member
    Honestly, I just think this is sad. It's sad that she's completely given up and decided that this is somehow the right path for her, or for anyone. I'm also really curious as to what kind of doctor she goes to that is telling her this is OK, but no matter what her vital signs are like now, she has a wildly higher chance of so many health issues than someone even obese or ovverweight, let alone at a healthy weight. I feel bad for her kids.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    Sigh. Hope the fire department there has a plan to remove her from her house/apartment when she needs to go to the hospital. And I bet she'll be the first to scream about how undignified it was to be transferred to the hospital in a uhaul instead of an

    ****ing people. **** like this is how Fire/EMS get hurt. **** her.

    Don't forget that it is almost guaranteed that they will have to move her from the smallest part of her bathroom on about the 10th floor or something...Isn't that a rule? The heavier the person, the higher the floor they live on, and the smaller the area you have to get them out of?

    My cousin is an EMT and he's had to transport people around 600 lbs before. He said it is without a doubt the worst thing he has done at work so far, and that's saying a LOT considering all EMTs have to deal with.
  • lizzybethclaire
    lizzybethclaire Posts: 849 Member
    I have to admit I was really grossed out by this. The sad part is she has a really pretty smile, but you can barely make it out because of the extra fat on her face. I feel really sorry for her. She needs help. There is no way you can tell me this is not a disorder.
  • la8dcruz
    la8dcruz Posts: 82 Member
    For those complaining about the lack of support from MFPers...know this. I am without a doubt most willing and ready to fully support and encourage anyone on this site regardless of their size or why they got here. I don't care if you gained 500 pounds on a buttermilk chocolate milkshake diet. The very fact that you are a member of MFP shows a willingness to change, even if the struggle may seem hard and even if you fall off the wagon.
    However, a person who knowingly endangers herself with a daily diet of more calories than I eat in 2 weeks (!!!) and thinks this is okay must understand that there will be nobody supporting that lifestyle. If I knew her you can be damn sure I'd be offering encouragement to change her ways and help her every step of the way. But to try to prove that being that morbidly obese is not unhealthy is not only dangerous for her, but for any other over weight person who is subconsiously unsure of whether or not they are ready to make a change.

    And I can pretty much promise you that if she turned up tomorrow as a new MFP member she would be surrounded by just as much support as anyone else. It is not her physical actions that bother me, it's the mentality behind it.

    :happy: That's exactly what I was trying to say!
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    I don't know if that's the same woman but I remember an article about a woman whose goal weight was 1,000lbs and it had a picture of her at a table with what looked like maybe 2 dozen fast food cheeseburgers and a pile of fries in front of her and mentioned she ate that pretty often.

    There's a way to go about breaking the stigma or taboo of something, but hurting yourself, or really in this case just about committing suicide, is not the way to go about it. Yeah sure maybe you'll gain some fans, but a lot more people are going to think you're nuts or just want to wait for the day you die in the process.

    Would I like people to stop harping on overweight people? Yeah, when it's unwarranted. Have there been overweight people who are fairly healthy? Yes, but that's a matter of age because even when we're thin, when we're 80+ years old we're all going to have just about the same problems and if you're big it can get worse. And some people are happy being fat, that's their choice but it's not something you try to make into a life goal or look like you're a martyr.

    If all big people were guaranteed good healthy and quality of life we wouldn't have places like MFP or gyms or dieticians or anything else that's promoting losing weight and bettering your health.

    Also someone made the comment about the possibility of her being on disability: You probably are right. I've known people who became too big to continue working or if it wasn't their weight, it was the health problems that came with it. My father had weight problems and never took care of himself (he also had diabetes but refused to follow the diet) and he ended up having a quadruple bypass, two other heart surgeries, a staph infection in his leg, and almost lost his feet. He ended up going on disability and had to quit working because his job involved physical activity, long hours on the road (he had also lost the sight in his left eye and hearing in his left ear during a minor stroke) and died of heart-related problems because he still refused to take care of himself.

    Myself, I'm on disability and I had to fight the social security system to show them it wasn't my weight (I was maybe 280lbs at the time, but I'm short so it shows a lot) but another, non-physical aspect. I understand the disgust of the people when these large people start collecting government checks simply because they refuse to do something about their weight and eating habits, and depending on the person's mindset I understand the embarrassment of being on it, having Medicare and have doctors look you up and down. I'm 22, by all accounts I shouldn't be on it, but right now I have to be. Not because I'm fat and I think that's part of my motivation to lose, so that people won't group me with those people and assume I'm just another fat, lazy slob leeching off the government.

    Sorry for the ramble on that subject, I felt like throwing in a few cents.
  • downhomechik
    so disheartening for her. to me, to others. sad,
  • luvmycoffee
    luvmycoffee Posts: 112 Member
    For those complaining about the lack of support from MFPers...know this. I am without a doubt most willing and ready to fully support and encourage anyone on this site regardless of their size or why they got here. I don't care if you gained 500 pounds on a buttermilk chocolate milkshake diet. The very fact that you are a member of MFP shows a willingness to change, even if the struggle may seem hard and even if you fall off the wagon.
    However, a person who knowingly endangers herself with a daily diet of more calories than I eat in 2 weeks (!!!) and thinks this is okay must understand that there will be nobody supporting that lifestyle. If I knew her you can be damn sure I'd be offering encouragement to change her ways and help her every step of the way. But to try to prove that being that morbidly obese is not unhealthy is not only dangerous for her, but for any other over weight person who is subconsiously unsure of whether or not they are ready to make a change.

    And I can pretty much promise you that if she turned up tomorrow as a new MFP member she would be surrounded by just as much support as anyone else. It is not her physical actions that bother me, it's the mentality behind it.

    ^^ Well said!

    From the article: "Oddly enough, the woman believes she can do this while remaining healthy – and she insists that, right now, despite the fact she can’t move on her own..." :noway:

    I feel sad for her children. It is too bad that she didn't choose a different path & come to a place like MFP.

    I work on a cardiac unit & have seen people go through so much & more often than not, they fight to get healthy so that they can be there for their families. This woman needs help. While I agree it is her choice, she can do this to her body, her children did not choose to a part of this circus.
  • echoica
    echoica Posts: 339 Member
    i think this person is mentally ill. and i think it's sickening that she is trying to glamourize it - it's no better than being pro-ana. it's unhealthy.
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    For those complaining about the lack of support from MFPers...know this. I am without a doubt most willing and ready to fully support and encourage anyone on this site regardless of their size or why they got here. I don't care if you gained 500 pounds on a buttermilk chocolate milkshake diet. The very fact that you are a member of MFP shows a willingness to change, even if the struggle may seem hard and even if you fall off the wagon.
    However, a person who knowingly endangers herself with a daily diet of more calories than I eat in 2 weeks (!!!) and thinks this is okay must understand that there will be nobody supporting that lifestyle. If I knew her you can be damn sure I'd be offering encouragement to change her ways and help her every step of the way. But to try to prove that being that morbidly obese is not unhealthy is not only dangerous for her, but for any other over weight person who is subconsiously unsure of whether or not they are ready to make a change.

    And I can pretty much promise you that if she turned up tomorrow as a new MFP member she would be surrounded by just as much support as anyone else. It is not her physical actions that bother me, it's the mentality behind it.

    ^^ Well said!

    From the article: "Oddly enough, the woman believes she can do this while remaining healthy – and she insists that, right now, despite the fact she can’t move on her own..." :noway:

    I feel sad for her children. It is too bad that she didn't choose a different path & come to a place like MFP.

    I work on a cardiac unit & have seen people go through so much & more often than not, they fight to get healthy so that they can be there for their families. This woman needs help. While I agree it is her choice, she can do this to her body, her children did not choose to a part of this circus.

    That being said, I'm no expert on this but under those sorts of circumstances couldn't child services step in and take them away? Technically she's leading a destructive lifestyle in a way similar to, say, a drug addict or alcoholic who finds nothing wrong with their behavior and if any other adult in the house is supporting her, really it's not creating a safe environment for her children. Whether or not they pick up mom's habits is debatable, but really they're watching their mom hurt herself and that can affect them outside of the home.
  • Parris420
    Parris420 Posts: 69
    lmao ...none of yall have the right to.pass judgment
    only god can judge!!!
    smh....who are we determine what's right and what's wrong ..at the end of the day
    the most beautiful people do the.ugliest things...
    be who you wanna.be not who and what others expect you to be

  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    A shrink. LOL. In more ways than one!
    She needs a shrink. I hope someone will help her.
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