How to calculate calorie goals according to NROLFW



  • njean888
    njean888 Posts: 399 Member
    BUMP and thank you! I need to increase my intake by at least 300 cals. I recently (2 weeks ago) went up to 1700 but I'm still at the same weight so maybe just adding 200 more cals might do the trick.
  • Dauntlessness
    Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member
    Thanks so much!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I would like to hear from women who are doing this-are you really losing weight? or is your goal not to lose weight, but to gain muscle and then lose fat later in a sort of "cutting phase".
    I am ok with my weight, but I would like to be more toned and reveal abs if possible.
    Anyone else in the same boat? Did you gain at first-muscle and fat? I just think it seems counter-intuitive that you could eat at a surplus and gain muscle while losing fat.
  • fittiephd
    fittiephd Posts: 608 Member
    I would like to hear from women who are doing this-are you really losing weight? or is your goal not to lose weight, but to gain muscle and then lose fat later in a sort of "cutting phase".
    I am ok with my weight, but I would like to be more toned and reveal abs if possible.
    Anyone else in the same boat? Did you gain at first-muscle and fat? I just think it seems counter-intuitive that you could eat at a surplus and gain muscle while losing fat.

    You're not eating a surplus you are still eating a deficit. Check out my post about 3 posts up from this one with all the links to people's successes. This method is the suggestions to lose weight the healthy way - by losing fat and not by losing muscle, bone or other vital parts of your body.

    I'm in the same boat, looking to gain muscle and lose the rest of the fat I have.
  • amsparky
    amsparky Posts: 825 Member
    Bumping for future reference...I'm trying to be patient!! :)
  • modernmom70
    modernmom70 Posts: 373 Member
    I would like to hear from women who are doing this-are you really losing weight? or is your goal not to lose weight, but to gain muscle and then lose fat later in a sort of "cutting phase".
    I am ok with my weight, but I would like to be more toned and reveal abs if possible.
    Anyone else in the same boat? Did you gain at first-muscle and fat? I just think it seems counter-intuitive that you could eat at a surplus and gain muscle while losing fat.

    I have not lost any weight, but I have lost 2 inches off of my belly button area which had been impossible despite being at goal for 2+ years and I basically thought it was just loose skin from babies. And I often have to eat more than recommended or I wills starve and this is funny but is usually the days after lifting day that I am famished! Don't be afraid!
    I did stage 1, but now I am doing stronglifts 5x5 just because their are less excercises with the same result.
  • Binouchette
    Binouchette Posts: 13 Member
  • Angybabefitzg
    Angybabefitzg Posts: 30 Member
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I would like to hear from women who are doing this-are you really losing weight? or is your goal not to lose weight, but to gain muscle and then lose fat later in a sort of "cutting phase".
    I am ok with my weight, but I would like to be more toned and reveal abs if possible.
    Anyone else in the same boat? Did you gain at first-muscle and fat? I just think it seems counter-intuitive that you could eat at a surplus and gain muscle while losing fat.

    You're not eating a surplus you are still eating a deficit. Check out my post about 3 posts up from this one with all the links to people's successes. This method is the suggestions to lose weight the healthy way - by losing fat and not by losing muscle, bone or other vital parts of your body.

    I'm in the same boat, looking to gain muscle and lose the rest of the fat I have.
    I know, I mean, it's hard for me to get it in my head since MFP says maintenance cals for me are 1490 and I am not doing any cardio and have no idea how much I am burning on the lifting. I want to feed the muscle, it just seems like a lot more calories for me, but I am doing it-and staying off the scale at the moment so I don't even know if it's working, but I can still button my jeans so that's good:tongue:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I would like to hear from women who are doing this-are you really losing weight? or is your goal not to lose weight, but to gain muscle and then lose fat later in a sort of "cutting phase".
    I am ok with my weight, but I would like to be more toned and reveal abs if possible.
    Anyone else in the same boat? Did you gain at first-muscle and fat? I just think it seems counter-intuitive that you could eat at a surplus and gain muscle while losing fat.

    I have not lost any weight, but I have lost 2 inches off of my belly button area which had been impossible despite being at goal for 2+ years and I basically thought it was just loose skin from babies. And I often have to eat more than recommended or I wills starve and this is funny but is usually the days after lifting day that I am famished! Don't be afraid!
    I did stage 1, but now I am doing stronglifts 5x5 just because their are less excercises with the same result.
    My belly is my problem area! I am doing the Starting Strength, a 3x5 program but I looked at Stronglifts too. how do you like it?
  • fittiephd
    fittiephd Posts: 608 Member
    I would like to hear from women who are doing this-are you really losing weight? or is your goal not to lose weight, but to gain muscle and then lose fat later in a sort of "cutting phase".
    I am ok with my weight, but I would like to be more toned and reveal abs if possible.
    Anyone else in the same boat? Did you gain at first-muscle and fat? I just think it seems counter-intuitive that you could eat at a surplus and gain muscle while losing fat.

    You're not eating a surplus you are still eating a deficit. Check out my post about 3 posts up from this one with all the links to people's successes. This method is the suggestions to lose weight the healthy way - by losing fat and not by losing muscle, bone or other vital parts of your body.

    I'm in the same boat, looking to gain muscle and lose the rest of the fat I have.
    I know, I mean, it's hard for me to get it in my head since MFP says maintenance cals for me are 1490 and I am not doing any cardio and have no idea how much I am burning on the lifting. I want to feed the muscle, it just seems like a lot more calories for me, but I am doing it-and staying off the scale at the moment so I don't even know if it's working, but I can still button my jeans so that's good:tongue:

    well, the "multiply by 1.8 for workout days" is for the lifting workouts in NROLFW, so if you're doing strength training, that's probably pretty accurate for you. I'm stayin off the scale for a month as well but I feel much slimmer since eating more :)
  • modernmom70
    modernmom70 Posts: 373 Member
    I would like to hear from women who are doing this-are you really losing weight? or is your goal not to lose weight, but to gain muscle and then lose fat later in a sort of "cutting phase".
    I am ok with my weight, but I would like to be more toned and reveal abs if possible.
    Anyone else in the same boat? Did you gain at first-muscle and fat? I just think it seems counter-intuitive that you could eat at a surplus and gain muscle while losing fat.

    I have not lost any weight, but I have lost 2 inches off of my belly button area which had been impossible despite being at goal for 2+ years and I basically thought it was just loose skin from babies. And I often have to eat more than recommended or I wills starve and this is funny but is usually the days after lifting day that I am famished! Don't be afraid!
    I did stage 1, but now I am doing stronglifts 5x5 just because their are less excercises with the same result.
    My belly is my problem area! I am doing the Starting Strength, a 3x5 program but I looked at Stronglifts too. how do you like it?

    I like it, just because it takes less time, and I get knee problems if I am doing to many lunges and step ups, but squats are fine. However, it recommends you increase your weight by 5lbs everytime which is pretty impossible.
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 959 Member
    I'm going to share my stats in the hope it will help some of you get your head around the program and convince you it works. :o)

    First - I'm going to say you should only follow the figures from the NROLFW book if you are following the PROGRAM in the NROLFW book.

    For reference, I am 5'2" and 34 years old.

    My starting stats (February 1):
    Weight 197.4
    Chest 46"
    Waist 37"
    Hips 46"
    Thigh 26.5"
    Upper Arm 13.5"

    My stats at the end of Stage One (March 14):
    Weight 192.6 (-4.8 lb)
    Chest 42.5" (-3.5")
    Waist 35" (-2")
    Hips 42.5" (-3.5")
    Thigh 26" (-.5")
    Upper Arm 12.75" (-.75")

    So I lost not quite 5 lb during Stage One but dropped just over 10" off my body.

    My BMR is somewhere handy to 1450; on NROLFW my calorie intake is 1832 on a non-workout day and 2116 on a workout day.
  • VAgal123
    VAgal123 Posts: 35
  • MiniMichelle
    MiniMichelle Posts: 801 Member
  • krissypea79
    krissypea79 Posts: 362 Member
    If you don't want to do all that math for yourself there is a spreadsheet specific to NROL4W:

    Click the link in the white box in the middle of the page that says: Download: New Rules of Lifting for Women Diet Calculator and Workout Logs

    login: perturbation
    password: dominance


    nope, it doesn't want to be displayed...that sucks, i need decent log sheets

    Here is a log sheet that I found online and edited/modified to make it a bit more user doesn't have the calculations for calories to eat, but it's great for logging your workouts!
  • Wowza. Thanks for this. I finally did the calculations and I should certainly be eating more according to this!
  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member
    Just bumping this thread so I can find it again later. :)

    I'm soooooo looking forward to doing NROLFW but it has to wait until my June marathon is over. I'm going to take a big break from cardio with all my running and lift, lift, lift. Calorie-wise it's very similar to what I'm already eating, but I'm hoping the change in routine from lots of cardio & some strength training to lots of strength training & a little cardio will help me shed this last bit of stubborn body fat.
  • trixiekitten
    trixiekitten Posts: 6 Member
    bumping for later
  • bump for later