Women who don't accept male friend requests



  • Lizabee84
    Lizabee84 Posts: 353 Member
    Personally I quite like having male friends.. Simply because they'll give you a direct answer if you're struggling with something whereas women just fluff it up with compliments and "well done for trying"

    I am married and I have a good bit of guy friends on here and for me they are the most supportive. They give me direct answers and compliment me. They will point out if I need to slack on eating sodium, eat protein and help me with the dieting and toning up question I have. I am not sure why the OP feels this way maybe she had a creeper talk to her. But I havent met any creeps yet so if a guy sends a request I will accept.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    I have some really bad personal messages sent to me. I block them immediately, but hard to have too many guy friends after that. I wont put up with it.

    Ditto. I've gotten some pretty crude comments messaged to me before, so I'm a bit more discerning when accepting friend requests from men. I have a couple friends who only have female friends on here. Some for respect for their husbands/boyfriends, some just because they prefer to have a smaller group of MFP friends who have similar goals and body types. To each their own!
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,871 Member
    I have a mix of male and female friends, and they are all great! I don't add people for eye candy. I've wound up with a phenomenal friends list comprised of people who encourage me, make me laugh, and generally make the journey easier and better. I've denied a few requests I deemed creepy, but I've never received anything blatantly inappropriate out of the blue. I :heart: all of my friends!

    I don't understand the mentality that grown *kitten* people in a committed mature relationship have to avoid the opposite sex out of 'respect' for each other. In my opinion it would be insulting and disrespectful if my husband expected me to limit myself to female only contact. The same goes for him, by the way.
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 888 Member
    I just found what two of my MFP girlfriends wrote on here and laughed because it is what I wrote a few pages ago.
    I dont have guy friends...If I did I couldn't talk about my constipation issues constantly!! Lmao!!! Just kidding...sorta!
    Because I don't want to think twice if i ***** about gaining weight from my period, that i have been farting all day, or if i want to post a picture of my big ol boobs in a bikini. I didn't even friend my husband. HA.

    So basically, my group of girls, we like to discuss how nasty we really are (farting and stuff) and we just do not want to share that with you men folk...because girls don't fart or poop...right??

    So, how many of you men want to FR girls that openly admit to farting and pooping on their home page!! :bigsmile:
  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,303 Member
    So, how many of you men want to FR girls that openly admit to farting and pooping on their home page!! :bigsmile:

    Wouldn't bother me a bit.
  • mruntidy
    mruntidy Posts: 1,015 Member
    So, how many of you men want to FR girls that openly admit to farting and pooping on their home page!! :bigsmile:

    Wouldn't bother me a bit.

    what, like squatting over their laptop and curling one out? Or am I reading this wrong?
  • thefuzz1290
    thefuzz1290 Posts: 777 Member
    Its easy, they're men posing as women :P.
  • MissTattoo
    MissTattoo Posts: 1,203 Member
    I have some great guy friends on here and I've had some creepers that I deleted. I had two be really aggressive with trying to meet up and do the nasty. Yuck.

    I also have it on my profile that if you send a request, state why you want to be friends. I decline anyone who doesn't send a message with their request. I don't add people for the sake of having a large following.
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 888 Member
    So, how many of you men want to FR girls that openly admit to farting and pooping on their home page!! :bigsmile:

    Wouldn't bother me a bit.

    what, like squatting over their laptop and curling one out? Or am I reading this wrong?

    haha!!! Now that would be gross!!! Too funny!!!! But that might decrease the male FR drastically if that was posted on my page!!
  • Tiff587
    Tiff587 Posts: 264 Member
    So, how many of you men want to FR girls that openly admit to farting and pooping on their home page!! :bigsmile:

    Wouldn't bother me a bit.

    what, like squatting over their laptop and curling one out? Or am I reading this wrong?

    haha!!! Now that would be gross!!! Too funny!!!! But that might decrease the male FR drastically if that was posted on my page!!

    So funny! I think that would decrease all friend requests!
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    "Out of respect for my husband/boyfriend/SO?"


    I don't know about the rest of you, but my husband isn't a narrow-minded, self-centered, controlling man who would be offended or hurt if I were to have male friends on an internet forum. Most of my RL friends are men, and he has no problem with it in the least.

    It's called being comfortable and secure in one's relationship. Try it sometimes...

    Definitely no offense intended here, but you have to keep in mind that every situation is different. Just because someone is uncomfortable with his significant other having numerous male friends does not mean that he is self-centered, narrow-minded, or controlling. Wounded from before, maybe. Before I try to judge anyone for their opinions, I first try to examine their background for a better understanding as to why they feel that way. :)

    I agree. For me, personally, I have male friends online and in real life. My bf has female friends on facebook and in real life. Not a big deal. BUT what is acceptable in MY relationship may not be in another person's and it has nothing to do with people being selfish, controlling, etc. It simply means we have different ideas of what is acceptable and what isn't. This goes for SO many things in relationships like if strip clubs are ok, if staying out all night is ok, etc...what is ok for MY relationship doesn't have to be ok for yours.

    And to address those who basically say if you've got underwear/bikini shots you're asking for creepers, sorry, no, I'm not. I have a pic up to show my progress in a sports bra and work out shorts, to display how far I've come. That does NOT mean it's cool for a man to message me about how he can't stop thinking about how great my *kitten* would look in a thong. Bc yeah, I got that message, and others like it. Have some respect for yourself and for others, creepers.
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    I just found what two of my MFP girlfriends wrote on here and laughed because it is what I wrote a few pages ago.
    I dont have guy friends...If I did I couldn't talk about my constipation issues constantly!! Lmao!!! Just kidding...sorta!
    Because I don't want to think twice if i ***** about gaining weight from my period, that i have been farting all day, or if i want to post a picture of my big ol boobs in a bikini. I didn't even friend my husband. HA.

    So basically, my group of girls, we like to discuss how nasty we really are (farting and stuff) and we just do not want to share that with you men folk...because girls don't fart or poop...right??

    So, how many of you men want to FR girls that openly admit to farting and pooping on their home page!! :bigsmile:

    I used to have farting competitions with an ex of mine....I'm so sexy...
    FORIANN Posts: 273 Member
    Well, I think it is funny people show their pics of just their boobs and wonder why they get male requests. In my opinion, it is human nature. I have male and female friends and think my friends are all on this fitness site for fitness and good health. I only had one "creeper" and didn't delete him...just gave him my honest opinion until he deleted me...hoping I would hurt his ego! It worked!

    ^^This. There was one person (female) complaining about how guys would message her....and her profile pic is of her boobs. Some people are just not going to be working on quantum mechanics on the weekend.
  • lexidell46
    lexidell46 Posts: 143
    I have never had any problems with any male on this site. They have been nothing but very supportive to me. I am 50+ and I do not think I am any danger of Harassment. Or I am to old to care.:bigsmile:
  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,303 Member
    I have never had any problems with any male on this site. They have been nothing but very supportive to me. I am 50+ and I do not think I am any danger of Harassment. Or I am to old to care.:bigsmile:

    The fact that you don't have a profile picture at all is probably part of the reason.
  • Meaganandcheese
    Meaganandcheese Posts: 525 Member
    I think it's rediculous and unfair, if someone is rude or sending u messages u don't want, delete them.......so one bad apple spoils the whole bunch? And if spouses are the reason, get over it, there are men everywhere, not all are interested in us in a sexual way.

    Thank you. To assume that all of us want to hit on everything that walks is moronic. Yes, there are some men that do that but guess what? There are women who do that too!

    I can't wait until I lose enough weight to make me think that every dude who clicks on my profile wants to *click on my profile* (if you know what I mean.)

    Dudes are people, too.
  • JenAiMarres
    JenAiMarres Posts: 767 Member
    So, how many of you men want to FR girls that openly admit to farting and pooping on their home page!! :bigsmile:

    Wouldn't bother me a bit.

    what, like squatting over their laptop and curling one out? Or am I reading this wrong?

    haha!!! Now that would be gross!!! Too funny!!!! But that might decrease the male FR drastically if that was posted on my page!!

    So funny! I think that would decrease all friend requests!

    Nope..I'd still be her friend!! LOL!!!! I ♥ Tink!
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    I'll add guys if I've liked their postings/knowledge base or if they add me with a message. Otherwise, it's just friend-hording like some people do on facebook. Are they doing it to flirt? I think that depends on your profile photo but then you are getting into the slut-debate, who’s fault is it the individual or the audience. That's not to say girls don't do it as well (hord-friends) especially on MFP so if a female doesn't write me a message and I don't like her profile then I decline.
  • CouchSpud
    CouchSpud Posts: 557 Member
    well I have to admit that I had one guy who tried the inappropriate stuff - but hell, you can just block'em. In general I don;t even get many male request ^^ and the ones I have on my friends list are very supportive and behaving very well
  • ryanakamero
    I would bet you get those messages because of the profile photo you have? Not sure just a guess