The "Sissifying" of America...



  • TK266
    TK266 Posts: 3,638 Member
    What are people doing to De-Sissifying America?
    Complaining about it and claiming it's only other people that are doing it. It's the American way.
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • raydot
    raydot Posts: 14
    Again, it's not the same as it was before. The internet has turned kids *nasty*. Downright disgusting.

    Like I said. Kids are vicious. Now instead of getting the **** beaten out of you and your glasses snapped in half, you get slammed on the internet. Either way, you're getting a beat down whether it be physical or emotional.

    This is a prime example of parents not being parents and instead being friends. Be strict. HELL, my mom used to whoop me with a wooden spoon when I didn't do what she asked. I didn't even know the damn things were used for cooking until I was 10! My mom was never my best friend when I was growing up. She was a disciplinarian and that part of her still comes out even though I've grown up.

    Now my friends are having kids and saying "You go do what your little heart desires" and their kids are total pansies.

    ... and you have grown up with stunted empathetic development because you equate one experience with another before imaging what it feels like. You cannot rationalize a kid getting his glasses broken with a shy kid being inundated with messages encouraging them to kill themselves. It is not the same. Some kids are more sensitive in this generation but you are more or less a heartless monster for assuming the kids that kill themselves for being bullied should be faulted, or that their parents should be faulted for not "toughening them up".

    You clearly have not developed into the individual you thought you were, because from my perspective, if you *really* believe what you are saying in this regard, you immediately come off as a nasty person.
    As a kid that was bullied and survived, you are correct and wise beyond your years. I congratulate you and your parents.

    I didn't kill myself over being bullied. However that doesn't mean I'm somehow better than those that have or that we should use bullying as a form of weeding out the herd. What you said needed to be said.

    I'm sorry for what you experienced. Thank you for defending me.
  • karylee44
    karylee44 Posts: 892
    As a substitute teacher.. i can tell you how bad some of the kids are now a days... If someone doesn't get a turn to do something, they cry (and im talking about 10-11 year olds!). If something doesn't go just right.. more criing.. these kids are going to have a rude awakening when they head up to the middle school next year. and i find an issue with the fact that most schools spend time rewarding the "sporty" kids (at least around here) and the kids who do well scholastically do not even get acknoleged. (In 5 grade.. my son had straight "A's, and perfect attendance.. ) really hard to do.. should have been worth at least a cudos! im glad the charter school gives awards to kids who do well scolastically..

    anyways.. i had to yell at my music class today (made for a bit of a cranky day).. because these kids could not even sit in a chair or listen to simple instructions.

    ugh.. (frustrated sub today!)
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    this is not just about kids - ITS ABOUT THE FUTURE OF AMERICA - there are those who want to make everyone weak so they maintian power over all., - wake up people!

    ^^^^^THIS x1000000000

    If you keep the "regular" people docile and complacent and give them praise they'll never question why you are constantly f**cking them in other ways. It's typical liberalism run amok. The elite will still have what they want AND have power over everyone else. You don't want anyone striving to be better and have more when everyone has to have the same things....

    Like in Communist Russia: If Igor gets paid the same to build 1 radio a day as he does to build 10, why in the F would he build 10? Same thing is happening in America now. If I don't HAVE to work and be good at a profession and still get paid and get healthcare, why in the F would I work at all?!?!?! That's the mentality that anyone buying into this *kitten* is fostering.
  • Nucky719
    Nucky719 Posts: 143
    In my kids schools they don't give students "F's" anymore they get "U" for unsatisfactory. I guess because the word fail is too harsh for the kids. Bull FAILED. Do better.
    How old are your kids?

    They are 11 and 13.
    The 13 year old is in Junior High/Middle School correct? And you're saying they don't give out F's in JH/MS?

    In grade school around here you get a grade of 1-4, with 3 meeting the standard, 4 above standard, and 2 below standard etc. Only when they get to JH/MS do they get "real" grades. It's been like this for a long time. It's nothing new. When I was in grade school 30 years ago we got S or U, for satisfactory or unsatisfactory and real grades didn's start until 7th grade.

    Nope. My kids got real grades in elementary after 3rd grade. They also get O's, S's, and U's for things like conduct, participation etc. But their classes they get real grades A,B,C,D, and U. And my daughter in 7th, they still get U if they fail a paper, course, etc. no F's.
  • papa3x
    papa3x Posts: 286
    i disagree.

    and my kid is awesome.

    the only way you become a winner is to not let the failures beat you down and keep trying. What is the saying? Edison didn't fail 500 times, he found 500 ways to not make a lightbulb work.

    And had he been sufficiently rewarded for those 500 failures, he might never have found the need to go on to find the one success.

    BS. What you guys are talking about is about giving kids posivibes even when they don't win like it's some crime against humanity. My son always gets told he did good even when he fails because i'm not gonna emotionally abuse him for not being the best at everything. Trying, and continuing to try, is what matters.

    I think you might be missing the point a little. Being told you're a failure is much different than being allowed to fail.

    Right...I 'm not saying to tell kids they are a failure. I'm only saying that you need to learn to benefit from your losses.
  • Chipmaniac
    Chipmaniac Posts: 642 Member
    In my kids schools they don't give students "F's" anymore they get "U" for unsatisfactory. I guess because the word fail is too harsh for the kids. Bull FAILED. Do better.
    How old are your kids?

    They are 11 and 13.
    The 13 year old is in Junior High/Middle School correct? And you're saying they don't give out F's in JH/MS?

    In grade school around here you get a grade of 1-4, with 3 meeting the standard, 4 above standard, and 2 below standard etc. Only when they get to JH/MS do they get "real" grades. It's been like this for a long time. It's nothing new. When I was in grade school 30 years ago we got S or U, for satisfactory or unsatisfactory and real grades didn's start until 7th grade.

    Nope. My kids got real grades in elementary after 3rd grade. They also get O's, S's, and U's for things like conduct, participation etc. But their classes they get real grades A,B,C,D, and U. And my daughter in 7th, they still get U if they fail a paper, course, etc. no F's.
    Weird. It must be all that rampant liberalism out there in Kentucky. Here in the conservative Seattle area, we still have regular grades and they give kids no quarter. Their homework loads are huge and a lot is required of them. My 15-year old son is on two baseball teams, the HS team and a Pony team. Both teams keep score and bench players that aren't any good. You also have to try out for both teams and most don't make it. I'm sure glad I don't live in one of those liberal areas of the country.
  • karylee44
    karylee44 Posts: 892
    In my kids schools they don't give students "F's" anymore they get "U" for unsatisfactory. I guess because the word fail is too harsh for the kids. Bull FAILED. Do better.
    How old are your kids?

    They are 11 and 13.
    The 13 year old is in Junior High/Middle School correct? And you're saying they don't give out F's in JH/MS?

    In grade school around here you get a grade of 1-4, with 3 meeting the standard, 4 above standard, and 2 below standard etc. Only when they get to JH/MS do they get "real" grades. It's been like this for a long time. It's nothing new. When I was in grade school 30 years ago we got S or U, for satisfactory or unsatisfactory and real grades didn's start until 7th grade.

    Nope. My kids got real grades in elementary after 3rd grade. They also get O's, S's, and U's for things like conduct, participation etc. But their classes they get real grades A,B,C,D, and U. And my daughter in 7th, they still get U if they fail a paper, course, etc. no F's.

    so.. do they pass them to the next grade with "u"? i have seen many kids passed on to the next grade with F's sad.. the charter school here only passes kids to the next grade if they get above a 70 in all thier classes.. anything below a 70 and they have mandatory afterschool help. (which works for me!)
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    In my kids schools they don't give students "F's" anymore they get "U" for unsatisfactory. I guess because the word fail is too harsh for the kids. Bull FAILED. Do better.
    How old are your kids?

    They are 11 and 13.
    The 13 year old is in Junior High/Middle School correct? And you're saying they don't give out F's in JH/MS?

    In grade school around here you get a grade of 1-4, with 3 meeting the standard, 4 above standard, and 2 below standard etc. Only when they get to JH/MS do they get "real" grades. It's been like this for a long time. It's nothing new. When I was in grade school 30 years ago we got S or U, for satisfactory or unsatisfactory and real grades didn's start until 7th grade.

    Nope. My kids got real grades in elementary after 3rd grade. They also get O's, S's, and U's for things like conduct, participation etc. But their classes they get real grades A,B,C,D, and U. And my daughter in 7th, they still get U if they fail a paper, course, etc. no F's.
    Weird. It must be all that rampant liberalism out there in Kentucky. Here in the conservative Seattle area, we still have regular grades and they give kids no quarter. Their homework loads are huge and a lot is required of them. My 15-year old son is on two baseball teams, the HS team and a Pony team. Both teams keep score and bench players that aren't any good. You also have to try out for both teams and most don't make it. I'm sure glad I don't live in one of those liberal areas of the country.

    I hope you're being sarcastic here...Seattle is a hotbed of liberal nonsense and gets worse every single day. I'm a native and live here and see the constant dumbing down of education and the forced pussification of your average citizen.
  • Chipmaniac
    Chipmaniac Posts: 642 Member
    In my kids schools they don't give students "F's" anymore they get "U" for unsatisfactory. I guess because the word fail is too harsh for the kids. Bull FAILED. Do better.
    How old are your kids?

    They are 11 and 13.
    The 13 year old is in Junior High/Middle School correct? And you're saying they don't give out F's in JH/MS?

    In grade school around here you get a grade of 1-4, with 3 meeting the standard, 4 above standard, and 2 below standard etc. Only when they get to JH/MS do they get "real" grades. It's been like this for a long time. It's nothing new. When I was in grade school 30 years ago we got S or U, for satisfactory or unsatisfactory and real grades didn's start until 7th grade.

    Nope. My kids got real grades in elementary after 3rd grade. They also get O's, S's, and U's for things like conduct, participation etc. But their classes they get real grades A,B,C,D, and U. And my daughter in 7th, they still get U if they fail a paper, course, etc. no F's.
    Weird. It must be all that rampant liberalism out there in Kentucky. Here in the conservative Seattle area, we still have regular grades and they give kids no quarter. Their homework loads are huge and a lot is required of them. My 15-year old son is on two baseball teams, the HS team and a Pony team. Both teams keep score and bench players that aren't any good. You also have to try out for both teams and most don't make it. I'm sure glad I don't live in one of those liberal areas of the country.

    I hope you're being sarcastic here...Seattle is a hotbed of liberal nonsense and gets worse every single day. I'm a native and live here and see the constant dumbing down of education and the forced pussification of your average citizen.
    I'm being sarcastic. Of course Seattle is liberal. That's why I love living here. If was conservative, I'd probably move to Texas or some other red state. Our school system here in the suburbs is very good and rigorous. We also keep score at our sports games at the appropriate level. That's my point. It has nothing to do with "liberalism".
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    What are people doing to De-Sissifying America?

    For one I'm not raising my son to be a punk-*kitten* wuss. He'll learn to do things for himself, to think through problem, and learn that mommy and daddy aren't going to be there all the time to help him, so he better nut up and figure things out on his own.

    I thank my parents for giving me a very good childhood. I played, had fun, got most of what I wanted for birthdays and christmas, but I had very real demands placed on me as well. Bs in school were NOT good enough, because I could do better. Chores and contributing around the house was not negotible, earing my own money through chores and getting a job was necessary for things that I wanted, transportation anywhere was a problem that I had to figure out on my own.

    Childhood is not the time for your parents to be friends with their kids. Enjoy them, play with them, teach them, but friendship comes later. I left for the military at 18, put myself through college, am successful in my career and I owe it all to standards, discipline and knowing when I'd won or when I lost, and striving to be better.
  • papa3x
    papa3x Posts: 286
    Winning isn't everything, having fun is. My parents were like you, and they did me NO favors. The constant pressure to WIN WIN WIN, to "stand out", to "be amazing".

    Well, as the OP, I NEVER said I pressure my kids to WIN WIN WIN.... I do encourage them to do their best, and learn from losing.
  • SixCatFaerie
    SixCatFaerie Posts: 690 Member

    So when it was over, my kids were told that their school won a "Blue Ribbon".... Which sounds cool, until you realize that teams that only score 45 also got a blue ribbon, as did the teams who scored above my daughter's team... From what I was told, EVERY team "won" a blue ribbon. I know I heard a lot of kids talking in the hallways about their team winning a blue ribbon.

    Then over the PA system, the principal says "We have 2000 winners tonight, not a single loser in the bunch.".

    This is one of the main reasons that my husband & I chose not to have children. I can't imagine raising a child in this society. My child would most definitely be considered a bully because they would stick up for themselves & say what is on their minds. How do I know that if I had a child that they would be that way? Because that is how I was raised & the generations before me were raised. I completely agree that the country is turning into a bunch of sissies. Makes me mad & sad at the same time...
  • Chipmaniac
    Chipmaniac Posts: 642 Member
    Since the prevailing wisdom is that the problem is exclusively with other people's kids, I wonder how there's a problem at all. Very strange indeed.
  • Chipmaniac
    Chipmaniac Posts: 642 Member

    So when it was over, my kids were told that their school won a "Blue Ribbon".... Which sounds cool, until you realize that teams that only score 45 also got a blue ribbon, as did the teams who scored above my daughter's team... From what I was told, EVERY team "won" a blue ribbon. I know I heard a lot of kids talking in the hallways about their team winning a blue ribbon.

    Then over the PA system, the principal says "We have 2000 winners tonight, not a single loser in the bunch.".

    This is one of the main reasons that my husband & I chose not to have children. I can't imagine raising a child in this society. My child would most definitely be considered a bully because they would stick up for themselves & say what is on their minds. How do I know that if I had a child that they would be that way? Because that is how I was raised & the generations before me were raised. I completely agree that the country is turning into a bunch of sissies. Makes me mad & sad at the same time...
    As a member of this society, I thank you for not having kids as well.
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    In my kids schools they don't give students "F's" anymore they get "U" for unsatisfactory. I guess because the word fail is too harsh for the kids. Bull FAILED. Do better.
    How old are your kids?

    They are 11 and 13.
    The 13 year old is in Junior High/Middle School correct? And you're saying they don't give out F's in JH/MS?

    In grade school around here you get a grade of 1-4, with 3 meeting the standard, 4 above standard, and 2 below standard etc. Only when they get to JH/MS do they get "real" grades. It's been like this for a long time. It's nothing new. When I was in grade school 30 years ago we got S or U, for satisfactory or unsatisfactory and real grades didn's start until 7th grade.

    Nope. My kids got real grades in elementary after 3rd grade. They also get O's, S's, and U's for things like conduct, participation etc. But their classes they get real grades A,B,C,D, and U. And my daughter in 7th, they still get U if they fail a paper, course, etc. no F's.
    Weird. It must be all that rampant liberalism out there in Kentucky. Here in the conservative Seattle area, we still have regular grades and they give kids no quarter. Their homework loads are huge and a lot is required of them. My 15-year old son is on two baseball teams, the HS team and a Pony team. Both teams keep score and bench players that aren't any good. You also have to try out for both teams and most don't make it. I'm sure glad I don't live in one of those liberal areas of the country.

    I hope you're being sarcastic here...Seattle is a hotbed of liberal nonsense and gets worse every single day. I'm a native and live here and see the constant dumbing down of education and the forced pussification of your average citizen.
    I'm being sarcastic. Of course Seattle is liberal. That's why I love living here. If was conservative, I'd probably move to Texas or some other red state. Our school system here in the suburbs is very good and rigorous. We also keep score at our sports games at the appropriate level. That's my point. It has nothing to do with "liberalism".

    HA! Have you ever been enrolled or had your kids enrolled in another state's schools? Seattle area schools are a joke. When my dad got moved back to our home state of Washington in the military from Kansas I was finishing 4th grade. When I got into 5th grade here I was learning stuff I had been in 3rd grade in Kansas...I started out my education in a Department of Defense school in 2nd grade I was ahead of the 3rd grade class I went into in Kansas...must have been all that harsh conservatism screwing me over.
  • GoldspursX3
    GoldspursX3 Posts: 516 Member
    LOL....this thread reminded me of when I was in 5th grade and had a 8th grader constantly bullying me on the bus. My dad got tired of me going home crying about it and said that the next time he heard about him bullying me and I didn't defend myself he would ground me.

    Ofcourse the next day Rowdy (yes, that's his name) was trying to pin my arms down on the bus. I managed to get a hand loose and connected nicely with his nose, which gave a very satisfying crunch. That was the last time Rowdy picked on me!
  • Chipmaniac
    Chipmaniac Posts: 642 Member
    In my kids schools they don't give students "F's" anymore they get "U" for unsatisfactory. I guess because the word fail is too harsh for the kids. Bull FAILED. Do better.
    How old are your kids?

    They are 11 and 13.
    The 13 year old is in Junior High/Middle School correct? And you're saying they don't give out F's in JH/MS?

    In grade school around here you get a grade of 1-4, with 3 meeting the standard, 4 above standard, and 2 below standard etc. Only when they get to JH/MS do they get "real" grades. It's been like this for a long time. It's nothing new. When I was in grade school 30 years ago we got S or U, for satisfactory or unsatisfactory and real grades didn's start until 7th grade.

    Nope. My kids got real grades in elementary after 3rd grade. They also get O's, S's, and U's for things like conduct, participation etc. But their classes they get real grades A,B,C,D, and U. And my daughter in 7th, they still get U if they fail a paper, course, etc. no F's.
    Weird. It must be all that rampant liberalism out there in Kentucky. Here in the conservative Seattle area, we still have regular grades and they give kids no quarter. Their homework loads are huge and a lot is required of them. My 15-year old son is on two baseball teams, the HS team and a Pony team. Both teams keep score and bench players that aren't any good. You also have to try out for both teams and most don't make it. I'm sure glad I don't live in one of those liberal areas of the country.

    I hope you're being sarcastic here...Seattle is a hotbed of liberal nonsense and gets worse every single day. I'm a native and live here and see the constant dumbing down of education and the forced pussification of your average citizen.
    I'm being sarcastic. Of course Seattle is liberal. That's why I love living here. If was conservative, I'd probably move to Texas or some other red state. Our school system here in the suburbs is very good and rigorous. We also keep score at our sports games at the appropriate level. That's my point. It has nothing to do with "liberalism".

    HA! Have you ever been enrolled or had your kids enrolled in another state's schools? Seattle area schools are a joke. When my dad got moved back to our home state of Washington in the military from Kansas I was finishing 4th grade. When I got into 5th grade here I was learning stuff I had been in 3rd grade in Kansas...I started out my education in a Department of Defense school in 2nd grade I was ahead of the 3rd grade class I went into in Kansas...must have been all that harsh conservatism screwing me over.
    Right. I believe you. I really do. This is the Kansas that wants to teach people creationism in science class. That Kansas. Uh huh.
  • Nucky719
    Nucky719 Posts: 143
    In my kids schools they don't give students "F's" anymore they get "U" for unsatisfactory. I guess because the word fail is too harsh for the kids. Bull FAILED. Do better.
    How old are your kids?

    They are 11 and 13.
    The 13 year old is in Junior High/Middle School correct? And you're saying they don't give out F's in JH/MS?

    In grade school around here you get a grade of 1-4, with 3 meeting the standard, 4 above standard, and 2 below standard etc. Only when they get to JH/MS do they get "real" grades. It's been like this for a long time. It's nothing new. When I was in grade school 30 years ago we got S or U, for satisfactory or unsatisfactory and real grades didn's start until 7th grade.

    Nope. My kids got real grades in elementary after 3rd grade. They also get O's, S's, and U's for things like conduct, participation etc. But their classes they get real grades A,B,C,D, and U. And my daughter in 7th, they still get U if they fail a paper, course, etc. no F's.

    so.. do they pass them to the next grade with "u"? i have seen many kids passed on to the next grade with F's sad.. the charter school here only passes kids to the next grade if they get above a 70 in all thier classes.. anything below a 70 and they have mandatory afterschool help. (which works for me!)

    Well my boyfriends daughter, who is also 11 now, has struggled in school for many years. She's always made predominately D's and U's on her report cards in elementary and still passed on to the next grade. He asked the school why are they passing her and they they can't hold them back because of the no child left behind act. This year she is in 6th and they told him they have to meet certain requirements to move on to the next grade. But yes while she was in elementary she passed to every grade and is on about a 2nd grade reading level. =\
  • gurl0411
    gurl0411 Posts: 41 Member
    Canada is getting just as bad. It makes me sad.

    agreed, it wasn't like that when i was in school, if you got under 3rd place THEN you got a participation ribbon.... I am by nature competative though so I always strive to get an actual place. if i got the same prize as someone who lost i would be TICKED
  • peachy_keen
    peachy_keen Posts: 43 Member
    Right...I 'm not saying to tell kids they are a failure. I'm only saying that you need to learn to benefit from your losses.

    COMPLETELY agree.
  • sarawoertink
    sarawoertink Posts: 62 Member
    I really like this post! I will not tell my daughter that she is horrible if she fails, but I will tell her that is how life goes and all we can do is try harder or practice more or take a different path in the future. I am taking the first step in DE-sissifying America and I am taking that step with my daughter and any future children I may have. I do not expect her to be some heartless, insensative being, but she needs to learn how to deal with losing/failure in a healthy way. Not being dissappointed by failure at some point is not how the world works and if we keep our children away from that, they will experience it and not know the proper way to deal. Teaching children about losing and winning gives parents the opportunity to guide them on how to react/cope/deal in both scenarios. There is a positive way to deal with losing and there is a negative way. We need to set good examples and teach our children the positive way of dealing with losses and winnings!
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    Right. I believe you. I really do. This is the Kansas that wants to teach people creationism in science class. That Kansas. Uh huh.

    Not sure what that has to do with the debate. I'm an atheist and don't think that creationism should be taught in school, nor that it is wrong, go to church and decide for yourself.

    Either way, my point stands, I was ahead of the curve on math, reading, social studies, history...pretty much every category that you can come up with, and I was NEVER coddled and told that I was so awesome and excellent. I saw kids held back if they failed...but those same kids also got extra attention to try to help them succeed. Now you see kids getting passed up the grade ladder so they won't feel bad or damage their self esteem.

    My view is that liberals tend to be more of the touchy feely types that like to coddle kids and let them do what they want. And it's only by some miracle that they all don't turn out to be self centered, egotistical little pricks, though most do.
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    This was a topic on a radio show the other day and they said basically all you high school I was on a team (volleyball) and we lost EVERY single game that year and our coach was a woman but she was fierce (I still remember her!) she told us we can sulk or determine the next year to come back fierce! Well we did!! The best was when teams that creamed us the year before told us "wow ya'll improved!" We didn't win a championship that next year but we improved and even won some games! It is all about hard work and perseverance! You got to keep trying!
  • Tybalt71
    Tybalt71 Posts: 1,064 Member
    I'm Canadian-Ty , txs for sharing
  • daisymae25
    daisymae25 Posts: 14 Member
    Not sure if it's been said already but the same applies to giving every kid a #1 bib at a kids' dash.

    Only the winner wins. The others lose (or "defer success" lol).

    Of course, without losers, there really are no winners.

    Hahaha, there's a series of kids' races around here too where every kids' bib # is 1. I call it the "politically correct" race. Seriously, what is wrong with having other numbers?
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    This was a topic on a radio show the other day and they said basically all you high school I was on a team (volleyball) and we lost EVERY single game that year and our coach was a woman but she was fierce (I still remember her!) she told us we can sulk or determine the next year to come back fierce! Well we did!! The best was when teams that creamed us the year before told us "wow ya'll improved!" We didn't win a championship that next year but we improved and even won some games! It is all about hard work and perseverance! You got to keep trying!

    And how would that have turned out if you'd been told "Oh you guys did great! Such a great effort, you're awsesome, here's a trophy!"
  • MrsGoHard
    MrsGoHard Posts: 150 Member
    I agree. Without a thing to add, I agree.
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    Self entitlement is the disease of America. Every one is told as a child they can go to college and be the next president. We basically force the idea that hard work is for those that are below them and we are creating a false social system that is collapsing right now. The occupy movement is a glaring example of that, out of work college graduates complaining that they cannot get jobs. Why? The good ones go away when businesses close down. Do some yard work, do some sort of manual labor.

    Kids use to learn how to work on cars and houses, now every one is apartment dwelling socialites who will pay for something else to get done.

    Kids use to play outside, now its too dangerous from all the sensational media stories. The boogie man use to be in your closet now he is outside staring at all your children waiting to jump out and molest them.

    We are becoming a nation of too many chiefs not enough indians we will be ill prepared to handle any sort of economic collapse and radical government change, quite frankly I think that is the plan.
  • shanahan_09
    shanahan_09 Posts: 238 Member
    I totally agree. When we were kids and had Sports Day in school, we worked our @sses off to get that first, second, or third place ribbon. I think now every kid gets a ribbon for 'participating'. What is this teaching our children for when they grow up and get jobs? That they will get rewarded for just showing up to work? Aaaargh!!
    Society needs to get back to hard, get rewarded!!