Can't believe you ate the whole thing...



  • MissEmilie2011
    MissEmilie2011 Posts: 27 Member
    10 lbs of crawfish and a basket of deep fried pickles. Nom Nom Nom.

    Thanks God I'm going back to Texas next month and it is crawfish season!

    mmmmm crawfish. I'm so ready for a crawfish boil! .:smile:
  • Lolli1986
    Lolli1986 Posts: 500 Member
    whole large pizzas in one sitting (i was cycling 40km per day at the time, and probably my lowest weight ever - i think 52 or 53kg at 5'7", lol. i had a REALLY physical job). me and a much tinier very active friend would each order a pizza and devour it routinely.

    whole 200g bags of m&ms in 2 sittings (one night). that was pretty sickening.
  • AbiNichole
    AbiNichole Posts: 300 Member
    An entire container of Nutella. yes.....yes I did....

    That's impressive. Hardcore- becuz it's so sticky you know.
  • Shannonbayer
    Shannonbayer Posts: 78 Member
    A whole box of the fiber cookies that taste/look like oreos. My entire family is glad that's out of my system.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    What haven't I eaten all of in an inappropriately short time is a better question!

    I regularly eat a whole tray of brownies in one work day (a few times a year at least :blushing:)
    I ate a whole box cake in less than 24 hours.
    I've been through an entire pizza several times.
    Keep the Chips A Hoy and Oreos away!
    Boxes of girl scout cookies.
    i ate a whole tube of cookie dough / cookies.
    The whole tube of cinnamon roles (that's a bad one for me! I do it way too much!)
    yeah pretty much the list goes on and on!

    Luckily it's only every few months and often I still can keep my calories in check for the day! I just don't eat anything else! :blushing:

    But seriously - you can't eat 1/2 of something! Someone will notice! So you have to eat all of it, dispose of the evidence, and swear it didn't exist in the first place!!!
  • Sandytoes71
    Sandytoes71 Posts: 463 Member
  • abellone7289
    abellone7289 Posts: 70 Member
    When I was 11 I ate a can of tomato soup and 7 grilled cheese sandwiches when I was at my godmother's. Her 14 year old football playing son couldn't make it past 5 sandwiches. He was impressed that a 5' nothing 90pound girl out ate him without getting sick. I wasn't even uncomfortable.

    I've also eaten a whole large pizza and 6 s'mores in one sitting. =/
  • CrazyGraciegirl
    6 pieces of toast with jelly in the morning. I'm embarrassed about that because I happened to be 10 at the time. :sick:
    I used to eat (and am still trying not to) eat way more than I should have, but I really can't think of anything insane. I salute the man who at the entire bag of beef jerkey. :bigsmile:
  • jesska812
    jesska812 Posts: 102 Member
    On two occasions I ate close to an entire KFC family sized meal (chicken, two large chips, chicken strips, nuggets, popcorn chicken and potato and gravy). I must admit now even the thought of KFC makes me feel a little bit sick :sick:
  • Aureilie
    Aureilie Posts: 213 Member
    I can (and have) done a magnum of wine by myself. I also tend to eat mac and cheese by the box.
  • theflyingartist
    theflyingartist Posts: 385 Member
    But seriously - you can't eat 1/2 of something! Someone will notice! So you have to eat all of it, dispose of the evidence, and swear it didn't exist in the first place!!!

    Ah yes, I'm quite familiar with this rule! :P
    I tend to throw out half of it anyways... there may or may not be 2/3 of a can of whipped frosting in the garbage can as I write this... :embarassed:
  • OpenHeaven
    OpenHeaven Posts: 275 Member
    LOL Some of these are hilarious!!!!! I'm cracking up!

    I have never been one who could eat a whole pizza. I can't even imagine! I am good at 2 slices (3 if I am really hungry). I don't really do fast food (other than french fries - mmmmm). I usually make a box of mac and cheese last for 2 or 3 full meals. I have never been one to eat a lot for meals...

    HOWEVER!!!!!!!! I can demolish chocolate and sweets!!!!!!! Ohhhhhh I love chocolate!!!! I regularly used to buy bags of Dove chocolate, and eat the entire bag in 24 hours or less!!! I think I have done maybe a half pan of brownies in a day before too - not a good idea!!!! Someone mentioned keeping Oreos and Chips A'Hoy away from her - yup I know the feeling - whole package gone in two days.:noway: :noway: Oh and bread!!!!! Yum!!! LOL when I was little, my mom would buy wonder bread. I would take the Wonder Bread and put maybe 10 M&M's on it, fold it in half and SQUISH the bread down - it was SOOOO good!!!!!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    AAAAAAAAND THIS ^^^^^^^ is why I am on a sugar fast and have sworn off all processed foods (including breads) for a while!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!! :blushing: :blushing:
  • kelleyke
    kelleyke Posts: 20
    Some things I've consumed
    -Large Dominos Deep Dish pizza. In college I would order two, eat one that night and eat the other throughout the next day
    -Entemann's Raspberry Danish. I love this so much, I don't even understand it. I start with a respectable piece then just keep coming back until it's gone.
    -12 tacos in a homemade taco kit
    -One night someone brought me home a chicken cheesesteak as I was cooking a Hungryman dinner. I ate the TV dinner then about an hour later ate the cheesesteak with cheese fries
    -Wawa 2 foot hoagie. I ordered this by mistake but ended up eating all of it
  • soymilkcoffee
    I've eaten half a large pizza pie before. I was so ashamed lol.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    I ate a whole box of oatmeal on monday xD
  • cschiff
    cschiff Posts: 209 Member
    I was feeling stressed and I ate about 4 servings of ice cream. I now feel miserable because I wrecked my whole diet when I was doing well. I feel so hopeless right now.
  • AeolianHarp
    AeolianHarp Posts: 463 Member
    The most I've ate recently, that I can recall, is when I hit up all-you-can-eat wings and I ate over 60 and left because I got bored of waiting for wings. I think they were taking their time on purpose. :p Also, get me to an all-you-can-eat sushi place and you an bet your bottom I'm there for the full two hours I'm allowed. I usually go once a month.

    The most I've ate in a single day was long before I became a food snob. I had 3 big bags of chips, 5 king size chocolate bars, 5 mcchickens, 5 double cheese burgers with two large fries then I'd probably smash half a tub of ice-cream. I usually wasn't finished yet, so I'd eat an entire box of cookies (usually oreos). Ah, that sounds disgusting. :)

    My stomach can't handle that much mediocre food anymore.
  • skywa
    skywa Posts: 901 Member
    i use to starve binge a lot so i've eating crazy amounts in one sitting.


    5 boxes of mac n cheese
    1 med pizza
    3 bowls of pasta
    4 pb sandwiches.

    all on seperate occations but still.. obsurd stuff. like....1000 calories at a time atleast. the most ever was probably 6000 cals at once.
  • groomchick
    groomchick Posts: 610 Member
    I once ate 5 lbs of lobster meat with an entire stick of butter...Still no regrets!!
  • essjay76
    essjay76 Posts: 465 Member
    HAHAHAHAH!!!! Reading these are so funny because I CAN RELATE! Been there done that!!!!

    Mind you, I'm not the biggest person (am under 5') and have been a few pounds overweight here and there in my adult years but never really "heavy". But I have been known to put things away:

    - A whole LARGE pepperoni pizza!
    - YES, Little Debbie's Oatmeal Cream Pies - A WHOLE BOX!
    - A whole 8 piece family meal from Popeye's
    - YES, I've eaten a whole rotiserrie chicken from the grocery store too!
    - A McRib meal, with large fries, 6 pcs of chicken nuggets, and a Big Mac
    - A whole meatloaf I cooked myself - (was supposed to serve 8 people with it!)

    I can go on... but these were binges I had either in college when I had an ED, or during marathon training when I was so ravenous that I thought I literally could eat whatever I wanted (and I gained a few pounds, thus am here on MFP :-) ), or of course they were alcohol induced binges (another reason I'm here on MFP).

    Lately my binges consist of eating whole bags of trail mix though LOL...