Can't believe you ate the whole thing...



  • jaxbeck
    jaxbeck Posts: 537 Member
    A whole cheesecake when I was a teenager :embarassed:
  • CatAbiOli
    CatAbiOli Posts: 16
    I can eat a whole box of Jaffa Cakes, I don't think its possible just to have one!
  • kmillers
    kmillers Posts: 144 Member
    Whole bottles of wine, every time I open wine, disappear. Which is why I'm off the wine now.

    ^^^This. I always drank 3-4 bottles of wine by myself. Plus several drinks. Then, I really got crazy and ate like I never ate before. Then the next day, I would eat anything greasy to try to stop the hangover or drink again. :embarassed: Quit drinking -> down 55lbs. (exercise helped but dropping the 2000+ calories in wine a day helped tremendously)
  • skatters
    skatters Posts: 48
    This topic scares me. I look at things other people have wrote, and think "I've done that." or "You only ate 1? Guess I shouldn't be eating 2." Shameful.

    On my list:
    1.5 boxes of kraft mac & cheese
    2 boxes of girl scout cookies (caramel delights and thanksalot) multiple times
    A whole order of Aussie Cheese fries from outback - again, multiple times
    A whole huge watermelon in less than 24 hours - multiple times
    Whole bags of chips - more times than I can count
    An 12 pack of ice cream drumsticks
    A whole rotisserie chicken from Sams - didn't even leave the parking lot

    Before starting here last month, I was literally eating 12-18 white bagels (lenders, the soft kind) and a whole bag of dove with caramel chocolates. Every day, for months. And that's about ALL I ate.

    I am so ashamed. I am still a volume eater, but trying to make better choices.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    I can eat a large Papa John's pizza like it's nothing. I mean I can really put the pizza away. It's my kryptonite!

    And I've drank a bottle of wine by myself more than once, but whatever, one bottle only has like 4 glasses in it... :)
  • MysticalCupcake
    A whole roll of Oreos....and that was only about two weeks ago. I think that was actually my wake up call that I needed to stop stuffing my face. :laugh:
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,732 Member
    I once ate 13 cheeseburgers (grilled at home, not like tiny Mcdonalds ones)...4 with buns, 9 beat my male cousin. Couldnt move the rest of the night....but to this day I still have bragging rights.
  • kristy1189
    kristy1189 Posts: 1 Member
    A whole Oven Pizza. I was pregnant, but that was no excuse. It also happened more than once. I think once when I wasnt pregnant if Im not mistaking :/
  • smplycomplicated
    smplycomplicated Posts: 484 Member
    When i was 16 i ate an entire cheesecake by myself, then polished off a large bowl of my grandma's chicken n dumplins' I was about 105 lbs. back then..i honestly don't know how i did it..Metabolism is a wonderful thing.. Now i can look at a cheesecake and gain a lb.
  • NikkiTheRazor
    NikkiTheRazor Posts: 19 Member
    Two boxes of chocolate-covered cherries with a bottle of Mountain Dew. Although I was PMSing pretty hardcore that month...>.>;
  • NikkiTheRazor
    NikkiTheRazor Posts: 19 Member
    Two boxes of chocolate-covered cherries with a bottle of Mountain Dew. Although I was PMSing pretty hardcore that month...>.>;
  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    CannibalisticVegetarian Posts: 1,255 Member
    -In about five hours I'd gone through the Family sized bags of Cool ranch doritos
    -Another time, I'd cleaned through an entire box of Cream cheese and chive wheat thins.. back when they were still in stores. It was picked clean in about three hours.
  • TheUnwritten
    TheUnwritten Posts: 158 Member
    Box of cereal (honey bunches of oats/any flavor, Reese's puffs, Special K red berries). I could easily eat a large pizza if its with garlic butter sauce instead of the red its delicious! Recently I bought some chicken breast at a local store they were on sale and there fricken huge! The chicken was on roids or lifting weights lol. I measured one that was 17.10 ounces! I still ate the whole thing plus veggies on the side. =)
  • rmstorey
    rmstorey Posts: 24
    I once ate an entire box of Dairy Queen Peanut Buster Bars. And yes, it was during college, though I was on a roadtrip at the time.
  • xdaysbingefree
    xdaysbingefree Posts: 98 Member
    A jar of peanut butter (over the course of 2 days)
  • HLeAnn
    HLeAnn Posts: 261 Member
    In college I have, on several occasions, eaten an entire Dominos medium pizza by myself. I'm struggling by the last piece, but I still did it. Geez, why do they call it the freshman 15 again?? LOL (Except for me it was more like 20-25).
  • niceMarly
    niceMarly Posts: 89 Member
    About six months ago, on my way to work, I stopped in McDonald's and bought four Egg Mcmuffins (one hash brown), fully intending to share them with a co-worker...but when she had called in sick, I ended up eating ALL four! I still have the urge to have an Egg McMuffin now, but I resist it!!
  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    I've eaten an entire box of Girl Scout Samoa cookies in one sitting. That was a few years ago.

    Most recently, I at an entire large bad of Cadbury mini eggs in a 24 hour period. I felt ill. But, damn they were good.:sick:
  • DawnfCordero
    before starting mfp, i was watching tv, n didnt realize i ate a whole bag of ZAPP'S chips. i would never do that again. as good as they were. its was soooooooo fatting. mfp has helped me so much lately. i think i will do great with this.
  • ksutte
    ksutte Posts: 76 Member
    Hahaha! I ate an entire box of the little debbie strawberry shortcakes in one sitting too! I was so ashamed!
    I also ate 8 big biscuits in about 2 hours....twice lol
    And an entire pan of cheesecake once.
    Honestly, the list could go on lol. I have an appetite like a man most of the time! but I'm not eating like that anymore! haha

    I'm with you, I can eat and eat and eat, no problems. My husband is always amazed at what I can put away. My daughter is the same way as me, but not my son, he eats like a bird. We are working really hard teaching my daughter the right things to eat vs the bad things and how much is appropriate. We all go to the gym and make exercising a priority. Never start soon enough.