Supplements---What do you take?



  • rubysphoto
    rubysphoto Posts: 254 Member
    Some info that some might find interesting.

    I did do my own search on vitamins for my family to take and to help my son which is now off the prescription meds for ADHD because of supplements.
    I am not posting for people to agree or argue just sharing info. :-)
  • darkmouzy
    darkmouzy Posts: 227 Member
    I take a whey protien, multivitamin, cla, bcaa, efa's, at the moment :)
  • Kellllog
    Kellllog Posts: 81 Member
    I take a basic multivitamin and a B-complex when I'm at work - I find it very hard to eat healthily at work...
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    12PM-omega 3 flaxseed oil
    4PM-either potassium or iron -alternating daily
    Whey protein powder as needed.

    It seems like no matter what I eat, I never get enough potassium.
    I have been meat/milk/egg free for about 3 months now. My iron intake it usually always low.
    DFWTT Posts: 374
    Are you guys looking at the concentration percentages of fat soluble and water soluble nutrients? If you are taking with food, water soluble nutrients should be higher in concentration than fat soluble and vise versa if taking only with water no matter where the nutrient is derived. This speaks to your personal preference on when you are ingesting. You can only absorb so much under given circumstances without having it flushed.
  • zoedallas
    zoedallas Posts: 116 Member

    No, those are equally as awful but there are good, affordable multis out there. Source Naturals Life Force is one that's worth investing in. No one needs to go crazy and get mega-dosed vitamins and minerals such as Animal Pak (which is overrated and a waste of money). I also believe NOW makes a women's version of what I take, which I presume is called NOW Eve.
    Thanks for the info. I use NOW for Vitamin D and I know its a good brand. I'll take a look at Eve and also Source Naturals.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,749 Member
    dont you know its unreasonable to post your opinion on a subject in a PUBLIC forum if it differs from what they want to hear? how dare you offer reasonable advice that doesnt match up with what they already believe. how judgemental of you. come off your high horse of trying to offer a new or different perspective on something. geez whats wrong with you.
    Posting your opinion is fine. But calling other people silly, assuming the haven't done their research or weren't tested is arrogant and judgemental.

    Share your thoughts, your beliefs your research. Don't tell people what to do and imply they are stupid if they don't do things your way.

    I agree. I DO get my blood tested every year to see where I am and what I need to add. Even in the summer time my vitamin D levels are below what they should be. I'm a member of Life Extensions which is where we get our supplements. They have a magazine which my husband reads that is all about supplements, what they do, how they work, what ones are good etc. and what the latest and newest supplements are. They do their own clinical tests, they have debunked many claims by the FDA (their so-called claim that Vitamin E does nothing for you for example).

    We don't just take vitamins "willy nilly". We do our research. We get our blood tested and we take what we should. We don't eat crap, we eat an abundance of fruits and vegetables but it is not nearly adequate enough for me to get how much my body actually needs. If you feel that you're getting everything you need through your eating then good for you but please don't bash those people who religiously take supplements and don't assume that everyone who takes them are idiots who don't do their research.
  • docjoe
    docjoe Posts: 65 Member

    You're kidding, right? The FDA is the biggest scam out there! Studies have proven that aspirin reduces your cancer risk but the FDA will not allow the makers of aspirin to make that claim any more and if they do then aspirin will be regulated and you will need a prescription to get it! They want to regulate ALL vitamins and force you to get them by prescription only. They claim that vitamins are harmful because they give them to their lab rats in doses that no one would ever be able to process.

    They're a money hungry government funded operation that needs to be shut down period!

    Really? I have my issues with FDA also but are you in favor of getting rid of all oversight of medications? The drug companies (and supplement manufacturers) would love to be able to do away with all of those expensive clinical trials to evaluate safety and efficacy but then we'd be at the mercy of the manufacturers. The reality is that supplements are already exempt from FDA oversight unless they are going to be marketed as a medication. I think this is pretty reasonable.

    I do agree that the disconnect is that the process to get the FDA stamp of approval has become so expensive that there is no financial motive to investigate treatments without profit. Also more and more of the research funding comes from Pharma due to the cost of large trials and shrinking financial support from the NIH. There are likely "natural" treatments that could be beneficial and we may never be able to evaluate them in the present system.

    So the system is far from perfect bit still serves a purpose. There were thousands of thalidomide victims in Europe who wish an agency like the FDA had been keeping watch there.

    Ummm top 2 paragraphs should be a quote but I screwed it up somehow...
  • i get a lot of my nutrients from food but i dont eat a lot of meat so i take a whole foods multi-vitamin everyday.. also a B&C complex vitamin for the b12 and because vitamin c helps fight off sickness and i take a half of a 1000IU vitamin D whole foods vitamin because i also dont eat/drink a lot of dairy products. I used to take a magnesium but stopped last year.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,749 Member

    You're kidding, right? The FDA is the biggest scam out there! Studies have proven that aspirin reduces your cancer risk but the FDA will not allow the makers of aspirin to make that claim any more and if they do then aspirin will be regulated and you will need a prescription to get it! They want to regulate ALL vitamins and force you to get them by prescription only. They claim that vitamins are harmful because they give them to their lab rats in doses that no one would ever be able to process.

    They're a money hungry government funded operation that needs to be shut down period!

    Really? I have my issues with FDA also but are you in favor of getting rid of all oversight of medications? The drug companies (and supplement manufacturers) would love to be able to do away with all of those expensive clinical trials to evaluate safety and efficacy but then we'd be at the mercy of the manufacturers. The reality is that supplements are already exempt from FDA oversight unless they are going to be marketed as a medication. I think this is pretty reasonable.

    I do agree that the disconnect is that the process to get the FDA stamp of approval has become so expensive that there is no financial motive to investigate treatments without profit. Also more and more of the research funding comes from Pharma due to the cost of large trials and shrinking financial support from the NIH. There are likely "natural" treatments that could be beneficial and we may never be able to evaluate them in the present system.

    So the system is far from perfect bit still serves a purpose. There were thousands of thalidomide victims in Europe who wish an agency like the FDA had been keeping watch there.

    Ummm top 2 paragraphs should be a quote but I screwed it up somehow...

    So you'd rather pay 1,000 times what you pay now for a prescription which if you were to get your supplements would have to be prescribed by Big Pharma which, oh by the way OWNS the FDA?! I'm not!

    Why should my omega 3's or my coq10 be FDA regulated?

    Have you not listened to the ads for the meds that that the FDA has deemed "acceptable" where one of the side effects is a "fatal event"? Or you might have to call your doctor if an "involuntary spasm occurs because this might become permanent". Really? Sorry but if the FDA is passing drugs like this and they're deemed "safe" then I will take my chances with my unregulated supplements.
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    Women's Ultra Mega (GNC)
    OxtELITE Pro
    Fish Oil w/ Omega 3
  • Be careful with carb blockers. I have IBS so asked my gastro Dr. These blockers work in the colon and can cause lots of upset. I do not eat the veggies or much fiber either. vitamains help with nutrients. Another option is the diet shakes. They have the nutrients and fiber. I like the equate brand from wamart. Affordable but not yucky lol.
  • Nothing at all, just good wholesome and healthy foods. I hate a lot of them, but I am not big on eating so I just eat what is required, thinking of my healthy heart and being with my kids in to my old age. I try not to think of the taste if it's something I don't like, but I eat it anyway as I know it will do me good. 3 meals a day 20 mins a kick.

    I have a degree in Animal Science and Physiology and I have read extensively on supplements for my dissertation. The short answer is, if it's longevity and good long term health you after, where all other variables are constant, it is much better to eat a natural, wholesome, varied diet with ceiling to your calorific intake and lots of moderate and regular exercise. The best supplements in the world are those that grow in the ground! They might not taste great, but if you're eating loads of tablets I don't think you're in it for the taste.

    Lastly, as previously mentioned by others many supplements have been significantly linked to increased cancer risk. It's a challenging one statistically, but my view is that there is more evidence to suggest they are harmful, in an otherwise healthy body than there are to say they are useful.

    Do not be enslaved by the smart marketing campaigns of the pharmaceutical companies that make these supplements. These companies are in it for profit and really know how to twist your world. I think you should take some of the detail out of it and just have a decent square meal.

    I hope it makes sense to you and does not offend. I know it can be a sensitive matter and I wish you the best of luck with your goals.
  • .

  • It seems like no matter what I eat, I never get enough potassium.
    I have been meat/milk/egg free for about 3 months now. My iron intake it usually always low.

    Bananas for potassium.
    Dark greens for iron, although iron can be a tough one I know. :happy:
  • zoedallas
    zoedallas Posts: 116 Member
    You can find a study that will support just about any point of view you want to take. I can quote numerous studies that show that supplements protect against cancer. And some of those studies that show increased cancer risk are flawed or spun to make them seem more dramatic. Taking vitamin E is supposed to increase your risk for prostate cancer. Yet the same study showed that taking vitamin E with selenium (which is normal in a multivitamin) does not increase your risk. They never seem to mention that last part.

    I agree that getting your vitamins from food is best. But if that isn't possible, then I believe that vitamins are a good alternative and the benefits far outweigh any risk.

    Just my opinion and something that everyone needs to decide for themselves.
  • Nothing at all, just good wholesome and healthy foods. I hate a lot of them, but I am not big on eating so I just eat what is required, thinking of my healthy heart and being with my kids in to my old age. I try not to think of the taste if it's something I don't like, but I eat it anyway as I know it will do me good. 3 meals a day 20 mins a kick.

    I have a degree in Animal Science and Physiology and I have read extensively on supplements for my dissertation. The short answer is, if it's longevity and good long term health you after, where all other variables are constant, it is much better to eat a natural, wholesome, varied diet with ceiling to your calorific intake and lots of moderate and regular exercise. The best supplements in the world are those that grow in the ground! They might not taste great, but if you're eating loads of tablets I don't think you're in it for the taste.

    Lastly, as previously mentioned by others many supplements have been significantly linked to increased cancer risk. It's a challenging one statistically, but my view is that there is more evidence to suggest they are harmful, in an otherwise healthy body than there are to say they are useful.

    Do not be enslaved by the smart marketing campaigns of the pharmaceutical companies that make these supplements. These companies are in it for profit and really know how to twist your world. I think you should take some of the detail out of it and just have a decent square meal.

    I hope it makes sense to you and does not offend. I know it can be a sensitive matter and I wish you the best of luck with your goals.

    dont bother. it doesnt matter what your background is. these people love being slaves to big pharma.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    dont bother. it doesnt matter what your background is. these people love being slaves to big pharma.
    Don't talk about people like second-class citizens. It makes you look like an *kitten*.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Nothing at all, just good wholesome and healthy foods. I hate a lot of them, but I am not big on eating so I just eat what is required, thinking of my healthy heart and being with my kids in to my old age. I try not to think of the taste if it's something I don't like, but I eat it anyway as I know it will do me good. 3 meals a day 20 mins a kick.

    I have a degree in Animal Science and Physiology and I have read extensively on supplements for my dissertation. The short answer is, if it's longevity and good long term health you after, where all other variables are constant, it is much better to eat a natural, wholesome, varied diet with ceiling to your calorific intake and lots of moderate and regular exercise. The best supplements in the world are those that grow in the ground! They might not taste great, but if you're eating loads of tablets I don't think you're in it for the taste.

    Lastly, as previously mentioned by others many supplements have been significantly linked to increased cancer risk. It's a challenging one statistically, but my view is that there is more evidence to suggest they are harmful, in an otherwise healthy body than there are to say they are useful.

    Do not be enslaved by the smart marketing campaigns of the pharmaceutical companies that make these supplements. These companies are in it for profit and really know how to twist your world. I think you should take some of the detail out of it and just have a decent square meal.

    I hope it makes sense to you and does not offend. I know it can be a sensitive matter and I wish you the best of luck with your goals.

    dont bother. it doesnt matter what your background is. these people love being slaves to big pharma.

    And here I thought you were against stereotyping or at least you were a few weeks ago.
  • even if you are eating all the healthy foods, you still should be taking supplements. Atleast a multivitamen, fishoil etc