What was the moment you realized you needed to lose weight?



  • Bull2707
    Bull2707 Posts: 106
    This is two part for me. When we switched to summer uniforms and my cammies felt a little to snug. They are supposed to be lose and I walked by a mirror and asked who was that.? That is when I statred to look at my nutrition and exercise routine. I now have the genetics that if I drive by McDonalds and smell it I will gain 5 Ilbs.
  • Lyra89
    Lyra89 Posts: 674 Member
    I was having a bath, removed the plug and let the water go down the drain as I sat in the middle of the tub.

    When I stood up, a gush of water exploded from behind me!

    I was so wide that my love handles touched either side of the bath and were holding back half of the water hahahaha!

    That did it for me, really. That and the fact that I couldn't afford to keep buying larger sized jeans.
  • mimiclown
    mimiclown Posts: 32
    When my Dr. told me I needed to be on yet another medication. I was already on 2 blood pressure meds, was pre-diabetic and had a cholesterol count of 300. I also realized every pair of pants or shorts i had were elastic waistbands.
  • WiegandS
    WiegandS Posts: 99 Member
    I've always been the type of person who would diet for 2 weeks and expect a miracle. I'd lose about 5-10 pounds, but then I'd start to slack. The most success I ever had was in high school where I dropped nearly 40 pounds because I was starving myself, but as soon as I started eating I packed on 20 pounds within 3 months. Then last year I was maybe 183 and decided I needed a change. I started seeing a personal trainer and dropped nearly 13 pounds in a month, but paying close to $700 for training sessions doesn't fit into my budget in the long run so I had to drop him and thus fell into my lazy mode again. I was able to keep 10 of the 13 pounds off until this december where I literally woke up and just decided to go to the gym and try to find filling healthier alternatives to my favorite foods. To me, going to the gym is easy, but giving up the things you love is hard and so is eating it in moderation. The key is to find tastier and healthy alternatives to things you love so you can have as much as you want without the guilt.

    PS skinnytaste.com recipes help a lot.. my fav is the mac and cheese soup.
  • Redheadllena
    Redheadllena Posts: 353 Member
    My wardrobe was going to waste because things I used to love to wear weren't fitting (namely favorite pairs of jeans). Went to the doctor and the nurse quickly and seemingly carelessly weighed me, and I came in at my highest weight ever, almost 180 (which was much to close to 200lbs for my comfort). I was shocked. Then I went home for Christmas and thought all the pictures "made" me look fat. Looking back it's because I had gotten much bigger than I was in my mind's eye. Now watching portion size and noticing how much I used to thoughtlessly snack and how little I used to move each day has been enlightening.
  • When I saw pictures from my sister's wedding. I thought I was looking fabulous until I saw the pictures. I looked so swole, I couldn't believe that that was me, I couldn't believe that I destroyed her wedding day pictures. My weight was 250 and today I weighed in at 189.2 :)
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    A number of coincidences that all happened within the space of a couple of days. I had signed up for a charity walk (half marathon) was in training and realised it would be easier if I lost a little bit of weight. Came into work on the Monday and a colleague introduced me to MFP as she had just found it and wanted to lose weight. Later the same week, I went with a colleague to check out a gym, I joined and she didn't. I didn't intend to lose the amount I have, but find this site so easy to use, and have a new found love for exercise, I find myself nearing the target I set myself but never though I would achieve - sweet!
  • msradio
    msradio Posts: 165 Member
    Playing wii fitness and the game said thats obese!:angry:
  • Miss_dannii
    Miss_dannii Posts: 1,351 Member
    That moment for me was over Christmas when I went to a funfair with my friends and the bucket seats on the rides hurt my hips, I barely fit into them, and I had to get off one ride before it started because I was 'scared' (too squashed in the seat) and had to sit it out on a couple of them as I'd be too embarrassed to check if I would fit in the seat. xx
  • Mcctin65
    Mcctin65 Posts: 507 Member
    When I needed to buy bigger jeans.... again.
    I, too, ripped many a belt loop!
  • Iceylyons
    Iceylyons Posts: 86 Member
    When I made a comment about being heavy and my 11 y/o daughter looked at me and said, "Mommy, you're not fat!!" *insert sweet smile* I turned around and caught her reflection in the mirror and she was rolling her eyes. I realized how wide I was. Like REALLY WIDE looking in the mirror sideways.

    BTW, FANTASTIC post!! =)
  • I had been battling the weight half-heartedly for about two years, and it definitely brought me down. But the moment that I realized I was going to make changes was a week before I was about to elope. I had bought a pretty dress but started to panic that maybe there was something better out there. I ordered 4 more online, all in a size larger than I normally wear, and NONE of them fit. I could barely zip most of them, looked like an off-white sausage in all of them, and realized that I didn't want this body. I decided to enjoy my elopement weekend but to start making healthy changes when I got back. I did great initially but I was sidelined by an injury and the holidays. Now I'm back and down 15 pounds. 20 more to go but feeling inspired!
  • mmassacci
    mmassacci Posts: 13 Member
    Well, let me begin by saying that when I was pregnant with my daughter I gained just about 60 pounds..I was always in shape prior to that, but months and months went by after I gave birth and I was not losing any weight. Around the time that my daughter was 18 months someone asked when I was due!? I was mortified and while it hasn't been until my daughter turned two that the weight has finally been dropping, the pregnancy question was definitely my moment of shame!!!
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    The moment I realized is when I stepped on the scale and I weighed as much as my fiance.... Granted he was underweight at the time but still!!! I hated that number.
  • shmunster
    shmunster Posts: 538 Member
    When playing a baby shower game and my about to pop pregnant friend had a waist measurement smaller than mine, I never looked back
  • beduffbrickie
    beduffbrickie Posts: 642 Member
    great thread!

    I think for me, it was starting to effect every area of my life, from energy to mood to the fact I would leave my button undone on my jeans when driving because they didnt fit any more. I was in denial for a long time, as the weight dont creep on over night does it folks?
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    The doctor told me I needed to do something about my weight. I started losing weight, but wasn't that serious about it until I had a heart attack, A year later, I am down over 50 and running 5Ks.
  • rhe276
    rhe276 Posts: 46
    when my eight year old daughter wanted me to go on the biggest loser :embarassed:
  • Megs052
    Megs052 Posts: 3 Member
    When I realised that I was becoming socially withdrawn due to a low confidence from all my weight gain.
  • NemoDog
    NemoDog Posts: 61
    When I was on my cruise in January and I quickly found out that ALOT of my summer clothes didn't fit!!!
    I started the day I got back and I'm down 27 pounds in 2 months :D