If it fits in my daily calories...



  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Eating clean really isn't expensive. I feed a family of 5 on $150 or less per week.
    must be nice, sometimes me and hubby doesn't have $50 for the month for food after rent, lights etc and we don't qualify for food stamps
    alot of what we eat comes from the food bank which is ran by a local church ..

    <backing back out the thread now>

    I want to give you a hug...


    You make an outstanding point though. I remember being the child of a single mother who struggled to put any food on the table. It's not something that is easy to deal with, and I can't imagine it now 15 years later with food prices the way they are.

    You just keep doing what is working for you.
  • boggsmeister
    boggsmeister Posts: 292 Member
    I just ate a donut. Maple bar to be exact.
  • r1r14ever
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Um, Wow. Why does the OP caring what other people eat upset you so much? Why do you care so much what she does, but expect her not to care what anyone else does?

    Reacting to perceived judgement of yourself and your actions != judging others
  • HardcorePork
    HardcorePork Posts: 109 Member
    Not sure why this bothers me but it ...

    I'll venture a guess.

    a) projecting
    b) perhaps you require a level of fanaticism to maintain your own commitment to your goals

    Either way, I'd relax a little. Can't save the world, dollface
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I stalked Acg for months before adding him. Nothing wrong with a little stalking.

    Also, I think his abs speak for him in regards to carbs not hurting him in the fitness department.

    First I want to say that I don't think or care if Acg is a weirdo. But thinking anyone's abs speak for anything when it comes to fitness or nutrition is not wise unless you've known them for a while and know them well. Many people are naturally thin no matter what they eat, so just a few ab exercises will give them a 6 pack. That doesn't mean the same is true for others.

    I've seen Acg's posts before. Whenever he has made statements about fitness or nutrition, he has backed it up with peer review studies. His opinion is highly respected on these threads because he knows what he is talking about, and very often, he provides people with truth where others are only offering opinions formed from studies that they "heard" about. His profile pic is just eye candy. It is his experience and personal pursuit of knowledge that has warranted him the respect that he receives. Being that you have been around in the forums for so long, I would think you would know that.
  • Brandongood
    Brandongood Posts: 311 Member
    Evangelical dieters. 1000x more obtrusive than evangelical Christians.

    Im an evangelical Christian but Im not obtrusive.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    i eat cheeseburgers, pizza, and ice cream.


    what were you saying?
  • akjmart2002
    akjmart2002 Posts: 263 Member
    Please point me to said 400 calorie double cheeseburger. Thanks


    McDonalds McDouble Cheeseburger: 390 calories

  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    Eating clean really isn't expensive. I feed a family of 5 on $150 or less per week.
    must be nice, sometimes me and hubby doesn't have $50 for the month for food after rent, lights etc and we don't qualify for food stamps
    alot of what we eat comes from the food bank which is ran by a local church ..

    <backing back out the thread now>

    aw, sweetie, I too know that feeling and have been near there all too many times. Hugs to you!!
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Eating clean really isn't expensive. I feed a family of 5 on $150 or less per week.
    must be nice, sometimes me and hubby doesn't have $50 for the month for food after rent, lights etc and we don't qualify for food stamps
    alot of what we eat comes from the food bank which is ran by a local church ..

    <backing back out the thread now>

    aw, sweetie, I too know that feeling and have been near there all too many times. Hugs to you!!

    This is where a victory garden, (even in potted plants) really comes in handy, as well as your local farmers market. DH and I save boat loads of money in the summer by growing some of our veggies and buying the rest at market.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    if you make your own cheeseburgers at home, its not the same as getting a Whopper ya know. I mean, I hope ya know.
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    I'm trying to change, but it is gradual. For instance, I haven't eliminated red meat, but have it only once a week (Preferable a nice big ribeye). Eventually I may have it even less often (or choose a nice small ribeye), but for now, it beats how much red meat I was eating and serving my husband six months ago. (At least three times per week.) Do I indulge in too many sweets? Well, I don't keep them in the house, but I still have trouble not visiting the "sweet table" at meetings and Church functions (if fruit is available, I will have that instead, and now have a sight limit as to how much space I must see on my plate if I choose cookies or a mini danish). That is STIll better than six months ago, when I kept sweets in the house.
    While I hope to consistently improve week by week (water intake, less sugar, less sodium, less cholesterol), I don't see it as an all or nothing proposition.
    And yes, I had half a large shamrock shake last month because it fit in my calorie allotment, and I knew that I wouldn't see it again for a year. It was delicious! I will not improve on that next year. I'd consider a repeat to be a success.
    We all have different goals, and different ways we feel we can best reach them. We need to support one another as we form our goals, work toward them, and reevaluate them. Judging one another's goals doesn't get us anywhere. Even if we fear someone is deficient in something, we can encourage them to choose foods that contain said nutrient without judgement. (I tease a friend all the time that it looks like she and calcium have broken up... She has a good sense of humor and "lols")
  • twisted88
    twisted88 Posts: 330 Member
    If you're going to eat a burger....make it a REAL burger, not some skimpyassed cardboard POS. And plan for it...like me


    Dear burger,

    I think I love you.

    That is all.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I stalked Acg for months before adding him. Nothing wrong with a little stalking.

    Also, I think his abs speak for him in regards to carbs not hurting him in the fitness department.

    First I want to say that I don't think or care if Acg is a weirdo. But thinking anyone's abs speak for anything when it comes to fitness or nutrition is not wise unless you've known them for a while and know them well. Many people are naturally thin no matter what they eat, so just a few ab exercises will give them a 6 pack. That doesn't mean the same is true for others.

    I've seen Acg's posts before. Whenever he has made statements about fitness or nutrition, he has backed it up with peer review studies. His opinion is highly respected on these threads because he knows what he is talking about, and very often, he provides people with truth where others are only offering opinions formed from studies that they "heard" about. His profile pic is just eye candy. It is his experience and personal pursuit of knowledge that has warranted him the respect that he receives. Being that you have been around in the forums for so long, I would think you would know that.

    I am not the one that said his abs speak for him.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I stalked Acg for months before adding him. Nothing wrong with a little stalking.

    Also, I think his abs speak for him in regards to carbs not hurting him in the fitness department.

    First I want to say that I don't think or care if Acg is a weirdo. But thinking anyone's abs speak for anything when it comes to fitness or nutrition is not wise unless you've known them for a while and know them well. Many people are naturally thin no matter what they eat, so just a few ab exercises will give them a 6 pack. That doesn't mean the same is true for others.

    I've seen Acg's posts before. Whenever he has made statements about fitness or nutrition, he has backed it up with peer review studies. His opinion is highly respected on these threads because he knows what he is talking about, and very often, he provides people with truth where others are only offering opinions formed from studies that they "heard" about. His profile pic is just eye candy. It is his experience and personal pursuit of knowledge that has warranted him the respect that he receives. Being that you have been around in the forums for so long, I would think you would know that.

    I am not the one that said his abs speak for him.

  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I stalked Acg for months before adding him. Nothing wrong with a little stalking.

    Also, I think his abs speak for him in regards to carbs not hurting him in the fitness department.

    First I want to say that I don't think or care if Acg is a weirdo. But thinking anyone's abs speak for anything when it comes to fitness or nutrition is not wise unless you've known them for a while and know them well. Many people are naturally thin no matter what they eat, so just a few ab exercises will give them a 6 pack. That doesn't mean the same is true for others.

    I've seen Acg's posts before. Whenever he has made statements about fitness or nutrition, he has backed it up with peer review studies. His opinion is highly respected on these threads because he knows what he is talking about, and very often, he provides people with truth where others are only offering opinions formed from studies that they "heard" about. His profile pic is just eye candy. It is his experience and personal pursuit of knowledge that has warranted him the respect that he receives. Being that you have been around in the forums for so long, I would think you would know that.

    I am not the one that said his abs speak for him.

    Oh, I see your point. But you could have at least pointed out that he routinely posts factual information, and that it is his knowledge that actually speaks for him.
  • DeanneLea
    DeanneLea Posts: 261
    Im not gonna eat anything I shouldn't till I get to my goal. Dedication will get me results. The cheeseburger isn't going anywhere. You can eat anything you want when your kids dont have to worry about your breathing, etc. If it hurts, that means its addicting. Thats like saying a crackhead should be able to splurge on crack "every once in a while". Most of us are un-healthy. Lets do this. Put the burger down!!!!

    1) You need food to live, you don't need crack to live. Very different "addiction".
    2) "I'm not gonna eat anything I shouldn't till I get to my goal"-- Good idea. That's like saying a crackhead should go through rehab and then reward themselves with a nice binge on crack ;)
    3) That beer in your picture sure does look tasty.

    The beer is why I am fat. Thats my motivational pic. Im not gonna drink until I reach my goal. Just like the burger... lol

    Ah yea, while you're depriving yourself, I'll drink a beer for you(and continue losing weight).
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I stalked Acg for months before adding him. Nothing wrong with a little stalking.

    Also, I think his abs speak for him in regards to carbs not hurting him in the fitness department.

    First I want to say that I don't think or care if Acg is a weirdo. But thinking anyone's abs speak for anything when it comes to fitness or nutrition is not wise unless you've known them for a while and know them well. Many people are naturally thin no matter what they eat, so just a few ab exercises will give them a 6 pack. That doesn't mean the same is true for others.

    I've seen Acg's posts before. Whenever he has made statements about fitness or nutrition, he has backed it up with peer review studies. His opinion is highly respected on these threads because he knows what he is talking about, and very often, he provides people with truth where others are only offering opinions formed from studies that they "heard" about. His profile pic is just eye candy. It is his experience and personal pursuit of knowledge that has warranted him the respect that he receives. Being that you have been around in the forums for so long, I would think you would know that.

    I am not the one that said his abs speak for him.

    Oh, I see your point. But you could have at least pointed out that he routinely posts factual information, and that it is his knowledge that actually speaks for him.

    I could have said a lot of things, but I chose to stick to my point.
  • ChristineNicole81
    Im not gonna eat anything I shouldn't till I get to my goal. Dedication will get me results. The cheeseburger isn't going anywhere. You can eat anything you want when your kids dont have to worry about your breathing, etc. If it hurts, that means its addicting. Thats like saying a crackhead should be able to splurge on crack "every once in a while". Most of us are un-healthy. Lets do this. Put the burger down!!!!

    1) You need food to live, you don't need crack to live. Very different "addiction".
    2) "I'm not gonna eat anything I shouldn't till I get to my goal"-- Good idea. That's like saying a crackhead should go through rehab and then reward themselves with a nice binge on crack ;)
    3) That beer in your picture sure does look tasty.

    The beer is why I am fat. Thats my motivational pic. Im not gonna drink until I reach my goal. Just like the burger... lol

    Ah yea, while you're depriving yourself, I'll drink a beer for you(and continue losing weight).
