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Need mens honest thoughts



  • loseweightjames
    loseweightjames Posts: 360 Member

    SO HERE IS MY QUESTION....can you honestly love and be happy with someone you don't find physically attractive? I'm worried that if I don't get the results he pictures in his head...he might head...out...


    my ex-fiancee was 115 lbs size 0 eating mcd's all day. I started out loving it, but when i found my body wasn't built like that and ballooned to 200+ it wasn't fun anymore.

    wife is 257 right now. She was about 200 when we met, 250 when we got married. I love it. When we eat bad, we both gain. When we diet, we both lose. That's what I wanted.

    Unless you are ready to maintain the same fitness he is in then i don't see this lasting, he's going to want someone in the same shape he is in. Birds of a feather flock together.

    edit - the fact you're positing means you're sensing something not quite right
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    A woman that cares about her health is attractive. One that seems to have 'let herself go' isn't. Men react the way they do to your physiology, because it's an in-built instinct to seek a healthy mate to have your children.
  • becca3211
    becca3211 Posts: 98 Member
    There better be a lot more about a person than his or her looks. after years gone by your looks may be gone but the person inside is usually what most couples fall in love with. your beautiful girl.....dont let anyone tell you different. :flowerforyou:
  • Well, I am a girl but I find this interesting because I was having lunch with my old roommate the other day and HE (no we never dated strictly friends) asked me how he should go about getting his wife to lose weight. At first I was going to give him absolute $H!% because his wife is lovely, maybe honestly only about 10 lbs overweight if any ( I have no idea how much she weighs, but she looks to be a size 8-10 and about 5'6.) But he interrupted my potential tirade, by prefacing it with a story about his ex who was thin when they married and gained 6 dress sizes in a few years, so he wasn't unhappy with her then, but was freaked out she would get much larger. He has also seen her mother who is VERY large, so he has some merit.

    I do think men equate ladies trying to look their best with love, like gaining weight is a symbol of lack of caring when in reality as ladies know we just feel 'comfortable' or we call it 'happy weight'. LOL! OH! Or we are busy trying to cook nice meals for him, so instead of our single days of eating a just sandwich or cereal for dinner we eat a nice pasta dinner or steak with our man! ;)

    BTW, I told him if he was worried about it (he is a nice guy he wouldn't like divorce her over fat, actually his last marriage ended because chubby wife CHEATED on him) he should recommend they get healthy together. Under the guise of eating out less, going on evening walks and being in optimal shape for the baby they are trying for.

    I dont think this guy is necessarily a jerk, maybe he just didnt know how to go about it the right way...
  • Dare2Believe
    Dare2Believe Posts: 140 Member
    Look at all you women jumping on this poor guy, calling him a douche. From everything I've read he's been very supportive of his wife and it's mostly her own insecurities that are plagueing her.

    He's told you he loves you forever, no matter what. He sounds like a great guy. Now go ahead and work on getting in shape so you can feel better about you.

  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    Listen, I fantasize about models, actresses, etc. I have a thing for tall curvaceous redheads, skinny black women, short Asian girls and, for some reason, slightly butch lesbians. Bottom line here is that no woman on earth is going to satisfy all my sexual fantasies - there are just too many types I like. So I stick with the woman I love. She's not perfect, physically, or even perfect mentally, but she's pretty great and I love her madly.
  • drewbird911
    drewbird911 Posts: 117 Member
    I know I will love my wife no matter what, but I also know she is much happier when she is more fit.
    So I try to encourage her but don't want to nag... It's a fine line.

    All the best to you and yours... And know that he loves you very much.
  • BruteSquad
    BruteSquad Posts: 373 Member
    First of all, I am a man. I find it funny that in the topics that say " Women, I need an opinion" that mostly men answer, and in "Men, I need an honest opinion" mostly women answer.

    You asked for HONEST thoughts. Here is the deal. If you love a woman, you love her. HOWEVER, it doesn't mean you always find her attractive. And that may not have to do with weight. If the men are honest, they will tell you, if the woman you love has a favorite dress that he thinks is hideous, he most likely won't tell you. If you are being *****y and mean or are being unreasonable, he won't tell you, but you are not attractive at that moment. He still loves you. :smile:
    Something you may not realize, is that when you stress about your weight, even if you are doing something about it, you become less attractive because you are not seeing yourself as attractive. That self projection can be huge, and not something he can put his finger on.
    Now, the cold hard truth is, you are not as attractive at 250 lbs as you are at 150 lbs. (for most women). I am not as attractive at 425 lbs (where I started) as I will be at 300 lbs or less. Does that mean he loves you less? NO. But loving someone and being turned on by them is not always the same. And the turn offs don't have to be anything as direct as weight, although it can be. Anyone that believes he should love me however I am, is right. However, anyone that believes another person should be turned on by them (women or men) regardless of weight or appearance or attitude may be kidding themselves.

    Now, before you flame on with unreasonable rants.... appearance, in the eye of the beholder, changes as the depth of a relationship grows. I have seen beautiful looking women that I lost all interest in as soon as they started talking. I dated a woman in New Orleans that, the first time I met her was when she was woken up at 2 am to come give us a ride. In her pajamas, hair askew, and she was at least 40 lbs, and honestly more like 60 lbs overweight. I was in shape back in those day....ahhhh. But I got to know her and we dated for 2 years. Her weight was never an issue, after I got to know her. Two years after she left me for an old boyfriend I saw her at about 150 lbs overweight, and I don't know, if I had still been with her, if I could have let her get that heavy without saying anything. (I obviously allowed myself to get there and probably should have had something said to me.) But the motivation would have been more about health than looks. More interested when a woman is at optimum weight AND health, of course. But NOT uninterested because of some weight.

    You don't look all that big or heavy.

    Those are my honest thoughts.
  • KenziesMomma11
    KenziesMomma11 Posts: 258 Member
    Its beach time, we have gone twice and I won't wear a swimsuit. My insecurities are high right now and my mind has been racing.

    SO HERE IS MY QUESTION....can you honestly love and be happy with someone you don't find physically attractive? I'm worried that if I don't get the results he pictures in his head...he might head...out...


    my ex-fiancee was 115 lbs size 0 eating mcd's all day. I started out loving it, but when i found my body wasn't built like that and ballooned to 200+ it wasn't fun anymore.

    wife is 257 right now. She was about 200 when we met, 250 when we got married. I love it. When we eat bad, we both gain. When we diet, we both lose. That's what I wanted.

    Unless you are ready to maintain the same fitness he is in then i don't see this lasting, he's going to want someone in the same shape he is in. Birds of a feather flock together.

    edit - the fact you're positing means you're sensing something not quite right
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Ouch! Tough question!

    I am still amazed that someone a pretty as my wife is married to me!

    She has not gained much weight in the 20 yrs we have been married.

    Even though she is not overweight, I want her to work out and eat better as the change in lifestyle has done so much for me.

    My experience is that marriage is hard work. There have been times where my wife and i could barely stand being on the same planet together let alone being married and living in the same house together. However, as with everything else that requires commitment and effort, the long term rewards are amazing!

    If YOU want to live a healthier life, do so! It is that simple.

    To answer your specific question, yes, most men place a high value on physical attractiveness. It is not the only thing we enjoy in a woman but it is there.

    As a suggestion, is there some form of exercise you could do with your husband when he is home? Perhaps yoga? Anything that you can share together is always a good thing.

    Best of luck!
  • jeni8383
    jeni8383 Posts: 29 Member
    hi, i have gained 50lb since having my 2 children and my husband loves me for who i am inside, i think you need to talk to him about how you feel..
  • drewbird911
    drewbird911 Posts: 117 Member
    Listen, I fantasize about models, actresses, etc. I have a thing for tall curvaceous redheads, skinny black women, short Asian girls and, for some reason, slightly butch lesbians. Bottom line here is that no woman on earth is going to satisfy all my sexual fantasies - there are just too many types I like. So I stick with the woman I love. She's not perfect, physically, or even perfect mentally, but she's pretty great and I love her madly.
    My wife's Great-Grandma Used to say "I don't care where he get his appetite as longs as he comes home for dinner".
  • HodderAL
    HodderAL Posts: 358 Member
    Here is my 2 cents...

    My husband is fit, trim and very sexy. His hard body is what initially attracted me to him :blushing: When we met, it was an instantaneous attraction... and VERY physical!! I wasa around 180lbs then, but I was happy and confident enough in my own skin.

    After some major stressors in our lives, I gained over 40 lbs. My husband loved me, BUT I didn't love me. And it showed. There was less physical activity. Not that he wasn't attracted to me, because he still loved to look at me, I just hated myself and that manifested everywhere.

    Now I am working towards a healthier me, and my husband sees that. I have lost 19lbs so far, and gained almost all of my confidence back. Our physical intimacy has just about exploded off the charts and it's all because I am happier, and that shows. He is happy to "have the old me back" - it's not the body, it's the frame of mind. He has been extremely supportive... helping me weigh portions, reading labels, and just being there for me. I don't take this the wrong way now, as I know he is just trying to help me be happy :happy:

    I guess what I'm trying to say is... your hubby probably sees how unhappy you are, and wants you to be happy again. He has already told you he loves you and he isn't going anywhere. Work on making yourself happy and bringing your confidence back... everything else will fall into place.
  • jplord
    jplord Posts: 510 Member
    Your situation hit a nerve with me. I am in a similar fix. My wife told me about 10 years ago that I had let myself go and she was not physically attracted to me. I was deeply offended. She used the phrase, "I am repulsed by your appearance."

    On the surface this is an indication to me of really superficial feelings. But she's stuck with me for these last 10 years while I never really made any progress or got traction with attempts at lifestyle changes. I've given her plenty of reasons to leave, but she's stayed, so I know she loves me. But she doesn't want to jump my bones....

    SO now I am on MFP and joined a gym and trying to be accountable to demonstrate my commitment to change. I figure I better get back in shape and have some kind of abs while there is still a bone to jump. Time is running out....

    In all of these years we have used family and marriage counseling and it is a good investment.
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    So are you sure that he was looking into weight loss for you because he wants you to look like a model or that he wanted you to be healthy? Those are two very different things. I'm hoping it is the latter...

    Me too. As soon as we got married, my ex began to criticize my appearance. Not racy enough, not small enough, etc. It upset me because my weight actually dropped during our first two years (starving grad student). The first time in marriage that my ex was actually happy with my appearance was during a period of time that I was practically starving myself (0-300 cal a day- not smart). After my son, I lost weight a healthier way, but never got back down to the "starvation" weight.

    While I really hope he's just concerned about your health, even if he's hoping you'll lose weight to look better, that doesn't always mean he wants a VS model. If an attractive spouse is one of his core emotional needs, I wouldn't fault him for wanting you to look your best, even if looks aren't the most important thing to you. Check out the "Physical Attractiveness" part of His Needs Her Needs by Dr. Harley (or visit his website here for an overview: http://www.marriagebuilders.com/graphic/mbi3330_att.html)

    (edited to decrease run-on sentences, lol!
  • mickipedia
    mickipedia Posts: 889 Member
    I've been in a very similar situation myself.. My boyfriend kept hinting about me losing weight which is one of the reasons why I started this journey (wrong reasons I know).

    You need to ask yourself a few questions..

    1. What size were you when you first started dating?

    I was at my biggest when my boyfriend had the courage to tell me he'd had a thing for me for the last 2 years, that kinda tells me a lot.. If he fell in love with me at my biggest then all I've done is make it better for him :)

    2. Who are you losing weight for?

    I started doing it for him but now its for me.

    3. Have you asked him why he wants you to lose weight?

    I finally asked my boyfriend why he was pushing my weightloss and he said he wanted me to be healthy so we can have a family and a great future together.

    4. You said he seemed more interested sexually when you'd lost a little weight.. Ever thought it was because you felt more confident?

    Confidence = sexy. Sexy = bedroom time.

    I understand exactly where you're coming from, you automatically point the blame at yourself if something doesn't seem right.. But its not necessarily that way.

    Take a step back and I'm sure you'll see his true intentions are to make you a happier/healthier person. If you think he wants a tiny stick for a partner then you have the wrong bloke.

    I wish you the best of luck and I hope he's wanting it for the right reasons :flowerforyou:
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    If he leaves you for your weight, the eff him - you're better off alone. HOWEVER, I do think there is a correlation between taking care of one's health and taking care of one's mental state. When you are in a place mentally where you want to be your best, and work hard at being healthy and taking care of yourself, you're going to be a better wife and partner. I could be wrong, but I'm operating under the assumption that he's an honest, good, man, and just wants you to be healthy mentally and physically.

    Secondly, my fiancee loved me even though I gained 40 pounds after moving in with him (he says he didn't even notice, bless his heart), but he would be a liar and I would be naive if we ignored the fact that a woman in good health is more physically attractive than an obese woman. He supports me, is always asking me about progress and my goals, and I know it's not because he doesn't think I'm beautiful, it's because he cares about me as his partner.
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    In my opinion your husband is concerned with your health and wants to be with you forever. Us men don't communicate well but I got the message. If he wanted to leave he would have already. I lost 50 pounds so I can be there for my daughter. It was the best decision I made.

    When I need guidance on women's issues I don't seek advice from a man. I go to a women who advice I respect.

    Ladies stop hating on us men!!

    Just focus on your health and the pounds will come off!!

  • dieseljay74
    dieseljay74 Posts: 376
    It's a sticky situation. I question someone's "love" for another if it's skewed by size. Yes attractiveness helps when single, but once it's a done deal I would be weary if someone said to me I needed to lose weight or was turned off by me if I gained a few pounds.
  • azlady7
    azlady7 Posts: 471 Member
    This is not a male-only attribute. One of the reasons I was motivated to get back in shape is because being a fat man makes it very difficult to date.

    agreed. i find women are pickier than men are actually. you will rarely see a skinny woman with a big man but it is more common to see a skinny man with a large woman. this isnt gender specific, its human conditioning and while we may not like that looks matter....they do. otherwise peacocks would strut their feathers and apes would pound their chest to show their strength. should looks matter? nope. but this is the natural order of selection. The healthiest strongest (which is asthetically pleasing to look at) is the way to ensure survival of humans. Its ingrained in us. but having said that....your husband is a jerk. he should love you and motivate you because he wants you healthy. your beautiful and he needs to buck up or he may just lose you to a man who sees all of your beauty :)