Opinions On Adult Work to Pay Bills



  • Trail_Addict
    Trail_Addict Posts: 1,350 Member
    It's a seedy industry, that leads most girls to drugs, abuse, and money problems. Be safe, whatever you choose. Things can go bad really quick when you delve in adult entertainment!
  • EvonyPrincess
    Are hookers called "female escorts" now? or are those just the higher class ones?
    The thing with hookers is you pretty much know what you're gonna be paying for. With escorts, you're paying them for their time. And if it leads to other things then so be it. Now there are some escorts that are just hookers, but most are just there as a PrePaid date.
  • JBurger2066
    JBurger2066 Posts: 161 Member
    Like hooking???

    Isn't that illegal?

    Only if you get caught. :laugh:
  • nammer79
    nammer79 Posts: 707 Member
    pay for school ...see what do you plan on doing with your life after school ... if you want go for it ... to quote a wise man .."Someone has to entertain all the married men" ... but remember some things follow you after your done with that career so if you want to be something like a teacher I would suggest against it.
  • liog
    liog Posts: 347 Member
    I think before someone gets into that line of work they really need to do some soul searching and be certain that it is something they want to do and they need to consider the repercussions down the road with future jobs, significant others, children, etc. I have no problem with adult work and do not look down on anyone in that industry. Also, even though I believe that we should be able to do whatever we want with our bodies, I think a line should be drawn when considering engaging in something illegal. Though I don't think that prostitution should be illegal. But it is.

    Side note, prostitution is illegal in the city of Las Vegas, but in some counties, brothels have been legalized. However I believe prostitution is illegal outside of the brothels.
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    I don't think this is a decision to be made lightly, and honestly I don't think you should put much stock in what anyone on a message board tells you. YOU are the one that will have to live with the consequences of your decision. Just know that anything on video or camera is permanent once it exists. And unfortunately, you have no way to control what happens to those images.

    I don't have any particular moral reasons why working in the adult industry is wrong. Just be aware that your decision to do so could impact you for the rest of your life.
  • Farfourah
    Farfourah Posts: 899 Member
    Hustle pathetic men, don't see anything wrong with that to be honest.
  • JSnover
    JSnover Posts: 51
    do what you think is best for you and your future, dont worry about what everyone else thinks. just remember you have to live with what you done
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,856 Member
    "hooking" is dangerous. illegal. and just plain not even half as fun as it sounds.

    escorting is a little expensive to get started (if you really want to make money) - getting an account on eccie.com or eros.com costs a few hundred dollars, and you're expected to have professional photos made as well as references - an iphone with instagram and a bathroom mirror just won't cut it.
    you have to have a "gimmick", and prove that you're better than every other girl out there trying to make a buck. It's unsafe - not just the sex, but the most money is made doing outcalls (i.e. going to some specified location to meet the client). incalls are just as dangerous because if you're working out of your home, you're giving complete strangers (who hire escorts) your address. and if you work out of a hotel, you're at serious risk of being thrown out or caught by the police. hotel staff are trained to recognize escorts and sex workers. also, keep in mind the majority of your clients will be married, and will be hiring you to appease their fetish. if you plan to do nothing more than basic oral favors or the old "squeak squeak", then you're clientele will run dry and undercut you every time.
    not to mention you will need an imposing male friend (preferably gay or related) to accompany you at each appointment, and he should expect a customary 40% of your fee. keep in mind, once you're inside and scantily clad or less, it will be awfully difficult to signal your guard without putting yourself in danger.

    stripping is basically the same, but you will be required to pay up to 60% of your earnings to the DJ, the club owner, and the bartender/bouncers. it's hard work, but with less risky sexual activity. however, you will be a piece of meat competing with 50 or so other girls every night you work for hours on end. and the club owner? he'll expect unlimited access to you, and basically be your "legal" pimp.

    camming, Domme services, etc, they all have risks and potential consequences. there is no such thing as easy money.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Like hooking???

    Isn't that illegal?

    Not in Vegas???

    actually it is illegal in Vegas...according to Wikipedia: Nevada is the only U.S. state to allow some legal prostitution,[1] in the form of regulated brothels. Prostitution outside these licensed brothels is illegal.

    The brothels are situated in isolated rural areas, and the vast majority of Nevada's population lives in counties where all forms of prostitution are illegal, namely Clark, Washoe, Douglas, and Lincoln counties, and Carson City (an independent city). The other counties allow brothels, but some of these counties currently have no active brothels (brothels are in operation in only 8 counties); as of June/July 2008 there were 28 legal brothels in NV.

    As far as other adult related jobs...to each their own! If you feel like it is what you need to do to survive...then go for it! But there are other option out there, that you can work towards, to insure that you will have no regrets in the future, and to insure a secure future for yourself.
  • munchkinhugs
    munchkinhugs Posts: 278 Member
    I don't know if you're talking about yourself/a friend/in general (none of this is meant as an attack) but is this a case of "I'm doing it and need people to confirm that what I'm doing is okay, because I can't fully justify it to myself ..." ?

    Personally, I think it's s|utty. Wouldn't the time you're spending taking nude shots, webcamming, hooker-ing, whatever, be better spent working a job that didn't have creepy old men f@pping over the thought of you?

    At the end of the day, your body is your body though. Do what you want with it.
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    Of course, adults can make their own choices. But before choosing to do "adult" work, I would ask myself, is this the right thing for ME?

    How will I feel later, when someone (acquaintance, family member, future co-worker) confronts me about my past?

    How will I feel if I miss opportunities for more "legitimate" employment, because of this work?

    How will I feel if I meet someone I want to marry someone and their family doesn't approve of what I've done?

    I know of someone who started receiving anonymous emails threatening to out him at work over a similar issue. This happened at more than one job, and in one case, he lost the job.
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    You are who you are based on the things you do, the people you associate with and what you take in (food, exercise, books, videos, life, etc.). When you do something, be sure it fits the model of what you want your life to be. To do otherwise is to damage who you will be. I'm not going to even bother to talk morals, but rather ask, who do you want to be? When you answer that, you'll know your answer.
  • ShadowSoldier23
    ShadowSoldier23 Posts: 321 Member
    I could care less what you decide to do for yourself because it's yours decision (not being rude, it's all about you really).

    The only concern I have is that you have to be SUPER careful, any pictures/video or even word of mouth that you have chosen this career now can later on haunt you. There was a news story not too long ago that a school teacher was fired and black listed for having done pornographic films. That, to me, is the biggest risk of all...because you never know if one of those clients might remember you later on when they are interviewing you for a job.
  • Snow__White
    Snow__White Posts: 1,650 Member
    dirty money makes the world go round
  • Ripken818836701
    Ripken818836701 Posts: 607 Member
    I dont judge other people as long as they are not hurting anybody else and paying their own way.
    If you absolutely have to do it to get by and as long as you can live with your choices than do it.
  • carrotstick2012
    It's up to you what you do but I don't think it's a good idea.
  • EvonyPrincess
    By the way this isn't about me. I have a friend who is far behind on everything (I'm talking hundreds to thousands worth of bills). Her power was shut off, she no longer have food or anyway to cook, water is about to get shut off and so is gas. House payment is due and soon she'll end up on the street.

    She was offered a job to be a waitress/stripper/massage. All depended on what the manager wanted her doing at the time. No sexual contact unless she approved of it first. And it had to be a written approval before the guy was allowed to go private.

    She use to do cam work but wasn't making much of anything.
  • debs6
    debs6 Posts: 232 Member
    Sorry - how is this related to the goals of MFP. The same question arises - if you have to worry about whether you ask the question or whether you are not following MFP rules and guidelines then surely you should choose not to ask this question here. There must be an alternate forum to ask ADULT questions of this nature. I am not offended by it - just don't think it is appropriate for this forum
  • Trail_Addict
    Trail_Addict Posts: 1,350 Member
    How many times would you be willing to be raped? It happens every day in the various degrees of "adult entertainment" (not just hooking/ escorting either), and often goes unreported due to the sensitive nature of said business. :cry:
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