"I'm never getting married again."



  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    Psh....marriage is just a government-issued piece of paper. If they love each other, why do they need a tax statement to prove it?

    Exactly what I was thinking. You don't need a piece of paper to make the relationship work.
  • ShandiH
    ShandiH Posts: 232 Member
    that isnt fair to you, oops jane, at all.
    they need to sit down and have a talk. if they dont come to any agreement, its over. you gotta want the same things in life, and that just made her look like a fool and hurt her.

  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    I write this on behalf of my girlfriend... I have a biased opinion, so why not throw it out to random strangers:)

    27 year old man (Johnny) married for 5 or 6 years. Divorced Oct 2010.

    Johnny has now been dating Jane nearly 1.5 years. He told Jane he doesn't want to get married ever again, initially. Then after getting more serious with her, said he would marry her, just not anytime soon.

    Last night, Johnny makes the public declaration amongst friends he will never ever get married again, and he will never pay off another woman's debt.... This, in front of Jane (who is going with the understanding he intends to marry her at some point).

    What would you do if you were Jane? She is truly in love with him and would be heartbroken to end it. They are a very strong couple with this being the only glaring issue. She believes she is worthy of a man making a commitment to her - in the terms of marriage.

    Let the opinions fly :)

    If you're together and happy why do you need to be married? I'd stay, it's not everyday you find someone that you love.
  • Jane should expect an apology for his jack-*kitten* comment, but then have an honest conversation with him about futures. A marriage under coercion is doomed from the start.
  • If they want different things in life (her: to be married, him: not to be) then she has to decide if it's that big of an issue. If she can live with him knowing that marriage isn't in their future then fine. If she's of the belief that she deserves a man that will do everything in his power to give her what she wants then she needs to break up with him and cut her losses.
    I believe that everyone deserves someone who loves them enough to try to give them what they want. Good luck to your friend.
  • JanetLM73
    JanetLM73 Posts: 1,226 Member
    If their not on the same page then it's time to move on. Life is too short to waste time if one wants to get married and one doesn't.
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    What is the point of dating then if there will never be a marriage? It's every girls dream to have that special day. If you love her, and that is the person you want to be with forever, why not get married?

    I completely disagree, there are many couples who live a happy, fulfilled life together without getting married. A piece of paper is not that important to some people
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,810 Member
    Why is he paying off her debt?

    When you get married your partner's debt becomes your debt, and when you get divorced, it's still your debt to pay off. At least in some states (Texas being one of them).
  • rossi02
    rossi02 Posts: 549 Member
    She needs to decide if marriage is important to her or not. Many people can be in long-lasting committed relationships without ever having that piece of paper that says they are married.

    If it is important to her, then she needs to end the relationship and find a person who values the same things. If she feels like she could spend her life with him without actually being married, then there's no reason to end a good thing. However, making a statement like that in front of her and his friends is really just kind of rude.

    She basically needs to decide if not getting married is a deal breaker. If it is, then she needs to end it and move on.

    Agree with this 100%
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    Why is he paying off her debt?

    When you get married, your debt is also now his debt.

    When you get divorced, you get half of the overall debt. If in the instance one person arrived with most of the debt, the other person leaves the marriage with half of it.
  • andreanicole686
    andreanicole686 Posts: 406 Member
    I feel bad more for her for the fact that he pretty much made an *kitten* out of her infront of all his friends. She should talk to him and say if thats how he feels then they disagree and she thought he changed his mind. If thats the case she should ask so you would never marry me? And if the answer is then NO, she should tell him she needs someone who is willing to make a committment and see what his response is. If it changes or if he doesn't want her to leave she should stay.

    I met a guy who was divorced and didn't want to get married two years in he changed his mind. It happens. I think the level of disrespect he made from calling their relationship out is the worst part of everything.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    She needs to decide if marriage is important to her or not. Many people can be in long-lasting committed relationships without ever having that piece of paper that says they are married.

    If it is important to her, then she needs to end the relationship and find a person who values the same things. If she feels like she could spend her life with him without actually being married, then there's no reason to end a good thing. However, making a statement like that in front of her and his friends is really just kind of rude.

    She basically needs to decide if not getting married is a deal breaker. If it is, then she needs to end it and move on.

    ^^^ This exactly, well put!

    I've been in a happy healthy relationship for 4 years. We already know we're committed to each other for the rest of our lives...a marriage license is not necessary.

    However....his statement in front of everyone was in bad taste!! I would definitely have a chat with him to see if you're on the same page or not. And if marriage and children is something you want in your future you may have to let this one go!
  • Lula16
    Lula16 Posts: 628 Member
    that was my husbands mentality before he met me :blushing:

    I was also a divorced mother of two toddlers and I swore i would never marry again. however, i made an exception, just as my hubby did-and we were married a year after we met. We are coming to our 9th yr anniversary next month.
  • rammsteinsoldier
    rammsteinsoldier Posts: 1,552 Member
    Speaking as a divorced woman, marriage is not something I would rush into again. It is brutal getting divorced and it never seems to go away. I would have to respect how he feels and if that doesn't work with your friend then maybe they are not meant to be.
  • janalayn
    janalayn Posts: 510 Member
    It has taken me 20 years post divorce to decide to try again. If she really wants to be married and he doesn't she will eventually resent him and the time she has wasted waiting for him to change his mind. She needs to face that he doesn't want to get married and then decide what she really wants.
  • Tiggerrick
    Tiggerrick Posts: 1,078 Member
    Does she want a marriage or a wedding? He sounds like he does not want the legal entanglement that comes with a wedding, but he might still want a comitted relationship. If that works for her, than great. If it doesn't, then she needs to move on.
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    First of all, she needs to decide if she can live her life on his terms. If she can, she needs to tell him so, BUT also tell him that finding out he changed his mind about eventually marrying her in the manner she did was disappointing, and that any issues in their relationship have to be discussed with each other directly in private, and not in three party conversations. (I suspect that he purposely did this publicly so he wouldn't have to "have that conversation...".

    If she can not live life on his terms (and I for one could not...), then she needs to tell him so and break up. As tempting as it is to "mention" this in a three way conversation the way he did the never getting married comment , it would be more mature to handle this in private. Perhaps they can "remain friends", and if she is in the same place when he has truly healed, no bridges will be burned. If she is not in the same place, at least she won't have the emotional baggage of a relationship which ended badly while in a different relationship.
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    it's something they need to talk about and work out. he might have been drunk or just in a bad mood because of something. I was in that boat of never wanting to get married again but then me and my wife worked things out. If it wouldn't have worked out then I don't know if I would or not.
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    What is the point of dating then if there will never be a marriage? It's every girls dream to have that special day. If you love her, and that is the person you want to be with forever, why not get married?

    it is not EVERY girls dream to get married... I have never dreamed of being married. I could be quite content in bieng with someone forever without a piece of paper telling me I am commited to them.

    To the OP, I would sit the guy down and talk to him first and find out WHY he said he would eventually marry me and then turn around and say that to a group of people we are friends with while I was sitting there. IF he says he doesn't want to marry her and she is set on being married to someone eventually she should end the relationship no matter how much she loves him and how great they are together - no point in being unhappy for the rest of your life.
  • Dump him, he's a waste of time.