"Bulky" vs "Muscular". The real definition.



  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    I think its a bit inappropriate to post pics of other people and critique their physique the way you did. They aren't in a body building comptetion, and you aren't their judge. You have no idea how much lean body mass either of those people have. The person you labelled as "bulky" could easily have significantly more muscle than the person you labelled as "muscular." So... basically you just posted a picture of someone you presumably don't know and called them fat.

    WAY TO GO!

    I agree, and basically called everyone fat that does not look "muscular"
    This is not about you. It is a visual representation.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I think its a bit inappropriate to post pics of other people and critique their physique the way you did. They aren't in a body building comptetion, and you aren't their judge. You have no idea how much lean body mass either of those people have. The person you labelled as "bulky" could easily have significantly more muscle than the person you labelled as "muscular." So... basically you just posted a picture of someone you presumably don't know and called them fat.

    WAY TO GO!
    He didn't call anyone fat. He said she was muscular, but had a higher BF% than the others. That's what bulky means. No matter how much muscle she has, which looks to be quite a bit, there's absolutely no denying that her body fat percentage is not low. If that's how she's happy, that's wonderful. She's an athlete, so presumably very strong and healthy.

    But people love to be insulted, so....
    Yup, you are correct, he did not say fat....
    BUT......he did call the 1st woman bulky.... aka "massive, & large for its weight". Which is even more insulting, especially to those who started strength training before they hit there goal weight.

    Some women call Jessica Beil "bulky". Niner was just clearing things up using definitions common to the fitness industry. He wasn't insulting anyone. The first woman is an athlete. She's probably very strong. Strength is her number one goal, not physique, which is great. She probably doesn't care if she has a high-ish body fat level. "Bulky" is not an insult. It's a term used to describe something, just like overweight or obese.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    I think its a bit inappropriate to post pics of other people and critique their physique the way you did. They aren't in a body building comptetion, and you aren't their judge. You have no idea how much lean body mass either of those people have. The person you labelled as "bulky" could easily have significantly more muscle than the person you labelled as "muscular." So... basically you just posted a picture of someone you presumably don't know and called them fat.

    WAY TO GO!
    He didn't call anyone fat. He said she was muscular, but had a higher BF% than the others. That's what bulky means. No matter how much muscle she has, which looks to be quite a bit, there's absolutely no denying that her body fat percentage is not low. If that's how she's happy, that's wonderful. She's an athlete, so presumably very strong and healthy.

    But people love to be insulted, so....
    Yup, you are correct, he did not say fat....
    BUT......he did call the 1st woman bulky.... aka "massive, & large for its weight". Which is even more insulting, especially to those who started strength training before they hit there goal weight.

    This thread is not about your issues. Don't put your own baggage on Ninerbuff, who simply posted a very helpful guide related to bodyfat percentages.
  • badgerbadger1
    badgerbadger1 Posts: 954 Member
    I think its a bit inappropriate to post pics of other people and critique their physique the way you did. They aren't in a body building comptetion, and you aren't their judge. You have no idea how much lean body mass either of those people have. The person you labelled as "bulky" could easily have significantly more muscle than the person you labelled as "muscular." So... basically you just posted a picture of someone you presumably don't know and called them fat.

    WAY TO GO!
    He didn't call anyone fat. He said she was muscular, but had a higher BF% than the others. That's what bulky means. No matter how much muscle she has, which looks to be quite a bit, there's absolutely no denying that her body fat percentage is not low. If that's how she's happy, that's wonderful. She's an athlete, so presumably very strong and healthy.

    But people love to be insulted, so....
    Yup, you are correct, he did not say fat....
    BUT......he did call the 1st woman bulky.... aka "massive, & large for its weight". Which is even more insulting, especially to those who started strength training before they hit there goal weight.

    You can't be serious. You are trying way to hard to be offended.
  • gtwin
    gtwin Posts: 290 Member
    Jenna Renee is my newest fitness motivator. She lifts heavy weights and is muscular!!!




    Hmm.... she doesn't look much like she lifts very heavy....I'm guessing she probably squats at most, 135 lbs. And maybe rows about 55 lbs. To me she's more "toned" ( a word I DESPISE), than muscular.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Some people DO love to be offended...

    I'm massive - FYI. And not muscular either *LOL*
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    Jenna Renee is my newest fitness motivator. She lifts heavy weights and is muscular!!!




    Hmm.... she doesn't look much like she lifts very heavy....I'm guessing she probably squats at most, 135 lbs. And maybe rows about 55 lbs. To me she's more "toned" ( a word I DESPISE), than muscular.
    You can tell how heavy someone lift by looking at them?
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member

    Hmm.... she doesn't look much like she lifts very heavy....I'm guessing she probably squats at most, 135 lbs. And maybe rows about 55 lbs. To me she's more "toned" ( a word I DESPISE), than muscular.

    This is funny.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I think its a bit inappropriate to post pics of other people and critique their physique the way you did. They aren't in a body building comptetion, and you aren't their judge. You have no idea how much lean body mass either of those people have. The person you labelled as "bulky" could easily have significantly more muscle than the person you labelled as "muscular." So... basically you just posted a picture of someone you presumably don't know and called them fat.

    WAY TO GO!

  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I think its a bit inappropriate to post pics of other people and critique their physique the way you did. They aren't in a body building comptetion, and you aren't their judge. You have no idea how much lean body mass either of those people have. The person you labelled as "bulky" could easily have significantly more muscle than the person you labelled as "muscular." So... basically you just posted a picture of someone you presumably don't know and called them fat.

    WAY TO GO!

    He's not calling anyone fat.. He's just showing what most women's perceptions of bulky vs muscular are.. because if you have ever looked at one of those, I don't want to be bulky threads, the first picture is what most women think of. Being bulky/muscular has nothing to do with how much muscle a person has.. it really boils down to how much fat is on top of that muscle.

    I just started lifting heavy(well heavy to me) and I know I'm not getting bulky.. but thats because I'm eating at a deficit. Unless you purposely try to bulk like another poster in this thread did, then it just won't happen.
  • vegamy
    vegamy Posts: 204 Member
    If I were an olympic athlete, I don't think I'd care much about being bulky either.

    Cause I'm at the Olympics, biatches.

    HAHAHA agreed!
  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    Thanks, Niner. You handled a confusing (for many) and delicate (apparently) subject very well. Much appreciated.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I'm having trouble concentrating for some reason

    I think it's this:



    By the way, that was my bump for a great topic and a good explanation.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,628 Member
    I think its a bit inappropriate to post pics of other people and critique their physique the way you did. They aren't in a body building comptetion, and you aren't their judge. You have no idea how much lean body mass either of those people have. The person you labelled as "bulky" could easily have significantly more muscle than the person you labelled as "muscular." So... basically you just posted a picture of someone you presumably don't know and called them fat.

    WAY TO GO!
    No I posted them as "bulky" and not as fat. You said that not me. Way to go.

    Take a chill pill. The point of the thread is to separate the current definitions of how people perceive "bulky" and "muscular" here on the site.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,628 Member
    I think its a bit inappropriate to post pics of other people and critique their physique the way you did. They aren't in a body building comptetion, and you aren't their judge. You have no idea how much lean body mass either of those people have. The person you labelled as "bulky" could easily have significantly more muscle than the person you labelled as "muscular." So... basically you just posted a picture of someone you presumably don't know and called them fat.

    WAY TO GO!
    He didn't call anyone fat. He said she was muscular, but had a higher BF% than the others. That's what bulky means. No matter how much muscle she has, which looks to be quite a bit, there's absolutely no denying that her body fat percentage is not low. If that's how she's happy, that's wonderful. She's an athlete, so presumably very strong and healthy.

    But people love to be insulted, so....
    Yup, you are correct, he did not say fat....
    BUT......he did call the 1st woman bulky.... aka "massive, & large for its weight". Which is even more insulting, especially to those who started strength training before they hit there goal weight.
    Hello! That's the definition of bulky in the fitness world. A powerlifter is bulky whether it be a man or woman. Most people who do any power sports (shotput, discus, Olympic lifting, etc.) will be bulky because having more body fat, than say a sprinter or gymnast, gives them more power for their sport.
    You don't like the term, call up all the dictionaries online and have them change it. Geez.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,628 Member
    To ensure that there is "equal" time so that the some here don't think I'm just biased to "muscular" women, here are more "bulky" women who have much of my respect.




    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • hsandall
    hsandall Posts: 106 Member
    So how do I become "muscular and defined" for a woman who has a lot of muscle but also fat, eats at a calorie deficit, and wants to start weight lifting for better definition and strength?

    I always liked the thin "toned" look thinking that was supposed to be the ideal for a woman but now like the "muscular defined look BETTER! I will never be thin so why try!!! I think all the women in the pictures are beautiful....
  • DonPendergraft
    DonPendergraft Posts: 520 Member
    This should help. You're welcome! :o)

  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    This should help. You're welcome! :o)


    >mfw someone's using something from /fit/ as a real guide. :laugh:
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    So how do I become "muscular and defined" for a woman who has a lot of muscle but also fat, eats at a calorie deficit, and wants to start weight lifting for better definition and strength?

    I always liked the thin "toned" look thinking that was supposed to be the ideal for a woman but now like the "muscular defined look BETTER! I will never be thin so why try!!! I think all the women in the pictures are beautiful....

    What you need to do is lose fat while maintaining this muscle you already have. This is done by dieting at a moderate calorie deficit (which means loss will be slower but this is good). Eating adequate protein while dieting (1 gram per pound of lean body mass). And, lasting, by strength training with "heavy" (for you) weights.