April 2012 challenge for Late Night Snackers



  • PSGPolly
    PSGPolly Posts: 868 Member
    It's 9.30pm here and I am determined that this will be a victory. Have brushed my teeth, am not hungry, had a good day food and exercise wise:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    Me: 7
    LNS: 1

    Glad to see all the newcomers!! Remember, it's just one-day-at-a-time! Keep on keeping on!
  • PSGPolly
    PSGPolly Posts: 868 Member
    It's 9.30pm here and I am determined that this will be a victory. Have brushed my teeth, am not hungry, had a good day food and exercise wise:

    It's now midnight. I have completed a job application- high stress! And I have not snacked. Off to bed feeling good. Thanks so much for having this support :bigsmile:
  • ajs2mf
    ajs2mf Posts: 97 Member
    Me: 7
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Me: 3 ~ LNS: 5*
  • melinda200208
    melinda200208 Posts: 525 Member
    I would like to get it on this. How do I join?
  • shenitamo
    shenitamo Posts: 147 Member
    I am in! This gets me every time!
  • holly3585
    holly3585 Posts: 282 Member
    This is my ULTIMATE WEAKNESS!!!!!! I work out 2 a days most of the time, extra long workouts on the weekends. I plan my lunches for my office job, fulfilling healthy dinners for the family, always save plaenty of calories for dinner, but somehow I end up eating almost EVERYNIGHT! Usually not even hunger eating, which really pisses me off! lol! It is like if I start, I just can't stop. I rationalize, and make myself *burn it off tomorrow* promises....Ughhhh I need to be part of this topic :)
  • Bookchick887
    Bookchick887 Posts: 126 Member
    I did not snack again!! This accountability is working. I'm under points and finishing a blanket project.
    Me - 4
    LNS - ZERO
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    It took me awhile to find this thread. Thanks for starting the April challenge! I was doing well, but Easter week-end threw me off.
    Me: 6
    LNS: 3
    I am back on track now. My son gets married in a little over 2 weeks. :happy: Yikes!! I MUST stick to this challenge now!
  • dme1977
    dme1977 Posts: 537 Member
    as of tuezday.....

    :drinker: Lns: 1 :frown:

    :flowerforyou: ME:1
  • gatorgirlyyy
    Me: 2
    Late Night Snack: 0

    Woohoo! :)
  • PSGPolly
    PSGPolly Posts: 868 Member
    It's 9pm. I have enough calories over for a juicy orange. Then I will brush my teeth and no more snacking...so in faith I put down

    This is working one day at a time :smile:
  • Ceit60
    Ceit60 Posts: 15
    Are there any basic rules - I tend to not use my allowance and then get something before bed and I know it's not good - I'll give this a try.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    I guess the "basic" rules are that if you are late-night snacking when:

    a) you have no calories left in your daily alotment; and
    b) you aren't making GOOD choices of your snacks

    then the point goes to LNS.

    However, if you are purposefully eating late-night to get all your (nutrition-focused) calories in, that's not a bad thing - and, in fact, is encouraged.

    For me, I *know* the difference between BAD LNS and LNS which is happening to finish my daily calories....

    Me: 8
    LNS: 1
  • Ceit60
    Ceit60 Posts: 15
    Thanks Beeps, I'm not too bad I think then. I started a week ago and think I've made a bit of a mess of things - most days I didn't make my calorie Target, which I know is not a good thing - apart from Easter Sunday of course!! I went a bit mad on desert after dinner, but my one and only Easter Egg is sitting in my room and I'm scared to open it!! Ha! I have some mild mobility issues but am making a concerted effort to increase excercise - I know my metabolism has taken a bashing and I really need to kickstart it, but I was worrying about the lns - usually toast or a sandwich and then either herbal tea or a milky drink. Want to try and make sure that I have all my nutrients in before maybe 10pm at hte latest (tend to stay up very late too, another unhealthy habit!)
  • ASF68
    ASF68 Posts: 44 Member
    Me: 3
    LNS: 0!
  • ajs2mf
    ajs2mf Posts: 97 Member
    LNS: 1
  • latinangel1992
    I know the feeling. 12 am and I'm wanting popcorn so bad!!! I just started try to eat healthier to lose some excess weight, but this is so hard =/
  • josiebarboza
    I forgot to post yesterday which I went over because I stayed up way to late :( and today wasmy "me day" so i went over....i try to have one day a week that i can eat what i want and not worry about it....also just bought some fruit and who cant eat something they just bought that looks so good....lets hope i do better tomorrow.

    me : 1
    lns : 2