Things people do at the gym that you hate



  • You know, it is a huge relief to hear that there are other people who are bugged by the same stuff at the gym as I am, but more importantly, some of you guys are HILAROUS! Thanks for the laughs!
  • Fit4Evolution
    Fit4Evolution Posts: 375 Member
    i understand there is a safety issue when putting down dumbells and you need to drop them in a safe place , but when you unrack your barbell and drop the weights to the floor its uncalled for and I will ask you nicely the first time to place them on the ground as if they were made of glass
  • Always824
    Always824 Posts: 111 Member
    I hate it when people ask me: "Are you done???" when I'm getting my 30-60 second rest between sets.

    NO.... I'm NOT done. Thank you very much.

    LOL No Kidding...


    When Im doing bench presses with my fiancé they hover around our bench area instead of the other bench areas where there are two males... making it hard to change out the weights between my fiancé and me... LIKE HELLO get the FUDGE out of my way dammit!

    Sometimes I feel Its almost like because Im a female they think I shouldn't be doing bench presses or because Im a female Im only going to do one set... Sorry fellas, I may be a chick but my bench press goal is to bench 250 ;)
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    I'm cracking up too. What is true justice is when the people you can't stand set the speed on the treadmill and then step on it only to get shot off the back into a whimpering pile of tears. Yes dude that was me laughing when they took your *kitten* out on the stretcher.
  • GoldspursX3
    GoldspursX3 Posts: 516 Member
    i understand there is a safety issue when putting down dumbells and you need to drop them in a safe place , but when you unrack your barbell and drop the weights to the floor its uncalled for and I will ask you nicely the first time to place them on the ground as if they were made of glass

    If Im doing dead lifts and you were to tell me this I would kindly tell you to go pound sand.

  • Zicon
    Zicon Posts: 27
    Filling up a locker with their stuff and then not locking it. The lock isn't just keeping your stuff safe, it's also marking that this locker is taken. Having to go through a dozen lockers before I find an empty one is an annoyance.

    Everytime you don't lock your locker, you are pushing me one step closer to moving your stuff to a different locker. That should teach you.
  • Fit4Evolution
    Fit4Evolution Posts: 375 Member
    I'm cracking up too. What is true justice is when the people you can't stand set the speed on the treadmill and then step on it only to get shot off the back into a whimpering pile of tears. Yes dude that was me laughing when they took your *kitten* out on the stretcher.
    ive seen lots of stupid things in the years working at the gym.. that is one! the number 1 cause of people being tossed off the tread is they drop their phone and stop running to get it.. ..
  • kperk91
    kperk91 Posts: 226 Member
    At my campus gym, one guy leaves his towel on a cable machine while he works out on a different pec machine. No one can use either machine because of this jerk.

    WHY take up two machines because YOU want to alternate between sets? That's selfish
  • GoldspursX3
    GoldspursX3 Posts: 516 Member

    Everytime you don't lock your locker, you are pushing me one step closer to moving your stuff to a different locker. That should teach you.

    HA! That actually made me let out a loud snort. Now my fiancee is looking at me funny.
  • i understand there is a safety issue when putting down dumbells and you need to drop them in a safe place , but when you unrack your barbell and drop the weights to the floor its uncalled for and I will ask you nicely the first time to place them on the ground as if they were made of glass

    If Im doing dead lifts and you were to tell me this I would kindly tell you to go pound sand.


    Rightly so, but at least you'd do it kindly. :laugh:
  • Fit4Evolution
    Fit4Evolution Posts: 375 Member
    i understand there is a safety issue when putting down dumbells and you need to drop them in a safe place , but when you unrack your barbell and drop the weights to the floor its uncalled for and I will ask you nicely the first time to place them on the ground as if they were made of glass

    If Im doing dead lifts and you were to tell me this I would kindly tell you to go pound sand.


    key word is safety! i know there are times when you need to drop it.. unracking isnt one of those times
  • DeeJayTJ
    DeeJayTJ Posts: 355 Member
    i cant stand when hairy guys (or anyone for that matter) in the locker room dont cover up, they just walk around full nude .. ATLEAST WRAP UP IN A TOWEL!!
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    Leaving a towel on a machine must mean thats where you are working out next. Kinda like leaving quarters on the side of a pool table to say you got next game. lol
  • GoldspursX3
    GoldspursX3 Posts: 516 Member
    i understand there is a safety issue when putting down dumbells and you need to drop them in a safe place , but when you unrack your barbell and drop the weights to the floor its uncalled for and I will ask you nicely the first time to place them on the ground as if they were made of glass

    If Im doing dead lifts and you were to tell me this I would kindly tell you to go pound sand.


    key word is safety! i know there are times when you need to drop it.. unracking isnt one of those times

    Oh for sure! My bad...I read it wrong. I definetly agree if you can't unrack it and place on the floor before you start exercising it's probably too heavy!
  • 87missc87
    87missc87 Posts: 41
    My gym has no locker rooms but instead a small wall of about 24 lockers in an open area. My pet peeve is when people don't use locks so you have to open multiple lockers until you find an empty one. This isn't so bad but it can get annoying when you open a locker to find someone's key chain or some other tiny item, and there is even a label on a lot of the lockers that says "Not for small items". :huh:
  • krocksa
    krocksa Posts: 32
    The "little boys" as I call them (early 20's) in the weight room who walk around like peacocks and talk EXTRA LOUD when the women are in there about how much the can press "dude" and how awesome they are "dude" and what supplements are "totally awesome dude". then they flex and admire themselves in the mirror. And when they actually DO lifts weights they grunt like their life depending on it while their friends are all shouting "That's heavy bro'! You got it dude!" And truthfully, it's not that impressive compared to some of the quieter, yet harder working guys in there. I HATE these guys. I'm not impressed. Shut up and let me lift weights in peace. And guess what? I lift heavy too. WITHOUT supplements........ and arrogance.....
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 994 Member
    2 things bother me at the gym.

    1) In a class don't stand on top of me. Find your own spot.

    2) If you have 4 sets of 45's on each side please take at least 3 off on each side. I'm little and those are heavy. Big muscle man can put his own weight away if he can lift it.

    Otherwise nothing else really bothers me. I know people don't wipe down, I know people make noises, I know people don't have the same hygiene as me, I expect all of that and go on about my business. I'm there for 1 reason only.
  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    CannibalisticVegetarian Posts: 1,255 Member
    When the person next to me on a cardio machine has their music coming out of their headphones so loud that I can tell what song they are listening to AND I also have to turn my music up so that I don't hear theirs.... Seriously... they are going to be deaf by the time they are 50.

    Sounds like me :flowerforyou: It's the only way to drown out all the other people there and the annoying pop chart music.

    Definitely this^^

    I hate the music they blast at the gym anyway.. Blech.
  • Lifting_chick
    Lifting_chick Posts: 275 Member
    At my campus gym, one guy leaves his towel on a cable machine while he works out on a different pec machine. No one can use either machine because of this jerk.

    WHY take up two machines because YOU want to alternate between sets? That's selfish

    I was lifting on the flat bench and between my set was spotting my partner on the incline....I turned around and some dude just took over my bench....So now I have a pink towel that I lay across my bench and the guys don't steal my bench in between sets...
  • Fit4Evolution
    Fit4Evolution Posts: 375 Member
    2 things bother me at the gym.

    1) In a class don't stand on top of me. Find your own spot.

    2) If you have 4 sets of 45's on each side please take at least 3 off on each side. I'm little and those are heavy. Big muscle man can put his own weight away if he can lift it.

    Otherwise nothing else really bothers me. I know people don't wipe down, I know people make noises, I know people don't have the same hygiene as me, I expect all of that and go on about my business. I'm there for 1 reason only.
    1) Oh i stand in your spot because you smell good! .. how about you skip a shower every now and then?
    2:) i leave them there to motivate you .. how do you know you cant do it , if you dont even try?
    3) that sweat i leave there is pure manly sweat , i figured anyone would love it.. pure genius! its the weakness which has left my body..
    4) and you know you are only at the gym to creep on all the hot guys..

    :) JK