Views on America



  • cannonsky
    cannonsky Posts: 850 Member
    Exactly religion and edution should stay FAR FAR a part.
    WHAT???? How, exactly, will people learn about world religions if they're not educated on them? I'm not sure I understand this statement. Unless, what you're meaning to say is that religion should not be taught in public schools.
    there is a difference between teaching religion, and teaching ABOUT religion... they were referring to the former
    What is the difference? Not being snarky. Trying to understand what you're saying.

    I believe that the difference is that one religion should not be taught as the "proper" religion. Honestly, I think anyone's spiritual questions/quests should be their own to explore.

    what I mean is that teaching about religion would entail a student gaining knowledge about various world religions, their thoughts, beliefs, practices, etc... and an anthropological study of sorts... Teaching religion is teaching a student to follow a specific religion on the grounds that it is the proper religion. That type of education should be reserved for church and privately funded schools
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    . The quality of the student loans over there just aren't up to par. My friend went to university in the US and she asked for assistance with funding and they told her to go to a loan shark. We don't even have those over here in the first place and I really think that is testament to the quality of the student loans systems and also just funding for poorer people in general.

    HAHAHAAHAH! What?! I could see perhaps if a foreign student wanted assistance how that migh be hard, but your average US citizen that has the wherewithall to actually go apply for a student loan is VERY likely to get one. The only time I've seen issues is when someone is still a dependent of their partents and their parents make TOO MUCH money. I put myself through college with the GI Bill and student loans. I applied and literally had 0 income and got the loans. It's not as big of a problem as people make it out to be.

    It HAS however become more of a problem now that the government is the sole lender in the US and not multiple institutions.
  • cannonsky
    cannonsky Posts: 850 Member
    . The quality of the student loans over there just aren't up to par. My friend went to university in the US and she asked for assistance with funding and they told her to go to a loan shark. We don't even have those over here in the first place and I really think that is testament to the quality of the student loans systems and also just funding for poorer people in general.

    HAHAHAAHAH! What?! I could see perhaps if a foreign student wanted assistance how that migh be hard, but your average US citizen that has the wherewithall to actually go apply for a student loan is VERY likely to get one. The only time I've seen issues is when someone is still a dependent of their partents and their parents make TOO MUCH money. I put myself through college with the GI Bill and student loans. I applied and literally had 0 income and got the loans. It's not as big of a problem as people make it out to be.

    It HAS however become more of a problem now that the government is the sole lender in the US and not multiple institutions.

    It's not so much an issue of getting the student loans... it's paying them back at a time when a degree no longer guarantees a well paying job. Reports are coming out now showing that senior citizens still have student loan debt and that many are having trouble making those payments. I had NO problem getting money for school... I'm just screwed when I graduate this fall
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    I think the education system over there needs to be a lot better and they need to increase the opportunities available for the lower classes; a university education is practically unreachable. If I were living in the US I would be screwed because I come from a very working class background and in a country as developed as America I don't think that's right. The overflowing prisons and gang culture speak for themselves in regards to the quality of the education system and what help there is (or lack of it.)

    A university education is actually quite attainable, and rapidly becoming worthless. Grad school is what is difficult to obtain access to and funds for.

    Also, even if every American had a graduate degree, there aren't enough jobs that require them. The real issue isn't educational opportunities, it's the treatment of workers in all jobs. Even unskilled workers deserve a decent standard of living, but because the minimum wage is not a living wage, because so many jobs have been outsourced, and because services for those in need are not readily available, most unskilled workers live very precarious lives. Providing for all instead of for an elite few is where our society fails.

    I don't just mean university, I mean both higher and further education. It seems to be either you have a degree or nothing; there is no middle ground. We have ex-polytechnics and further educational colleges all over the UK and you get full funding over here so there's no money to pay whatsoever. The quality of the student loans over there just aren't up to par. My friend went to university in the US and she asked for assistance with funding and they told her to go to a loan shark. We don't even have those over here in the first place and I really think that is testament to the quality of the student loans systems and also just funding for poorer people in general.

    Also somewhat inaccurate. We have trade schools as well, tons of them, and it is actually very easy to get funding assistance to attend them. I have many friends who have attended non-traditional universities and gotten assistance to pay for it.

    If you want to go to college, you can. My family did not pay one dollar for my education---I made it happen. I worked my butt off to receive several scholarships, I found tons of extra scholarships to apply for, I also applied for federal grants, and a grant from my University. I do have a little student loan debt, but I'm ok with that because I also have a really amazing job that I worked hard to get.

    Also, when I attended public school, I was not taught to follow a religion, I was taught about different world religions and their basic beliefs and roots. I was also taught about safe sex, condoms, abortion, stds, etc. This was over 10 years ago, but I did learn all those things in public school. I have never ever been taught that Christianity is the only religion, aside from when I attended Catholic school, and even then, I was taught about other world religions and their basic beliefs.

    Not to say our education system is perfect or anything, but I feel as though the op here had a somewhat inaccurate impression of the way things actually are.

    I agree... I came out of a Community College (and there are TONS of them) where I didn't have to borrow a dime... and they have all kinds of trade programs... the one I went to had welding, auto repair, electrician, nursing... and many others...
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    I saw a few comments that are close, but not quite true.

    These quotes aren't exact, but by gist.

    "The NRA is working to keep Assault weapons legal". Incorrect statement. Fully automatic weapons have not been legal to purchase by ordinary citizens since 1948. the word "assault" is added to make it sound more dramatic. Assault simply means to be on the "Offensive". If I attacked you with a butter knife I would be on the offensive, therefore the butterknife would be an "assault butterknife". You can purchase an automatic with a class 3 license, but to get one of those you get a deeper backround check than I did for a secret clearance. So when you hear the news talking about assault weapons they are generally referring to weapons that you can buy at wallmart, but they happen to "Look" scary.

    "this country was founded to be religion free." Close, but not correct. This country was founded specifically for/because of religious liberty. That's why the puritians were willing to get on the boats. The close part is that our "Government" was not supposed to use religious beliefs as the basis for law. Which is difficult to do with some things. When religions say things like "Thou shalt not kill", (dramatic example) it makes things fuzzy. Yes our laws outlaw killing, but that law specifically wasn't written "because" of religion. Some folks have trouble seperating religious control with religious agreement.

    I don't need to go too far, surprisingly calm discussion though. Good job.

    "Assult" weapons are just another liberal buzz word used to scare people. I could easily make a BB gun LOOK like an "assult" rifle and it'd probably end up on a banned list.

    Gun control is a scheme to control the masses. It's no coincidence that the first thing that some of the worst tyrants in history did when gaining power was to outlaw guns for the citizens of their countries.

    "The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subject races to posses arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by doing so." -Adolph Hitler 1938
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Wow... just skimming the current pages there are so many misconceptions that I don't even know where to start... *sigh* and health care CAN be affordable if one learns how to navigate the system.
  • Gwen7121
    Gwen7121 Posts: 126 Member
    I think the education system over there needs to be a lot better and they need to increase the opportunities available for the lower classes; a university education is practically unreachable. If I were living in the US I would be screwed because I come from a very working class background and in a country as developed as America I don't think that's right. The overflowing prisons and gang culture speak for themselves in regards to the quality of the education system and what help there is (or lack of it.)
    I also think that creationism should be COMPLETELY BANNED and that the US should be made into a religion-neutral country, as the founders intended it to be. I don't think Christianity should be taught as the "main" religion. I think religions of all kinds should be taught but not as fact and that no-one should have to choose.
    Abstinence should not in any way be taught. It's just stupidity beyond words. Proper contraception and safe sex should be an education available to all. Again, this ties in with Christianity and, frankly, some of its teachings are outdated and idiotic, especially in regards to contraception and abortion. People need to realise that teenagers are going to have sex and the best thing to do about it is to just educate them properly so that accidents don't happen and if they do they can be taken care of.

    I could go on and on but I get that most of the MFP is American and I'm and Atheist and detest religion of all kinds so the react probably wouldn't be very kind...

    Wow! Your opinions are so sad, and sound very UNeducated

    How are her opinions sad? Religion shouldn't be taught in public schools.
    Sex education should be taught because come on, abstinence only is a joke. Sure, it works for some but it shouldn't be taught as the only option.
    Christianity is not the only religion out there and not the only religion in America.

    I'm still trying to figure out where you get the idea that creationism or religion is taught in public schools? Definitely wasn't taught in mine.

    I don't expect the government to pay for my education. I expect the government to find a way to keep American jobs in our country rather than letting them be outsourced to other countries.
  • stevenc78
    I live in the US. From the extremely blurry line between the separation of church and state to the unwillingness of the politicians to comprise. There is plenty to dislike and it can bog you down if you spend too much time thinking about it quite frankly.
    Sometimes I can't help to think that America is on the decline. We live on our past achievements too much in this country and expect to always coast through on them while telling the rest of the world we are the best and that they aren't.
    You know like when some dudes have a big ol' wang and it gives them overconfidence and they think they can do/have anything. Thats us and our military. We have the biggest and strongest so we can overreach and then tell ourselves, "It's ok, We are awesome! We are protecting and spreading democracy!" And then we find ourselves in some country forever (Hi people from those countries!) and slowly erode the gratitude from helping them out (if there was any to start with, Korea comes to mind) and start them hating us. Plenty of Americans think we shouldn't be rubbing our big ol' wang all over the place. Of course if they speak up theyre derided as unpatriotic or a commie.
    I dont know why "socialism" is such a dirty word here. Police? Firemen? Public library? Dirty god d*mn socialism at work! And my favorite.. Keep your dirty goverment hands out of my medicare! (Medicare is a national social insurance for those 65 and older and disabled people). I'm pretty sure in our Declaration of Independence and Constitution that it is "LIFE, liberty and the pursuit of happiness". These are our unalienable rights, we came up with this and it has inspired many countries around the world to include it in their constitutions and declarations. I think its pretty kickass. I just wish we followed the first part and had healthcare for everyone. Life isn't a privelidge, its a right.
    Democrats (the liberal in America) think that guns are bad. They're not. Some people are bad. Besides, we could never get rid of all the firearms in the states even if people wanted it. It just seems that this is the easy answer to solve crime when there are so many underlying reasons for why there is crime in the first place.
    If only we stuck with the separation of church and state instead of just saying it while we winked our eye. The inclusion of religion into our politics is the biggest *%ck up. It should be left in your home and not dictate policy. With that being said, religion is great for some and not so much for others. The people who hate on religion are just as bad as the ones that push it. Sometimes worse it seems. Live and let live.
    Republicans (the conservatives in America), creationism should be taught in schools? Really? Abstinence instead of birth control? Really? (What la la land are you living in where your kids arent banging in the back of your F150 while you are out on date night at Applebees?) Oh yeah, and please keep your hands out of every womans vagina. You're not wanted there. Your hands are cold. That we are still fighting over a woman's rights to control her reproduction is ridiculous.

    Wow, I sound like im a liberal who hates America. I don't hate America and I think liberals and conservatives are both full of crap. America was great, can be great and is great in many ways still. We just need to lop off the bad stuff before it overwhelms us. I suppose I obviously lean more towards the "liberal" end of things. But call me crazy if I think healthcare and education should be provided to all. If we can maintain our huge military presence in the world and bomb some folks every few years we can find the money to pay for these two things.
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    . The quality of the student loans over there just aren't up to par. My friend went to university in the US and she asked for assistance with funding and they told her to go to a loan shark. We don't even have those over here in the first place and I really think that is testament to the quality of the student loans systems and also just funding for poorer people in general.

    HAHAHAAHAH! What?! I could see perhaps if a foreign student wanted assistance how that migh be hard, but your average US citizen that has the wherewithall to actually go apply for a student loan is VERY likely to get one. The only time I've seen issues is when someone is still a dependent of their partents and their parents make TOO MUCH money. I put myself through college with the GI Bill and student loans. I applied and literally had 0 income and got the loans. It's not as big of a problem as people make it out to be.

    It HAS however become more of a problem now that the government is the sole lender in the US and not multiple institutions.

    It's not so much an issue of getting the student loans... it's paying them back at a time when a degree no longer guarantees a well paying job. Reports are coming out now showing that senior citizens still have student loan debt and that many are having trouble making those payments. I had NO problem getting money for school... I'm just screwed when I graduate this fall

    AND? That should not be the problem of the people, nor the government to solve. Sorry you choose to study something that became worthless, but you made that decision. I sympathize though, I too went to school for electronics, got my degree and was met with no jobs in areas that I wanted to actually live. I then made an effort to change the direction of my career slightly and am now in IT.

    I'll be paying for my student loans for years and years to come, but oh well, my problem not someone elses.
  • LizKurz
    LizKurz Posts: 340 Member
    I get a little annoyed with how polarized we are over here.

    Example I just got back from lunch and saw two bumper stickers:

    "Don't blame me, I voted for the American"


    "In 2012 vote American, not Socialist"

    Indicating that if you aren't voting republican or have republican viewpoints, you aren't really an american.

    And this is why I would love to leave. I'm embarrassed to call myself an American to anyone else in the world. And for those that offered assistance to those of us that wish to leave, I'll seriously take you up on it. Feel free to send me a pm with what you're willing to help out with. We have four kids and a mortgage. Though our house inst underwater, so buying out our mortgage wouldn't be a bad investment.

    Seriously, you know what m bumper sticker says? "Obama/Biden 2012" that's it. I don't feel the need to tear anyone else down, just so i can support the moderate democrat up for reelection. As a socialist, I can tell you, he is not a socialist, and is too right winged on many issues for me. But, I know there is no other choice out there. For those that cant seem to get over the "me me me" mentality, I feel sorry for them, they're missing out on such joy in life. To me, the hive having health care is more important than my being able to own guns. The hive having equal rights regardless of race, creed, or sexual orientation is more important to me than shoving my religion down everyone's throat.

    When people stopped caring about the hive, in favor of more and more and more for them, and people are suffering with no food, no place to live and no access to affordable health care, this country turned south for the sh!tter.

    When there are 18 million vacant foreclosed homes in this country, and only 3.5 million homeless people yet, we can't as a country come together to house them and get them back on their feet, yeah, it's kinda disgusting to me.
  • antonio823
    antonio823 Posts: 298 Member
    This subject could very well become an endless & heated debate...and I am pretty certain everyone has views that are both valid and invalid.

    I love my country but the truth is we need to start focusin on ways to improve the quality of life for folks within the US before trying to fix things outside of it. I have often wondered why is it that someone could come here from a different country and live tremendously better than a person who has been here their entire life? Or why is it that folks within the US who have the money and power to help their neighbor would rather use it to go outside the country or even waste it away on something materialistic or meaningless. I'm not saying people should not be allowed to come to the US nor am I saying we should not help others but rather all citizens of the US should reap the benefit of living a comfortable and healthy life. Other countries are structured in a manner where people are afforded a decent education and healthcare, why can't Americans receive the same benefits? As a people we should also realize that some people are simply not cut out to spend years in school studying to obtain a degree because we have different levels of understanding or an individual may possess an apptitude that is quite different from another, it does not mean they aren't entitled to a decent job and wages. Sadly, I have known people who were doctors, lawyers, social workers, and other professionals from other countries who came to the US and were reduced to laborers simply because their credentials were not accepted. If we stop to think about the amount of money is paid out to people in certain careers and how much is thrown away on unnecessary things just because we allow our wants and greed to outweigh common sense and the responsibility to care for our fellow man its just plain right out sad and ridiculous. I've read comments regarding religion, well no matter what a person's religious belief is all religions teach tolerance, love, and mutual respect for one another and cleary that is not the case in a society where money, power, greed, and religion has a tendacy to overule common sense, decency, and respect for all...

    As Forest Gump would say, "that's all I got to say about that."
  • Annette8479
    Annette8479 Posts: 82 Member
    I :heart: America
  • LizKurz
    LizKurz Posts: 340 Member
    I live in the US. From the extremely blurry line between the separation of church and state to the unwillingness of the politicians to comprise. There is plenty to dislike and it can bog you down if you spend too much time thinking about it quite frankly.
    Sometimes I can't help to think that America is on the decline. We live on our past achievements too much in this country and expect to always coast through on them while telling the rest of the world we are the best and that they aren't.
    You know like when some dudes have a big ol' wang and it gives them overconfidence and they think they can do/have anything. Thats us and our military. We have the biggest and strongest so we can overreach and then tell ourselves, "It's ok, We are awesome! We are protecting and spreading democracy!" And then we find ourselves in some country forever (Hi people from those countries!) and slowly erode the gratitude from helping them out (if there was any to start with, Korea comes to mind) and start them hating us. Plenty of Americans think we shouldn't be rubbing our big ol' wang all over the place. Of course if they speak up theyre derided as unpatriotic or a commie.
    I dont know why "socialism" is such a dirty word here. Police? Firemen? Public library? Dirty god d*mn socialism at work! And my favorite.. Keep your dirty goverment hands out of my medicare! (Medicare is a national social insurance for those 65 and older and disabled people). I'm pretty sure in our Declaration of Independence and Constitution that it is "LIFE, liberty and the pursuit of happiness". These are our unalienable rights, we came up with this and it has inspired many countries around the world to include it in their constitutions and declarations. I think its pretty kickass. I just wish we followed the first part and had healthcare for everyone. Life isn't a privelidge, its a right.
    Democrats (the liberal in America) think that guns are bad. They're not. Some people are bad. Besides, we could never get rid of all the firearms in the states even if people wanted it. It just seems that this is the easy answer to solve crime when there are so many underlying reasons for why there is crime in the first place.
    If only we stuck with the separation of church and state instead of just saying it while we winked our eye. The inclusion of religion into our politics is the biggest *%ck up. It should be left in your home and not dictate policy. With that being said, religion is great for some and not so much for others. The people who hate on religion are just as bad as the ones that push it. Sometimes worse it seems. Live and let live.
    Republicans (the conservatives in America), creationism should be taught in schools? Really? Abstinence instead of birth control? Really? (What la la land are you living in where your kids arent banging in the back of your F150 while you are out on date night at Applebees?) Oh yeah, and please keep your hands out of every womans vagina. You're not wanted there. Your hands are cold. That we are still fighting over a woman's rights to control her reproduction is ridiculous.

    Wow, I sound like im a liberal who hates America. I don't hate America and I think liberals and conservatives are both full of crap. America was great, can be great and is great in many ways still. We just need to lop off the bad stuff before it overwhelms us. I suppose I obviously lean more towards the "liberal" end of things. But call me crazy if I think healthcare and education should be provided to all. If we can maintain our huge military presence in the world and bomb some folks every few years we can find the money to pay for these two things.

    Aside from agreeing with every word of this, I think you hit on something I haven't really been able to figure out until now.

    You're right, if you dwell on the negatives too much, it will bog you down, and if more people did that, instead of trying to see the silver lining, things might actually change. We've been brought up and told that America is the greatest country on earth, and we're such speshul snoeflaks, but really, if we'd actually stop and get bogged down about the crap plaguing this country, I wouldn't wonder if we could right many of the wrongs.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    Honestly, I think anyone's spiritual questions/quests should be their own to explore.
    How do children explore religion if there is no one to teach them? We have mathematicians to teach math, those certified/educated in science and English to teach those subjects. Why should religion be any different?
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    . The quality of the student loans over there just aren't up to par. My friend went to university in the US and she asked for assistance with funding and they told her to go to a loan shark. We don't even have those over here in the first place and I really think that is testament to the quality of the student loans systems and also just funding for poorer people in general.

    HAHAHAAHAH! What?! I could see perhaps if a foreign student wanted assistance how that migh be hard, but your average US citizen that has the wherewithall to actually go apply for a student loan is VERY likely to get one. The only time I've seen issues is when someone is still a dependent of their partents and their parents make TOO MUCH money. I put myself through college with the GI Bill and student loans. I applied and literally had 0 income and got the loans. It's not as big of a problem as people make it out to be.

    It HAS however become more of a problem now that the government is the sole lender in the US and not multiple institutions.

    It's not so much an issue of getting the student loans... it's paying them back at a time when a degree no longer guarantees a well paying job. Reports are coming out now showing that senior citizens still have student loan debt and that many are having trouble making those payments. I had NO problem getting money for school... I'm just screwed when I graduate this fall

    AND? That should not be the problem of the people, nor the government to solve. Sorry you choose to study something that became worthless, but you made that decision. I sympathize though, I too went to school for electronics, got my degree and was met with no jobs in areas that I wanted to actually live. I then made an effort to change the direction of my career slightly and am now in IT.

    I'll be paying for my student loans for years and years to come, but oh well, my problem not someone elses.

  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    Can you ask for a doggy bag??? could my partner and I share a plate of food??? do they serve adults child portions?? and more importantly what is the best dinner I should order I am going to New Orleans and NYC????

    GUMBO, and clams in new orleans,new york it depends on what part or nyc your in. most places have child portions you can order, and will usaly let you share you meal, and you can get a doggie bag anywhere, but buffets
  • LizKurz
    LizKurz Posts: 340 Member
    Exactly religion and edution should stay FAR FAR a part.
    WHAT???? How, exactly, will people learn about world religions if they're not educated on them? I'm not sure I understand this statement. Unless, what you're meaning to say is that religion should not be taught in public schools.
    there is a difference between teaching religion, and teaching ABOUT religion... they were referring to the former
    What is the difference? Not being snarky. Trying to understand what you're saying.

    The difference would be a world religions class in which you learned about many religions, their differences, history, etc, and then using religion as an excuse to teach abstinence only sex Ed, or things like creationism in a science class.
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,611 Member
    Honestly, I think anyone's spiritual questions/quests should be their own to explore.
    How do children explore religion if there is no one to teach them? We have mathematicians to teach math, those certified/educated in science and English to teach those subjects. Why should religion be any different?

    Because mathematics and English do not contain moral right and wrongs that dictate how people should live their lives. Aren't parents the one's who should be teaching such a subjective topics as morality?
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    The difference would be a world religions class in which you learned about many religions, their differences, history, etc, and then using religion as an excuse to teach abstinence only sex Ed, or things like creationism in a science class.
    Well, I believe Catholicism should be taught in a Catholic school by a Catholic theologian. I don't see a problem with a World Religions class being taught at public schools, though.
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    Honestly, I think anyone's spiritual questions/quests should be their own to explore.
    How do children explore religion if there is no one to teach them? We have mathematicians to teach math, those certified/educated in science and English to teach those subjects. Why should religion be any different?

    Because mathematics and English do not contain moral right and wrongs that dictate how people should live their lives. Aren't parents the one's who should be teaching such a subjective topics as morality?

    Hmmm interesting concept, parents teaching their children about morals.