MFP Meanies :(



  • hanna6774
    hanna6774 Posts: 225
    Its why I dont post on the forum like I used to. Im happy to help people, but I am tired weeding through stupid threads like...

    Whats your favorite sex position

    These are some of the more extreme - Just stay away from the chit chat section - Also, search the forum for your topic prior to posting a thread. Some topics seem to set off a bomb and ultimately turn mean. Don't worry about "bumps" (people logging so they can look later), "popcorn comments" (quite of few of us do this when threads get quite heated. Even though I'm dying to jump in, I am more than happy to sit back and watch like a movie) Lots of good tools, general information, recipes and definitely some great "healthy" inspirational stories on this site. Take a lot of this site with a grain of, just not literally - salt bad!
  • Ericacastillo
    Ericacastillo Posts: 28 Member
    Hey everyone. So I started a topic today by asking a simple question regarding exercise and people laughed at me. They were a few nicer ones who helped out alot but others kept quoting and laughing. I don't think any question is dumb when you are now starting out with healthy living....i think you should be asking questions everyday,

    Not everyone is encouraging. They would actually make you wanna leave MFP......
    Dont be so sensitive, this is the Internet after all. Shrug them off, take what little you did learn, and move forward. (:

    This is so irritating. "This is the internet after all".
    Just because you log onto the internet does not give anyone the right to mistreat others. Anonymity does not equal to unaccountability.

    I agree that we should shrug off anyone in the world that causes us grief for seemingly no provocation. However, I have also learned that in my experience no one ever responds negatively to something without having insecurities about it themselves - if it's a person who yells at you for spelling wrong, it's normally because they're TERRIFIED of doing it themselves.

    I had a look at your original post Sonz, and the one person that frustrated the hell out of me was this post:
    Thanks for the advice.

    Not everyone is knowledgeable about certain things when it comes to healthy living- especially is you are now starting out. So no question is meant to be seen as a joke. You learn something new everyday. Thanks for the advice everyone.

    As a female, I know a lot about my period...It's something you SHOULD know about...Just sayin'

    What gives her the right? Look, I'm a guy - I have no idea about any of it... but the principle is the same. You don't berate someone for not understanding and seeking to learn. That's an ignorant point of view which leads to a serrated personality. You were both ignorant, but the key difference is you were seeking to better your understanding of a situation to lead you out of that ignorance. She will continue to stay ignorant - so who really loses?

  • hanna6774
    hanna6774 Posts: 225
    It's common in internet world... Trolls are everywhere, don't let them get to you :smile: :flowerforyou:

    UGH!!! TROLLING......That seems to be another issue on this site!

  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    sorry to point this out, but isnt this type post
    Hey everyone. So I started a topic today by asking a simple question regarding exercise and people laughed at me. They were a few nicer ones who helped out alot but others kept quoting and laughing. I don't think any question is dumb when you are now starting out with healthy living....i think you should be asking questions everyday,

    Not everyone is encouraging. They would actually make you wanna leave MFP......
    Dont be so sensitive, this is the Internet after all. Shrug them off, take what little you did learn, and move forward. (:

    This is so irritating. "This is the internet after all".
    Just because you log onto the internet does not give anyone the right to mistreat others. Anonymity does not equal to unaccountability.

    I agree that we should shrug off anyone in the world that causes us grief for seemingly no provocation. However, I have also learned that in my experience no one ever responds negatively to something without having insecurities about it themselves - if it's a person who yells at you for spelling wrong, it's normally because they're TERRIFIED of doing it themselves.

    I had a look at your original post Sonz, and the one person that frustrated the hell out of me was this post:
    Thanks for the advice.

    Not everyone is knowledgeable about certain things when it comes to healthy living- especially is you are now starting out. So no question is meant to be seen as a joke. You learn something new everyday. Thanks for the advice everyone.

    As a female, I know a lot about my period...It's something you SHOULD know about...Just sayin'

    What gives her the right? Look, I'm a guy - I have no idea about any of it... but the principle is the same. You don't berate someone for not understanding and seeking to learn. That's an ignorant point of view which leads to a serrated personality. You were both ignorant, but the key difference is you were seeking to better your understanding of a situation to lead you out of that ignorance. She will continue to stay ignorant - so who really loses?

    and this type post
    Hey everyone. So I started a topic today by asking a simple question regarding exercise and people laughed at me. They were a few nicer ones who helped out alot but others kept quoting and laughing. I don't think any question is dumb when you are now starting out with healthy living....i think you should be asking questions everyday,

    Not everyone is encouraging. They would actually make you wanna leave MFP......
    Dont be so sensitive, this is the Internet after all. Shrug them off, take what little you did learn, and move forward. (:

    This is so irritating. "This is the internet after all".
    Just because you log onto the internet does not give anyone the right to mistreat others. Anonymity does not equal to unaccountability.

    I agree that we should shrug off anyone in the world that causes us grief for seemingly no provocation. However, I have also learned that in my experience no one ever responds negatively to something without having insecurities about it themselves - if it's a person who yells at you for spelling wrong, it's normally because they're TERRIFIED of doing it themselves.

    I had a look at your original post Sonz, and the one person that frustrated the hell out of me was this post:
    Thanks for the advice.

    Not everyone is knowledgeable about certain things when it comes to healthy living- especially is you are now starting out. So no question is meant to be seen as a joke. You learn something new everyday. Thanks for the advice everyone.

    As a female, I know a lot about my period...It's something you SHOULD know about...Just sayin'

    What gives her the right? Look, I'm a guy - I have no idea about any of it... but the principle is the same. You don't berate someone for not understanding and seeking to learn. That's an ignorant point of view which leads to a serrated personality. You were both ignorant, but the key difference is you were seeking to better your understanding of a situation to lead you out of that ignorance. She will continue to stay ignorant - so who really loses?


    pretty hypocritical given the thread topic?

    talking about people without their knowledge (ie carrying quotes over into different forums and different threads) is no better than someone being outright rude. just because you're being passive aggressive about your rudeness doesn't make it any less rude.

    the appropriate way to deal with it is either to report the post to the mods or discuss it in private. but carrying it over to new threads is just *kitten* stirring
  • grdinagirl
    grdinagirl Posts: 13 Member
    You know, there were three pages of replies on your "Menstrual cycle and exercise" thread so far. Out of those 60 replies, two of them were vaguely sarcastic.

    If you choose to focus on two or three posts out of 60 because they were joking or sarcastic, then maybe the problem is that you are having trouble seeing the good in people. 58 of them were helpful and positive.

    Very true. Maybe being a little over sensitive.
  • ihateroses
    ihateroses Posts: 893 Member
    I just read through the thread, most people were helpful, a few were rude.

    That is pretty normal.

    I think you focused on the negative.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Its why I dont post on the forum like I used to. Im happy to help people, but I am tired weeding through stupid threads like...

    Whats your favorite sex position
    What kind of underwear are you wearing
    How often do you touch yourself while on mfp etcetcetc
    It's interesting you said this because I was just wishing for a way to filter the forum to not have to see the chit chat section at all. :-)
  • Seanb_us
    Seanb_us Posts: 322 Member
    There are stupid questions. There are stupid people. There are lazy people.

    That being said, ask away. This is the Internet. Never, ever, take anything too seriously, and expect some morons will reply to whatever you ask.

    Smile. Use MFP to lose weight. Ignore the Internet stupidity. All good.


  • Seanb_us
    Seanb_us Posts: 322 Member
    I just read through the thread, most people were helpful, a few were rude.

    That is pretty normal.

    I think you focused on the negative.

    Okay ... but ... why do you hate roses?

    IMHO, a surprise bunch of colourful flowers can turn a day right around. Just saying.


  • mslaurenlove
    mslaurenlove Posts: 17 Member
    a lot of people get a "kick" by sounding smart and condescending. No one said every person losing weight was understanding, or nice to others. Just brush them off, clearly, they are not part of your support team on here!
  • They are the know it alls. Or at least they think they are. Ignore them. :)
  • Mceastes
    Mceastes Posts: 303 Member
    Don't be afraid to keep asking questions just because someone made a big deal of it. Didn't our teachers always tell us there is no such thing as a stupid question? How will you learn if you don't ask? No one person can know everything, we have to be more encouraging and patient, especially for people new to weight loss and fitness. Ignore rude remarks, there are too many nice people on this site to leave over a few rude people.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    You know, there were three pages of replies on your "Menstrual cycle and exercise" thread so far. Out of those 60 replies, two of them were vaguely sarcastic.

    If you choose to focus on two or three posts out of 60 because they were joking or sarcastic, then maybe the problem is that you are having trouble seeing the good in people. 58 of them were helpful and positive.

    This. The majority of people who are responding to this thread did not read the thread in question, and are projecting.

    The "negative meanies" were joking. I understand that you didn't find them funny, but I don't think they meant any harm. Read their responses again, only this time, pretend they are friends of yours, rather that strangers. I bet you won't read any hostility into what they said.

    In future, if you assume that people are attempting to be funny, rather than hurtful, I think you will find these forums supportive. Try it. Do it for me. :flowerforyou:
  • DataBased
    DataBased Posts: 513 Member
    I had horrible cycles like that, too, when I was younger. Literally curled up in a ball for 2-3 days. There's no earthly way I could have been coaxed to work out, eat, or even move unless it was a matter of survival. The dr. finally ended up giving me testosterone (!!!) to "reset everything. It worked for a few years! Ended up, though, that I had been sicker than I realized. So please - do yourself a favor and make sure you don't have anything serious going on in there, okay?

    And hang tough here. What the others have said is true. This is like a cross-section of any society. There are nice people and there are those who don't know (or care?) that their words are hurtful. You're here for YOU - so those others... they just don't matter .
  • k0nfyo0zed
    k0nfyo0zed Posts: 313 Member
    Sorry to hear about your experience :( I have seen quite a few meanies on here but the ones that are nice make up the majority. Hang in there. Glean what you can from those who have knowledge and ignore the haters.

    Oh, as a side note, if you are in any way religious (not that there is anything wrong with that) don't ever mention it! They will come with pitchforks. Some poor girl asked a question about looking for christians or something and the people went all moonbatty on her. I felt terrible for her! Live and let live I say :)

    i 'spose i should change my profile picture then, eh?
  • DaisyHamilton
    DaisyHamilton Posts: 575 Member
    Most people on here have attitude problems, I've noticed...
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I saw your other thread.. and while I haven't read the comments, the first thing that went thorough my mind was seriously..

    The reason why I say that is, most females on here have had their menstrual cycle since they were in their teens. and we all exercised during that time I'm sure. So why is that we start weight loss and everything we did before suddenly goes out the window? If you did it before, why can't you do it now? Is there something stopping you?

    I say that not trying to be rude, but use common sense people.. it's not that hard.
  • djsupreme6
    djsupreme6 Posts: 1,210 Member's just like me to go sticking my nose where it doesn't belong lol..really though..same as anywhere..some just create accounts to badger and attempt to bring people down cause thats what brings them up...some are just simply experts of course..aren't we you let them get to you...then they win and thats surely not what you want to're better then that and I don't know you at all..rise beyond the games and foolishness...accomplish your goals and sit back while you watch those negative ones feeds say things like "haven't logged in a long damn time, I think he/she needs some encouragement" lol
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    Dont be so sensitive, this is the Internet after all. Shrug them off, take what little you did learn, and move forward. (:

    Internet or real, there will always be bad people & there's nothing we can do about it other than ignoring them. They are losers anyway.
  • giselle9938
    giselle9938 Posts: 194 Member
    I agree we (MFP) people should be encouraging each other, not making fun of new people...and I would advise you to continue asking questions...and ignore the rude immature people who laugh and make fun. Blessings sweetie.

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