MFP Meanies :(



  • teschy123
    teschy123 Posts: 89
    Its why I dont post on the forum like I used to. Im happy to help people, but I am tired weeding through stupid threads like...

    Whats your favorite sex position
    What kind of underwear are you wearing
    How often do you touch yourself while on mfp etcetcetc

    This it gets old!! Which is why I stick to my news feed to ask questions because I know I am getting the answers I need from my MFP friends!! I am not on this site to get a date, or meet a man. I am on here to get help to lose weight and live a healthy lifestyle with a little bit of motivation!!! Feel free to add me I am not here to be mean, I am here to be supportive and encourage you stay the course!!!
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 795 Member
    I gave up on that thread... I'll post my answer here where you're more likely to see it. :)

    There is a lot of mixed- and mis-information out there, so it's no wonder that you were told to rest and didn't know what was right! Don't feel like you were asking a dumb question.

    Pretty much, though, as long as you feel all right, you can exercise. If you have a really heavy flow the first couple of days, you might want to make those be rest days just so you don't wear yourself out. And there is some indication that hormones during ovulation might affect your stability. Otherwise, have at it.

    If you want some reading material:

    Now, on the other hand... THIS is something to be aware of:

    And it might be a coincidence (since I'm 34), but my ovulation date has been less predictable since I started working out harder with a weight-training program.

    That's a bigger concern for me than safety while working out. :smile:
  • _HeathBar_
    _HeathBar_ Posts: 902 Member

  • nicholettebell
    I saw that thread and I was so surprised about how rude some people are! It was disgusting how they were acting. I think that's the first time I've ever saw such superior mannerisms since I've been here. But don't let the negativity wear you down. Some people are just going to be rude but you can only control what you're going to do. Keep doing what you're doing. You rock!
  • mdsjmom98
    mdsjmom98 Posts: 333 Member
    I just wish that if a topic annoyed someone, or they didn't have anything nice to say that they just move on, and <gasp> maybe not even read the thread. But like others have said, haters are gonna hate, and unfortunately we don't have a magic button that shocks them when they post something hateful, kind of like a dog shock collar maybe? Don't let the haters get you down. Keep on your journey, and depend on your friends to answer your questions should you have any. Good luck!!
  • JaySpice
    JaySpice Posts: 326 Member

    Snatched from my profile

    There is a such thing as a stupid question. Don't let yo momma's childhood lie cloud your adult mind!

    Also all these "nice" and "supportive" people insulting the "meanies".....

  • melb2003
    melb2003 Posts: 198
    I'm sorry for your bad experience. I think people assume that because it's the internet, it's ok to offend people regardless how you may make the person feel. I've already had a few people laugh at me for a few things. Don't let it get you down and just keep on trucking.
  • Flippiefloppies
    Oh this was about your exercising and period question. I don't agree with how people responded, I just think they were a little taken back by your question's just your period. I think they couldn't understand what you think would possibly happen if you exercised on your period...because it's not like it will make you bleed more or rip your vagina wall or die or something. We've all had our periods for years now and are very knowledgable about our periods being women, so they replied in harsh ways. But to a lot of people, it was a really common sense question so I think that's why they replied the way they did.

    This. That is why I responded the way I did because I felt like it was a common sense if it hurts, don't do it, if you feel fine, do it. I suppose I'm a "MFP Meanie." I don't think I'm mean, just blunt and sarcastic. It's my personality. I'm not miserable with my life, I'm not a bully, I'm not trying to tear others down, or any of the other things many posters have said so far. Just like in regular life, there are people on here whose personalities don't mesh, no biggee.

    I love you for who you are MER! Even if you are a MFP Meanie..
  • SwannySez
    SwannySez Posts: 5,864 Member
    I agree with the above posters who have pointed out that only a few of the responses could be construed as anything but supportive and or helpful. In a public internet forum such as this to receive such overwhelmingly positive and supportive and helpful feedback is something to be celebrated.

    As for those posters who have a problem with the Chit-Chat, fun, and games forum, is there some issue with your browser that you are automatically taken to that forum against your will? If so, I would use the Technical Support/Need Help forum to register that issue and hopefully someone there would give you the help you need to avoid having those threads forcibly foisted upon you. I would hate to have be forced against my will to look at a section of a forum that I did not want to see. I hope that all those who are experienceing this problem can get the help they need to correct it.

    Personally, I spend more time there than anywhere else but then I am not forced to look at anything that's there. I am free to look or not look. Maybe it's bcause I use an older browser. Hey that might be the solution!
    I can confirm that Firefox versions 8,9, and 10 do not force me into any forum sections. This is on Windows XP. I'll check other browsers and Windows 7 later.

    Thanks, Kenneth, I will try Chrome for XP and IE9 for XP when I get home too. We'll figure this out.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member

    Snatched from my profile

    There is a such thing as a stupid question. Don't let yo momma's childhood lie cloud your adult mind!

    Also all these "nice" and "supportive" people insulting the "meanies".....


  • SwannySez
    SwannySez Posts: 5,864 Member


  • bkandisjj29
    bkandisjj29 Posts: 172
    I know, right? Evidently sarcasm is the new polite.
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    Your question was valid. Some people have never had major issues in that arena and so they probably do not understand the possible complications.

    Don't let the negativity ruin what you are doing for yourself. It's all up to you. Stick with it!

    Exactly. I used to know the answer to your question, same as the majority. But then I got fibroids (they can cause heavy bleeding). I asked the same question here, and got some similar responses as to what you received. I try not to wish fibroids on them. That would be unkind... I have chosen to just do what I think is best for me, which is to let those really bad days be days in which I do my best with more ordinary routines, and save exercising for the 21 days TOM isn't a problem. (And of course, if TOM is light, I follow conventional wisdom...)
  • jennifer52484
    jennifer52484 Posts: 888 Member
    There will always be at least one person in the crowd that will bring you down. You need thick skin to post on forums. Everyone thinks they have the correct answer. Just keep your head up and continue on YOUR journey. Best of luck!
  • MrsWilsoncroft
    MrsWilsoncroft Posts: 969 Member
    Hey everyone. So I started a topic today by asking a simple question regarding exercise and people laughed at me. They were a few nicer ones who helped out alot but others kept quoting and laughing. I don't think any question is dumb when you are now starting out with healthy living....i think you should be asking questions everyday,

    Not everyone is encouraging. They would actually make you wanna leave MFP......

    Hello Hun

    I totally understand where you are coming from. I have come across some threads on here and the replies are really cringe worthy. Some people really need to take their head from out of their *kitten* lol!

    Like anyone starting a new diet or exercise plan we all have questions so never feel scared to ask anything.

    Stacey x
  • shirlandmews
    Saw your question and, as I saw lots of persons gave very good answers, I did not feel the need to give my opinion. The only thing I would have said was that people are jerks sometimes. But as I had nothing nice to say ... You should friend all the clever persons who answered you right. I do not post a lot. I prefer to interact with my friends who are very nice and supportive. Now, if I have a question or something, I just use my homepage, or tumblr, or google. Actually, I just go on the forum when a topic that appears in the right side of my homepage seems interesting. Just invite good persons and stick with them. ;)
    This being said. Good luck and hard work on your journey here ! ;)
  • HeelsAndBoxingGloves
    HeelsAndBoxingGloves Posts: 916 Member

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: and you just made my day! :heart:
  • sdrawkcabynot
    sdrawkcabynot Posts: 466 Member
    Hey everyone. So I started a topic today by asking a simple question regarding exercise and people laughed at me. They were a few nicer ones who helped out alot but others kept quoting and laughing. I don't think any question is dumb when you are now starting out with healthy living....i think you should be asking questions everyday,

    Not everyone is encouraging. They would actually make you wanna leave MFP......

    What was the original post about? The first thing I was told by a friend on here back when my friend list was like 10 people "Be careful what you post and ask on this site... everyone has an opinion and most are trolls getting ready to pounce."... if i hit the threads - it's with a grain of salt and a sense of humor.

    Don't let them get you down! :D
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    Seriously people? Aren't we all adults here, don't we know that by posting public questions you're going to get a mixture of responses. Learn to look past them, or ignore them. A whole thread dedicated to "meanies" is childish and ridiculous.
  • Flippiefloppies
    I got most of my friend from being an *kitten*. Just saying.
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