Bye Bye Death Penalty



  • Il_DaniD_lI
    Il_DaniD_lI Posts: 1,593 Member
    I think the death penalty should be solely reserved for child molesters.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Simple economics to eliminate someone that has already been proven to be a scourge.

    This issue is anything but "simple".
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,576 Member
    Also, rough estimates are that it takes roughly $35,000 a year to house a death row inmate, way more if you add in legal cost of appeals and the courts. I can buy a .45 round for less than $1. Simple economics to eliminate someone that has already been proven to be a scourge.

    and if that person you shoot turns out to be innocent?
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    I think the death penalty should be solely reserved for child molesters.

    There are other criminal acts that are equally heinous.
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    This isn't a race issue like you're trying to make it.

    I think a decent argument could be made that it is a socioeconomic issue though.

    Perhaps that is true, those that are poor tend not to be able to afford a decent attorney, and those that are well off can hire ones that know how to find loopholes in the system. Maybe instead of housing all this scum on our dime, we should concentrate that money on revising laws and closing loopholes.

    Either way, my point still stands, not a race issue.
  • iAMaPhoenix
    iAMaPhoenix Posts: 1,038 Member
    Florida boy here and we pay extra electricity bill to keep Ole Sparky juiced and ready to!!!
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    Also, rough estimates are that it takes roughly $35,000 a year to house a death row inmate, way more if you add in legal cost of appeals and the courts. I can buy a .45 round for less than $1. Simple economics to eliminate someone that has already been proven to be a scourge.

    and if that person you shoot turns out to be innocent?

    Sucks, move on with life.

    While there are cases in which someone is later proven innocent through new DNA evidence or whatnot, the percentage I'd be willing to bet is lower than most would have us believe. There is also an appeals process, 3 appeals before you're done. Seems fair to me.
  • This will probably be an unpopular opinion - but it amazes me that there are any states in the US that still have the death penalty. It seems medieval to me.

  • jagar07
    jagar07 Posts: 266 Member
    I will not voice my opinion, but I will say this...."The Green Mile", with Tom Hanks, look it up
  • sherri85
    sherri85 Posts: 148 Member
    I think they should all be put on a desert island. Let them kill each other instead of us paying for them to watch tv-body build-and make royalties from books they write while in prison.
    What she said ^^ lol!!! :laugh:
  • Il_DaniD_lI
    Il_DaniD_lI Posts: 1,593 Member
    I think the death penalty should be solely reserved for child molesters.

    There are other criminal acts that are equally heinous.

    Not IMO.
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    I think the death penalty should be solely reserved for child molesters.

    I think there should be more creative ways of dealing with them, up to an including death. I'm all for public castration, self inflicted of course. However I don't think the constitution will allow for what I have in mind.
  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,069 Member
    I will not voice my opinion, but I will say this...."The Green Mile", with Tom Hanks, look it up

    Oh brother!
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    I didn't read through all the posts, but I will recommend the movie The Life of David Gale. I don't really know my stance on the death penalty, I'm pretty torn but I did think that the movie had a good point.
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    While I have trouble with people like Charlie Manson still being alive, I feel that it is difficult to teach that killing someone for a punishment is ever valid.
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,576 Member
    Also, rough estimates are that it takes roughly $35,000 a year to house a death row inmate, way more if you add in legal cost of appeals and the courts. I can buy a .45 round for less than $1. Simple economics to eliminate someone that has already been proven to be a scourge.

    and if that person you shoot turns out to be innocent?

    Sucks, move on with life.

    While there are cases in which someone is later proven innocent through new DNA evidence or whatnot, the percentage I'd be willing to bet is lower than most would have us believe. There is also an appeals process, 3 appeals before you're done. Seems fair to me.

    So you say that killing them with a bullet will save $35,000 plus the money from the appeals process and then point to the appeals process as the fair way for the innocent to be saved from getting innocently executed?

    What if a member of your family was stuck in this process?
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Sucks, move on with life.

    While there are cases in which someone is later proven innocent through new DNA evidence or whatnot, the percentage I'd be willing to bet is lower than most would have us believe. There is also an appeals process, 3 appeals before you're done. Seems fair to me.

    A young woman is raped. The girl's father believes, after extensive digging, a neighborhood kid did it. He takes the law into his own hands and kills the kid.

    If the father was right, was what he did 'ok'?

    If the father was wrong, was what he did 'ok'?

    How does the family of the murdered son get justice?

    I personally like to think that our criminal justice system is better than an enraged father out for blood. However, if our response to the wrongful execution of a person is "sucks to be you, move on with life," I'd have my doubts.
  • This will probably be an unpopular opinion - but it amazes me that there are any states in the US that still have the death penalty. It seems medieval to me.

    (From Britain)

    This ^^ It's barbaric. If you keep going with an eye for an eye, there will be no more eyes left.
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Vehemently against the death penalty.
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    I think the death penalty should be solely reserved for child molesters.

    There are other criminal acts that are equally heinous.

    Not IMO.

    The question I have isn't what to do with child molesters. It is why do they even exist. I couldn't understand why somebody would even be attracted to children, let alone having relations with them. Do we just declare they are evil people and torture them or do we care to better understand them so we can figure out how to prevent others in the future from becoming child molesters? We already know that punishments don't deter their behavior, because it is largely impulsive. Normal people don't walk around on a daily basis suppressing their desire to molest children so its not a matter of making a good choice or a bad choice. A little critical thinking goes a long way.