GUYS- - - Do you prefer a girl to have an appetite like your



  • ZombieChaser
    ZombieChaser Posts: 1,555 Member
    I have been on dates with guys before and they have been shocked at how much I eat...

    I have also had waiters tell me that I will not finish everything I've ordered... only to have them come back to take away clean plates and they always look shocked.

    I couldn't date a guy who eats less than me. I'd feel weird.

    hahaha this is me!
  • DarthCeltic
    DarthCeltic Posts: 1,274 Member
    i like healthy women.. if you are skinny skinny.. then thats cute, but women that are full bodied.. like jennifer lawrence, or the girl from mad men.. wow..

    if you have an appetite im good with it, id prefer a foodie over a snackie.. but then again i take alot of stock in what i eat..

    so i think that women that are healthy and enjoy that about themselves is the best
  • Martucha123
    Martucha123 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I eat more than my SO (mainly because I IF and only have 2 big meals and he has 3)
    but he finds watching me eating incredibly sexy,
    so more I eat, happier he gets...
  • margeauxhunt
    If a guy is threatened by what a girl eats, he has his own issues to deal with. If you don't like me because you have expectations that I shouldn't eat anything, I don't like you either.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    I love food, so if a guy has a problem with that, he probably should steer clear.

    ETA - I am 5'10" and exercise regularly. I eat 2500 calories a day and, since it's mostly all really healthy stuff, that adds up to a LOT of food.
  • LemonSocks
    LemonSocks Posts: 238 Member
    Unless a woman is an athlete and in training it would be a major turnoff. I am competitive but not at the dinner table!!!
    You feel threatened by what someone else eats?! Really?

    This is a question to the guys. It's a bit rude to come in and criticize. Yes, it's a turn off. Sorry if that pisses you off. But, that's life. It's information for you. Not every guy feels this way, but many do. When a guy wants a house wife, he doesn't mean literally.

    Why does having a large appetite have to equate with being the size of a house?

    It's pretty sad that a guy would find something like an appetite a turnoff. Why would you possibly care about something so trivial? I'd understand if this question was something like "does eating the wrong foods turn you off" or "are you turned off by fat women", but appetite? Seriously?

    I eat a lot! I'm also slimmer than I've ever been. I like to go out & eat starters, share sides and still fit in dessert. I'll opt for a steak just like my partner. But I'll workout hard to so I have one hell of an appetite for it.
  • Amber50lbsDown
    Amber50lbsDown Posts: 255 Member
    I blame my Man for getting me fat, lol. When moved in together he would ***** if I didnt eat and always tell me I wasnt eating enough and cooking really good food. But it did backfire because he gained more than me when I was pregnant with our son. heehee
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    ffs, can we please NOT be trying to tune ourselves to all the messed-up expectations of men. no, it is actually not their RIGHT to expect these things of us, so, no, we do not need to be asking them these questions.

    yes, men who have called it a turn-off, i am calling you messed-up. it's your problem if you find it a turn off, so you have to deal with it within yourself.

    For clarification - EVERYONE is different, therefore you can't tune yourself to what men want - that's like saying you are only going to wear whatever perfume all men in the world determine to be the nicest.

    So it isn't something that we have to deal with within ourselves. It is just a preference that is part of the bigger picture of whether we like the person or not.

    You say messed up like you're perfect. Guess what, we are all messed up in some way. Just because this isn't one of yours doesn't give yo the right to take the moral high ground. You want to talk messed up? I grew up skinny with a small appetite. Typically, this is a feminine trait - men eat lots, women not so much. I now have a large appetite and yes, it is messed up to think like this, but that is judged amongst men as he who can eat the most is the manliest, so if I'm out with a girl and she's keeping up, then that is diminishing my masculinity. Hence it is a turn off.

    Now off your high horse please....
  • Lolli1986
    Lolli1986 Posts: 500 Member
    Unless a woman is an athlete and in training it would be a major turnoff. I am competitive but not at the dinner table!!!
    You feel threatened by what someone else eats?! Really?

    This is a question to the guys. It's a bit rude to come in and criticize. Yes, it's a turn off. Sorry if that pisses you off. But, that's life. It's information for you. Not every guy feels this way, but many do. When a guy wants a house wife, he doesn't mean literally.

    Yes it is offensive that a bunch of men feel totally entitled to come to a public forum and tell women how much you want to see us eating.

    The amount that threatens you is completely relative to you, and has absolutely zero application to the health of the woman.

    How is that not offensive? I find it equally offensive when i see a bunch of women asking men to show off their V's where other men who do not have V's can be influenced. Somewhere out there some poor fellas are crunching away madly to try to build up a completely useless V just because they were made to feel inadequate by a public broadcasting of V-lust.

    Or the actual opposite of 'i would feel weird if he ate less than me'. if i'm a healthy, fit woman dating a busy med student, i probably expect to gross a similar amount of calories simply because i'm probably going to burn the difference between our maintenance cals.

    However, i am quite happy to say that, yes, after a few months of knowing a guy, watching him eat big, and seeing him gain weight, i would consider him incompatible for a relationship because of a values difference.
  • pixieakabigd
    I have to admit, when I am dating someone, it is something I notice.

    I was dating someone recently, and she was much shorter than I, and putting food own like me, and it was a big turn off.

    I don't like being that way. I can't help it though.

    Ha! Of course you can help it.
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    Unless a woman is an athlete and in training it would be a major turnoff. I am competitive but not at the dinner table!!!
    You feel threatened by what someone else eats?! Really?

    Anyway! I am amazed sometimes at how much food I can put away! But my husband would never even think of being
    threatened somehow by it, he'd think it was pretty cool!
  • clem7444
    clem7444 Posts: 64 Member
    I am 3" taller than my SO (I'm 6'2"), plus I'm in 10K training and lift heavy 3 days a week. I eat like a horse. He's a big guy and will sometimes eat half a pizza. I have no problem eating the other half as long as it fits in my daily calories. On days when I lift and run, I will sometimes eat as many as 3000 calories. He doesn't get turned off by my eating, but sometimes I feel guilty when I'm still eating after he's done!
  • MelMena
    MelMena Posts: 152 Member
    To each their own. Doesn't bother me personally that some men feel that way. I generally eat less than my husband. When we dated I ate less than him (I was also 50 pounds lighter than I am now!) Do I think he said to himself - "oh good, she eats less than me, she is the one" ?? LOL! Now, when we go out and share a meal or a dessert that sucker is cut RIGHT down the middle.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    If a guy is threatened by what a girl eats, he has his own issues to deal with. If you don't like me because you have expectations that I shouldn't eat anything, I don't like you either.

    I am in agreement.
  • pixieakabigd
    And while I'm at it, this conversation is (in my humble-ish opinion) pointless and disappointing. Who CARES if your partner eats more than you? As long as they're healthy, what does it matter? And even if they're unhealthy, if you're in a relationship with them, your concern surely should be for THEM and their health and not how it "turns you off". Otherwise, the relationship is BS.

    Whether you are a girl or guy, it reflects pretty poorly on you if that is a deciding factor in how attracted you are to someone.

    (In my opinion :) )
  • pixieakabigd
    If a guy is threatened by what a girl eats, he has his own issues to deal with. If you don't like me because you have expectations that I shouldn't eat anything, I don't like you either.

    I am in agreement.

    Me too.
  • profce79
    profce79 Posts: 11
    I think the body needs its energy, and honestly it doesn't bother me at all if the girl eats more or less than me. ;)
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    ffs, can we please NOT be trying to tune ourselves to all the messed-up expectations of men. no, it is actually not their RIGHT to expect these things of us, so, no, we do not need to be asking them these questions.

    yes, men who have called it a turn-off, i am calling you messed-up. it's your problem if you find it a turn off, so you have to deal with it within yourself.

    For clarification - EVERYONE is different, therefore you can't tune yourself to what men want - that's like saying you are only going to wear whatever perfume all men in the world determine to be the nicest.

    So it isn't something that we have to deal with within ourselves. It is just a preference that is part of the bigger picture of whether we like the person or not.

    You say messed up like you're perfect. Guess what, we are all messed up in some way. Just because this isn't one of yours doesn't give yo the right to take the moral high ground. You want to talk messed up? I grew up skinny with a small appetite. Typically, this is a feminine trait - men eat lots, women not so much. I now have a large appetite and yes, it is messed up to think like this, but that is judged amongst men as he who can eat the most is the manliest, so if I'm out with a girl and she's keeping up, then that is diminishing my masculinity. Hence it is a turn off.

    Now off your high horse please....

    *pats head* maybe someday you'll learn to think beyond gender stereotypes and have thoughts of your very own.
  • amandammmq
    amandammmq Posts: 394 Member
    As a woman who is taller than the average man, I am frequently able to eat as much as a guy... it never occurred to me that it might bother them! Tough toenails for them, though. :bigsmile:
  • Lolli1986
    Lolli1986 Posts: 500 Member
    I now have a large appetite and yes, it is messed up to think like this, but that is judged amongst men as he who can eat the most is the manliest, so if I'm out with a girl and she's keeping up, then that is diminishing my masculinity. Hence it is a turn off.

    It's diminishing your own perception of your masculinity. Hence your issue, not hers, not mine, got nothing to do with women. Men have got to stop trying to fix their insecurities by changing us... more for their own mental health and quality of life than anything else.

    You said that a woman who eats big while remaining healthy wouldn't bother you, so you sound like you've got a very healthy perception of other people. (haha, and lol yes, if a woman is eating 4000cals that is not a purely arbitrary or relative cause for concern. that is genuine... i haven't heard of any women who maintain on that much)

    Someone who is purely turned off by big eating has issues.

    I'll accept the 'high horse' criticism and move on. I do not think I said anything unfair, though. Pure and simple, it is messed up to have a 'big eating' turn off, and girls need to understand that it is not up to them to change in order to fix this issue for men. Men have got to sort their own issues out.