ITT: Ask me anything about losing weight..



  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    i wanna know if there is any good protein powedrs that dont use milk, but dissolve in water and actually taste nice?

    Like cow's milk? I personally use Almond milk for my protein powder, but to answer your question. I've never had powder that I found pleasing mixing with water.
  • AeolianHarp
    AeolianHarp Posts: 463 Member
    Awesome thread, man. Great advice you're giving out!
  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    Thank you for your help (you look great).
    I am 5'2" and 117 lbs and I want to get better at pull-ups (I can do 1). Do you think it would be more beneficial to eat at a small deficit and lose maybe 5 lbs or not cut any calories and just focus on building strength? I will lift heavy weights and practice pull-ups with bands either way.
    Thanks again

    Probably, but it will be hard to make strength gains eating at a deficit. But I think that is a reasonable plan. What other lifts do you do?
  • rjo921
    rjo921 Posts: 130
    Do you have any advice for women who are 45 years of age....who has had two lower back surgeries...who is trying various exercise plans in order to see some tangable results to her efforts. Not seeing much weight loss over the past few months....not real inch loss either. Any advice that you may have will be helpful and very much appreciated. Thank you
  • myak623
    myak623 Posts: 615 Member
    Congratulations on your weight loss. Great advice in this thread, as well.
  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    Okay, I've lost a lot of weight recently, and it sounds silly, but I still haven't figured out the whole diet thing. If you will message me, I can give you a pwd to look at my food diary. I eat 1300 calories per day, and try to get about 400 calories worth of cardio in. But I have iron deficiency, feel exhausted and tired all the time(dizzy sometimes) and am always hungry. I eat lots of veggies and lentils. I try to drink herbal teas and water throughout the day. What am I doing wrong?

    Not sure if I can answer your question with the info you provided? Need to be clear about what you are asking me? I can't answer ambiguous questions like this.
  • sammybear521
    sammybear521 Posts: 25 Member
  • LottieLou13
    LottieLou13 Posts: 574 Member
    Is it possible to lose weight, inches but GAIN lean muscle mass?

    Seems weird to me but I've just checked my details on the Fat 2 Fit military BF calc and I've gained 7lbs of lean muscle mass despite losing 9lbs on the scales?

    Before starting on my journey it wasn't unusual for me to spend 13+ hours sat on the sofa watching TV, but can I really have gained that much lean muscle in around 6-7 weeks? :huh:

    It's possible, but hard to do. Really hard to do for a woman. If you are overly fat (obese) it can be done, or if you have a background with lifting weights, you can rebuild muscle tissue lost to the time.

    Remember, body fat formulas are only predictions of predictions. They are always wrong to some degree. It's likely a margin of error in your calculation.

    Don't get caught up with the numbers. Just use the mirror as your ultimate guide.

    Cheers me dears :flowerforyou: And thank you for taking time out of your day to answer our silly questions :drinker:
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I'm wrapping up the first week of Wendler's 5/3/1. On many of the assistance lifts he's prescribing 5 sets of 15 reps. I've always been under the impression that anything more than 12 reps is a waste. Any familiarity with 5/3/1 and any ideas about doing 15 reps? For the time being I'm following the plan pretty much to the letter. Who the hell am I to second guess Wendler.
  • babygurl48
    babygurl48 Posts: 1,236 Member
  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    Do you have any advice for women who are 45 years of age....who has had two lower back surgeries...who is trying various exercise plans in order to see some tangable results to her efforts. Not seeing much weight loss over the past few months....not real inch loss either. Any advice that you may have will be helpful and very much appreciated. Thank you

    My first reaction is if you're not losing weight over the span of a few months, and you think you should have - you are likely underestimating your intake of calories/food.

    Weigh your foods - don't use volume measurement
    Double check what you log to ensure that the macros add up to the calorie content (or close)
    Don't cheat for a few weeks to ensure that cheating is not the culprit - a cheat meal a week can wipe out an entire week's worth of deficit if you have low TDEE
    If you're really stuck, simply do not eat food which you cannot verify their calorie content. So many hidden calories in foods.
  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    I'm wrapping up the first week of Wendler's 5/3/1. On many of the assistance lifts he's prescribing 5 sets of 15 reps. I've always been under the impression that anything more than 12 reps is a waste. Any familiarity with 5/3/1 and any ideas about doing 15 reps? For the time being I'm following the plan pretty much to the letter. Who the hell am I to second guess Wendler.

    I know one my pals on here is a proponent of that plan and I trust his judgement. I think high volume is good for certain body parts. I found my body responds to slightly higher volume as well.

    I don't think doing more than 12 reps is a waste. I say follow the program and see where it takes you. It certainly won't hurt you. :)
  • frankhuerta
    frankhuerta Posts: 18 Member
  • Hi Sublog,

    You missed me out. I posted a pic (page 5), back and front. Thanks.
  • peachinator
    peachinator Posts: 27 Member
    I have been having the problem of staying full off of the calorie amount MFP says I need to be having each day. I've been at this for almost 2 months, and I think I've only come under my weekly calorie limit 2 or 3 times. Based on other website calculations and MFP, I should be having slightly less than 1500 cals/day to lose 1/2 lb. week. I've been drinking plenty of water, have tried splitting up my meals into 6 small meals throughout the doesn't seem to be helping. I typically run 4 times a week at 3-6 miles each run. Should I be upping my limit or just keep trying to shoot for the 1500? Any recommendations from experienced MFP-ers? Thanks so much!

    *Edit: forgot to mention that in my settings I selected 'sedentary' because I'm a grad student who studies/sits on my butt all day every day. Also my stats are 5'2" 144 lbs., if that helps at all.
  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    Hi Sublog,

    You missed me out. I posted a pic (page 5), back and front. Thanks.

    Sorry ;0

    Back looks good. Lots of good muscle. You just are storing a lot of fat on the front. There's really nothing you can do outside of continue to eat at a deficit, workout and lose weight. Fat is stored on different places for everyone. The only solution is fat loss.
  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    I have been having the problem of staying full off of the calorie amount MFP says I need to be having each day. I've been at this for almost 2 months, and I think I've only come under my weekly calorie limit 2 or 3 times. Based on other website calculations and MFP, I should be having slightly less than 1500 cals/day to lose 1/2 lb. week. I've been drinking plenty of water, have tried splitting up my meals into 6 small meals throughout the doesn't seem to be helping. I typically run 4 times a week at 3-6 miles each run. Should I be upping my limit or just keep trying to shoot for the 1500? Any recommendations from experienced MFP-ers? Thanks so much!

    *Edit: forgot to mention that in my settings I selected 'sedentary' because I'm a grad student who studies/sits on my butt all day every day. Also my stats are 5'2" 144 lbs., if that helps at all.

    My personal opinion on splitting up meals into smaller more frequent ones is that it makes me hungry faster. I'd rather eat larger, more satiating meals less frequently.

    What are your goals? Are you losing weight doing this?
  • demorest
    demorest Posts: 109
    Everyone here are saying how important to eat back exersize calories, I cant wrap that around my head. Seems to me thats defeating the purpose of exersize,would like your opinion. Also I have a very bad back, can you recomend exersizes for my tummy that arent too hard. I do the treadmill 45 minutes and the illiptical 45 minutes everyday the only place I'm seeing a difference is in my legs,Hope you can help me.:sad:
  • peachinator
    peachinator Posts: 27 Member
    I have been having the problem of staying full off of the calorie amount MFP says I need to be having each day. I've been at this for almost 2 months, and I think I've only come under my weekly calorie limit 2 or 3 times. Based on other website calculations and MFP, I should be having slightly less than 1500 cals/day to lose 1/2 lb. week. I've been drinking plenty of water, have tried splitting up my meals into 6 small meals throughout the doesn't seem to be helping. I typically run 4 times a week at 3-6 miles each run. Should I be upping my limit or just keep trying to shoot for the 1500? Any recommendations from experienced MFP-ers? Thanks so much!

    *Edit: forgot to mention that in my settings I selected 'sedentary' because I'm a grad student who studies/sits on my butt all day every day. Also my stats are 5'2" 144 lbs., if that helps at all.

    My personal opinion on splitting up meals into smaller more frequent ones is that it makes me hungry faster. I'd rather eat larger, more satiating meals less frequently.

    What are your goals? Are you losing weight doing this?

    My goal is to lose anywhere from 1/2 lb - 1 lb/week. I've lost 3 lbs. so far, but that was back when I first started and haven't had any further weight loss in almost 3 weeks.
  • beachdiva2010
    beachdiva2010 Posts: 180 Member
    Bump for later