Would you ever be a stripper?



  • _EmmaStrong_
    _EmmaStrong_ Posts: 648 Member
    YES I WOULD! Behind a very, very thick, thick curtain!!!!:embarassed:
  • Vench
    Vench Posts: 56 Member
    I was a stripper and pro domme for five years, and I loved it. Everyone's experiences vary, but definitely check out the club before you audition. Hell, even talk to one of the cooler girls and ask them how it's like to work there. And be selective about who you tell once you're actually a stripper. I quit a few years ago and still get people slut-shaming me and hurling insults. (Screw em though and do what makes you happy, within reason of course.)
  • VirginiaWoof
    I would have to say no, I think I have more respect for myself and my husband then to do that.

    I have respect for myself. There is a lot worse things you can do to your body than to dance at a strip club.
  • PapaverSomniferum
    PapaverSomniferum Posts: 2,677 Member
    really people? there are other ways to pay bills. try waitressing at a high end restaurant.

    I paid my own way through college and grad school, took loans, worked hard. I did not sell my dignity to do it.

    A bit of forward-thinking now will prevent many future regrets.

    I don't think stripping is selling 'your dignity'. I think it would be fun to dance and be paid well for it. You're also getting a killer work out. If the strip club was a respectable place it would be fine.

    I've also paid my way through two years of college as a waitress/barmaid.

    If someone held a gun to my head tomorrow and said,


    i choose strip. no contest. waiting tables is demeaning. practically legal slavery.
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    If you got it flaunt it! If I had the coordination and body, I sure the hell would! You don't have to sleep with the men, for Christ sake!
  • VirginiaWoof
    If someone held a gun to my head tomorrow and said,


    i choose strip. no contest. waiting tables is demeaning. practically legal slavery.

    I was on 3quid an hour at my waitressing/hotel job and my boss made me work from 9-12pm at weekends and then come in and do the 5am shift the next day. He was also a complete pervert. I quit.
  • poncho33
    poncho33 Posts: 1,511
    If you enjoy dancing, cocain, and money... it's not a bad job.
  • Devin182
    Devin182 Posts: 63 Member
    i dont have a problem with any one who would do it. but even at my goal weight....or a lot less I'd never be able to do it more because of my lack of coordination and rhythm for dance. not because of nudity lol
  • BeautifulRedButterfly
    BeautifulRedButterfly Posts: 316 Member
    Not now since Im pregnant, but yes, i would do it.
    Someone would have to teach me how to swing on a pole though. Lol. Never did anything like that before.
    Need to learn the basic stuff first...
  • seebeachrun
    seebeachrun Posts: 221 Member
    My roommate did it and she made tons of cash. Only problems I know of are some of the drug and prostitution issues that come up. She was offered $40,000 to "assist" a client on a trip to Europe. She ultimately turned him down but I don't know of many people who would turn down $40,000 for a little companionship for 3-4 months as well as clothes, food , and a free trip to Europe. She sad the guy wasn't bad looking either.
  • hazelnut861
    hazelnut861 Posts: 390 Member
    If you're going to do it, make sure you go to a place with a high reputation - a proper strip club, not a pseudo brothel. Make sure it's in a fairly prominent/public area (as much as a strip club will ever be) with good security and a good name.

    Personally I'd want to work in one managed by women rather than men, but that's just me.

    As long as you work in a legit strip club, you should be just as safe as many other jobs.

    (And make sure it's one with a strict strict strict no touching policy - a strip club that will fire you for touching a client is usually a better one)

    Do some independent research on local clubs, and make sure someone in your family or a close friends knows where/when you work, so that know where you are. If possible, arrange for someone to meet you/pick you up after work, or get someone to chum you to your car or however you're getting home

    Excellent! If you decide to do it realize it's not a forever job.
    Don't go nuts and end up with car payments and stuff that you couldn't live with a regular 9-5.
    Mind your business and don't gossip.
    Be prepared to meet people that will test your patience, gross you out, put you down and offend you. Some people are plain mean.
    Keep your money on you at all times.
    The money isn't always great. It's no where close to how it used to be. Some days you might make just a little and some days you might make a lot.
    People will discriminate because of what you do.
    Save and invest.
  • gmrgirl
    gmrgirl Posts: 50 Member
    I did it to get some extra money for college. I didn't find it did anything poor to my dignity. On the contrary, I found I had really high self esteem and a positive body image. I felt at my best when I was a stripper. Loved it. for me i was dancing and I'd get lost in the music.

    Made decent money doing it to. Have had no negative side effects of it, if anything, putting the weight on and getting tied down into a few bad relationships (long after I left the club) were more damaging to my self esteem and self image than stripping ever was.

    would I do it again? Yes, if I were in the same situation, I'd do it again. Right now though, I'm starting my own company, I'm working on a few other ventures, no. In my CURRENT situation, it is not wise to do it again. (but I loved it while I did it)

    If it makes you happy and it doesn't hurt anyone, go for it!
  • sarahharmintx
    sarahharmintx Posts: 868 Member

    1. I wasnt married
    2. I had the right body
    3. I learned to dance

    I would really consider it. Just listen to the other posters that are talking about safety and security. It could go real bad, real fast if you dont. Stay safe.
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    I don't have any problems with sexwork, so yes.

    I think a lot of women don't realize, though, that the money isn't made on stage, it's made doing private dances or lap dances depending on what your state and county laws are. In lots of places, that means grindtime.

    If you have some fantasy of swinging around a pole and someone making it rain on you, it's not going to be a reality. If you imagine a lot of grinding and a lot of subtly pushing roving hands from your goodies, then you're being realistic.

    If you need a resource on the realities of strippin', stripperweb.com is an excellent source.
  • Skinny4BG
    Skinny4BG Posts: 145
    I wont lie.. I actually was one for 5 years, before I had my daughter. Yeah the money was great... but there are a lot of temptations that come with working in a strip club... Mainly the access to drugs. I had always told myself that I wasnt going to be one of the druggy strippers, but that had changed. I was "partying" 7 nights a week, mainly to keep from getting drunk off of the alcohol the guys were buying me. Because it was customary that if the men bought you a drink, you had to drink it, cause in the end, it meant more money in your pocket. Plus the partying would keep me from stuffing my face and I wouldnt gain weight, only lose. I have been clean now for 3 years, and yeah, im struggling with my weight, but its better than having 24/7 access to the stuff.

    Would I go back? Nah. The money isnt worth the stalkers and threats, and managers that think you have to appease them to become "more famous" Also, if the girls dont like you, they will make sure you dont make money.

    I would do an amatuer night if I were you, and see if it is even something you want to fully pursue. If you dont mind surrounding yourself with druggies, and handsy feelie guys then make it a career. I'm not saying all strippers are like that, nor all the guys... but choose who you talk to, and the girls you befriend wisely.
  • IvoryParchment
    IvoryParchment Posts: 651 Member
    If you say you'd only do it if you could control who found out about it, don't do it.

    Are you in a relationship? Does your significant other get off on the idea of you naked in front of a lot of strange men? Would you want to be in a relationship with a person who did find that arousing?

    If you are making the decision out of a completely free choice and are 100% comfortable living with any consequences of the decision, there is no problem. But if you decide it's not right for you, you've just made a mistake that will haunt you a long time.
  • MeredithRN
    MeredithRN Posts: 119 Member
    My friends and I joke about this all the time... I couldn't do it unless my son was starving, and then I think there are a million other better ways to make money.

    I don't think I would be successful...

    Somehow I don't think it would be a turn on for me to start my routine Clorox-Wiping the pole down... lol
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    really people? there are other ways to pay bills. try waitressing at a high end restaurant.

    I paid my own way through college and grad school, took loans, worked hard. I did not sell my dignity to do it.

    A bit of forward-thinking now will prevent many future regrets.

    It's only selling your dignity if you don't want to do it and you hate your job.

    often people don't realize where the hell their dignity went until it's too late.
  • Il_DaniD_lI
    Il_DaniD_lI Posts: 1,593 Member
    I could never do it but my friend does it. I have known her since we we're 9 and she has always loved being naked, none of us were surprised or even concerned when she told us it's what she is doing. She also has a real estate license to fall back on in the future. I think if you're doing it because you enjoy it, that's fine. I don't agree with doing it for the money if it's not something that you enjoy.
  • Wynter_Rose
    Yes, Definatly. But only if
    I really needed money ie to pay for UNI