ladies is he being a jerk or gentleman???



  • gurganuss
    gurganuss Posts: 78 Member
    Anytime I am out with my man I want to look my best, but if I knew his ex was going to be somewhere I would want to look better than her anyway so he can say honestly that he traded up!
  • forgtmenot
    forgtmenot Posts: 860 Member
    I read all twelve pages of this thread and now my head is filled with the sound of clucking chickens. All this empathy and support from you sympathetic hoes is just bad advice.

    Please explain to me how these "hoes" are giving bad advice when he asked for a "ladies" point of view? No one asked for your outdated, male chauvinist viewpoint.
    Look, until the ring goes on, you're in a competition for his attention. Even after the ring goes on... you're probably still in a competition (plenty of proof of that in these threads, amirite?). Assuming that he's only got eyes for you is going to lead to disappointment unless he's Prince F'in Charming... and he clearly isn't PFC 'cause he's lacking in tact.

    Always act as if that his ex-girlfriend is a predatory down-*kitten* chick with a rockin' bod that plays Xbox like a boss and cooks perfect bacon and has no gag reflex so that you ALWAYS BRING YOUR "A" GAME instead of rolling to the black-tie function looking like a frumpy hag. Or don't - because if you don't care, don't put in the effort. If he matters to you, you'll work to keep him. If he doesn't, you go to the party, guzzle booze, and then smash faces with his bros. Either way you win.

    She is in competition for his attention? PLEASE! While men have to roll out all kinds of game, buy fancy dinners, etc just to get a woman, most women barely have to lift a finger to get a man. If you really think a woman is so lucky to have you because she is so effin desperate and has to continuously impress you, you need to open your eyes. Men are a dime a dozen and it's really not that difficult to get one, so maybe he should be impressing HER!
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,576 Member
    I read all twelve pages of this thread and now my head is filled with the sound of clucking chickens. All this empathy and support from you sympathetic hoes is just bad advice.

    Please explain to me how these "hoes" are giving bad advice when he asked for a "ladies" point of view? No one asked for your outdated, male chauvinist viewpoint.
    Look, until the ring goes on, you're in a competition for his attention. Even after the ring goes on... you're probably still in a competition (plenty of proof of that in these threads, amirite?). Assuming that he's only got eyes for you is going to lead to disappointment unless he's Prince F'in Charming... and he clearly isn't PFC 'cause he's lacking in tact.

    Always act as if that his ex-girlfriend is a predatory down-*kitten* chick with a rockin' bod that plays Xbox like a boss and cooks perfect bacon and has no gag reflex so that you ALWAYS BRING YOUR "A" GAME instead of rolling to the black-tie function looking like a frumpy hag. Or don't - because if you don't care, don't put in the effort. If he matters to you, you'll work to keep him. If he doesn't, you go to the party, guzzle booze, and then smash faces with his bros. Either way you win.

    She is in competition for his attention? PLEASE! While men have to roll out all kinds of game, buy fancy dinners, etc just to get a woman, most women barely have to lift a finger to get a man. If you really think a woman is so lucky to have you because she is so effin desperate and has to continuously impress you, you need to open your eyes. Men are a dime a dozen and it's really not that difficult to get one, so maybe he should be impressing HER!

    More women than men on the planet. More women lamenting that they can't find a good guy.....
  • forgtmenot
    forgtmenot Posts: 860 Member
    I read all twelve pages of this thread and now my head is filled with the sound of clucking chickens. All this empathy and support from you sympathetic hoes is just bad advice.

    Please explain to me how these "hoes" are giving bad advice when he asked for a "ladies" point of view? No one asked for your outdated, male chauvinist viewpoint.
    Look, until the ring goes on, you're in a competition for his attention. Even after the ring goes on... you're probably still in a competition (plenty of proof of that in these threads, amirite?). Assuming that he's only got eyes for you is going to lead to disappointment unless he's Prince F'in Charming... and he clearly isn't PFC 'cause he's lacking in tact.

    Always act as if that his ex-girlfriend is a predatory down-*kitten* chick with a rockin' bod that plays Xbox like a boss and cooks perfect bacon and has no gag reflex so that you ALWAYS BRING YOUR "A" GAME instead of rolling to the black-tie function looking like a frumpy hag. Or don't - because if you don't care, don't put in the effort. If he matters to you, you'll work to keep him. If he doesn't, you go to the party, guzzle booze, and then smash faces with his bros. Either way you win.

    She is in competition for his attention? PLEASE! While men have to roll out all kinds of game, buy fancy dinners, etc just to get a woman, most women barely have to lift a finger to get a man. If you really think a woman is so lucky to have you because she is so effin desperate and has to continuously impress you, you need to open your eyes. Men are a dime a dozen and it's really not that difficult to get one, so maybe he should be impressing HER!

    More women than men on the planet. More women lamenting that they can't find a good guy.....
    They probably can't find a "good guy" because so many of them have viewpoints like this ^^^^
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,576 Member
    I read all twelve pages of this thread and now my head is filled with the sound of clucking chickens. All this empathy and support from you sympathetic hoes is just bad advice.

    Please explain to me how these "hoes" are giving bad advice when he asked for a "ladies" point of view? No one asked for your outdated, male chauvinist viewpoint.
    Look, until the ring goes on, you're in a competition for his attention. Even after the ring goes on... you're probably still in a competition (plenty of proof of that in these threads, amirite?). Assuming that he's only got eyes for you is going to lead to disappointment unless he's Prince F'in Charming... and he clearly isn't PFC 'cause he's lacking in tact.

    Always act as if that his ex-girlfriend is a predatory down-*kitten* chick with a rockin' bod that plays Xbox like a boss and cooks perfect bacon and has no gag reflex so that you ALWAYS BRING YOUR "A" GAME instead of rolling to the black-tie function looking like a frumpy hag. Or don't - because if you don't care, don't put in the effort. If he matters to you, you'll work to keep him. If he doesn't, you go to the party, guzzle booze, and then smash faces with his bros. Either way you win.

    She is in competition for his attention? PLEASE! While men have to roll out all kinds of game, buy fancy dinners, etc just to get a woman, most women barely have to lift a finger to get a man. If you really think a woman is so lucky to have you because she is so effin desperate and has to continuously impress you, you need to open your eyes. Men are a dime a dozen and it's really not that difficult to get one, so maybe he should be impressing HER!

    More women than men on the planet. More women lamenting that they can't find a good guy.....
    They probably can't find a "good guy" because so many of them have viewpoints like this ^^^^

    you seem like a gem =)
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 866 Member
    I read all twelve pages of this thread and now my head is filled with the sound of clucking chickens. All this empathy and support from you sympathetic hoes is just bad advice.

    Look, until the ring goes on, you're in a competition for his attention. Even after the ring goes on... you're probably still in a competition (plenty of proof of that in these threads, amirite?). Assuming that he's only got eyes for you is going to lead to disappointment unless he's Prince F'in Charming... and he clearly isn't PFC 'cause he's lacking in tact.

    Always act as if that his ex-girlfriend is a predatory down-*kitten* chick with a rockin' bod that plays Xbox like a boss and cooks perfect bacon and has no gag reflex so that you ALWAYS BRING YOUR "A" GAME instead of rolling to the black-tie function looking like a frumpy hag. Or don't - because if you don't care, don't put in the effort. If he matters to you, you'll work to keep him. If he doesn't, you go to the party, guzzle booze, and then smash faces with his bros. Either way you win.

    My $0.02? He warned you not to bring a knife to a gunfight. Given that most dudes aren't considerate or astute enough to give you the heads-up at all, I'd say he didn't you want to be upstaged or embarrased. In the world of the limited understanding that dudes have of female feelings, this is kind of a big deal.

    Now, if he goes to the party and is all up on the ex, then all the malicous chickenheadedness in this thread is warranted and you can bag his *kitten*. But reading too much into minor **** is why dudes would rather flat-out not talk to women most of the time.

    Best Response!!!
  • I would say that (assuming youv'e quoted him correctly) his choice of words was FAR from ideal. But, if you're with a guy that's not particularly good with words, but actually has a heart of gold (believe you me, I know about this scenario. LOL!), then he's probably doing something nice. If I could put words in his mouth:

    Honey, I just want to give you a heads-up. You know that thing we're going to on Friday night. Well, my ex is going to be there. You don't have to change a damn thing for me; you're awesome all the time. But, just in case it matters to you, she's going to be all dressed up.

    <reads your reaction, carries on or not accordingly, tells you again how hot you are....>

    Oh - if we could only put words in their mouths!

    BTW: If he really DOES want you to look hotter than his ex to prove to him/you/her that he's better off now, then that's a red flag. Proceed with caution. :O)
  • va_va_voom
    va_va_voom Posts: 467 Member
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    Typical..this guy gets to control the girl he is with and his EX. No wonder women hate us.
  • DavetheHYNIC
    DavetheHYNIC Posts: 318 Member
    Okay I don't have time to read 14 pages LOL so someone is going to have to give me a synopsis. To the OP welp I'll be going to the event but not with you!!! BAHAHAHAHA. Go w/ your ex-g-friend if she's that HOT.

    Really Tamara your my fellow MIO junkie, you are supposed to cosign all my opinions and post to be a supportive pal!!
  • SpydrMnky27
    SpydrMnky27 Posts: 381 Member
    The guy is just not good with words but I get it.
  • carriem73
    carriem73 Posts: 333 Member
    I haven't read all the replies, but I personally would have appreciated the heads up. If I was looking all grungy the first time I ran into my hubby's ex, I would feel awful about myslef!!!
  • 238690848970693131_NVojIml2.jpg

    Agree. Obviously he cares more about impressing his ex (which shouldn't even matter anymore!) than your own feelings.
    "An 'ex' is called an 'ex' because it's an 'EXample' of who you shouldn't be with again"
  • imogenjade
    imogenjade Posts: 131
    hes a prick, why is he bothered about his ex. id say "please can you "say something insulting i.e get penis extension" cos my exs was better =) xx
  • monipie
    monipie Posts: 280 Member
    I read all twelve pages of this thread and now my head is filled with the sound of clucking chickens. All this empathy and support from you sympathetic hoes is just bad advice.

    Look, until the ring goes on, you're in a competition for his attention. Even after the ring goes on... you're probably still in a competition (plenty of proof of that in these threads, amirite?). Assuming that he's only got eyes for you is going to lead to disappointment unless he's Prince F'in Charming... and he clearly isn't PFC 'cause he's lacking in tact.

    Always act as if that his ex-girlfriend is a predatory down-*kitten* chick with a rockin' bod that plays Xbox like a boss and cooks perfect bacon and has no gag reflex so that you ALWAYS BRING YOUR "A" GAME instead of rolling to the black-tie function looking like a frumpy hag. Or don't - because if you don't care, don't put in the effort. If he matters to you, you'll work to keep him. If he doesn't, you go to the party, guzzle booze, and then smash faces with his bros. Either way you win.

    My $0.02? He warned you not to bring a knife to a gunfight. Given that most dudes aren't considerate or astute enough to give you the heads-up at all, I'd say he didn't you want to be upstaged or embarrased. In the world of the limited understanding that dudes have of female feelings, this is kind of a big deal.

    Now, if he goes to the party and is all up on the ex, then all the malicous chickenheadedness in this thread is warranted and you can bag his *kitten*. But reading too much into minor **** is why dudes would rather flat-out not talk to women most of the time.

    Best Response!!!

    agree! i like the guzzling booze part. :D
  • Sepheara
    Sepheara Posts: 208 Member
    I'll take the guys side on this one, this is a heads up, look if you run into the ex and you are introduced for some reason, YOU want to look your best. Hasn't anyone been there before? I sure have, was out running errands in a t-shirt and some jeans and ran into my guys ex at the store and she was just getting off work and was in a suit and heels. I felt like crap afterwards because she didn't get an opportunity to see his upgrade. Because I was caught off guard I didn't have my best foot forward and you only get one chance to make the first impression. Call me whatever you want but I'd like the opportunity to knock it home and show her that he's got quite a catch. If you go and aren't looking your best and he didn't tell you that you might run into her, what's going to be the first thing out of your mouth? "Why didn't you tell me she was going to be there!" Your going to follow that up with knocking him upside the head and then mumbling to yourself for days about how you wished you;d have been wearing this or that, or that you'd fixed your hair or touched up your makeup.
    ^^^^^ this.
  • 2kidsandadonut
    2kidsandadonut Posts: 137 Member
    Actually, I am going to stick up for the man. If I was meeting his ex for the first time and she was super dressed up and I wasn't I would feel self conscious. I think he is probably proud of you and wants you to look your best so he can rub it in the nose of his ex. I would feel good if my husband wanted to show me off. (he does but I'm just saying) Also, you don't know what kind of programming he received from the ex. Maybe, she would flip out because she didn't want to look like the 'shabby' one and so he is giving you a heads up. Personally, I would rather someone told me that I needed to dress up rather than showing up and being uncomfortable. And obviously he cares enough about you to want to bring you. Just sayin.
  • Definitely a jerk, that's horrible!
  • torie079
    torie079 Posts: 179 Member
    He's an *kitten*... I wouldn't go...
  • onedayillbeamilf
    onedayillbeamilf Posts: 966 Member
    WOW This makes me so happy to have the man I do.
    I guess it helps that my bf's ex (Only has one) was a psychotic hoze bag and a complete up tight hight maintenace girl that wouldnt get dirty. Which he really hated about her. And I LOVE getting dirty.

    You should definitely be proud to be with a man that talks that way about his ex. I'm sure he'll be talking about how amazing you are when you break up. ;-)